Find an Expert
The Jackson School has more than 150 researchers and faculty in all facets of the earth sciences. Use this database to find experts in any of our academic and research units. Media can also contact the Communications Office ( for information or call (512) 232-9623.
Jose L Abella Gutierrez |
Mohsen AhmadianProgram Manager for the Advanced Energy Consortium Managing multidisciplinary nanosensor, miniaturized electronics, and smart materials research for the assessment of subsurface properties in various applications, including energy exploration, geothermal, CCUS, etc. |
Daniel S Alessi |
John R AndrewsGeographic Information Systems (GIS) and remote sensing (RS), 3-D data visualization/programming, C++ programming with experience in spatial data processing and visualization |
Eric AttiasMarine electromagnetic imaging to study dynamic Earth processes associated with marine geohazards and resources. Research Interests: (1) The interplay between mantle plumes, submarine freshwater, and marine biodiversity in volcanic systems. (2) Hot-spot mantle plume geodynamics and submarine volcanism. (3) Slab rollback-driven toroidal and poloidal mantle flows at back-arc subduction zones and their role in the evolution of continental breakup. (4) Oceanic mid-ocean ridge transform faults’ role in quasi-periodic earthquake cycles. (5) Impact of ice-sheet retreat... |
James A AustinStratigraphic evolution of a wide range of marine and lacustrine environments around the world |
Aaron Averett |
Kenneth BaderFossil Preparation Osteological Preparation Forensic Entomology |
Nathan L BangsStructural development and tectonic processes along convergent margins; MCS methods to acquire 3-D images of structure and stratigraphy within subduction zones; processing, inversion, and modeling of seismic reflection data |
Jay L BannerIsotopic methods, sustainability, groundwater, oceans, ancient oceans, climate change, aquifers, caves, environmental science, geochemistry, paleoclimatology, urbanization, environmental justice, [link:]community-engaged research[/link] |
Jaime D BarnesStable isotope geochemistry, metamorphism and volatile transport in subduction zones, fluid-rock interaction and metasomatism, geochemical cycling, stable chlorine isotopes |
Miriam Barquero-MolinaDr. Barquero Molina is a field geologist, who, although trained as a more traditional structural geologist, describes herself as a generalist with interests spanning structural geology, tectonics, and hard-rock geology. She has taught field courses across the western US, Chile, and Spain. |
Fred C Beach |
Thorsten Beckermantle convection; plate tectonics; structural seismology; numerical modeling; earthquakes; fluid dynamics |
Kenneth S BefusVolcanology, igneous petrology, mineralogy, gemology |
Christopher J BellVertebrate paleontology and evolutionary morphology, North American Pliocene and Pleistocene small mammal biostratigraphy and biochronology, osteology, anatomy, and systematics of squamate reptiles and turtles, Impacts of climate change on vertebrate communities; history of science |
Athma R BhandariExperimental rock mechanics Geotechnical laboratory testing Measurement of porosity and permeability in gas and oil shales Digital-image-based deformation measurements Microstructure characterization of soils and rocks Constitutive and numerical modeling of soils and rocks |
Shuvajit BhattacharyaPetrophysics, Formation Evaluation, Quantitative Seismic Interpretation, Machine Learning, Integrated Subsurface Characterization, Carbon Sequestration |
Donald D BlankenshipAntarctic ice sheets, robotic space missions to Europa, airborne and ground-based geophysical techniques (including laser altimetry, radar sounding, seismic reflection and refraction), West Antarctic rift system, West Antarctic Ice Sheet, climate change, global warming, remote sensing, Thwaites glacier, East Antarctica, Europa Clipper |
David C BoltonEarthquakes,Fault Mechanics, Rock Deformation, Ultrasonic Monitoring |
Lisa D BoucherPaleobotany, Evolutionary Biology, Paleoecology, Biogeography, Plant Anatomy |
Daniel O BreeckerThe Breecker Group studies biogeochemical processes occurring at or near the land surface. We study soils and paleosols, caves and stalagmites, and other materials, such as volcanic glass, that give us insight into ancient Earth. We study timescales ranging from seasonal cycles to hundreds of millions of years. We use observations, mathematical models and both laboratory and field-based experiments to address an evolving range of questions. To learn more about the research we are doing,... |
