Daniel S Alessi Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB alessi@utexas.edu |
Jay L Banner Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Fred M. Bullard Professorship in Geological Sciences (Holder) Distinguished Teaching Professor JGB +1 512 471 5016, +1 512 471 6854 banner@jsg.utexas.edu |
Jaime D Barnes Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Morgan J. Davis Centennial Chair in Geosciences (Fellow) JGB 4.124 jdbarnes@jsg.utexas.edu |
Miriam Barquero-Molina Associate Professor of Practice and Field Camp Director, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB miriam@jsg.utexas.edu |
Fred C Beach Assistant Professor of Practice, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB , GSB fbeach@energy.utexas.edu |
Thorsten Becker Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Shell Companies Foundation Distinguished Chair in Geophysics (Holder) ROC 2.116D, POB , JGB 4.220A twb@ig.utexas.edu |
Kenneth S Befus Associate Professor of Practice, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB kenny.befus@utexas.edu |
Christopher J Bell Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences John A. Wilson Professorship in Vertebrate Paleontology (Fellow) JGB 3.316F +1 512 471 7301 cjbell@jsg.utexas.edu |
Daniel O Breecker Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB 5.206A breecker@jsg.utexas.edu |
M Bayani Cardenas Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences J. Nalle Gregory Regents Professorship in Geological Sciences (Holder) EPS 3.160 +1 512 471 6897 cardenas@jsg.utexas.edu |
Ginny Catania Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences ROC 2.212, EPS 3.128 +1 512 471 0403 gcatania@ig.utexas.edu |
Elizabeth J Catlos Associate Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB 3.320B +1 512 471 4762 ejcatlos@jsg.utexas.edu |
Julia A Clarke Professor and Jackson Chair in Geobiology, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences John A. and Katherine G. Jackson Chair in Geobiology (Holder) Peter T. Flawn Centennial Chair in Geology (Fellow) JGB 3.216DA julia_clarke@jsg.utexas.edu |
Kerry H Cook Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences John E. "Brick" Elliott Centennial Endowed Professorship in Geological Sciences (Holder) JGB 5.220FA +1 512 232 7931 kc@jsg.utexas.edu |
Ian W Dalziel Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences ROC 3.102D, ROC +1 512 471 0431, +1 512 471 6156 ian@ig.utexas.edu |
Peter B Flemings Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences John A. and Katherine G. Jackson Chair in Energy and Mineral Resources (Holder) Leonidas T. Barrow Centennial Chair in Mineral Resources (Holder) JGB 5.318 +1 512 475 8738, +1 512 475 9520 pflemings@jsg.utexas.edu |
Sergey Fomel Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Wallace E. Pratt Professorship in Geophysics (Holder) POB , PIC KLE, JGB 4.216F +1 512 475 9573 sergey.fomel@beg.utexas.edu |
James E Gardner Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences The Third Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Yager Professorship (Holder) JGB 4.108 +1 512 471 0953 gardner@jsg.utexas.edu |
Timothy A Goudge Assistant Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences EPS 3.134 +1 512 471 4770 tgoudge@jsg.utexas.edu |
Anna Ruth (Ruthie) Halberstadt Assistant Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences ROC , JGB arhalberstadt@gmail.com |
Patrick Heimbach Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences W. A. "Tex" Moncrief, Jr. Endowment in Simulation-Based Engineering and Sciences - Endowed Chair No. 3 (Holder) ROC , POB 4.232 +1 512 232 7694 heimbach@utexas.edu |
Marc A Hesse Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences POB , JGB 4.216G +1 512 471 0768 mhesse@jsg.utexas.edu |
Brian K Horton Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences J. Nalle Gregory Chair in Sedimentary Geology (Holder) J. Nalle Gregory Regents Professorship in Geological Sciences (Holder) ROC 2.116G, JGB +1 512 471 1869 horton@jsg.utexas.edu |
Joel P Johnson Associate Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences EPS 3.136 +1 512 232 5288 joelj@jsg.utexas.edu |
Charles Kerans Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Morgan J. Davis Centennial Chair in Geosciences (Fellow) PIC KLE, JGB 6.106 +1 512 471 3519, +1 512 471 4282 ckerans@jsg.utexas.edu |
Richard A Ketcham Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Chevron Centennial Professorship in Geology (Holder) JGB 3.316EA +1 512 471 0260, +1 512 471 6942 ketcham@jsg.utexas.edu |
John C Lassiter Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences The Second Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Yager Professorship (Fellow) JGB 4.138A +1 512 471 4002 lassiter1@jsg.utexas.edu |
Luc L Lavier Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Morgan J. Davis Centennial Chair in Geosciences (Fellow) ROC , POB , JGB 4.216A +1 512 471 0455 luc@jsg.utexas.edu |
Jung-Fu Lin Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Dave P. Carlton Centennial Professorship in Geology (Holder) JGB 4.140 +1 512 471 8054 afu@jsg.utexas.edu |
Marek Locmelis Associate Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences PIC KLE, JGB +1 512 232 2067 locmelis@jsg.utexas.edu |
Matthew A Malkowski Assistant Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences EPS 3.128 +1 512 471 5172 malkowski@jsg.utexas.edu |
Shujuan Mao Assistant Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB smao@jsg.utexas.edu |
Craig Martin Assistant Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB craig.martin@jsg.utexas.edu |
Rowan C Martindale Associate Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB 3.216A +1 512 475 6439 martindale@jsg.utexas.edu |
Ashley M Matheny Associate Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences EPS 3.162 ashley.matheny@jsg.utexas.edu |
David Mohrig Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Peter T. Flawn Centennial Chair in Geology (Holder) EPS 3.166 +1 512 471 2282 mohrig@jsg.utexas.edu |
Claudia I Mora Dean, Jackson School of Geosciences, Jackson School of Geosciences John A. and Katherine G. Jackson Decanal Chair in the Geosciences (Holder) JGB 6.218, JGB +1 505 629 8381, +1 512 232 0884 claudia.mora@jsg.utexas.edu |
Dev Niyogi Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences William Stamps Farish Chair in Geology (Holder) WPR , POB , JGB 5.204 dev.niyogi@jsg.utexas.edu |
Geeta Persad Assistant Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences ROC , JGB 5.220C +1 512 471 5983 geeta.persad@jsg.utexas.edu |
Mary F Poteet Assistant Professor of Practice, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences EPS 2.112D +1 512 471 5209 mpoteet@jsg.utexas.edu |
Daniella M Rempe Associate Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences EPS 2.202 +1 512 471 5290 rempe@jsg.utexas.edu |
Demian M Saffer Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Scott Petty, Jr. Endowed Director's Chair for the University of Texas Institute for Geophysics (Holder) ROC , JGB 5.312 demian@ig.utexas.edu |
Mrinal K Sen Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Morgan J. Davis Centennial Chair in Geosciences (Holder) ROC 2.218, POB , JGB 4.220E +1 512 471 0466, +1 512 471 2610 mrinal@utexas.edu |
Timothy M Shanahan Associate Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB 5.202 +1 512 232 7051 tshanahan@jsg.utexas.edu |
Kyle T Spikes Associate Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB 4.220D +1 512 471 7674 kyle.spikes@jsg.utexas.edu |
Danny Stockli Department Chair, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Getty Oil Company Centennial Chair in Geological Sciences (Fellow) John F. and Carolyn C. Bookout Endowed Chair in Structural Geology (Holder) JGB 5.224, JGB +1 512 475 6037 stockli@jsg.utexas.edu |
Chenguang Sun Assistant Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB +1 512 232 1941 csun@jsg.utexas.edu |
