Energy Geosciences
From subsurface basin analysis and reservoir characterization to reservoir geophysics and energy policy, we focus on hydrocarbon energy research ranging from the traditional to the cutting-edge, as well as the environmental effects of resource extraction on water and land use.
Research in the Energy Geosciences theme focuses on the following subthemes:
- Basin Evolution & Thermal History Analysis
- Carbon Sequestration
- Energy Policy & Economics
- Exploration Geophysics
- Fluid Transport Through Porous Media
- Geothermal Energy
- Nanogeoscience
- Reservoir Characterization - Siliciclastics, Carbonates & Fractured Systems
- Reservoir Structure & Geomechanics
- Resource Assessment
- Salt Tectonics
- Subsurface Basin Analysis & Petroleum Systems
- Unconventional Resources
![]() | Peter B FlemingsStratigraphy, basin analysis, basin-scale fluid flow, pore pressures in seafloor sediments, submarine landslides, oil and gas migration, methane hydrates, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) |
Sergey FomelComputational and exploration geophysics; seismic imaging; wave propagation; seismic data analysis; inverse problems; geophysical estimation | |
![]() | Charles KeransCarbonate sequence stratigraphy, depositional systems, reservoir characterization, basin analysis, seismic interpretation, seismic stratigraphy, paleokarst analysis, carbonate diagenesis |
![]() | Richard A KetchamHigh-resolution X-ray computed tomography, CT scanning, 3D image analysis, fission-track dating, thermochronology, thermal history inversion, structural geology, tectonics, digital morphology, trabecular bone |
![]() | Luc L LavierTectonics; the structural and geodynamical evolution of continental and oceanic rifts, as well as collisional environments; numerical techniques to model tectonic processes on crustal and lithospheric scales; deformation; subduction |
![]() | Jung-Fu LinMineral physics, physics and chemistry of planetary materials, solid-Earth geophysics and geochemistry, high-pressure diamond anvil cell, X-ray and laser spectroscopy |
Marek LocmelisCritical minerals, economic geology, ore deposits, empirical and conceptual exploration targeting, translithospheric mass transfer, ethical and sustainable mining | |
![]() | David MohrigSedimentary Geology, Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, Geomorphology, Rivers, Deltas, Coastlines, Submarine Channels, Geohazards, Sediment-Gravity Currents, Sediment Transport, Seismic Interpretation, Basin Analysis |
![]() | Mrinal K SenSeismic wave propagation including anisotropy, geophysical inverse problems, earthquakes and earth structure, applied seismology, petroleum exploration including 4D seismology |
![]() | Kyle T SpikesExploration Geophysics, in particular rock physics applications and seismic inversion techniques for reservoir characterization. |
![]() | Nicola TisatoExperimental rock physics and rock mechanics. Digital Rock Physics. Speleology. Seismic wave attenuation, Physical properties of rocks, Wave-Induced-Phenomena, Genesis of caves and speleothems, Reservoir characterization, Nuclear waste management. |
![]() | Toti E LarsonGeochemist - 20 years of stable isotope geochemistry laboratory development (ThermoElectron GasBench, Conflo, MAT252, DeltaXL. 15 years of Gas Chromatography method development and automation (Agilent 6890 GC-MS), sample loop injection development, high temperature and cryogenic chromatography. 8 years of X-ray Fluorescence analysis (Bruker T5 handheld and benchtop units). Expert in a wide ... |
![]() | Kenneth W WisianGeothermal Geophysics, SETI, Exoplanets, Space Exploration, Disaster Response, Recovery & Resiliency, Military Technology Applications, International Affairs, Innovation, Curriculum Development |
Affiliated Faculty
![]() | Michael Pyrczgeological modeling, geostatistics, spatial statistics, data analytics, machine learning |
![]() | Robert E DickinsonClimate, Global Warming, Land Surface Processes, Remote Sensing, Hydrological Cycle, Carbon Cycle, and Modeling. |
![]() | William L FisherBasin analysis, sequence stratigraphy, depositional systems, petroleum geology, resource assessment, energy policy |
![]() | Paul L StoffaMultichannel seismic acquisition, signal processing, acoustic and elastic wave propagation, modeling and inversion of geophysical data |
![]() | Clark R WilsonGeophysics, including gravity, space geodesy, and applied seismology |
![]() | Fritz Palacios |
![]() | Qiqi WangResearch Wang’s research includes fundamental work on fracture pattern formation, methods to analysis patterns, clastic diagenesis, reservoir characterization, rock properties evaluation, and reservoir quality predictive modelling. Wang has expertise in petrography, scanning electron microscopy, fluid inclusion micro thermometry, field- and core-based fracture description, image log analysis, diagenetic and rock ... |
Shuo Zhang |
Research Scientists
![]() | Athma R BhandariExperimental rock mechanics Geotechnical laboratory testing Measurement of porosity and permeability in gas and oil shales Digital-image-based deformation measurements Microstructure characterization of soils and rocks Constitutive and numerical modeling of soils and rocks |
Shuvajit BhattacharyaPetrophysics, Formation Evaluation, Quantitative Seismic Interpretation, Machine Learning, Integrated Subsurface Characterization, Carbon Sequestration | |
![]() | Alejandro CardonaA well-rounded energy transition requires fundamental and applied research that addresses geomechanical and petrophysical behavior of geological porous materials. My current research has explored rocks and sediments (i) under extreme conditions (high pressure and stresses), (ii) saturated and interacting with complex fluids (hydrates), and (iii) subjected to localizations of all ... |
![]() | Ian J DuncanExpertise in geomechanic and geochemistry applied to: risks associated with CO2 sequestration; hydraulic fracturing for shale gas production; environmental impact of hydraulic fracturing; and the water-energy nexus. Current research focuses on the scientific, environmental and public policy aspects of unconventional natural gas production, the water-energy nexus, and carbon capture and ... |
Tingwei (Lucy) KoSource Rock Characterization Geochemistry (Organic, Biomarker, Gas Isotope) Mudrock Characterization Petrography, SEM | |
![]() | Kitty L MillikenPetrography and geochemistry of siliciclastic rocks; diagenesis; electron microbeam methods: X-ray mapping, cathodoluminescence imaging; micro-scale reservoir characterization |
![]() | Cornelia RasmussenPaleoecology, geobiology, geochemistry, geochronology, sedimentology |
![]() | Michael L Sweet |
![]() | Kenneth W WisianGeothermal Geophysics, SETI, Exoplanets, Space Exploration, Disaster Response, Recovery & Resiliency, Military Technology Applications, International Affairs, Innovation, Curriculum Development |
Research Staff
Mohsen AhmadianProgram Manager for the Advanced Energy Consortium Managing multidisciplinary nanosensor, miniaturized electronics, and smart materials research for the assessment of subsurface properties in various applications, including energy exploration, geothermal, CCUS, etc. | |
![]() | Robin D Dommisse3D geological interpretation and modeling - Integrated reservoir characterization - Petroleum Geology - Petroleum Engineering - Carbonate sequence stratigraphy - Conventional and unconventional reservoir exploration and development - Oil field exploration and production reservoir management - Petrophysics - Geostatistics - Reservoir simulation - Software development |
Raymond L EastwoodPetrophysics; mainly creation of core-calibrated interpretation models for well logs. | |
Sara Elliott | |
![]() | Kelly HattoriCarbonate sedimentology and stratigraphy, sequence stratigraphy, mixed carbonate-siliciclastic systems, salt-sediment interactions, reefs, ocean anoxic events and effect on carbonate deposition |
![]() | Thomas HessGeoscience software, anisotropic imaging, seismic processing, seismic geometry, deconvolution, problem solving. |
![]() | Jay P KipperPersonnel management, fiscal reporting, budget management, contract negotiation, management of geological samples |
Francis PeelSalt Tectonics Gulf of Mexico Seismic Interpretation Salt Deposition RIsk and probability in exploration Fold and Thrust Belts Deepwater systems | |
![]() | Robert M ReedMicrostructural analysis of rocks, particularly small-scale deformation structures and pores in mudrocks. |
![]() | Ramon TrevinoSequence stratigraphic interpretations (well logs, 3-D seismic), integrated reservoir characterization, subsurface correlation and mapping (using workstation and PC) and subsurface structural interpretation (using 3-D seismic), project management, CO2 sequestration |
![]() | Christopher K ZahmReservoir characterization, flow modeling in fractured reservoirs, porosity-permeability evolution |
Graduate Students
![]() | Tolulope AgbajeTolulope holds a B-Tech in Applied Geology from the Federal University of Technology Akure, an MS in Geology from Kansas State University, and is pursuing a Ph.D. in Geology at the Jackson School of Geosciences. His primary research centers on utilizing machine learning for pore pressure prediction. |
![]() | Abdulmajeed AlrefaeiI am an exploration geologist working for Saudi Aramco where I conduct surface studies of subsurface reservoirs. I worked within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on many different basins such as Tabuk basin, Central Arabia basin, Hail basin and Qasim basin. I am personally interested in the lower Paleozoic (Hirnantian) ... |
![]() | Taufik Al AminMy research work with Reservoir Characterization Research Laboratory (RCRL) - Bureau of Economic Geology, pertains to the examination of facies variability, mechanical stratigraphy, and their implications on the heterogeneity of natural and induced fractures in the upper Wolfcamp formation of mixed carbonate-siliciclastic fans, Permian, Delaware Basin. |
William S Bailey | |
Chiara Ballam | |
![]() | Sohini DasguptaI am a Ph.D. candidate focused on computational geophysics and machine learning, where I develop physics-driven carbon monitoring methods and surrogate models for carbon sequestration and storage. My interests include scientific computing, numerical algorithms, and rock physics, and I actively apply machine learning to tackle large-scale joint inversion problems. ... |
Cameron M deFabry | |
![]() | Dallas B DunlapQuantitative Clastics Laboratory, Geologic Subsurface Mapping, Deepwater Depositional Processes |
Hector K Garza | |
![]() | Shuhua HuI am a PhD Candidate in computational geophysics, interested in using numerical methods, scientific computing and machine learning to solve large-scale geophysical inverse problems. My previous experience includes land seismic data processing, seismic imaging R&D for anisotropic media. |