Caroline L BretonGeographic Information Systems (GIS) |
Donald Brooks |
Dillon P Buhl |
Alex Bump |
James L Buttles |
M Bayani CardenasHydrology and Hydrogeology |
Alejandro CardonaA well-rounded energy transition requires fundamental and applied research that addresses geomechanical and petrophysical behavior of geological porous materials. My current research has explored rocks and sediments (i) under extreme conditions (high pressure and stresses), (ii) saturated and interacting with complex fluids (hydrates), and (iii) subjected to localizations of all kinds (fractures). |
David L CarrClastic sedimentology, Sequence stratigraphy, Integrated reservoir characterization, Log analysis and petrophysics, Underground gas storage. |
Ginny CataniaIce sheet mass balance, ice dynamics, subglacial hydrology, ice sheet stratigraphy, radar, GPS methods, uncertainty in ice sheet response to climate, satellite observations, remote-sensing observations, outlet glaciers, Greenland, glaciology, Antarctica, sea level, ice-ocean interactions. UT Cryosphere. |
Elizabeth J CatlosPlease see |
Tiffany L CaudleCoastal processes, Severe storm effects and beach recovery, Beach and tidal inlet morphodynamics, LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) and GPS (Global Positioning System) data acquisition and processing and application to coastal mapping, Outreach. |
David T Chapman |
Yangkang ChenChen is interested in computational methods that can be broadly applied to seismic signal analysis, seismic modeling and imaging, and earthquake monitoring. In the past ten years, his team's research has focused on applying artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to various geoscience problems. One particularly intriguing problem is to detect earthquakes that are likely induced by industrial injection activities from continuous waveforms of hundreds of broadband stations, which requires a precise picking of key seismic phases... |
Julia A ClarkeEvolution of anatomical novelty, vertebrate paleontology, systematic biology, avian vocalization and the evolution of flight, fossil birds. Dinosaurs. |
Kerry H CookClimate dynamics, atmospheric dynamics, global climate change, paleoclimate, climate and weather of Africa and South America, climate system modeling, climate change in Texas |
Jacob A Covaultsedimentology, stratigraphy, marine geology |
Jeff Cullen |
Ian W DalzielTectonics, geodynamics, geography of ancient times, plate reconstructions, structural geology |
Roxana Darvari |
Marcy B DavisMultibeam sonar acquisition and data processing; Map, figure, project promotional materials and poster illustration using GMT, MB System, Fledermaus, Adobe CS2, ArcGIS, and csh; Web page design and maintenance; Science writing |
Beverly B DejarnettReservoir characterization and delineation through integration of sedimentologic, petrographic, and core analyses; tight gas sandstones and fractured reservoirs, as well as conventional siliciclastic and carbonate units |
Patricia W DickersonReconstructing the tectonic history of southwestern Laurentia is Dickerson’s research focus: seeking the diagnostic evidence for Rodinia assembly and fragmentation (West Texas, Argentine Precordillera), Pangaea amalgamation (Marathon/Solitario fold-thrust belt, Ancestral Rocky Mts.), Laramide foreland deformation (Big Bend), and Rio Grande riftng/transform faulting. Member of task forces to develop scientific strategies for exploring the Moon and Mars. |
Xuesong DingBasin stratigraphic modeling; Landscape evolution modeling; Tectonic geomorphology; |
Robin D Dommisse3D geological interpretation and modeling - Integrated reservoir characterization - Petroleum Geology - Petroleum Engineering - Carbonate sequence stratigraphy - Conventional and unconventional reservoir exploration and development - Oil field exploration and production reservoir management - Petrophysics - Geostatistics - Reservoir simulation - Software development |
Tim P DooleyDynamics and kinematics of fault systems using scaled analog modeling, field studies, remote sensing, seismic data, and comparison with published examples; 3D geometries and kinematics of strike-slip fault systems using innovative analog modeling techniques; modeling of delta tectonics, salt tectonics, and segmented strike-slip and extensional fault systems |