Nicola Tisato Associate Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB 4.216BA +1 512 232 7149 nicola.tisato@jsg.utexas.edu |
Zong-Liang Yang Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences John A. and Katherine G. Jackson Chair in Earth System Sciences (Holder) Morgan J. Davis Centennial Chair in Geosciences (Fellow) POB , JGB 5.220DA +1 512 471 3824 liang@jsg.utexas.edu |
Research Faculty
Eric Attias Research Assistant Professor, Institute for Geophysics ROC 3.258 attias@ig.utexas.edu |
James A Austin Research Professor, Institute for Geophysics ROC 3.254 +1 512 471 0450 jamie@ig.utexas.edu |
Nathan L Bangs Research Professor, Institute for Geophysics ROC 3.216 +1 512 471 0424 nathan@ig.utexas.edu |
Donald D Blankenship Research Professor, Institute for Geophysics ROC 2.264 +1 512 471 0489, +1 512 471 6156 blank@ig.utexas.edu |
David C Bolton Research Assistant Professor, Institute for Geophysics ROC chas.bolton@beg.utexas.edu |
Yangkang Chen Research Assistant Professor, Bureau of Economic Geology PIC KLE yangkang.chen@beg.utexas.edu |
Jacob A Covault Research Professor, Jackson School of Geosciences JGB +1 512 475 9506 jake.covault@beg.utexas.edu |
Xuesong Ding Research Assistant Professor, Jackson School of Geosciences BEG xuesong.ding@beg.utexas.edu |
Tim P Dooley Research Professor, Jackson School of Geosciences JGB +1 512 471 8261 tim.dooley@beg.utexas.edu |
Peter Eichhubl Research Professor, Jackson School of Geosciences BEG 3.102P +1 512 475 8829 peter.eichhubl@beg.utexas.edu |
Andras Fall Research Associate Professor, Jackson School of Geosciences BEG +1 512 471 8334 andras.fall@beg.utexas.edu |
Peter P Flaig Research Associate Professor, Jackson School of Geosciences BEG peter.flaig@beg.utexas.edu |
Qilong Fu Research Associate Professor, Jackson School of Geosciences BEG 3.132M +1 512 232 9372 qilong.fu@beg.utexas.edu |
Julia F Gale Research Professor, Jackson School of Geosciences BEG 3.102K +1 512 232 7957 julia.gale@beg.utexas.edu |
John A Goff Research Professor, Institute for Geophysics ROC 3.252 +1 512 471 0476 goff@ig.utexas.edu |
Cyril Grima Research Assistant Professor, Institute for Geophysics ROC 2.260 cyril.grima@utexas.edu |
Sean S Gulick Research Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences ROC 3.248 +1 512 471 0483 sean@ig.utexas.edu |
Mahdi Haddad Research Assistant Professor, Bureau of Economic Geology PIC KLE +1 512 471 1110 mahdi.haddad@utexas.edu |
Shuoshuo Han Research Assistant Professor, Institute for Geophysics JGB han@ig.utexas.edu |
Mahdi Heidari moghadam Research Assistant Professor, Jackson School of Geosciences BEG 3.102S +1 512 471 1382 mahdiheidari@utexas.edu |
Douglas Hemingway Research Assistant Professor, Institute for Geophysics ROC 2.238 douglas.hemingway@utexas.edu |
Peter H Hennings Research Professor, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG +1 512 471 0156 peter.hennings@beg.utexas.edu |
Seyyed Abolfazl Hosseini Research Professor, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG 2.102S +1 512 471 1534 seyyed.hosseini@beg.utexas.edu |
Susan D Hovorka Research Professor, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG 2.140D +1 512 471 4863 susan.hovorka@beg.utexas.edu |
Guo-Chin Huang Research Assistant Professor, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG dino.huang@beg.utexas.edu |
Michael R Hudec Research Professor, Jackson School of Geosciences JGB +1 512 471 1428 michael.hudec@beg.utexas.edu |
Xavier Janson Research Professor, Jackson School of Geosciences BEG +1 512 475 9524 xavier.janson@beg.utexas.edu |
Zhe Jia Research Assistant Professor, Institute for Geophysics ROC zhe.jia@austin.utexas.edu |
Benjamin Keisling Research Assistant Professor, Institute for Geophysics ROC 2.214 keisling@ig.utexas.edu |
Toti E Larson Research Associate Professor, Jackson School of Geosciences BEG +1 512 471 1856 toti.larson@beg.utexas.edu |
Timothy F Lawton Research Associate Professor, Jackson School of Geosciences PIC KLE tim.lawton@beg.utexas.edu |
Robert G Loucks Research Professor, Jackson School of Geosciences BEG 3.112K +1 512 471 0366, +1 512 471 1534 bob.loucks@beg.utexas.edu |
Christopher Lowery Research Assistant Professor, Institute for Geophysics ROC 3.250 cmlowery@utexas.edu |
Tip Meckel Research Professor, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG tip.meckel@beg.utexas.edu |
Lorena G Moscardelli Research Associate Professor, Jackson School of Geosciences PIC KLE +1 512 471 4971 lorena.moscardelli@beg.utexas.edu |
Hailun Ni Research Assistant Professor, Bureau of Economic Geology PIC KLE hailun.ni@beg.utexas.edu |
Jean Nicot Research Professor, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG 2.102K +1 512 471 6246 jp.nicot@beg.utexas.edu |
Maria-Aikaterini Nikolinakou Research Professor, Jackson School of Geosciences ROC , BEG 3.102M +1 512 471 0484, +1 512 475 9548 mariakat@austin.utexas.edu |
Osareni C Ogiesoba Research Associate Professor, Jackson School of Geosciences BEG +1 512 471 6250 osareni.ogiesoba@beg.utexas.edu |
Yuko M Okumura Research Associate Professor, Institute for Geophysics ROC 2.234 +1 512 471 0383 yukoo@ig.utexas.edu |
Cornel Olariu Research Associate Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB 6.136 +1 512 471 1519 cornelo@jsg.utexas.edu |
Jeffrey G Paine Research Professor, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG 2.102J +1 512 471 1260, +1 512 471 1534 jeff.paine@beg.utexas.edu |
Judson W Partin Research Associate Professor, Institute for Geophysics ROC 2.220 +1 512 418 6676 jpartin@ig.utexas.edu |
Sheng Peng Research Associate Professor, Jackson School of Geosciences BEG 3.112A sheng.peng@beg.utexas.edu |
Katherine D Romanak Research Professor, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG +1 512 471 6136 katherine.romanak@beg.utexas.edu |
Alexandros Savvaidis Research Professor, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG 1.208A +1 512 475 9549 alexandros.savvaidis@beg.utexas.edu |
Bridget R Scanlon Research Professor, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG +1 512 471 1534, +1 512 471 8241 bridget.scanlon@beg.utexas.edu |
Katie M Smye Research Associate Professor, Bureau of Economic Geology +1 814 506 5333 katie.smye@beg.utexas.edu |
John W Snedden Research Professor, Institute for Geophysics ROC jsnedden@ig.utexas.edu |
Krista M Soderlund Research Associate Professor, Institute for Geophysics ROC 2.258 +1 512 471 0449 krista@ig.utexas.edu |
Zoltan Sylvester Research Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB zoltan.sylvester@beg.utexas.edu |
Danielle Touma Research Assistant Professor, Institute for Geophysics ROC danielle.touma@utexas.edu |
Estibalitz Ukar Research Associate Professor, Jackson School of Geosciences BEG 3.102A esti.ukar@beg.utexas.edu |
Harm J Van Avendonk Research Professor, Institute for Geophysics ROC +1 512 471 0429 harm@ig.utexas.edu |
Laura Wallace Research Professor, Institute for Geophysics ROC lwallace@ig.utexas.edu |
Kehua You Research Assistant Professor, Institute for Geophysics JGB 5.336 +1 512 471 9642 kehua@ig.utexas.edu |
Duncan A Young Research Associate Professor, Institute for Geophysics ROC 2.268 +1 512 471 0485 duncan@ig.utexas.edu |
Michael H Young Associate Dean, Jackson School of Geosciences JGB , BEG +1 512 475 8830 michael.young@beg.utexas.edu |
Hongliu Zeng Research Professor, Jackson School of Geosciences BEG +1 512 475 6382 hongliu.zeng@beg.utexas.edu |
Tongwei Zhang Research Professor, Jackson School of Geosciences BEG 3.128E +1 512 232 1496 tongwei.zhang@beg.utexas.edu |
Toti E Larson Research Associate Professor, Jackson School of Geosciences BEG +1 512 471 1856 toti.larson@beg.utexas.edu |
Staci L Loewy Radiogenic Isotope Geochemist, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB 6.104B +1 512 471 6873 sloewy@jsg.utexas.edu |
Christopher Lowery Research Assistant Professor, Institute for Geophysics ROC 3.250 cmlowery@utexas.edu |