Mrittika KabirEnvironmental Conservation and Renewable Energy | |
![]() | Joshua MalonePhD candidate at the University of Texas at Austin studying deep-water carbonate depositional systems within the Pennsylvanian Bird Spring Formation in east-central California. My research integrates field-based sedimentologic/stratigraphic observations, 3D outcrop modeling, and provenance datasets (detrital zircon geochronology, petrography, and heavy mineral analysis) in order to understand how external ... |
![]() | Shirley T MensahShirley Mensah completed her BS in Geology and Professional Science Master's in Geographic Information Science and Cartography from Eastern Illinois University. After her graduation, she worked with various companies like Apple and Nicor Gas as a GIS Technician and Geospatial Analyst. Currently, she is a Ph.D. student working with ... |
![]() | Romal RamadhanRomal is a PhD student at the Jackson School of Geosciences. His research focuses on fluid flow in porous media and analytical and geomechanical modeling of subsurface energy storage, including geological carbon storage (GCS) and underground hydrogen storage (UHS). |
![]() | Sabrina A ReichertSabrina's work investigates and pursues solutions to processing challenges associated with seismic data from Alaska's North Slope, specifically Prudhoe Bay. Poor data infill and regional structural complexity necessitate more advanced methods of interpolation, among other techniques, to create an image that can be interpreted; moreover, the results of Sabrina's work ... |
![]() | Fernando M ReyMy research focus is to link the stratigraphic record with tectonic processes using geochronology and geochemical signatures. I am currently working on projects in southern Patagonia (Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Rocas Verdes Back-arc basin) and Japan (Neogene opening of the Sea of Japan).I am also interested in the dispersal of ... |
![]() | Akshika Rohatgi |
The Jackson School offers graduate level courses covering a wide range of subject areas in the Energy Geosciences ranging from depositional systems to geochemistry, reservoir structure and tectonics, and exploration geophysics. A course selection is listed below. Students frequently take additional courses in the Cockrell School of Engineering (Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering) and the McCombs School of Business. Please consult the online course schedule to determine when courses are offered.
Uses three-dimensional volumes of basin-filling stratigraphy to explore how depositional landscapes are preserved in the sedimentary record and how sedimentary deposits can be analyzed to produce quantitative reconstructions of past environmental states. Four lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
GEO 380N. Sequence Stratigraphy.
Organization and interpretation of stratigraphic successions in time-bounded units of genetically related strata. Sequence stratigraphy, as a predictive branch of stratigraphic analysis, provides insight into the origin of the entire spectrum of siliciclastic, carbonate, and evaporite sediments from shallow to deep settings. Laboratory component involves the interpretation of sequences using outcrop measured sections, core data, wireline log sections, field trips, and 2D and 3D seismic data from modern and ancient settings. Three lecture hours and one and one-half laboratory hours a week for one semester. Normally offered in the spring semester only. Prerequisite: Graduate standing, and Geological Sciences 416M and 465K or their equivalents.
GEO 380P. Advanced Reservoir Characterization: Carbonates.
Advanced instruction in the integration of geologic and engineering methods for building 3-D reservoir models of carbonate reservoirs. Four lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered in alternate years. Geological Sciences 380P and 391 (Topic: Advanced Reservoir Characteristics: Carbonates) may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
GEO 380R. Dynamics of Sedimentary Systems I.
Explores the fundamental concepts of transport systems at the Earth's surface, focusing on principles and quantitative aspects of fluid flow, sediment transport, and bedforms, as well as atmospheric and oceanic circulation, complex systems, and the integration of small-scale processes in developing quantitative stratigraphic models. Four lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
GEO 380S. Dynamics of Sedimentary Systems II.
Explores the fundamental concepts of transport systems at the Earth's surface, focusing on principles and quantitative aspects of fluid flow, sediment transport, and bedforms, as well as atmospheric and oceanic circulation, complex systems, and the integration of small-scale processes in developing quantitative stratigraphic models. Four lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and Geological Sciences 380R.
GEO 383. Clastic Depositional Systems.
River-, wave-, tide-, and gravity-driven processes are examined in modern depositional systems and considered in relation to sediment-flux, base-level, and autogenic changes. Application to the development of dynamic facies models and alluvial-shoreline-shelf-deepwater transitions in stratigraphic data. The equivalent of four lecture hours a week for one semester, including a four- to five-day field seminar. Normally offered in the fall semester only. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in geological sciences.
GEO 383S. Sedimentary Basin Analysis.
Quantitative and applied study of basin subsidence and sediment accumulation. The first half of the course considers theoretical basin evolution due to flexural, thermal, dynamic, and fault-related subsidence. The second half of the course involves in-depth analysis of selected basin systems and includes student research projects and presentations on assigned topics. Specific topics vary from year to year. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Normally offered in the spring semester only. Prerequisite: Graduate standing, and Geological Sciences 383 or the equivalent.
GEO 383T. Tectonic and Climatic Interactions in Foreland Basins.
Integration of recent advances in the understanding of modern and ancient foreland basin sedimentation, quantitative basin modeling, regional and global climate change, and the geometry and kinematics of fold-thrust belts. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.
GEO 383L. Petrography of Sandstones.
Interpretation of microscale features of sandstones to decipher the paleogeographic, tectonic, and postdepositional controls on sandstone composition and texture. Examines the effects of chemical and mechanical processes in the subsurface on sandstone properties, including porosity. Two lecture hours and three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Offered irregularly. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in geological sciences.
GEO 383M. Petrology of Carbonates and Evaporites.
Description and interpretation of carbonate and evaporite rock deposition and paragenesis. Essentials of petrology; petrography, including identification of grain types, cement types, recrystallization, and dolomitization; and porosity evolution. Global geochemical signals in carbonate sediments, and geochemical processes of early and late diagenesis. Three lecture hours and two laboratory hours a week for one semester. Offered irregularly. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
GEO 383N. Depositional Systems: Carbonates and Evaporites.
Analysis of carbonate and evaporite depositional systems from sedimentary structures, faunal and ichnofaunal associations, grain types, vertical and lateral facies successions within time-significant packages, and sediment body geometries. Three lecture hours and three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Offered irregularly. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.
GEO 383R. Reservoir Geology and Advanced Recovery.
Analysis of geologic controls on composition and architecture of oil and gas reservoirs, with emphasis on reservoir heterogeneity resulting from depositional and diagenetic processes. Geological and petrophysical determinants of fluid flows and behavior. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Normally offered in the fall semester only. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Graduate standing; and credit or registration for Geological Sciences 380N, 383, and 383N, or consent of instructor.
Origin of earth structures, solution of advanced structural problems, newest techniques, field techniques, and field problems. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Normally offered in the fall semester only. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.
GEO 381E. Brittle Structure.
Quantitative analysis of folding, faulting, and fracturing at all scales in the upper crust, with emphasis on cross-section construction, subsurface mapping, and fracture analysis. Three lecture hours a week for one semester, and several field trips. Normally offered in the spring semester only, in alternate years. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and a course in structural geology.
GEO 381K. Tectonic Problems.
Origin of regional structural features, complex and controversial structures; tectonic control of ore deposits. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered irregularly. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in geological sciences and consent of instructor.
GEO 381T. Marine Tectonics.
Tectonic processes within the dynamic Earth, with a focus on oceanic structures. Subjects may include fundamentals of plate tectonics; plate motion, driving forces, and mantle convection; evolution of triple junction and plate margins; plate reconstructions; earthquakes and focal mechanisms; structure and geochemistry of the Earth's interior; mantle structure and tomography; rheology and deformation mechanisms in mantle and crust; heat flow, gravity, the geoid, and paleomagnetism; hotspots and mantle plumes; seafloor spreading and oceanic spreading ridges; oceanic transform faults and fracture zones; and subduction zones, volcanic island arcs, and marginal seas. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Normally offered in the spring semester only. Only one of the following may be counted: Geological Sciences 338T, 371C (Topic: Tectonics I), 381T, 391 (Topic: Tectonics I). May not be substituted for any required geological sciences course. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in geological sciences, or graduate standing and consent of instructor.