Daniel D Duncangeochemistry; collection and processing of soil and water samples for naturally occurring radioisotopes, trace metals and total suspended matter; maintain radiochemical instrumentation for prepared sample analyses |
Ian J DuncanExpertise in geomechanic and geochemistry applied to: risks associated with CO2 sequestration; hydraulic fracturing for shale gas production; environmental impact of hydraulic fracturing; and the water-energy nexus. Current research focuses on the scientific, environmental and public policy aspects of unconventional natural gas production, the water-energy nexus, and carbon capture and storage. He has a particular interest in risk analysis, decision making, and legal/regulatory issues related to fracing, CO2 sequestration, CO2-EOR, and energy production. |
Raymond L EastwoodPetrophysics; mainly creation of core-calibrated interpretation models for well logs. |
Gonzalo Echeverry |
Dave EdeyX-Ray computed tomography, X-ray physics, Tomography reconstruction, Digital morphology, CT data visualization, Volumetric data analysis, Digital educational resources |
Peter EichhublFault and fracture mechanics, reservoir geomechanics, diagenesis and low-temp. geochemistry, fluid flow and transfer processes in sedimentary basins, deformation mechanisms of the upper crust, structural control of mass and heat transfer in sedimentary basins, effects of chemical mass transfer on the mechanical and hydraulic behavior of fractures and faults, chemical interaction between fluids and minerals, induced seismicity/fault slip, subsurface hydrogen storage, geothermal systems |
Sara Elliott |
Andras FallFluids in diagenetic and hydrothermal systems, Fluid inclusions, Fractures, Structural diagenesis |
Peter P FlaigResearch Focus: Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway of North America, Texas Permian Basin and Onshore Wilcox, North Slope-Alaska, Central Transantarctic Mountains-Antarctica, Canada,- Clastic sedimentology - Fluvial sedimentology - Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of continental to shallow-marine systems using sedimentology, stratigraphy, architecture, and ichnology in outcrop studies - Photography and high-resolution imagery (e.g. Grone Photogrammetry LiDAR, GigaPan) of clastic systems - Paleopedology - Remote logistics. |
Peter B FlemingsStratigraphy, basin analysis, basin-scale fluid flow, pore pressures in seafloor sediments, submarine landslides, oil and gas migration, methane hydrates, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) |
Sergey FomelComputational and exploration geophysics; seismic imaging; wave propagation; seismic data analysis; inverse problems; geophysical estimation |
Qilong FuSedimentology and stratigraphy, petrology of sedimentary rocks, reservoir characterization |
Julia F GaleNatural fracture / vein systems in sedimentary and metamorphic rocks; structural geology; tectonics |
Shuang Gao |
James E GardnerVolcanology, volcanic eruption processes, magmatic processes, experimental petrology, volatiles in magmas, degassing of volatiles from magmas, control of degassing behavior on volcanic eruptions and formation of ore bodies |
Jun Ge |
Ramon A Gil Egui |
John A GoffSeafloor morphology and bathymetry, swath sonar mapping, stratigraphy of the shallow seabed, ultra-high resolution seismic reflection (chrip) systems, sedimentary horizons, sea ice draft, crustal heterogeneity, canyon morphology on continental slopes, abyssal hills |
Timothy A GoudgeRemote sensing; surface processes; geomorphology; sedimentology; reflectance spectroscopy; martian surface geology; planetary science. |
Jaimi Gray |
Cyril Grima |
Sean S Gulick– Marine and planetary geophysical imaging at nested resolutions and ground truth through drilling, coring, logging, and sampling.– Tectonic processes, tectonic-climate interactions, and geohazards of convergent margins and transitional tectonic environments. – Role of catastrophism in the geologic record including impact cratering, hurricanes, and tectonic events. – Planetary habitability, impact generated ecosystems, biotic crises. |