Nathaniel R Miller Laser Ablation and ICP-MS Lab Manager, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB +1 512 471 0120, +1 512 471 4810 nrmiller@jsg.utexas.edu |
Edward "Ned" K Vizy Research Scientist Associate V/ Lecturer, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB 5.220G +1 512 585 1937 ned@jsg.utexas.edu |
Kenneth W Wisian Program Director, Bureau of Economic Geology WPR , PIC KLE, BEL +1 512 471 2003 kenneth.wisian@utexas.edu |
Affiliated Faculty
Srinivas V Bettadpur Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics The FSX Professorship in Space Applications and Exploration (Fellow) WPR +1 512 471 7587 srinivas@csr.utexas.edu |
Ann Chen Associate Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics POB , ASE 3.214 jingyi.ann.chen@utexas.edu |
Kathy Ellins 2024 9/1-8/31/25 Other University Affiliate, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB kellins@utexas.edu |
Claudio Faccenna 2024 9/1-8/31/25 Other University Affiliate, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB +3 932 905 71016 claudio.faccenna@jsg.utexas.edu |
Paul Hearty Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB +1 512 471 3434 paul.hearty@jsg.utexas.edu |
Melissa Kemp Assistant Professor, Department of Integrative Biology PAT 102 +1 512 232 2075 mkemp@austin.utexas.edu |
Wonsuck Kim Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences EPS +1 512 471 4203 delta@jsg.utexas.edu |
Chris Kirk Professor, Department of Anthropology Distinguished Teaching Professor WCP 5.154 +1 512 471 0056 eckirk@austin.utexas.edu |
Jon E Olson Professor, Hildebrand Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering Cockrell Family Chair in Engineering #17 (Holder) CPE 2.502 +1 512 471 3161, +1 512 471 7375 jolson@austin.utexas.edu |
Michael Pyrcz Professor, Hildebrand Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering B. J. Lancaster Professorship in Petroleum Engineering (Holder) George H. Fancher Centennial Teaching Fellowship in Petroleum Engineering (Holder) CPE +1 512 471 3252 mpyrcz@austin.utexas.edu |
Carlos Torres-Verdin Professor, Hildebrand Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering Brian James Jennings Memorial Endowed Chair in Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering (Holder) Zarrow Centennial Professorship in Petroleum Engineering (Fellow) POB , GLT 4.244 +1 512 471 3161, +1 512 471 4216 cverdin@austin.utexas.edu |
Philip C Bennett Professor Emeritus, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences pbennett@jsg.utexas.edu |
Robert E Boyer Professor Emeritus, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences reboyer@utexas.edu |
William D Carlson Professor Emeritus, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences wcarlson@jsg.utexas.edu |
Mark Cloos Professor Emeritus, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences cloos@jsg.utexas.edu |
Robert E Dickinson Professor Emeritus, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences robted@jsg.utexas.edu |
William L Fisher Professor and Leonidas T. Barrow Centennial Chair Emeritus in Mineral Resources, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences wfisher@jsg.utexas.edu |
Cliff Frohlich Senior Research Scientist Emeritus, Institute for Geophysics ROC 3.212 +1 512 471 0460, +1 512 471 6156 cliff@ig.utexas.edu |
William E Galloway Professor Emeritus, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences gallowayrb@sbcglobal.net |
Stephen P Grand Professor Emeritus, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences steveg@jsg.utexas.edu |
Mark A Helper Distinguished Senior Lecturer, Emerita, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB +1 512 471 1009 helper@jsg.utexas.edu |
J. Richard Kyle Professor Emeritus, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences JGB 3.316DA +1 512 471 4351 rkyle@jsg.utexas.edu |
Lynton S Land Professor Emeritus, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences lynton.land@austin.utexas.edu |
Lawrence A Lawver Senior Research Scientist Emeritus, Institute for Geophysics ROC +1 512 471 0433, +1 512 471 6156 lawver@ig.utexas.edu |
Leon E Long Professor Emeritus, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences leonlong@jsg.utexas.edu |
Ernest L Lundelius Professor Emeritus, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences erniel@utexas.edu |
Earle F McBride Professor Emeritus, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences efmcbride@jsg.utexas.edu |
Sharon Mosher Dean Emeritus, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences smosher@jsg.utexas.edu |
Yosio Nakamura Professor Emeritus, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences yosio@ig.utexas.edu |
Timothy B Rowe Academic Center Affiliate - Retired, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences rowe@utexas.edu |
John M Sharp Dave P. Carlton Centennial Professor Emeritus in Geology, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences jmsharp@jsg.utexas.edu |
Douglas Smith Professor Emeritus, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences doug@jsg.utexas.edu |
James T Sprinkle Professor Emeritus, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences echino@jsg.utexas.edu |
Ronald J Steel Professor Emeritus, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences rsteel@jsg.utexas.edu |
Paul L Stoffa Professor Emeritus, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences stoffa@ig.utexas.edu |
Frederick W Taylor Senior Research Scientist Emeritus, Institute for Geophysics ROC +1 512 471 0453 fred@ig.utexas.edu |
Clark R Wilson Professor Emeritus, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Dave P. Carlton Centennial Professorship in Geophysics (Emeritus) WPR , JGB +1 512 471 5008 crwilson@jsg.utexas.edu |
Athma R Bhandari Research Engineer, Institute for Geophysics JGB 5.328 +1 512 471 0462 athma.bhandari@utexas.edu |
Shuvajit Bhattacharya Research Scientist, Jackson School of Geosciences PIC KLE shuvajit.bhattacharya@beg.utexas.edu |
Alejandro Cardona Research Associate, Institute for Geophysics ROC alejandro.cardona@utexas.edu |
Patricia W Dickerson Visiting Research Fellow, Jackson School of Geosciences JGB +1 512 745 6766 patdickerson@earthlink.net |
Ian J Duncan Research Scientist, Bureau of Economic Geology GLT +1 512 471 5117 ian.duncan@beg.utexas.edu |
Tingwei (Lucy) Ko Research Assistant Professor, Jackson School of Geosciences PIC KLE +1 512 471 9525 lucy.ko@beg.utexas.edu |
Kitty L Milliken Senior Research Scientist, Jackson School of Geosciences JGB +1 512 471 6082 kittym@utexas.edu |
Mariana I Olariu Research Associate - Clastic Sedimentologist, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG 3.132T +1 512 475 7566, +1 512 923 9473 iulia.olariu@beg.utexas.edu |
Scott Pearce Senior Software Engineer II, Academic Information Systems UTA +1 512 475 6814 scott.pearce@austin.utexas.edu |
Cornelia Rasmussen Research Associate, Institute for Geophysics ROC crasmussen@utexas.edu |
Michael L Sweet Research Scientist, Institute for Geophysics ROC michael.sweet@austin.utexas.edu |
Timothy L Whiteaker Research Affiliate, Institute for Geophysics ECJ +1 512 471 0570 whiteaker@utexas.edu |
Kenneth W Wisian Program Director, Bureau of Economic Geology WPR , PIC KLE, BEL +1 512 471 2003 kenneth.wisian@utexas.edu |
Chi Yan Research Associate, Institute for Geophysics ROC chi.yan@jsg.utexas.edu |
Jose L Abella Gutierrez Research Scientist Associate V, Jackson School of Geosciences EPS +1 512 232 4558 jabella@jsg.utexas.edu |
Mohsen Ahmadian Program Manager, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG 1.208Q +1 512 296 9699, +1 512 471 2999 mohsen.ahmadian@beg.utexas.edu |
John R Andrews Research Engineering/ Scientist Associate IV, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG 2.140P +1 512 704 5329 john.andrews@beg.utexas.edu |