GEO 382T. Continental Tectonics.
Tectonic processes, with a focus on continental lithospheric structures. Subjects may include convergent margins, subduction zones, magmatic arcs, and foreland structures; collisional orogenesis, arc-continent collisions, continent-continent collision, and mountain building; formation of supercontinents; uplift and exhumation; orogenic collapse and extensional tectonics; continental rifting and passive margins; transform margins; and the effect of tectonics on climate and oceanic circulation. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Normally offered in the fall semester only. Only one of the following may be counted: Geological Sciences 339T, 371C (Topic: Tectonics II), 382T, 391 (Topic: Tectonics II). May not be substituted for any required geological sciences course. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in geological sciences, or graduate standing and consent of instructor.
GEO 388R. Radiogenic Isotopes and Tectonic Processes.
Application of radiogenic isotopes to tectonic problems. Particular attention is given to methods and tools in thermochronology and geochronology for understanding thermal histories, uplift rates, slip rates, timing relationships, landform development, and provenance. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered in alternate years. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
GEO 391D. Regional Tectonics.
Development of tectonic theory culminating in the new global tectonics, and application of theory to selected orogenic areas. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered irregularly. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in geological sciences.
GEO 348k/397F Marine Geology and Geophysics Field Course
Field course designed to provide hands-on instruction for graduate and upper-level undergraduate students in the collection and processing of marine geological and geophysical (MG&G) data. The course covers high-resolution air gun and streamer seismic reflection, CHIRP seismic reflection, multibeam bathymetry, sidescan sonar, sediment coring, grab sampling and the sedimentology of resulting seabed samples (e.g., core description, grain size analysis, x-radiography, etc.) Scientific and technical experts in each of the techniques first provide students classroom instruction. The class then travels to the Gulf Coast for a week of at-sea field work as well as on-shore lab work. Two small research vessels are used concurrently: one for multibeam bathymetry, sidescan sonar, and sediment sampling, and the other for high-resolution seismic reflection and CHIRP sub-bottom profiling. Students rotate daily between the two vessels and lab work. Upon returning to Austin, students, working in teams, are expected to integrate the techniques into a final project that examines the geologic history and/or sedimentary processes as typified by a small area of the Gulf Coast continental shelf. This class satisfies field experience requirements for some degree programs. Enrollment is limited to 12 students.
GEO 191 - Topics in Marine Geology and Geophysics
"Topics in Marine Geology and Geophysics" is tailored to graduate students researching active plate boundaries, with an emphasis on marine geophysical and geological data (seismic, potential field, bathymetric, geological sample, and other relevant data) from rifting and passive margins, mid-ocean ridges, and convergent margins. However, the course is open to all graduate-level geologists and geophysicists. The primary goal of the class is to use the literature to equip students with an ability to efficiently read a scientific paper, and recognize the relative importance, roots, and possible future impact of the paper. Each student and lecturer will be responsible for mediating discussions with appropriate materials, including original research. A secondary goal is to provide a community-building forum for marine geology and geophysics students where they can discuss their original research and other goals.
Vectors and matrices, linear algebra, complex variables and contour integration, integral transforms, partial differential equations of geophysics (Laplace, Poisson, and acoustic wave equations), and simple solutions. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Normally offered in the fall semester only. Geological Sciences 366M and 380J may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
GEO 382M. Programming in FORTRAN and MATLAB.
FORTRAN for students without knowledge of a computer programming language: survey of all variable types, loops, arrays, subroutines, and functions; overview of UNIX and MATLAB. Two lecture hours and two laboratory hours a week for one semester. Normally offered in the spring semester only. Geological Sciences 382M and 391 (Topic: Programming in FORTRAN and MATLAB) may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Graduate standing, and Mathematics 408D or the equivalent.
GEO 383D. Numerical Methods I: Computational Methods in Geological Sciences.
A survey of geophysical data analysis methods, with a focus on time series, including sampling and aliasing, convolution and correlation, statistics, linear digital filters, properties and applications of the discrete Fourier transform, and least squares. Instruction in MATLAB and Fortran and solution of data analysis problems using these two languages. Two lecture hours and two laboratory hours a week for one semester. Normally offered in the fall semester only. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
GEO 383P. Potential Field Applications in Geophysics.
Introduction to the theory, measurement, and application of gravity and magnetic and electric fields to exploration and global-scale problems. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Normally offered in the spring semester only. Geological Sciences 365P and 383P may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
GEO 384C. Seismology I.
GEO 384C and GEO 465K provide an introduction to exploration seismology intended for first year graduate students with a minimal exposure to exploration geophysics. Three lecture hours and two laboratory hours a week for one semester. Normally offered in the fall semester only. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
GEO 384F. Computational Methods for Geophysics.
Numerical methods for solution of partial differential equations arising in continuum geophysics and geodynamics. Focuses on finite element methods and their application to heat conduction, viscous flow, wave propagation, and transport problems in geophysics. Four lecture hours a week for one semester. Geological Sciences 384F and 391 (Topic: Computational Methods for Geophysics) may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.
GEO 384G. Subsurface Mapping and Petroleum Workstations.
Introduction to basin analysis, subsurface mapping, and petroleum exploration using a workstation. Subjects may include common tectonic settings of petroleum basins, seismic stratigraphy, structural styles, and petroleum systems. Workstation techniques include well log editing, lithology interpretation, correlation of tectonic events, integration of seismic and subsurface well data, interpretation of two- and three-dimensional seismic reflection data and structure, and isopach and seismic attribute mapping. Four lecture hours a week for one semester. Geological Sciences 384G and 391 (Topic: Introduction to Petroleum Workstations) may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.
GEO 384M. Inverse Theory.
Vector spaces; model parameter estimation methods from inaccurate, insufficient, and inadequate measurements; linear, quasi-linear, and highly non-linear problems; local and global optimization methods. Emphasis on practical problem solving. Three lecture hours and two laboratory hours a week for one semester. Normally offered in the spring semester only, in alternate years. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and knowledge of linear algebra, basic calculus, and statistics.
GEO 384N. Rock Physics.
Focuses on how rocks, pore fluids, and physical conditions of temperature, stress, diagenesis, and geological processes impact wave propagation, with an emphasis on how laboratory and theoretical results can be applied to field data. Presentation of case studies that outline strategies for seismic interpretation, site characterization, and recovery monitoring. Upscaling seismic and rock properties from the laboratory scale to borehole and reservoir scales. Multidisciplinary approaches to combination of geostatistical and stochastic methods, seismic-to-rock property transforms, and geologic information for reservoir characterization. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Geological Sciences 384N and 391 (Topic: Rock Physics) may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
GEO 384R. Geophysical Time Series Analysis.
Surveys the following topics in time series analysis with geophysical applications: Fourier transforms, linear digital filters and their design, frequency domain analysis methods (power and coherence spectrum estimation), least squares and related methods with time series applications. MATLAB is used extensively. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Graduate standing, and Geological Sciences 325K or 383D or the equivalent.
GEO 384U. Quantitative Seismic Interpretation.
Seismic inversion, a tool for reservoir characterization, post- and pre-stack modeling, rock physics and fluid replacement modeling, wavelet estimation and post-stack inversion, AVO and pre-stack inversion, multiattribute regression and neural network, and net pay estimation. Extensive hands-on training with three-dimensional seismic and well-log data. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Normally offered in the spring semester only, in alternate years. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
GEO 384W. Seismic Imaging.
Seismic reflection imaging for visualizing the interior of Earth's upper crust. Study of fundamental imaging concepts from a unified geometrical point of view. Hands-on practical experience with imaging seismic data in an open-source software environment. Three lecture hours and one laboratory hour a week for one semester. Normally offered in the fall semester only, in alternate years. Geological Sciences 384W and 391 (Topic: Wavefield Imaging) may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Graduate standing; programming experience and familiarity with seismology are helpful.
GEO 390D. Seismology III.
Advanced treatment of elastic wave propagation in heterogeneous anisotropic media, vectors and tensors, Christoffel equation, group and phase velocities, invariant embedding (reflectivity), finite difference, finite elements, and spectral elements. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Normally offered in the spring semester only, in alternate years. Prerequisite: Graduate standing, and Geological Sciences 380F or the equivalent.
GEO 391 Multidimensional Data Analysis in Geosciences
Multidimensional analysis of digital geoscience datasets from different sources (seismic, satellite, bathymetry, CT- scan, etc.) using an open-source software environment. This BYOD ("bring your own data") course addresses the first steps of multidimensional data analysis. How does one extract predictable patterns from the data? Is it possible to reconstruct missing data? What is signal and what is noise and how to separate them?
GEO 185G. Geophysics Colloquium.
