Ramon Trevino
Mailcode: E0620
Ramón Treviño has been a Project Manager in the Bureau of Economic Geologys Gulf Coast Carbon Center (GCCC) for the DOE-sponsored SECARB Phases II & III field experiments since October 2007. Since early 2010 he is also Project Manager and co-PI of a carbon Geosequestration study of rock units in the Texas offshore Miocene, a four year study co-sponsored by the U.S. DOE and the Texas General Land Office. He has a B.Sc. in Geology from Texas A&I University (1983), an M.S. degree in Geology from the University of Texas at Arlington (1988) and an M.B.A from the University of Oklahoma (1994). In addition to being a project manager, his technical and scientific contributions to the GCCC derive from his experience in the petroleum industry. He worked for Mobil Exploration and Producing U.S., Inc., Oklahoma City Exploration office, from 1988 to 1992. From 1995 to 1999 he worked on sequence stratigraphic reservoir characterization (Argentina, Venezuela) at the Bureau of Economic Geology. From 2000 to 2007 he conducted sequence stratigraphic field specific and regional studies (e.g., Oligocene Frio Formation of the Texas coast; Maestrictian Olmos Formation of southwest Texas) under the auspices of the STARR Program (State of Texas Advanced Resource Recovery). He has published over 60 technical papers, abstracts, and technical reports. He is a past treasurer of GCAGS (2002) and GCSSEPM (2005-2008) and an Austin Geological Society Delegate to the AAPG House of Delegates (2002 2007).
Areas of Expertise
Sequence stratigraphic interpretations (well logs, 3-D seismic), integrated reservoir characterization, subsurface correlation and mapping (using workstation and PC) and subsurface structural interpretation (using 3-D seismic), project management, CO2 sequestration
Research Locations
Distinguished Service Award - Gulf Coast Section of SEPM (2012)
Treasurer, GCSSEPM Executive Council, Gulf Coast Section-SEPM (2005 - 2008)
Delegate, AAPG House of Delegates, American Association of Petroleum Geologists (2004 - 2007)
Treasurer, Executive Committee, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies (2002 - 2003)
Tools of a petroleum geologist, presented to Austin Area Science Fair Earth Science Experiment students and parents at STARR work area, Austin, Texas (2006)
Sequence stratigraphy of the South Texas Oligocene: the relationship between shale tectonism and lowstand depostition, presented to Austin SIPES, Austin, Texas (2005)
Understanding growth-faulted, intraslope subbasins and associated reservoir targets by applying sequence stratigraphic principles: examples from the South Texas Oligocene Frio Formation, presented at the Houston Geological Society North American Explorations dinner meeting, Houston, Texas (2004)
Mustang Island Block 889 overview, presented at PTTC-STARR Forum for State Waters Operators, at BEG HRC, Houston, Texas (2004)
Annual Report of the Treasurer, presented at Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies and Gulf Coast Section of SEPM 52nd Annual Convention, Austin, Texas (2002)
Stratigraphy, structure, and reservoir characteristics of the Block 889 Area, offshore Texas, Bureau of Economic Geology research seminar, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas (2001)