Aaron Averett Research Engineering/ Scientist Associate IV (4208), Bureau of Economic Geology BEG 2.126J +1 512 475 9551 aaron.averett@beg.utexas.edu |
Kenneth Bader Laboratory Manager, Jackson School of Geosciences VPL +1 512 471 8495 k.bader@jsg.utexas.edu |
Lisa D Boucher Curator and Director of Museum Operations for the Non-vertebrate Paleontology Laboratory, Jackson School of Geosciences TM1 1.200 +1 512 232 5384 lisadboucher@austin.utexas.edu |
Caroline L Breton Research Engineering/ Scientist Associate IV, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG 3.132H +1 512 471 0322 cari.breton@beg.utexas.edu |
Donald Brooks Research Engineering/ Scientist Associate IV, Institute for Geophysics JGB +1 512 471 9672 donnie.brooks@austin.utexas.edu |
Dillon P Buhl Research Engineering/ Scientist Associate IV, Institute for Geophysics ROC 2.271 dillon.buhl@utexas.edu |
Alex Bump Research Associate Professor, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG alex.bump@beg.utexas.edu |
James L Buttles Research Engineering/ Scientist Associate V, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences CW1 +1 512 475 9539 buttles@jsg.utexas.edu |
David L Carr Research Engineering/ Scientist Associate IV (4208), Jackson School of Geosciences PIC KLE +1 512 471 1806 david.carr@beg.utexas.edu |
Tiffany L Caudle Coastal Geologist, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG +1 512 475 9572 tiffany.caudle@beg.utexas.edu |
David T Chapman Program Manager, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG david.chapman@beg.utexas.edu |
Jeff Cullen Research Engineering/ Scientist Associate V, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB jcullen@austin.utexas.edu |
Roxana Darvari Research Engineering/ Scientist Associate IV, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG +1 512 471 0732 roxana.d@utexas.edu |
Marcy B Davis Engineering Scientist, Institute for Geophysics ROC +1 512 471 0425 marcy@ig.utexas.edu |
Beverly B Dejarnett Research Engineering/Scientist Professional (Part-Time), Jackson School of Geosciences HC1 +1 713 983 9420 bev.dejarnett@beg.utexas.edu |
Robin D Dommisse Research Engineering/ Scientist Associate V, Jackson School of Geosciences BEG 3.132Z +1 512 232 0775 robin.dommisse@beg.utexas.edu |
Daniel D Duncan Engineering Scientist, Institute for Geophysics ROC 2.103 +1 504 813 1898 dduncan@ig.utexas.edu |
Raymond L Eastwood Research Fellow, Bureau of Economic Geology ray.eastwood@beg.utexas.edu |
Gonzalo Echeverry Research Engineering/Scientist Professional (Part-Time), Institute for Geophysics ROC 2.262 gonzalo_echeverry@sbcglobal.net |
Dave Edey Research Scientist, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB 1.120CA +1 512 471 9286 dave.edey@utexas.edu |
Sara Elliott Research Engineering/ Scientist Associate III (4209), Jackson School of Geosciences BEG +1 512 471 2596 sara.elliott@beg.utexas.edu |
Shuang Gao Fluid Flow Modeler, Bureau of Economic Geology +1 512 971 6512 rebecca.gao@beg.utexas.edu |
Jun Ge Research Engineering/ Scientist Associate IV, Bureau of Economic Geology PIC KLE jun.ge@beg.utexas.edu |
Ramon A Gil Egui Research Scientist Associate, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG +1 512 475 8831 ramon.gil@beg.utexas.edu |
Jaimi Gray Research Engineering/ Scientist Associate III, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB jaimigray@utexas.edu |
Romy D Hanna Research Associate, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB 1.120CC +1 512 471 0260 romy@jsg.utexas.edu |
Kelly Hattori Research Engineering/ Scientist Associate IV, Jackson School of Geosciences PIC KLE kelly_hattori@utexas.edu |
Thomas Hess Research Engineering Scientist Associate V, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB 4.216C +1 512 232 5934 thomas_hess@jsg.utexas.edu |
Elizabeth Horne Research Engineering/ Scientist Associate III, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG +1 208 794 4973 lily.horne@beg.utexas.edu |
Jerry L Jensen Research Engineering/ Scientist Associate IV, Jackson School of Geosciences BEG jerry.jensen@beg.utexas.edu |
Scott D Kempf Senior Software Engineer, Institute for Geophysics ROC 2.270 +1 512 471 0482 scottk@ig.utexas.edu |
Carey W King Research Scientist, Energy Institute FAC 428, FAC +1 512 471 5468 careyking@mail.utexas.edu |
Jay P Kipper Deputy Director, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG +1 512 475 9505 jay.kipper@beg.utexas.edu |
Josh R Lambert Research Engineering/ Scientist Associate III, Jackson School of Geosciences BEG josh.lambert@beg.utexas.edu |
Staci L Loewy Radiogenic Isotope Geochemist, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB 6.104B +1 512 471 6873 sloewy@jsg.utexas.edu |
Jessica A Maisano Research Engineering/ Scientist Associate V (4207), Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB 1.120CC +1 512 471 0260 maisano@utexas.edu |
Douglas C McCabe Seismologist Field Engineer, Bureau of Economic Geology PIC KLE douglas.mccabe@beg.utexas.edu |
Linda R McCall Public Information Geologist, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG +1 512 471 0320 linda.mccall@beg.utexas.edu |
Nathaniel R Miller Laser Ablation and ICP-MS Lab Manager, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB +1 512 471 0120, +1 512 471 4810 nrmiller@jsg.utexas.edu |
Brandon W Minton Research Engineering/ Scientist Associate III, Jackson School of Geosciences JGB 1.118 brandonminton@austin.utexas.edu |
Ashraf M Mohamed Research Assistant Professor, Bureau of Economic Geology PIC KLE ashraf.rateb@beg.utexas.edu |
Gregory C Ng Research Engineering/ Scientist Associate V (4207), Institute for Geophysics +1 512 471 0375 nggr@utexas.edu |
Joshua I O'Connell Research Engineering/ Scientist Associate V, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences EPS josh.oconnell@utexas.edu |
Vincent J O'Sullivan Research Engineering/ Scientist Associate IV, Bureau of Economic Geology PIC KLE v.osullivan@austin.utexas.edu |
Desmond B Patterson Laboratory Manager, Jackson School of Geosciences JGB dpatterson@jsg.utexas.edu |
Francis Peel Senior Research Fellow, Bureau of Economic Geology PIC KLE frank.peel@beg.utexas.edu |
Priyanka Periwal Research Engineering/ Scientist Associate IV, Jackson School of Geosciences PIC KLE pperiwal@austin.utexas.edu |
Eric Radjef Research Engineering/ Scientist Associate V, Jackson School of Geosciences BEG eric.radjef@beg.utexas.edu |
Robert M Reed Research Scientist Associate V, Mudrock Systems Research Laboratory, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG 3.132K +1 512 471 0356 robreed@utexas.edu |
Robert C Reedy Research Engineering/ Scientist Associate IV (4208), Bureau of Economic Geology BEG +1 512 232 2390, +1 512 471 7244 bob.reedy@beg.utexas.edu |
Thomas G Richter Program Manager (Part-Time), Institute for Geophysics ROC 2.262 +1 512 471 0385 tomr@ig.utexas.edu |
Harold H Rogers Research Engineering/ Scientist Associate III, Jackson School of Geosciences BEG 3.132 harold.rogers@beg.utexas.edu |
Chris Sagebiel Collections Manager, Jackson School of Geosciences VPL 4 +1 512 232 5514 sagebiel@austin.utexas.edu |
Aaron Satkoski Radiogenic Isotope Laboratory Manager, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB satkoski@jsg.utexas.edu |
Kutalmis Saylam Lidar and Remote Sensing Specialist, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG +1 512 471 1871 kutalmis.saylam@beg.utexas.edu |
Yi Jin Shi Research Engineer Associate, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB +1 512 471 5643 shiyi@mail.utexas.edu |
Evan Sivil Research Engineering/ Scientist Associate III, Jackson School of Geosciences jevansivil@gmail.com |
Lisa D Stockli Research Engineering/ Scientist Associate IV, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB +1 512 471 5750 lstockli@jsg.utexas.edu |
Xun Sun Research Assistant Professor, Jackson School of Geosciences PIC KLE +1 512 471 4331 xun.sun@beg.utexas.edu |