Open to non-geological sciences majors, but registration priority is given to geological sciences majors. Exploration of a variety of problems in modern geophysics. Two lecture hours a week for one semester, and at least one weekend field trip. Geological Sciences 185G and 194 (Topic: Geophysics Colloquium) may not both be counted. May be repeated for credit. Offered on the credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
Designed to provide a technical foundation for exploring how fluids drive fundamental geologic processes in sedimentary basins. Includes characterizing pressure and stress in sedimentary basins, exploring the origin of overpressure through theory and characterization, and examining how pressure and stress couple. Problems include how sedimentation generates overpressure, how hydrocarbons are trapped in the subsurface, how mud volcanoes form, how submarine landslides are generated, and the origin of methane hydrates. Three lecture hours per week for one semester, with a four-day field trip to be arranged during spring break. Normally offered during the spring semester. Geological Sciences 382D and 391 (Topic: Crustal Fluids) may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
GEO 382F. Fractured Rock Hydrology and Mechanics.
Introduction to the physics of flow in fractured rocks and soils; fracture mechanics; fracture skins; analysis of solute transport; and methods of characterizing and modeling fractured systems. Class field trips are an integral part of the class. Three lecture hours a week for one semester, with field trips to be arranged. Offered irregularly. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in geological sciences and consent of instructor. Previous coursework in hydrogeology (such as Geological Sciences 476K or the equivalent) and mathematics (such as Mathematics 427K or the equivalent) is recommended.
GEO 382G. Fluid Physics for Geologists.
Flow and transport phenomena within an earth science context. Includes extensive use of Maple, MATLAB, and COMSOL Multiphysics. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Normally offered in the spring semester only, in alternate years. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in geological sciences or graduate standing and consent of instructor; and Geological Sciences 346C or 391C, 383D or 383E, and Mathematics 408D, 408L, or 427K.
GEO 383G. Geochemistry of Sedimentary Rocks.
The hydrologic cycle, the early diagenesis, carbonate sediments, chemical sediments, and burial processes. Three lecture hours a week for one semester, with laboratory hours to be arranged. Offered irregularly. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
GEO 388L. Isotope Geology.
Relation of isotope fractionation to earth processes; age determinations from ratios of unstable isotopes to daughter products; techniques of mass spectrometry. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Normally offered in the fall semester only. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.
GEO 390M. Thermodynamics of Geologic Processes.
Applications of physical chemistry to natural systems; interactions of minerals, solutions, and the atmosphere. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered in alternate years. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.
GEO 390R. Analytical Methods: Electron-Microbeam Techniques.
An introduction to electron-microbeam instruments and their applications in the earth sciences. Lectures on relevant theory and concepts are supplemented by hands-on experience. Two lecture hours and three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in geological sciences or graduate standing and consent of instructor.
GEO 390S. Analytical Methods: Mass Spectrometry.
An introduction to mass spectrometers and their applications in the earth sciences. Lectures on relevant theory and concepts are supplemented by hands-on experience. Two lecture hours and three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in geological sciences or graduate standing and consent of instructor.
Geologic evolution of a region, with emphasis on factors that control the origin of selected mineral resources. Study area varies according to the interests of participants and other factors. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Normally offered in the spring semester only. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.
GEO 386R. Geology of Earth Resources.
Same as Energy and Earth Resources 396 (Topic 5: Geology of Earth Resources). Study of geologic, economic, societal, and environmental issues related to the production and consumption of energy, metal, industrial mineral, and water resources. Emphasizes the descriptive geology and origin of earth resources within the context of their overall geologic settings. Three lecture hours and one laboratory hour a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Energy and Earth Resources 396 (Topic: Geology of Earth Resources), 396 (Topic 5), Geological Sciences 386R, 391 (Topic: Geology of Earth Resources). May not be counted toward a graduate degree in geological sciences or petroleum engineering. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
GEO 391 Advances in Unconventional Shale Gas Resources
Overview over shale gas and mudrocks, and the major differences between "conventional" and "unconventional" reservoirs. The course is suitable for students in both geosciences and petroleum engineering programs. Graduate students, engineers and geologist in industry alike can learn and develop a useful knowledge base from this course on cutting-edge subjects dealing with gas and liquid production from mudrock/shale gas systems.
PGE 322K. Transport Phenomena in Geosystems.
Applications of mass, heat, and momentum balances to fluid flow problems; shell balances; non-Newtonian fluids; transport processes through permeable media. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Engineering Mechanics 306 and Mathematics 427K with a grade of at least C- in each.
PGE 334. Reservoir Geomechanics.
Basic stress and strain analysis; pore pressure and in situ stress estimation and measurement; deformation mechanisms in rock; rock fracture description and analysis; wellbore stresses and failure; wellbore stability analysis; fault stability analysis; depletion-induced reservoir deformation; and hydraulic fracturing. Emphasis on applications to petroleum engineering. Two lecture hours and three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering 432 and 334 may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Engineering Mechanics 319, Geological Sciences 416M, and admission to the major sequence.
PGE 337. Introduction to Geostatistics.
Basic probability and statistics, study of correlated variables, statistical interpolation and simulation, and global optimization. Emphasis is on the ways the results of these procedures are related to geology and fluid flow. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: For petroleum engineering majors, Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering 310, Mathematics 408D or the equivalent, and admission to the major sequence; for others, Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering 210, and Mathematics 408D or the equivalent.
PGE 368. Fundamentals of Well Logging.
Principles, applications, and interpretation of well logs as used in exploration and evaluation of subsurface formations. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Geological Sciences 416M and Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering 424, and admission to an appropriate major sequence in engineering or consent of instructor.
Geological Sciences
Sedimentary Petrology, Sedimentology, and Stratigraphy
GEO 380G. Construction and Interpretation of 3-D Stratigraphy.Uses three-dimensional volumes of basin-filling stratigraphy to explore how depositional landscapes are preserved in the sedimentary record and how sedimentary deposits can be analyzed to produce quantitative reconstructions of past environmental states. Four lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
GEO 380N. Sequence Stratigraphy.
Organization and interpretation of stratigraphic successions in time-bounded units of genetically related strata. Sequence stratigraphy, as a predictive branch of stratigraphic analysis, provides insight into the origin of the entire spectrum of siliciclastic, carbonate, and evaporite sediments from shallow to deep settings. Laboratory component involves the interpretation of sequences using outcrop measured sections, core data, wireline log sections, field trips, and 2D and 3D seismic data from modern and ancient settings. Three lecture hours and one and one-half laboratory hours a week for one semester. Normally offered in the spring semester only. Prerequisite: Graduate standing, and Geological Sciences 416M and 465K or their equivalents.
GEO 380P. Advanced Reservoir Characterization: Carbonates.
Advanced instruction in the integration of geologic and engineering methods for building 3-D reservoir models of carbonate reservoirs. Four lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered in alternate years. Geological Sciences 380P and 391 (Topic: Advanced Reservoir Characteristics: Carbonates) may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
GEO 380R. Dynamics of Sedimentary Systems I.
Explores the fundamental concepts of transport systems at the Earth's surface, focusing on principles and quantitative aspects of fluid flow, sediment transport, and bedforms, as well as atmospheric and oceanic circulation, complex systems, and the integration of small-scale processes in developing quantitative stratigraphic models. Four lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
GEO 380S. Dynamics of Sedimentary Systems II.
Explores the fundamental concepts of transport systems at the Earth's surface, focusing on principles and quantitative aspects of fluid flow, sediment transport, and bedforms, as well as atmospheric and oceanic circulation, complex systems, and the integration of small-scale processes in developing quantitative stratigraphic models. Four lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and Geological Sciences 380R.
GEO 383. Clastic Depositional Systems.
River-, wave-, tide-, and gravity-driven processes are examined in modern depositional systems and considered in relation to sediment-flux, base-level, and autogenic changes. Application to the development of dynamic facies models and alluvial-shoreline-shelf-deepwater transitions in stratigraphic data. The equivalent of four lecture hours a week for one semester, including a four- to five-day field seminar. Normally offered in the fall semester only. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in geological sciences.
GEO 383S. Sedimentary Basin Analysis.
Quantitative and applied study of basin subsidence and sediment accumulation. The first half of the course considers theoretical basin evolution due to flexural, thermal, dynamic, and fault-related subsidence. The second half of the course involves in-depth analysis of selected basin systems and includes student research projects and presentations on assigned topics. Specific topics vary from year to year. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Normally offered in the spring semester only. Prerequisite: Graduate standing, and Geological Sciences 383 or the equivalent.
GEO 383T. Tectonic and Climatic Interactions in Foreland Basins.
Integration of recent advances in the understanding of modern and ancient foreland basin sedimentation, quantitative basin modeling, regional and global climate change, and the geometry and kinematics of fold-thrust belts. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.
GEO 383L. Petrography of Sandstones.
Interpretation of microscale features of sandstones to decipher the paleogeographic, tectonic, and postdepositional controls on sandstone composition and texture. Examines the effects of chemical and mechanical processes in the subsurface on sandstone properties, including porosity. Two lecture hours and three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Offered irregularly. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in geological sciences.