Mahdi Haddadgeomechanics of induced seismicity; geomechanical simulation of multiple-stage hydraulic fracture propagation using cohesive zone model and extended finite element method; numerical simulation of multiphase flow in porous media; development of computational fluid dynamics codes using finite volume, finite element (classic and Streamline Upwind Petrov-Galerkin), and smoothed particle hydrodynamics methods. |
Anna Ruth (Ruthie) HalberstadtIce-sheet and climate modeling, model-data integration, marine geology, glaciology, geomorphology, paleoclimatology, glacial dynamics, past warm periods, Antarctica, Greenland, ice sheet (in)stability |
Shuoshuo HanShuoshuo is interested in the structure, tectonic processes, and related hazards at subduction zones, and the formation and evolution of oceanic lithosphere. She uses active source seismic data to image the detailed structures of the sediment, oceanic crust and uppermost mantle. She also integrates seismic data with ocean drilling data to constrain physical properties, and infer in-situ stress states of the subsurface. Her recent studies have focused on the Cascadia subduction zone offshore the west... |
Romy D Hannacarbonaceous chondrites, planetary geology, remote sensing, VISNIR and TIR spectroscopy, X-ray computed tomography (CT), electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), 3D image analysis and processing, scientific software development |
Kelly HattoriCarbonate sedimentology and stratigraphy, sequence stratigraphy, mixed carbonate-siliciclastic systems, salt-sediment interactions, reefs, ocean anoxic events and effect on carbonate deposition |
Mahdi Heidari moghadamMahdi Heidari Moghadam is a Research Associate at the Bureau of Economic Geology, Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin (UT). He works for the AGL and GeoFluids consortia. Mahdi is a Civil/Geotechnical Engineer. He received his PhD on Tunneling in Difficult Ground Conditions from UT in 2013. He holds a M.Sc. in Structural Engineering from SUT, Iran, and a M.Sc. in Earthquake Engineering from University of Tehran, Iran. His current research... |
Patrick HeimbachHeimbach's research group (Computational Research in Ice and Ocean Systems -- [link:](CRIOS)[/link]), in the [link:]Oden Institute[/link] is engaged in a number of projects, with main funding from NASA, NSF, and ONR. [bold](1)[/bold] Our overarching research focusses on understanding the global ocean circulation, its role in climate variability and change, and its predictability on seasonal to decadal time scales. As part of the NASA-funded "Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean" [link:](ECCO)[/link] consortium involving colleagues at... |
Douglas HemingwayI have broad interests in the processes that drive the evolution and behavior of planetary bodies of all kinds and what gives rise to all the diversity we see across our solar system and beyond. My research primarily involves [bold]geophysical modelling[/bold], with constraints coming in large part from spacecraft-based observations, especially relating to [bold]gravitational and magnetic fields[/bold]. I work on problems related to magnetism, gravity, topography, elasticity/flexure/fracturing, heat production/transfer, and fluid dynamics. Some of my... |
Peter H HenningsMy expertise is applied structural geology and geomechanics for which his interests are broad spanning structural systems analysis, subsurface interpretation, fault system characterization, fractured reservoir characterization, reservoir geomechanics, and subsurface fluid flow. Dr. Hennings is known as an integrator which is vital for the study of induced seismicity for which he is now known globally. I am currently not recruiting graduate students for my supervision. |
Thomas HessGeoscience software, anisotropic imaging, seismic processing, seismic geometry, deconvolution, problem solving. |
Marc A HesseMultiphase flow in porous media, geomechanics, numerical simulation, mathematical, modeling, reactive transport, magma dynamics. |
Elizabeth Horne |
Brian K HortonTectonics of sedimentary basins, evolution of orogenic systems, sediment provenance and routing systems, nonmarine depositional processes. |
Seyyed Abolfazl HosseiniCO2 sequestration in saline aquifers and depleted oil and gas fields Reservoir Simulation and History Matching with focus on CCS Machin learning in subsurface applications for dynamic and static properties predictions. |