Carla M Thomas Science/Technical Program Manager, Institute for Geophysics JGB 5.338 +1 512 475 6613 carla.thomas@utexas.edu |
Ramon Trevino Program Manager, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG +1 512 471 1534, +1 512 471 3362 ramon.trevino@beg.utexas.edu |
Jason Visser Research Engineering/ Scientist Associate III (4209), Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB 3.312 +1 213 255 5298 jasonvisser@jsg.utexas.edu |
Edward "Ned" K Vizy Research Scientist Associate V/ Lecturer, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB 5.220G +1 512 585 1937 ned@jsg.utexas.edu |
Annie Walker Research Engineering/Scientist Professional (Part-Time), Institute for Geophysics ROC +1 315 559 6433 walkerae@ig.utexas.edu |
Charles M Woodruff Geologist, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG chockw@mail.utexas.edu |
Yujiang Xie Research Fellow, Institute for Geophysics ROC yujiang.xie@jsg.utexas.edu |
Lijing Yao Research Associate, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB lijing.yao@jsg.utexas.edu |
Bissett E Young Project Manager, Bureau of Economic Geology PIC KLE +1 512 471 5739 bissett.young@beg.utexas.edu |
Christopher K Zahm Research Engineering/ Scientist Associate V (4207), Jackson School of Geosciences +1 512 632 2311, +1 608 638 1371 chris.zahm@beg.utexas.edu |
Gary W Zuker Senior Systems Administrator, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB 1.120CB +1 512 471 0260, +1 512 471 5046 zuker@utexas.edu |
David Bahamon Pinzon CRESSLE Postdoctoral Fellow, Jackson School of Geosciences JGB , GRE , EPS davidbp@austin.utexas.edu |
Sofia Berdysheva Postdoctoral Fellow, Jackson School of Geosciences PIC KLE sofia.berdysheva@beg.utexas.edu |
Lamine Boumaiza Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB lamine.boumaiza@jsg.utexas.edu |
Ali Cherif Postdoctoral Fellow, Bureau of Economic Geology PIC KLE ali.cherif@beg.utexas.edu |
Jiawei Da Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB jiawei@utexas.edu |
Leopold Desage Young, Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Geophysics ROC leopold.desage@jsg.utexas.edu |
Amanda Donaldson Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB amanda.donaldson@jsg.utexas.edu |
Erik Fredrickson Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Geophysics ROC erik.fredrickson@jsg.utexas.edu |
Dawid S Gajda Postdoctoral Fellow, Jackson School of Geosciences PIC KLE dawid.gajda@beg.utexas.edu |
Leandro Hartleben Melani Postdoctoral Fellow, Jackson School of Geosciences PIC KLE leandro.melani@hotmail.com |
Chenxi Hu Postdoctoral Fellow--Anthropogenic Influences on Landfalling Tropical Cyclones, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB chenxi.hu@jsg.utexas.edu |
Perianne Johnson Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Geophysics ROC perianne.johnson@jsg.utexas.edu |
Kaixuan Kang Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Geophysics ROC kaixuan.kang@jsg.utexas.edu |
CHAO LI Postdoctoral Fellow, Jackson School of Geosciences PIC KLE chao.li@beg.utexas.edu |
Duyi Li Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Geophysics ROC duyi.li@jsg.utexas.edu |
Luo Li DGS-Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB luo.li@jsg.utexas.edu |
Chuanming Liu Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Geophysics JGB +1 303 305 8102 chuanming.liu@jsg.utexas.edu |
Ander Martinez-Doñate Postdoctoral Fellow, Jackson School of Geosciences PIC KLE +1 737 328 1434 ander.martinez-donate@beg.utexas.edu |
Tanner Mills Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Geophysics JGB tanner.mills@utexas.edu |
Shyama Mohanty Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB +1 424 384 7460 shyamamohanty@utexas.edu |
Rhianna Moore Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB rhianna.moore@jsg.utexas.edu |
Megan Mueller NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, Jackson School of Geosciences JGB megan.mueller@jsg.utexas.edu |
Ifeanyichukwu C Nduka Postdoctoral Fellow Aero-Climate, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB icnduka@jsg.utexas.edu |
Fritz Palacios Postdoctoral Fellow, Jackson School of Geosciences PIC KLE fritz.palacios@utexas.edu |
Barra Peak Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB barra.peak@jsg.utexas.edu |
Manmeet Singh JSG Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB manmeet.singh@utexas.edu |
Shweta Singh Postdoctoral Fellow, Bureau of Economic Geology PIC KLE shweta.singh@beg.utexas.edu |
Chao Song UTIG Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Geophysics ROC chao.song@jsg.utexas.edu |
Naveen Sudharsan Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB naveens@utexas.edu |
Alka Tiwari Postdoctoral Fellow in Extreme Rainfall & Urban/Tropical Studies, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB alka.tiwari@jsg.utexas.edu |
Hongsheng Wang Postdoctoral Fellow, Bureau of Economic Geology PIC KLE hongsheng.wang@beg.utexas.edu |
Qiqi Wang Postdoctoral Fellow, Jackson School of Geosciences BEG wangqiqi@utexas.edu |
Jingxuan Wei Visiting Researcher/Scholar, Institute for Geophysics ROC jingxuan.wei@austin.utexas.edu |
Clay Wood Postdoctoral Fellow, Hildebrand Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering CPE clay.wood@jsg.utexas.edu |
Mingming Zhang Postdoctoral Fellow (Modeling Carbonation of Ultramafic Rocks), Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB mingming.zhang@jsg.utexas.edu |
Shuo Zhang Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Geophysics ROC +1 469 543 9006 shuo.zhang@jsg.utexas.edu |
Xueying Zhao Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB xueying.zhao@jsg.utexas.edu |
Tanner Acquisto Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Geophysics ROC tanner.acquisto@gmail.com |
Francisca Acuna CRESSLE Community Member - 12152024, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences EPS francesacuna70@yahoo.com |
Martin Alambar Jr Senior Administrative Associate, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences JGB +1 512 475 9623 martin.alambarjr@jsg.utexas.edu |
Cynthia Allen-Williams CRESSLE Community Member - 12152024, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences EPS cynash7707@gmail.com |
Liath Appleton Collections Manager, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences TM1 liathappleton@austin.utexas.edu |
RAMA ARASADA Postdoctoral Fellow, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences BEG rama.arasada@beg.utexas.edu |
Melissa Armstrong Senior Events Program Coordinator, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences JGB +1 512 232 0363 melissa.armstrong@austin.utexas.edu |
Mariam Arzumanyan Postdoctoral Fellow, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences BEG mariam.arzumanyan@outlook.com |
Gale Ashley Finance Manager, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG 1.130B +1 512 475 9509 gale.ashley@beg.utexas.edu |
Koorosh Azizi CRESSLE Postdoctoral Fellow, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences EPS koorosh.azizi@austin.utexas.edu |
Nikolaos Bakirtzis Software Developer, Bureau of Economic Geology PIC KLE nnbakirtzis@gmail.com |
Meena Balakrishnan Administrative Assistant, Bureau of Economic Geology UTA meena.balakrishnan@beg.utexas.edu |
Ethan Banner Graphic Designer, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences EPS ejambanner@gmail.com |
Todd Beaudreau DGS Systems Administrator II, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB +1 252 292 4949 todd@jsg.utexas.edu |
Gary Becker JSG - Multi Craft Maintenance Technician, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences JGB gary.becker@austin.utexas.edu |
Beverly Benham Buyer III, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG +1 512 471 2897 beverly.benham@beg.utexas.edu |
Mark Blount Assistant Director of External Affairs, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG +1 512 471 1509 mark.blount@beg.utexas.edu |