GEO 383M. Petrology of Carbonates and Evaporites.
Description and interpretation of carbonate and evaporite rock deposition and paragenesis. Essentials of petrology; petrography, including identification of grain types, cement types, recrystallization, and dolomitization; and porosity evolution. Global geochemical signals in carbonate sediments, and geochemical processes of early and late diagenesis. Three lecture hours and two laboratory hours a week for one semester. Offered irregularly. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
GEO 383N. Depositional Systems: Carbonates and Evaporites.
Analysis of carbonate and evaporite depositional systems from sedimentary structures, faunal and ichnofaunal associations, grain types, vertical and lateral facies successions within time-significant packages, and sediment body geometries. Three lecture hours and three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Offered irregularly. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.
GEO 383R. Reservoir Geology and Advanced Recovery.
Analysis of geologic controls on composition and architecture of oil and gas reservoirs, with emphasis on reservoir heterogeneity resulting from depositional and diagenetic processes. Geological and petrophysical determinants of fluid flows and behavior. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Normally offered in the fall semester only. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Graduate standing; and credit or registration for Geological Sciences 380N, 383, and 383N, or consent of instructor.
Reservoir structure and tectonics
GEO 380C. Advanced Structural Geology.Origin of earth structures, solution of advanced structural problems, newest techniques, field techniques, and field problems. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Normally offered in the fall semester only. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.
GEO 381E. Brittle Structure.
Quantitative analysis of folding, faulting, and fracturing at all scales in the upper crust, with emphasis on cross-section construction, subsurface mapping, and fracture analysis. Three lecture hours a week for one semester, and several field trips. Normally offered in the spring semester only, in alternate years. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and a course in structural geology.
GEO 381K. Tectonic Problems.
Origin of regional structural features, complex and controversial structures; tectonic control of ore deposits. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered irregularly. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in geological sciences and consent of instructor.
GEO 381T. Marine Tectonics.
Tectonic processes within the dynamic Earth, with a focus on oceanic structures. Subjects may include fundamentals of plate tectonics; plate motion, driving forces, and mantle convection; evolution of triple junction and plate margins; plate reconstructions; earthquakes and focal mechanisms; structure and geochemistry of the Earth's interior; mantle structure and tomography; rheology and deformation mechanisms in mantle and crust; heat flow, gravity, the geoid, and paleomagnetism; hotspots and mantle plumes; seafloor spreading and oceanic spreading ridges; oceanic transform faults and fracture zones; and subduction zones, volcanic island arcs, and marginal seas. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Normally offered in the spring semester only. Only one of the following may be counted: Geological Sciences 338T, 371C (Topic: Tectonics I), 381T, 391 (Topic: Tectonics I). May not be substituted for any required geological sciences course. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in geological sciences, or graduate standing and consent of instructor.
GEO 382T. Continental Tectonics.
Tectonic processes, with a focus on continental lithospheric structures. Subjects may include convergent margins, subduction zones, magmatic arcs, and foreland structures; collisional orogenesis, arc-continent collisions, continent-continent collision, and mountain building; formation of supercontinents; uplift and exhumation; orogenic collapse and extensional tectonics; continental rifting and passive margins; transform margins; and the effect of tectonics on climate and oceanic circulation. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Normally offered in the fall semester only. Only one of the following may be counted: Geological Sciences 339T, 371C (Topic: Tectonics II), 382T, 391 (Topic: Tectonics II). May not be substituted for any required geological sciences course. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in geological sciences, or graduate standing and consent of instructor.
GEO 388R. Radiogenic Isotopes and Tectonic Processes.
Application of radiogenic isotopes to tectonic problems. Particular attention is given to methods and tools in thermochronology and geochronology for understanding thermal histories, uplift rates, slip rates, timing relationships, landform development, and provenance. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered in alternate years. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
GEO 391D. Regional Tectonics.
Development of tectonic theory culminating in the new global tectonics, and application of theory to selected orogenic areas. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered irregularly. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in geological sciences.
GEO 348k/397F Marine Geology and Geophysics Field Course
Field course designed to provide hands-on instruction for graduate and upper-level undergraduate students in the collection and processing of marine geological and geophysical (MG&G) data. The course covers high-resolution air gun and streamer seismic reflection, CHIRP seismic reflection, multibeam bathymetry, sidescan sonar, sediment coring, grab sampling and the sedimentology of resulting seabed samples (e.g., core description, grain size analysis, x-radiography, etc.) Scientific and technical experts in each of the techniques first provide students classroom instruction. The class then travels to the Gulf Coast for a week of at-sea field work as well as on-shore lab work. Two small research vessels are used concurrently: one for multibeam bathymetry, sidescan sonar, and sediment sampling, and the other for high-resolution seismic reflection and CHIRP sub-bottom profiling. Students rotate daily between the two vessels and lab work. Upon returning to Austin, students, working in teams, are expected to integrate the techniques into a final project that examines the geologic history and/or sedimentary processes as typified by a small area of the Gulf Coast continental shelf. This class satisfies field experience requirements for some degree programs. Enrollment is limited to 12 students.
GEO 191 - Topics in Marine Geology and Geophysics
"Topics in Marine Geology and Geophysics" is tailored to graduate students researching active plate boundaries, with an emphasis on marine geophysical and geological data (seismic, potential field, bathymetric, geological sample, and other relevant data) from rifting and passive margins, mid-ocean ridges, and convergent margins. However, the course is open to all graduate-level geologists and geophysicists. The primary goal of the class is to use the literature to equip students with an ability to efficiently read a scientific paper, and recognize the relative importance, roots, and possible future impact of the paper. Each student and lecturer will be responsible for mediating discussions with appropriate materials, including original research. A secondary goal is to provide a community-building forum for marine geology and geophysics students where they can discuss their original research and other goals.
Exploration Geophysics/Seismology
GEO 380J. Mathematical Methods in Geophysics.Vectors and matrices, linear algebra, complex variables and contour integration, integral transforms, partial differential equations of geophysics (Laplace, Poisson, and acoustic wave equations), and simple solutions. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Normally offered in the fall semester only. Geological Sciences 366M and 380J may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
GEO 382M. Programming in FORTRAN and MATLAB.
FORTRAN for students without knowledge of a computer programming language: survey of all variable types, loops, arrays, subroutines, and functions; overview of UNIX and MATLAB. Two lecture hours and two laboratory hours a week for one semester. Normally offered in the spring semester only. Geological Sciences 382M and 391 (Topic: Programming in FORTRAN and MATLAB) may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Graduate standing, and Mathematics 408D or the equivalent.
GEO 383D. Numerical Methods I: Computational Methods in Geological Sciences.
A survey of geophysical data analysis methods, with a focus on time series, including sampling and aliasing, convolution and correlation, statistics, linear digital filters, properties and applications of the discrete Fourier transform, and least squares. Instruction in MATLAB and Fortran and solution of data analysis problems using these two languages. Two lecture hours and two laboratory hours a week for one semester. Normally offered in the fall semester only. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
GEO 383P. Potential Field Applications in Geophysics.
Introduction to the theory, measurement, and application of gravity and magnetic and electric fields to exploration and global-scale problems. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Normally offered in the spring semester only. Geological Sciences 365P and 383P may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
GEO 384C. Seismology I.
GEO 384C and GEO 465K provide an introduction to exploration seismology intended for first year graduate students with a minimal exposure to exploration geophysics. Three lecture hours and two laboratory hours a week for one semester. Normally offered in the fall semester only. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
GEO 384F. Computational Methods for Geophysics.
Numerical methods for solution of partial differential equations arising in continuum geophysics and geodynamics. Focuses on finite element methods and their application to heat conduction, viscous flow, wave propagation, and transport problems in geophysics. Four lecture hours a week for one semester. Geological Sciences 384F and 391 (Topic: Computational Methods for Geophysics) may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.
GEO 384G. Subsurface Mapping and Petroleum Workstations.
Introduction to basin analysis, subsurface mapping, and petroleum exploration using a workstation. Subjects may include common tectonic settings of petroleum basins, seismic stratigraphy, structural styles, and petroleum systems. Workstation techniques include well log editing, lithology interpretation, correlation of tectonic events, integration of seismic and subsurface well data, interpretation of two- and three-dimensional seismic reflection data and structure, and isopach and seismic attribute mapping. Four lecture hours a week for one semester. Geological Sciences 384G and 391 (Topic: Introduction to Petroleum Workstations) may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.
GEO 384M. Inverse Theory.
Vector spaces; model parameter estimation methods from inaccurate, insufficient, and inadequate measurements; linear, quasi-linear, and highly non-linear problems; local and global optimization methods. Emphasis on practical problem solving. Three lecture hours and two laboratory hours a week for one semester. Normally offered in the spring semester only, in alternate years. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and knowledge of linear algebra, basic calculus, and statistics.
GEO 384N. Rock Physics.
