Wade L Aubin

Wade L Aubin
B.S., Geology, Humboldt State University, 1997
M.S., Geology, Washington State University, 2000
Ph.D., Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin, expected 2024


I study Volcanology and Igneous Petrology. My primary research interests are explosive volcanic eruptions and igneous petrogenesis in long-lived volcanic provinces.

Current Research Projects

Construction of obsidian during explosive-effusive eruptions: Insights from microlite crystals in obsidian pyroclasts

Thermal evolution and air entrainment in the fast-moving pyroclastic density currents from the Crater Lake culminating eruption

Heterogenous bubble nucleation in silicic melts

Past Research Projects

Late Pleistocene Glacial Sequence, Petrology, and Geochemistry of Ship Mountain, Siskiyou Mountains, Western Klamath Mountains, Northwestern California

Ignimbrites of the Deschutes Formation: A record of crustal melting and magma mixing

Denison, Rodger Espy “Tim” Endowment Fellowship - Jackson School of Geosciences (2024)

1st Place, Graduate Student Petrography Contest - Jackson School of Geosciences (2023)

Veterans Memorial Scholarship - Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists Foundation (2022)

2nd Place, Graduate Student Petrography Contest - Jackson School of Geosciences (2022)

Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award - Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin (2019)

Charles D. Campbell Endowment Award - Department of Geology, Washington State University (1999)

Student Research Grant - Geological Society of America (1999)

Outstanding Student Research Award - Geological Society of America (1999)

John Young Award (Best Senior Thesis) - Geology Department, Humboldt State University (1997)

Gregg Ranch Foundation Undergraduate Research Grant - Gregg Ranch Foundation (1996)

Coordinator, Lithosphere and Deep Earth Seminar Series, Jackson School of Geosciences (2023 - 2024)

Graduate Student Executive Committee, Treasurer, Professional Development Coordinator, (2020 - 2021)

Dynamics of explosive-effusive eruptions: clues from obsidian (invited lecture), American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA (2023)

Construction of obsidian during explosive-effusive eruptions, Lithosphere and Deep Earth Seminar Series, Jackson School of Geosciences (2023)

Investigating the thermal evolution and air entrainment in a fast-moving Pyroclastic Density Current, American Geophyiscal Union, Chicago, IL (2022)

What do microlites tell us about obsidian pyroclasts?, American Geophyiscal Union, 2021 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA (2021)

Crustal melting beneath the Oregon Cascade Range: The ignimbrite record, American Geophyiscal Union, San Francisco, CA (2000)

Progressive crustal melting recorded in the Deschutes Formation, north-central Oregon, Geological Society of America, Denver, CO (1999)

Petrology and geochemistry of a portion of the Trinity ultramafic sheet near Kangaroo Lake, Klamath Mountains, Northwestern California, GSA Cordilleran Section Meeting, Portland, OR (1996)