Janis Braboy Senior Administrative Associate, Bureau of Economic Geology PIC KLE +1 512 471 1534 jan.braboy@beg.utexas.edu |
Edward Bradford 24-25, Volunteer, Boucher, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences ROC +1 512 471 3434 egbegb2@gmail.com |
Taniquewa Brewster CRESSLE Community Member - 12152024, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences EPS taniquewabrewster@yahoo.com |
Amelia Bridges Administrative Services Officer II, Bureau of Economic Geology +1 512 471 0116 amelia.bridges@beg.utexas.edu |
Matthew Brown Director of Museum Operations for VPL, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences JGB +1 512 232 5515 matthewbrown@utexas.edu |
Laura Burrows Facilities Maintenance Manager, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences JGB +1 512 574 6794 laura.burrows@austin.utexas.edu |
Renee Cace 24-25, Volunteer, Boucher, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences ROC rcace@utexas.edu |
Sharon Campos Senior Program Coordinator, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG 1.126 +1 512 585 1002 sharon.campos@beg.utexas.edu |
Jason Cannon BSO-Human Resource Representative, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences JGB +1 512 232 4884 jason.cannon@jsg.utexas.edu |
Anton Caputo Communications Director, Jackson School of Geosciences, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences JGB 6.218F +1 512 232 9623 anton.caputo@jsg.utexas.edu |
Yvette Castro CRESSLE Community Member - 12152024, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences EPS yvettecastro51@gmail.com |
Ankit Chakraborty Postdoctoral Fellow, Bureau of Economic Geology PIC KLE ankit.chakraborty@austin.utexas.edu |
David Chang Senior Systems Administrator, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG +1 512 475 9552 david.chang@beg.utexas.edu |
Ponien Chen Senior Information Technology Manager, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG +1 512 471 4858 poe.chen@beg.utexas.edu |
Chase Cobb Academic Program Coordinator, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences JGB chase.cobb@austin.utexas.edu |
Melissa Coffman Senior Human Resource Coordinator, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG 1.130 +1 512 232 4030 melissa.coffman@beg.utexas.edu |
Jamie Coggin Senior Graphic Designer (8328), Bureau of Economic Geology BEG 2.150N +1 512 471 1534 jamie.coggin@beg.utexas.edu |
Anna Collier Senior Administrative Associate, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences JGB +1 512 232 1751 anna.collier@jsg.utexas.edu |
Eleanor Cote GeoFORCE Coordinator, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences ROC +1 210 705 4777 eleanor.cote@jsg.utexas.edu |
Nancy Cottington Program Coordinator, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG 3.102B +1 512 471 4335 nancy.cottington@beg.utexas.edu |
Lulu Curry Accountant I, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences EPS 1.130 +1 512 471 2204 lchee@jsg.utexas.edu |
Jeremy Dahl Project Manager, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences BEG jeremydahl@yahoo.com |
Erin DeConcini Human Resource Assistant III, Bureau of Economic Geology PIC KLE erin.deconcini@austin.utexas.edu |
Angelina Derose Outreach Program Coordinator, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences JGB angelina.derose@jsg.utexas.edu |
Roanne Draker Administrative Associate, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG 1.100A +1 512 471 1534 roanne.draker@beg.utexas.edu |
JJ Dupont Senior Administrative Associate, Institute for Geophysics ROC jj.dupont@ig.utexas.edu |
Kenneth Edwards Administrative Associate, Bureau of Economic Geology PIC KLE +1 512 471 7135 kenneth.edwards@beg.utexas.edu |
Jose Elias CRESSLE Community Member - 12152024, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences EPS josenelias11@gmail.com |
Caroline Emery 24-25, Volunteer, Boucher, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences ROC emery.caroline5@gmail.com |
Shelby Escobar Energy and Earth Resources Administrative Associate, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences EPS shelby.escobar@jsg.utexas.edu |
Jakub Felkl Technology Commercialization and Business Development Project Manage, Bureau of Economic Geology PIC KLE jakub.felkl@beg.utexas.edu |
Wanjie Feng Project Manager, Bureau of Economic Geology PIC KLE wanjie.feng@beg.utexas.edu |
Preston Fleck RSA III, Bureau of Economic Geology PIC KLE prestonfleck@gmail.com |
Jennifer Galaviz Administrative Associate, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG jennifer.galaviz@beg.utexas.edu |
Rosalind Gamble Executive Assistant, Institute for Geophysics ROC 2.104C +1 512 471 7197 rgamble@ig.utexas.edu |
Christophe Garvie 24-25, Volunteer, Boucher, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences ROC +1 512 232 5384 clgarvie@gmail.com |
Carlos Garza Senior Desktop Support Specialist, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG +1 512 471 6737 carlos.garza@beg.utexas.edu |
Claudia Garza Development Associate, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences JGB cgarza@jsg.utexas.edu |
Orsolya Gelencser Postdoctoral Fellow, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences BEG gelencser.orsolya@beg.utexas.edu |
John Gerboc Senior Software Developer/Analyst, Institute for Geophysics ROC 3.236 +1 512 471 0325 jgerboc@utexas.edu |
Phyllis Gesch Senior Administrative Associate, Institute for Geophysics ROC 2.112 phyllis@ig.utexas.edu |
Arefe Ghazi Nezami Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Geophysics ROC +1 512 516 4187 aghazinezami@utexas.edu |
Elise Gonzalez Outreach Program Coordinator, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences ROC elise.gonzalez@jsg.utexas.edu |
Jackson Grimes Research Scientist Assistant I, Bureau of Economic Geology UTA jackson.m.grimes@gmail.com |
Parika Grover TexusLab and Colab Software Developer, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB parika.grover@jsg.utexas.edu |
Ben Grunau Geophysicist, Bureau of Economic Geology PIC KLE benjamin.grunau@beg.utexas.edu |
Philip Guerrero JSG Sr. Graduate Program Administrator, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences NEZ +1 512 471 6098 philipg@mail.utexas.edu |
Bianca Guerrero CRESSLE Community Member - 12152024, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences EPS biginterests24@gmail.com |
Jasmine Gulick Senior Outreach Program Coordinator, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences ROC +1 512 232 8089 jasmine.gulick@utexas.edu |
Ruichang Guo Postdoctoral Fellow, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG ruichang.guo@beg.utexas.edu |
Jeff Hallock Academic Advising Coordinator, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences EPS +1 512 232 4524 jeff.hallock@austin.utexas.edu |
Nicholas Hamilton Warehouse Supervisor, Bureau of Economic Geology PIC KLE nicholas.hamilton@beg.utexas.edu |
Emma Hardin Career Success Coach, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences JGB emma.hardin@jsg.utexas.edu |
Michelle Harper Senior Grants and Contracts Specialist, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences JGB +1 512 471 8447 michelle.harper@jsg.utexas.edu |
Gwen Hebert Senior Grants and Contracts Specialist, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG +1 512 471 0211 gwen.hebert@austin.utexas.edu |
Laura Hernandez Senior Graphic Designer, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences JGB +1 512 232 8052 lhernandez@jsg.utexas.edu |
Benjamin Hester Administrative Services Officer I, Institute for Geophysics ROC 2.104E +1 512 471 0413 ben@ig.utexas.edu |
Travis Hobbs Technical Writer/Editor I, Bureau of Economic Geology PIC KLE +1 512 639 0521 travis.hobbs@beg.utexas.edu |
David Hoffman University Professional, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences BEG david.hoffman@austin.utexas.edu |