Focuses on how rocks, pore fluids, and physical conditions of temperature, stress, diagenesis, and geological processes impact wave propagation, with an emphasis on how laboratory and theoretical results can be applied to field data. Presentation of case studies that outline strategies for seismic interpretation, site characterization, and recovery monitoring. Upscaling seismic and rock properties from the laboratory scale to borehole and reservoir scales. Multidisciplinary approaches to combination of geostatistical and stochastic methods, seismic-to-rock property transforms, and geologic information for reservoir characterization. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Geological Sciences 384N and 391 (Topic: Rock Physics) may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
GEO 384R. Geophysical Time Series Analysis.
Surveys the following topics in time series analysis with geophysical applications: Fourier transforms, linear digital filters and their design, frequency domain analysis methods (power and coherence spectrum estimation), least squares and related methods with time series applications. MATLAB is used extensively. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Graduate standing, and Geological Sciences 325K or 383D or the equivalent.
GEO 384U. Quantitative Seismic Interpretation.
Seismic inversion, a tool for reservoir characterization, post- and pre-stack modeling, rock physics and fluid replacement modeling, wavelet estimation and post-stack inversion, AVO and pre-stack inversion, multiattribute regression and neural network, and net pay estimation. Extensive hands-on training with three-dimensional seismic and well-log data. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Normally offered in the spring semester only, in alternate years. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
GEO 384W. Seismic Imaging.
Seismic reflection imaging for visualizing the interior of Earth's upper crust. Study of fundamental imaging concepts from a unified geometrical point of view. Hands-on practical experience with imaging seismic data in an open-source software environment. Three lecture hours and one laboratory hour a week for one semester. Normally offered in the fall semester only, in alternate years. Geological Sciences 384W and 391 (Topic: Wavefield Imaging) may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Graduate standing; programming experience and familiarity with seismology are helpful.
GEO 390D. Seismology III.
Advanced treatment of elastic wave propagation in heterogeneous anisotropic media, vectors and tensors, Christoffel equation, group and phase velocities, invariant embedding (reflectivity), finite difference, finite elements, and spectral elements. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Normally offered in the spring semester only, in alternate years. Prerequisite: Graduate standing, and Geological Sciences 380F or the equivalent.
GEO 391 Multidimensional Data Analysis in Geosciences
Multidimensional analysis of digital geoscience datasets from different sources (seismic, satellite, bathymetry, CT- scan, etc.) using an open-source software environment. This BYOD ("bring your own data") course addresses the first steps of multidimensional data analysis. How does one extract predictable patterns from the data? Is it possible to reconstruct missing data? What is signal and what is noise and how to separate them?
GEO 185G. Geophysics Colloquium.
Open to non-geological sciences majors, but registration priority is given to geological sciences majors. Exploration of a variety of problems in modern geophysics. Two lecture hours a week for one semester, and at least one weekend field trip. Geological Sciences 185G and 194 (Topic: Geophysics Colloquium) may not both be counted. May be repeated for credit. Offered on the credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
Geochemistry, Geofluids, Petroleum Systems
GEO 382D. Crustal Geofluids.Designed to provide a technical foundation for exploring how fluids drive fundamental geologic processes in sedimentary basins. Includes characterizing pressure and stress in sedimentary basins, exploring the origin of overpressure through theory and characterization, and examining how pressure and stress couple. Problems include how sedimentation generates overpressure, how hydrocarbons are trapped in the subsurface, how mud volcanoes form, how submarine landslides are generated, and the origin of methane hydrates. Three lecture hours per week for one semester, with a four-day field trip to be arranged during spring break. Normally offered during the spring semester. Geological Sciences 382D and 391 (Topic: Crustal Fluids) may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
GEO 382F. Fractured Rock Hydrology and Mechanics.
Introduction to the physics of flow in fractured rocks and soils; fracture mechanics; fracture skins; analysis of solute transport; and methods of characterizing and modeling fractured systems. Class field trips are an integral part of the class. Three lecture hours a week for one semester, with field trips to be arranged. Offered irregularly. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in geological sciences and consent of instructor. Previous coursework in hydrogeology (such as Geological Sciences 476K or the equivalent) and mathematics (such as Mathematics 427K or the equivalent) is recommended.
GEO 382G. Fluid Physics for Geologists.
Flow and transport phenomena within an earth science context. Includes extensive use of Maple, MATLAB, and COMSOL Multiphysics. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Normally offered in the spring semester only, in alternate years. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in geological sciences or graduate standing and consent of instructor; and Geological Sciences 346C or 391C, 383D or 383E, and Mathematics 408D, 408L, or 427K.
GEO 383G. Geochemistry of Sedimentary Rocks.
The hydrologic cycle, the early diagenesis, carbonate sediments, chemical sediments, and burial processes. Three lecture hours a week for one semester, with laboratory hours to be arranged. Offered irregularly. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
GEO 388L. Isotope Geology.
Relation of isotope fractionation to earth processes; age determinations from ratios of unstable isotopes to daughter products; techniques of mass spectrometry. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Normally offered in the fall semester only. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.
GEO 390M. Thermodynamics of Geologic Processes.
Applications of physical chemistry to natural systems; interactions of minerals, solutions, and the atmosphere. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered in alternate years. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.
GEO 390R. Analytical Methods: Electron-Microbeam Techniques.
An introduction to electron-microbeam instruments and their applications in the earth sciences. Lectures on relevant theory and concepts are supplemented by hands-on experience. Two lecture hours and three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in geological sciences or graduate standing and consent of instructor.
GEO 390S. Analytical Methods: Mass Spectrometry.
An introduction to mass spectrometers and their applications in the earth sciences. Lectures on relevant theory and concepts are supplemented by hands-on experience. Two lecture hours and three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in geological sciences or graduate standing and consent of instructor.
Resource Geology
GEO 381R. Regional Studies in Mineral Resources Geology.Geologic evolution of a region, with emphasis on factors that control the origin of selected mineral resources. Study area varies according to the interests of participants and other factors. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Normally offered in the spring semester only. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.
GEO 386R. Geology of Earth Resources.
Same as Energy and Earth Resources 396 (Topic 5: Geology of Earth Resources). Study of geologic, economic, societal, and environmental issues related to the production and consumption of energy, metal, industrial mineral, and water resources. Emphasizes the descriptive geology and origin of earth resources within the context of their overall geologic settings. Three lecture hours and one laboratory hour a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Energy and Earth Resources 396 (Topic: Geology of Earth Resources), 396 (Topic 5), Geological Sciences 386R, 391 (Topic: Geology of Earth Resources). May not be counted toward a graduate degree in geological sciences or petroleum engineering. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
GEO 391 Advances in Unconventional Shale Gas Resources
Overview over shale gas and mudrocks, and the major differences between "conventional" and "unconventional" reservoirs. The course is suitable for students in both geosciences and petroleum engineering programs. Graduate students, engineers and geologist in industry alike can learn and develop a useful knowledge base from this course on cutting-edge subjects dealing with gas and liquid production from mudrock/shale gas systems.
Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering
PGE 322K. Transport Phenomena in Geosystems.
Applications of mass, heat, and momentum balances to fluid flow problems; shell balances; non-Newtonian fluids; transport processes through permeable media. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Engineering Mechanics 306 and Mathematics 427K with a grade of at least C- in each.
PGE 334. Reservoir Geomechanics.
Basic stress and strain analysis; pore pressure and in situ stress estimation and measurement; deformation mechanisms in rock; rock fracture description and analysis; wellbore stresses and failure; wellbore stability analysis; fault stability analysis; depletion-induced reservoir deformation; and hydraulic fracturing. Emphasis on applications to petroleum engineering. Two lecture hours and three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering 432 and 334 may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Engineering Mechanics 319, Geological Sciences 416M, and admission to the major sequence.
PGE 337. Introduction to Geostatistics.
Basic probability and statistics, study of correlated variables, statistical interpolation and simulation, and global optimization. Emphasis is on the ways the results of these procedures are related to geology and fluid flow. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: For petroleum engineering majors, Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering 310, Mathematics 408D or the equivalent, and admission to the major sequence; for others, Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering 210, and Mathematics 408D or the equivalent.
PGE 368. Fundamentals of Well Logging.
Principles, applications, and interpretation of well logs as used in exploration and evaluation of subsurface formations. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Geological Sciences 416M and Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering 424, and admission to an appropriate major sequence in engineering or consent of instructor.
Unless otherwise noted, student opportunities listed here are for students admitted to the Geosciences graduate program. For opportunities in the EER program, please contact EER faculty directly.