Susan D HovorkaGeologic carbon sequestration in deep sedimentary environments as part of carbon capture and storage. PI of the Gulf Coast Caron Center ( focused on research relevant to commercial development of geologic sequestration in regions where it is both needed and possible. Monitoring field projects. Petrography and sedimentology supporting hydrogeology in karst and contaminated systems. K-12 and public outreach and education. |
Guo-Chin Huang |
Michael R HudecSalt tectonics, 3-D computer modeling, kinematic models for evolution and growth of salt structures, structural geology, cross-section restoration and balancing, seismic interpretation |
Xavier JansonCarbonates sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy, petrophysics of carbonate, seismic signature of carbonate rock, seismic modeling, carbonate modern depositional environment |
Jerry L Jensen |
Zhe JiaEarthquake source complexities and their controlling factors, seismic and tsunami hazards, subduction process, injection-induced seismicity, dense seismic/geodetic arrays. See more on my personal website: [link:] [/link] |
Joel P JohnsonProcess geomorphology, feedbacks between channel morphology and hydrology and sediment transport, landscape sensitivity to climate and lithology, bedrock river erosion, flash floods, arroyo erosion, canyon formation, environmental monitoring and sensor networks, laboratory flume experimentation, numerical modeling, sediment transport and deposition by tsunamis, storm surges, and flash floods. |
Benjamin KeislingPast climate, ice sheet dynamics, justice in geoscience |
Scott D KempfData management, radar data, airborne geophysics, computer systems, computer programming, carrier phase GPS processing, LIDAR, magnetic and gravity surveying. |
Charles KeransCarbonate sequence stratigraphy, depositional systems, reservoir characterization, basin analysis, seismic interpretation, seismic stratigraphy, paleokarst analysis, carbonate diagenesis |
Richard A KetchamHigh-resolution X-ray computed tomography, CT scanning, 3D image analysis, fission-track dating, thermochronology, thermal history inversion, structural geology, tectonics, digital morphology, trabecular bone |
Carey W KingMacroeconomics; Energy and renewable energy generation, usage, conservation, policy, and education; energy systems approaches; energy return on energy invested (EROI), net energy; carbon capture and sequestration; nexus of water and energy; renewable energy and electricity integration |
Jay P KipperPersonnel management, fiscal reporting, budget management, contract negotiation, management of geological samples |
Tingwei (Lucy) KoSource Rock Characterization Geochemistry (Organic, Biomarker, Gas Isotope) Mudrock Characterization Petrography, SEM |
Josh R Lambert |
Toti E Larson[bold] Geochemist - [/bold] 20 years of stable isotope geochemistry laboratory development (ThermoElectron GasBench, Conflo, MAT252, DeltaXL. 15 years of Gas Chromatography method development and automation (Agilent 6890 GC-MS), sample loop injection development, high temperature and cryogenic chromatography. 8 years of X-ray Fluorescence analysis (Bruker T5 handheld and benchtop units). Expert in a wide range of liquid, solid, and gas extraction and sample preparation techniques. 15 years of laboratory database development. [bold]Data scientist... |
John C LassiterEarth's origin and evolution, isotope and trace element geochemistry, the role of crust and lithospheric mantle recycling in the generation of mantle chemical heterogeneity, the origin and distribution of water and other volatile elements in the Earth's interior, and the thermal and chemical evolution of the Earth's core and core/mantle boundary |
Luc L LavierTectonics; the structural and geodynamical evolution of continental and oceanic rifts, as well as collisional environments; numerical techniques to model tectonic processes on crustal and lithospheric scales; deformation; subduction |
Timothy F Lawton |
Jung-Fu LinMineral physics, physics and chemistry of planetary materials, solid-Earth geophysics and geochemistry, high-pressure diamond anvil cell, X-ray and laser spectroscopy |
Marek LocmelisCritical minerals, economic geology, ore deposits, empirical and conceptual exploration targeting, translithospheric mass transfer, ethical and sustainable mining |
Staci L Loewy |
Robert G LoucksResearch in carbonate, sandstone, and mudrock stratigraphy, sedimentology, diagenesis, reservoir characterization, and pore network analysis. |