Jeffrey Horowitz IT Professional (Part-Time), Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences ROC +1 512 471 5671 jeffh@utexas.edu |
Jesse Houghton Senior Project Manager, Institute for Geophysics JGB 5.322 +1 512 232 8096 jesse@ig.utexas.edu |
Adrian Huh IT Manager, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB +1 512 471 7339 adrian@jsg.utexas.edu |
Brian Hunt Geologist/Hydrogeologist, Bureau of Economic Geology PIC KLE brian.hunt@beg.utexas.edu |
Nathan Ivicic Facility Manager, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG +1 512 471 1534 nathan.ivicic@beg.utexas.edu |
Micah Jackman Academic Advising Coordinator, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences EPS +1 512 232 4545 micah.jackman@austin.utexas.edu |
Elsa Jimenez Accountant II Business Services Office, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences EPS 1.130 +1 512 232 7699 ejimenez@jsg.utexas.edu |
Jennifer Jordan Director of Jackson School Career Services, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences JGB +1 512 232 0893 jjordan@jsg.utexas.edu |
Talia Jurgens Project Manager, Institute for Geophysics ROC +1 512 471 8271 jurgens@tsgc.utexas.edu |
Elizabeth Kelton Senior Administrative Associate, Institute for Geophysics ROC 2.103 +1 512 471 0417 elizabeth@ig.utexas.edu |
Carolyn King Administrative Associate, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG carolyn.king@beg.utexas.edu |
Adam Kirk Senior Software Developer/Analyst, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG +1 512 232 1527 adam.kirk@beg.utexas.edu |
Jessica Kolstad Kim Senior Grants and Contracts Specialist, Institute for Geophysics +1 512 471 0432 jessica@ig.utexas.edu |
Monica Kortsha Communications Manager, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences JGB 6.218F +1 512 471 2241 mkortsha@jsg.utexas.edu |
Nancy Krail Administrative Associate, Bureau of Economic Geology PIC KLE +1 512 471 7144 nancy.krail@austin.utexas.edu |
Cindy Kralis Events Program Coordinator, Bureau of Economic Geology PIC KLE cindy.kralis@beg.utexas.edu |
Devin Krieg Accountant II, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG 1.130 +1 512 471 0359 devin.krieg@beg.utexas.edu |
Larry Syu-Heng Lai Postdoctoral Fellow, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences BEG larrysyuhenglai@gmail.com |
Mitchel Lambert GeoFORCE Outreach Program Coordinator, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences PIC KLE mitchel.lambert@jsg.utexas.edu |
Kim LaValley Administrative Services Officer II, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG 1.206 +1 512 475 9545 kim.lavalley@beg.utexas.edu |
Alexia Leclercq JSG-UT Austin City Climate CoLab Project Manager, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB alexia.leclercq@utexas.edu |
Jeffrey Lehman IT Professional (Part-Time), Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB +1 512 471 7339 lehman@austin.utexas.edu |
Xing Li Postdoctoral Fellow, Bureau of Economic Geology PIC KLE xing.li@beg.utexas.edu |
Summer Li Project Manager, Institute for Geophysics ROC lxiasunshine@gmail.com |
Ning Lin Program Manager, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences BEG ning.lin@beg.utexas.edu |
Sai Liu Postdoctoral Fellow, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences BEG lsce0702@gmail.com |
Dunyu Liu Computational Geoscientist, Institute for Geophysics ROC 2.121 dunyu.liu@austin.utexas.edu |
Michelle Lopez Administrative Associate, Bureau of Economic Geology UTA michelle.lopez@beg.utexas.edu |
Rudy Lucero Stores Clerk III, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG rudy.lucero@beg.utexas.edu |
Angela Marable Senior Research Program Coordinator, Institute for Geophysics +1 512 471 0326 angela@ig.utexas.edu |
Nina Martinez Communications Specialist, Institute for Geophysics ROC nina.martinez@ig.utexas.edu |
Marina Martinez CRESSLE Research Participant Member - 12152024, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences EPS marinabeatrizmartinez@yahoo.com |
Francine Mastrangelo Computer Illustrator, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG francine.mastrangelo@beg.utexas.edu |
Tim McMahon Project Manager, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences PIC KLE +1 281 380 1796 tim.mcmahon@beg.utexas.edu |
Adam Mena Chief Business Officer, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences JGB 6.218C +1 512 232 5764 adammena@jsg.utexas.edu |
Nadia Menchaca JSG Student Services-Administrative Assistant, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences JGB nadiamenchaca@utexas.edu |
Dena Miller Executive Assistant, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG 1.222 +1 512 471 2677 dena.miller@beg.utexas.edu |
Didey Montoya Program Manager, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences EPS 3.102A +1 512 471 4211 didey@austin.utexas.edu |
Jennifer Morris Research Scientist Associate III, Bureau of Economic Geology PIC KLE jennifer.morris@beg.utexas.edu |
Susanne Morrison Senior Human Resource Coordinator, Institute for Geophysics ROC 2.108 +1 512 471 0418 susanne@ig.utexas.edu |
Elissa Mroski BSO-Administrative Associate, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences EPS elissa.mroski@jsg.utexas.edu |
Terri Muir Senior Administrative Associate, Institute for Geophysics ROC +1 512 471 0499 terri.muir@austin.utexas.edu |
Laura Mullins Independent Contractor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences EPS mercermullinsmom@yahoo.com |
Sarah Murphy Publications Editor, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG sarah.murphy@beg.utexas.edu |
Charles Newsom 24-25, Volunteer, Boucher, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences ROC charles-newsom@uiowa.edu |
Amari' Nunn Stores Clerk III, Bureau of Economic Geology HOU STON, nunn0292@gmail.com |
Evan O'Donnell Administrative Associate, Bureau of Economic Geology PIC KLE +1 737 247 8464 evan.odonnell@beg.utexas.edu |
Ronald O'Neill Senior Information Technology Manager, Institute for Geophysics ROC +1 512 471 0389 ron.oneill@ig.utexas.edu |
Sara Oliveira Pedro dos Santos Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Geophysics ROC sara_santos@utexas.edu |
Hazel Olson Administrative Associate, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB +1 512 495 4386 hazel.olson@austin.utexas.edu |
Daniel Ortuno Administrative Assistant, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG +1 512 471 1534 dortuno3@gmail.com |
Adrey Otto CRESSLE Community Member - 12152024, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences EPS ottoadrey@gmail.com |
Victor Ozuna Senior Financial Analyst, Bureau of Economic Geology PIC KLE +1 512 471 0305 victor.ozuna@beg.utexas.edu |
Constantino Panagopulos Communications Coordinator, Institute for Geophysics ROC +1 512 574 7376 costa@ig.utexas.edu |
Lisa Pausback Administrative Associate, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences JGB +1 512 471 1993 lisa.pausback@jsg.utexas.edu |
Jennifer Pena GeoFORCE Conference Coordinator, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences ROC jennifer.pena@jsg.utexas.edu |
Fran Peña Senior Administrative Program Coordinator, Institute for Geophysics JGB +1 512 475 7585 franp@austin.utexas.edu |
Marcie Phillips GBDS Position - Snedden, Institute for Geophysics ROC marciep@ig.utexas.edu |
William Piejko Office Assistant, Bureau of Economic Geology UTA willpiejko@gmail.com |
Kyleen Piejko Senior Financial Analyst, Bureau of Economic Geology PIC KLE +1 512 471 8165 kyleen.piejko@beg.utexas.edu |
Kecia Prince CRESSLE Community Member - 12152024, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences EPS princekecia3@gmail.com |
Terrence Quinn Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB +1 512 471 0464 terryquinn@austin.utexas.edu |
Jennifer Raymond Administrative Program Coordinator, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB 2.112 jennifer.raymond@jsg.utexas.edu |