Graduate Student Position in Mineral Physics LabGraduateThe mineral physics lab at the Department of Geological Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences, the University of Texas at Austin invites applications for graduate student positions towards a Master's or Ph.D. degree in mineral physics. The Jackson School of Geosciences has exceptionally well-funded research programs and offers a number of scholarships to support graduate students for an extended period of time. Candidates with strong background and/or interest in physics (solid state physics), math, and geophysics/geochemistry are strongly encouraged to apply. Our mineral physics research programs focuses on high pressure-temperature experimental studies on materials properties using synchrotron X-ray and optical spectroscopies in a diamond anvil cell. Information about the graduate student programs at the Jackson School is available at: Please contact Dr. Jung-Fu Lin at for further information. Posted by: Jung-Fu Lin |
Graduate and undergraduate research in geologic sequestration of CO2GraduateGulf Coast Carbon Center supports a team of students and post docs working in geologic sequestration (deep subsurface long-duration storage) of the major greenhouse gas CO2, as a method to reduce release to the atmosphere. Student projects are wide ranging, from sedimentology to policy, linked in that they are 1) multidisciplinary and 2) applied to current issues. Students are typically jointly supervised by faculty in geology or petroleum geosystems engineering and staff at the GCCC. A class in geologic sequestration is offered in the fall some years. Posted by: Susan Hovorka |
Innovative Detrital Provenance Studies - Double Dating PLUSGraduateA major thrust of my current research the development and application of more comprehensive isotopic detrital provenance tools. U-Pb on zircon is clearly the big work horse, but only goes so far and sometimes yields "no" useful info, e.g., if the source of the sediment is mostly recycled sediment. We have extensively pursued double dating of zircons by U-Pb and He, as zircon He ages yield very interesting insights into the thermal and tectonic history of the source terrane; often yielding very different insights than crystallization ages. The combination is powerful, but I think we can take things so much farther by combining double dating with other constrains. People have tried fission track (not precise enough), Hf/Hf (to get mantle separation model ages), etc., but what we want to do and are working on is really Double Dating ++, combining zircon U-Pb-He dating with a variety of other geochemical aspects to more comprehensive understand detrital provenance and improve paleo-tectonic reconstructions. For example, trace-element thermometry (Ti in zirc), REE on zircon (met vs mag origin), Hf/Hf (see above), oxygen isotopes, etc. and also to develop rutile in an analogous manner (e.g., Zr in rut thermometry, Cr/Nb ratio (mafic vs granulitic), REE, etc.). The sky is the limit and what can learn so much. The issue in part it, how much can a single grain tell us before it's gone? The project sounds very laboratory oriented, but it's really a combination of field and lab work. We have identified a few possible case study areas, e.g., Morocco; great exposures, long-lived and preserved record of basin deposition since the Precambrian. My group is already working on some case studies in NW Himalayas, the N & S Pyrenees, the Sevier FTB, Permian Basin and other foreland basin. New projects include provenance studies along rifted and passive continental margins such the Gulf of Mexico, the central Atlantic Margins in Canada, USA, Portugal, and Morocco. Posted by: Daniel Stockli |
Graduate research opportunities in computational seismologyGraduateTexas Consortium for Computational Seismology is looking for Ph.D. students interested in computational research. Our group works on a broad range of topics in exploration geophysics, from wave-equation seismic imaging and inversion to computational algorithms for seismic data processing and seismic interpretation. The work is supported by industrial sponsors. We use open-source software tools and high-performace computing resources. Posted by: Sergey Fomel |
Graduate student positions in geomechanics and geofluidsGraduateThe GeoMechanics and GeoFluids research group has immediate opportunities for graduate and postdoctoral study. Drs. Saffer and Flemings are most enthused by students who have a commitment to a doctoral program because that allows time to delve deeply into research. However, we also regularly accept exceptional M.S. students into our research group. If you are interested, please email Demian Saffer ( or Peter Flemings ( Browse opportunities and learn more about our research group at UT GeoMechanics and GeoFluids. Posted by: Peter Flemings |
Postdoctoral Fellowship PositionGraduateMarch 27, 2018 Postdoctoral Fellowship Position The Bureau of Economic Geology in the Jackson School of Geosciences at The University of Texas at Austin currently has long-term, funded projects on the environmental implications of CO2 sequestration. We are currently recruiting recent Ph.D. scientists or engineers for a postdoctoral fellowship position. Position: Numerical and Analytical Modeling of Fluid Flow in Porous Media Related to CO2 Injection General topics of research is related to reservoir fluid flow modeling and simulations in CO2-EOR/Sequestrations settings with various focuses including history matching, optimization algorithms, regional geomechanics and economics related to oil and gas production. We are interested in outstanding fellowship applicants with direct experience in reservoir simulation using commercial packages specially CMG package (all modules). Experience in running simulations in parallel environment is a plus. Candidates must have interest in theoretical analyses and mathematical modeling of fluid flow problems. Strong and deep understanding of fundamentals of reservoir engineering and coding skills in Matlab, Python or other relevant programing languages are required. We anticipate that the successful candidate will have formal training in petroleum engineering or related fields. Successful candidate will be part of Gulf Coast Carbon Center (GCCC), an interdisciplinary team of research geologists and engineers who conduct CO2-sequestration research at the Bureau of Economic Geology. GCCC is one of the world’s leading research groups in CO2 sequestration. Our Frio brine injection experiment was the first to monitor CO2 injection into brine, and we are currently involved in several large scale CO2 injection monitoring projects in the U.S. GCCC collaborates closely with faculty in departments across the UT-Austin campus, other universities, and U.S. Department of Energy national laboratories. This position will be based in North Austin, at the J.J. Pickle Research Campus, The University of Texas at Austin. Austin is often on the list of top 10 places to live in the U.S. Please send a resume and a short expression of interest to: Dr. Seyyed Abolfazl Hosseini Email at: The University of Texas at Austin is an equal employment opportunity/affirmative action employer. All positions are security sensitive, and conviction verification is conducted on applicants selected. Posted by: Seyyed Hosseini |
High Resolution 3D marine seismic for fluid studiesGraduateOpportunities exist to become involved in the design, acquisition, processing, and interpretation of high-resolution 3D marine seismic data. Current applications include characterization for subsurface storage of carbon dioxide and natural fluid migration studies. We anticipate development into imaging modern systems as reservoir analogs. Posted by: Tip Meckel |
Postdoctoral FellowGraduatePurpose of position: To conduct research in numerical simulation of fluid flow using both traditional Darcy flow simulators as well as Invasion Percolation methods, sandbox flow modeling, and development of a strong publication record on the topic. Essential functions: Develop numerical simulations of fluid flow CO2 in mm to m scale models informed by geologic depositional heterogeneity. Assist in designing and implementing laboratory validation experiments of sandbox flow modeling to support theoretical and numerical simulations. Publish results in peer reviewed outlets, assist in project reporting and make presentations, as needed to support project. Required qualifications: PhD in hydrogeology, environmental engineering, or closely related geoscience field earned within the last three years. Relevant laboratory experience with sandbox scale flow experiments. Demonstrated research interest in forward and inverse modeling of subsurface flow and transport pertaining multi-phase flow. Preferred qualifications Demonstrated strong oral and written communication skills. Demonstrated ability to conduct experimental studies. Demonstrated experience in presenting and publishing results, including CO2 or CCS. Posted by: Tip Meckel |
Analyzing seismic data using machine learning techniquesUndergraduateSeismic recordings are used to detect earthquakes and to create images of the Earth’s interior. Seismic data contain rich patterns that can be discovered for extracting detailed information. Newly developed machine learning techniques aid in the discovery process. Deep learning has been used to detect arrivals of seismic signals from earthquakes and volcano eruptions and to extract from subsurface images such features, as faults, channels, salt bodies, etc. In detecting geological features, computational algorithms prove to be as powerful or even more powerful than the human eye, especially in higher dimensions. In this project, we are adopting the latest ideas from the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence to improve the resolution ability of seismic images. Our objective is to advance the state of the art in discovering seismic data patterns. The approaches include unsupervised learning for analyzing seismic waveforms and compressing data in the transformed domain and supervised learning for teaching the computer how to imitate the work of human interpreters. We are seeking an enthusiastic student to participate in this project. The student will develop data-analysis skills and contribute to an open-source software project. Some prior familiarity with seismology and machine learning, as well as some prior experience with computer programming using Python are helpful but not required Posted by: Sergey Fomel |
Graduate opportunities at OCEEMlabGraduate - Five yearsOCEEMlab welcomes future graduate students of high caliber who are passionate about exploring new frontiers in Ocean and Earth science. At OCEEMlab, we study lithosphere-biosphere dynamic processes and complex systems using a combination of fieldwork, advanced computational modeling, and integrative data science. We seek candidates with solid foundations in natural sciences and programming skills. We are especially interested in bringing on board individuals with interdisciplinary knowledge who are highly motivated in weaving disciplines such as geophysics, geology, oceanography, geochemistry, and environmental molecular biology to address contemporary challenging research questions. Most importantly, in the core values of OCEEMlab lies courtesy to one another, encouraging natural curiosity, and cohesive teamwork; As a team, we can achieve far more than individuals. In addition, we firmly believe that groundbreaking discoveries are accomplished by walking on the fringes of science rather than at the center. Thus, we encourage unorthodox genuine thinkers to join our team and help us stretch the envelope of human knowledge a tiny bit further. Posted by: Eric Attias |
Postdocs opportunities at OCEEMlabGraduate - Two yearsOCEEMlab welcomes applicants via UTIG's Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellows Program. At OCEEMlab, we study lithosphere-biosphere dynamic processes and complex systems using a combination of fieldwork, advanced computational modeling, and integrative data science. We are especially interested in bringing on board individuals with interdisciplinary knowledge who are highly motivated in weaving disciplines such as geophysics, geology, oceanography, geochemistry, and environmental molecular biology to address contemporary challenging research questions. Contact Dr. Attias for further information. Posted by: Eric Attias |
Geomechanics and Geofluids Research Jobs for UndergradsUndergraduateDo you want to study the Earth while learning the ins-and-outs of cutting-edge laboratory equipment, from maintenance to experiment design? UT GeoMechanics and GeoFluids investigates fluid flow and deformation in Earth materials using lab experiments, field work, and computer modeling. We seek hard-working and detail-oriented students with a passion for learning. You will assist with ongoing projects: offshoots could lead to your senior thesis. Tasks will include everything from the routine to the experimentally complex. You will work independently or with staff and researchers on experimental setup, equipment maintenance, laboratory clean up, sample preparation, data analysis, and a host of other tasks. For more information contact Josh O'Connell. Learn more about our research projects at UT GeoMechanics and GeoFluids. Posted by: Peter Flemings |
Ph.D. Opportunities in Environmental Seismology and Energy TransitionGraduateMy research group "Seismo4D" is actively looking for PhD students and postdocs. Please email me if you're interested. Our group applies 4D seismology to understand Earth's physical processes associated with climate change and energy transition. Potential research topics focus on fluid/vapor systems in Earth's shallow subsurface, including hydrological processes, geothermal energy exploitation, critical zones, and volcanic unrest. Students in our group will develop and employ cutting-edge seismic techniques (such as passive seismic interferometry and time-lapse imaging) to study the spatiotemporal evolution and physical mechanisms of subsurface processes. Posted by: Shujuan Mao |
Carbon Cycle in Arctic PermafrostGraduateI am looking for a new graduate student who is interested in research on carbon cycle in Arctic Permafrost. Posted by: Kehua You |
Offshore CO2 StorageGraduate - Seeking Graduate Research Assistant interested in integrated seismic, well log, and geology integration for CO2 storage resource assessment.Current DOE grant to study CO2 storage options in the Gulf of Mexico offshore Corpus Christi, Texas. Posted by: Tip Meckel |
Carbon Cpature and Geologic StorageUndergraduate - ongoing - get in touch: tip.meckel@beg.utexas.eduThe Gulf Coast Carbon Center often engages with undergradutes in geology, EER, and petroleum engineering on topic related to carbon capture and geologic storage (CCS). Posted by: Tip Meckel |
Center for Injection Seismicity ResearchThe Center for Injection and Seismicity Research (CISR) is a research center at The University of Texas Jackson School of Geoscience’s Bureau of Economic Geology. The goal of CISR is to conduct leading science and application on the impacts of large-scale injection on the subsurface and surface environment. CISR applies geology, seismology, hydrogeology, geomechanics, and satellite geodesy to study how reservoirs respond dynamically to fluid injection. The goal is to characterize the intersection of natural factors and anthropogenic drivers that cause dynamic change to reservoirs so that stakeholders can mitigate the hazard of induced earthquakes, threats to the surface environment, and challenges to sustainable energy development. |
Gulf Coast Carbon CenterThe Gulf Coast Carbon Center (GCCC) seeks to apply its technical and educational resources to implement geologic storage of anthropogenic carbon dioxide on an aggressive time scale with a focus in a region where large-scale reduction of atmospheric releases is needed and short term action is possible. |
TexNet Seismic Monitoring ProgramIn its 84th and 85th legislative sessions, the Texas Legislature tasked the Bureau with helping to locate and determine the origins of earthquakes in our state and, where possibly caused by human activity, with helping to prevent earthquakes from occurring in the future. The TexNet Seismic Monitoring Program was established to accomplish these goals. |
Bars in Tidal Environments |
EDGER Forum (Exploration & Development Geophysics Education & Research)The Edger Forum is a consortium of industry participants sponsoring Education & Research in Exploration Geophysical Technology. |
Fracture Research and Application ConsortiumThe Fracture Research and Application Consortium (FRAC) is an alliance of scientists from the Bureau and the departments of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering and Geological Sciences that seeks fundamental understanding of fractures and fracture processes dedicated to conquering the challenges of reservoir fractures. |
Gulf Basin Depositional Synthesis ProjectThe UT Gulf Basin Depositional Synthesis Project (GBDS) is an ongoing, industry-supported, comprehensive synthesis of Cenozoic fill of the entire Gulf of Mexico basin. The results are distributed as a digital data base that is updated regularly. The project has led to major new contributions to the understanding of the depositional history and framework of the Gulf of Mexico Basin. The project has focused on refining sequence correlations between the continental margin and deep basin stratigraphies, mapping sedimentary transport axes and paleogeographies through time, defining the evolving roles of submarine canyons, retrogradational margins, and shelf-margin delta systems in localizing in time and space sand transport to the slope and abyssal plain, and better understanding regional controls on reservoir facies and their deposition.). |
Mudrock Systems Research LaboratoryThe Mudrock Systems Research Laboratory (MSRL) is dedicated to the twin goals of unraveling fundamental scientific aspects of the most common sedimentary rock type and devising applications of this understanding to the characterization of an important and growing unconventional resource. |
Quantitative Clastics LaboratoryThe Quantitative Clastics Laboratory (QCL) carries out geologic studies of the processes, tectonics, and quantitative morphology of basins around the world, with research that emphasizes the use of mega-merged 3D seismic data sets for quantitative seismic geomorphologic study of the basin fill, evaluation of source-to-sink relationships between the shelf, slope and deep basin and analyses of the influence of tectonics and fluids on the evolution of these complex continental margin settings. |
Reservoir Characterization Research LaboratoryThe Reservoir Characterization Research Laboratory (RCRL) seeks to use outcrop and subsurface geologic and petrophysical data from carbonate reservoir strata as the basis for developing new and integrated methodologies to better understand and describe the 3-D reservoir environment. |
Structural Diagenesis InitiativeStructural diagenesis is a new perspective on interaction of mechanical and chemical processes at high crustal levels in the Earth. SDI promotes the growth of this new discipline. |
TexNet Seismic Monitoring ProgramIn the 84th Legislative Session, the Texas Legislature tasked us with helping to locate and determine the origins of earthquakes in our State, and, where they may have been caused by human activity, helping to prevent them from occurring in the future. We have established the TexNet earthquake monitoring program to accomplish these goals, and we plan to place earthquake monitoring stations across Texas to gather information about and study these events as they occur. We want to help inform Texas citizens so that they can keep their property safe from the impact of earthquakes. |
UT GeoFluidsThe UT GeoFluids studies the state and evolution of pressure, stress, deformation and fluid migration through experiments, theoretical analysis, and field study. This industry-funded consortium is dedicated to producing innovative concepts that couple geology and fluid flow. |
Affiliated UT Programs & Centers
Center for Subsurface Energy and the EnvironmentThe Center for Subsurface Energy and the Environment (CSEE) is an organized research unit in the Cockrell School of Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin wtih a mission to foster the development of interdisciplinary programs in subsurface energy and the environment. |
Texas Advanced Computing CenterThe Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) at The University of Texas at Austin is one of the leading centers of computational excellence in the United States. Located on the J.J. Pickle Research Campus, the center's mission is to enable discoveries that advance science and society through the application of advanced computing technologies. |
UT Austin Energy InstituteThe Energy Institute has been established at the University of Texas at Austin to provide the State of Texas and the Nation guidance for sustainable energy security through the pursuit of research and education programs - good policy based on good science.
The Institute will determine the areas of research and instruction in consultation with an Institute Advisory Board, faculty and staff at the University of Texas at Austin, the private energy sector, public utilities, non-governmental organizations, and the general public.
The economic future of the State of Texas, and our Nation, depends upon the viability of sustainable energy resources. The mission of the Energy Institute is to provide the transformational changes through research and instruction that are required for this State's and Nation's sustainable energy security. |
Research Groups
Dynamic Stratigraphy Workgroup |
Morphodynamics and Quantitative Stratigraphy |
Structural Diagenesis Initiative |
Alaska Fieldwork
Posted by Peter P FlaigPhoto set includes images of fieldwork done on the North Slope of Alaska from 2005-2013
Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway Fieldwork
Posted by Peter P FlaigPhotos of fieldwork on clastic wedges of the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway in Utah, Colorado, and Wyoming
Brittle structures, fluid flow, and diagenesis: Valley of Fire to Moab, October 2014
Posted by Peter EichhublField trip to Valley of Fire (NV), San Rafael Swell (UT), and Moab (UT) in October 2014, sponsored by a grant by the GDL Foundation. Team: Peter Eichhubl (instructor), Jon Major (co-leader), Sara Elliott (co-leader), Andras Fall, Chris Landry, Zhiqiang Fan, Nike Tokan-Laval, Casey O'Brien, Erick Wright, Mint Doungkaew, Peter Laciano.