Monica Reed Director of Human Resources & HR Executive, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences EPS 1.130C +1 512 471 6153 mreed@jsg.utexas.edu |
Angela Reyes Financial Analyst, Institute for Geophysics ROC 2.101 angelareyes@ig.utexas.edu |
Nichole Robinson Senior Grants and Contracts Specialist, Bureau of Economic Geology PIC KLE nichole.robinson@beg.utexas.edu |
Jana Robinson Senior Computer Illustrator, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG +1 512 232 5289 jana.robinson@beg.utexas.edu |
Christopher Rose Senior Purchasing Associate - Earth and Planetary Sciences, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB +1 512 471 4103 crose@austin.utexas.edu |
Jessica Rowling Senior Administrative Associate, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences JGB +1 512 232 0810 jessica.rowling@jsg.utexas.edu |
Elizaveta Rybina Administrative Program Coordinator, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG +1 512 471 2965 elizaveta.rybina@beg.utexas.edu |
Julia Sames Social Media Coordinator, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB julia.sames@jsg.utexas.edu |
Georgia Sanders Administrative Manager, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences JGB +1 512 471 1282 gsanders@jsg.utexas.edu |
Richard Schreib EPS Purchasing Associate, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences EPS richard.schreib@austin.utexas.edu |
Tera Sherrard Senior Grants and Contracts Specialist, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences JGB +1 512 471 5687 tera@utexas.edu |
Mark Shuster Deputy Director, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences BEG +1 512 471 1534 mark.shuster@beg.utexas.edu |
Sara Sieberath Assistant Director for Research Administration and Finance, Institute for Geophysics ROC 2.104A +1 512 471 0306 sara.sieberath@austin.utexas.edu |
Helen Siegel CRESSLE Postdoctoral Fellow, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences JGB helen.siegel@austin.utexas.edu |
Rick Sierra Buyer II, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG +1 512 232 6935 rick.sierra@beg.utexas.edu |
Shari Sims GeoFORCE Administrative Associate, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences ROC shari.sims@jsg.utexas.edu |
Michael Smith 24-25, Volunteer, Boucher, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences ROC +1 512 471 3434 msmith17@austin.rr.com |
Estela Sosa Human Resources Manager, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences EPS +1 512 471 3106 esosa@jsg.utexas.edu |
Mia Spanyers JSG Student Success Liaison, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences JGB +1 512 471 2451 mia.spanyers@jsg.utexas.edu |
Lee Sparks Senior Administrative Associate, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB +1 512 471 8472 lee.sparks@austin.utexas.edu |
David Spindler Senior Systems Administrator, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB +1 512 232 2419 spindler@utexas.edu |
Nina Staeben Development Specialist, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences JGB +1 512 475 7037 nina.staeben@austin.utexas.edu |
Christopher Stella Jackson School of Geosciences Facility Manager, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences JGB 2.102B +1 512 232 1998 christopher.stella@jsg.utexas.edu |
Vicki Stratton Administrative Associate, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG 1.130 +1 512 471 9262 vicki.stratton@beg.utexas.edu |
Jeffrey Stuenkel Senior Administrative Associate, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB jstuenkel@austin.utexas.edu |
Jiandong Su Computer Programmer/Services Assistant, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG +1 832 202 9675 joseph.su@beg.utexas.edu |
Jason Suarez Manager, Media Production Services, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG 2.150T +1 512 475 9519 jason.suarez@beg.utexas.edu |
Tiffany Sun Departmental Buyer, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG tiffany.sun@beg.utexas.edu |
Erika Tandy 24-25, Volunteer, Boucher, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences ROC eswinnich@yahoo.com |
Kenneth Thompson CRESSLE Community Member - 12152024, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences EPS kdthomps61@gmail.com |
Scott Tinker A&P (Part-Time), John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences PIC KLE +1 512 740 6532 scott.tinker@beg.utexas.edu |
Alexa Torres Administrative Program Coordinator, Bureau of Economic Geology PIC KLE alexa.torres@beg.utexas.edu |
Valerie Tran Graphic Designer, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG valerie.tran@beg.utexas.edu |
Markie Troutman JSG Business Services Officer, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences EPS +1 512 471 5406 markie.troutman@austin.utexas.edu |
Kristen Tucek Director of Corporate Relations, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences JGB 6.206C +1 512 471 2223 ktucek@jsg.utexas.edu |
Leah Turner Research Engineering/Scientist Professional (Part-Time), Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB leah.turner@jsg.utexas.edu |
Dolores van der Kolk Communications Coordinator, Bureau of Economic Geology PIC KLE dolores.vanderkolk@beg.utexas.edu |
Veronica Vasquez Assistant Dean, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences JGB +1 512 471 2916 vvasquez@austin.utexas.edu |
Marie Victor Accountant II, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG 1.130 +1 512 471 0115 marie.victor@beg.utexas.edu |
Lynette Villasana Administrative Associate, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences EPS +1 512 471 6819 lynette.villasana@jsg.utexas.edu |
Courtney Vletas Director of Development and Alumni Engagement (Director of Development), John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences JGB +1 512 232 4824 cvletas@jsg.utexas.edu |
Tim Weiss Director of Student Affairs, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences JGB tim.weiss@utexas.edu |
Andrew West Executive Director for Development, University Development Office JGB +1 512 232 3515 awest@austin.utexas.edu |
Nikolas White Director of Endowment Administration & Financial Officer, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences JGB 6.218C +1 512 471 0945 nwhite@jsg.utexas.edu |
Brandon Williamson Facilities Technical Staff, Bureau of Economic Geology BEG brandon.williamson@beg.utexas.edu |
Tracey Wilson Administrative Program Coordinator, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences JGB +1 512 471 5209 tracey.wilson@jsg.utexas.edu |
Jessica Woollard-Adair Administrative Manager, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB +1 512 232 4605 jessica.woollardadair@austin.utexas.edu |
Anthony Wright Executive Assistant, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences JGB 6.218G +1 512 471 4670 anthony.wright@jsg.utexas.edu |
Jessica Yeager Faculty Affairs Administrator, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences JGB +1 512 232 4817 yeager@jsg.utexas.edu |
Joseph Yeh IT Professional (Part-Time), Bureau of Economic Geology PIC KLE +1 512 565 8369 joseph.55.yeh@gmail.com |
Linda Young 24-25, Volunteer, Boucher, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences ROC +1 512 471 3434 lndmccall02@yahoo.com |
Michael Young Associate Dean, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences JGB +1 512 475 8830 michael.young@beg.utexas.edu |
Abdallah Zaki Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences JGB abdallah.zaki@jsg.utexas.edu |
Freddy Zamora CRESSLE Community Member - 12152024, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences EPS freddyzamorasr@gmail.com |
Brian Zavala Senior Systems Administrator, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences JGB brian@austin.utexas.edu |
Sally Zellers 24-25, Volunteer, Boucher, John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences ROC +1 512 471 3434 sarah.zellers@jsg.utexas.edu |