Christopher LoweryMicropaleontology, Stratigraphy, Paleoceanography, Geochemistry |
Jessica A MaisanoVertebrate paleontology, herpetology, morphology, developmental biology, high-resolution x-ray computed tomography, digital morphology, |
Matthew A Malkowski |
Shujuan MaoEnvironmental seismology, Hydrogeophysics, Geothermal energy, Carbon sequestration, Critical-zone processes, Time-lapse imaging, Ambient seismic field, 4D seismology |
Craig MartinField-based Structural Geology; Paleomagnetism; Plate Reconstruction; U-Pb Zircon Geochronology; Orogenic Systems; Planetary Geology |
Rowan C MartindaleTriassic and Jurassic reef paleoecology, mass extinctions (Triassic-Jurassic, 201 Ma), carbon cycle perturbation events in deep time, ocean acidification in deep time, Oceanic Anoxic Events, invertebrate paleontology (corals, sponges, algae, microbes), Mesozoic marine communities and ecosystems, exceptional fossil preservation (Lagerstätten), paleoecology, marine ecology, Geoscience Education, educational game design, carbonate petrography, warm-water and cool-water carbonate (eco)systems, low-temperature geochemistry. |
Ashley M MathenyEcohydrology, Bio- and Micro-meteorology, Vegetation Hydrodynamics, Watershed Hydrology, Land-Atmosphere Interactions, Biogeochemistry, Water and Carbon Cycles, and Modeling |
Douglas C McCabe |
Linda R McCall |
Tip MeckelCarbon capture and storage, CO2 sequestration, CCS, high-resolution 3D seismic acquisition, processing, and imaging; Stratigraphy, structural geology, [link:] |
Nathaniel R MillerSedimentary geochemistry, isotope geochemistry, Earth system evolution, Q-ICP-MS, microanalytics, GIS, Neoproterozoic climate [link:] [/link] |
Kitty L MillikenPetrography and geochemistry of siliciclastic rocks; diagenesis; electron microbeam methods: X-ray mapping, cathodoluminescence imaging; micro-scale reservoir characterization |
Brandon W Minton |
Ashraf M Mohamed |
David MohrigSedimentary Geology, Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, Geomorphology, Rivers, Deltas, Coastlines, Submarine Channels, Geohazards, Sediment-Gravity Currents, Sediment Transport, Seismic Interpretation, Basin Analysis |
Claudia I Morastable isotope geochemistry, isotope proxy records of paleo-climate, paleo-environment & extreme climate events, metamorphic petrology & mineralogy |
Lorena G Moscardelli |
Gregory C Ng |
Hailun Ni |
Jean NicotSubsurface hydrology, numerical modeling and optimization of groundwater resources, multiphase flow and contaminant transport in both the unsaturated and saturated zones, geochemistry modeling and subsurface reactive transport, Mathematical geology, geostatistics, inverse modeling, optimization, risk assessment and risk analysis |
Maria-Aikaterini NikolinakouMaria-Katerina Nikolinakou is currently a Research Scientist at the Bureau of Economic Geology, Jackson School of Geosciences, at the University of Texas at Austin. Her research focuses on understanding stress and pore pressure in complex geologic systems, including salt systems and accretionary prisms. She studies the behavior of geologic materials under high stress levels and complex stress paths. She develops applied workflows for pressure prediction in exploration settings. Maria is a Civil/Geotechnical Engineer. She received her... |
Dev NiyogiResearch Group: The University of Texas Extreme weather and Urban Sustainability "TExUS" Lab. Research seeks to significantly contribute to our understanding of the Earth system, particularly the urban and agricultural landscapes, and the dynamic role of coupled land surface processes on regional hydroclimatic extremes. Translate the scientific work undertaken into decision tools and portals with a particular focus on sustainable climate-ready/resilient coastal, cities, and agricultural systems. Dr. Niyogi has coauthored over 200 peer-reviewed... |
Joshua I O'ConnellDesigning and building complex experimental systems, working with high pressure gas and fluid systems, fabrication of experimental components, machining, CAD design, metrology, data acquisition, Quizix precision pumps, Teledyne Isco syringe pumps, methane hydrate pressure core storage, sampling, and analysis; maintenance and repair of laboratory and mechanical equipment, laboratory monitoring systems, laboratory safety. |
Vincent J O'Sullivan |
Osareni C OgiesobaSeismic interpretation of depositional systems, Seismic data processing, Multicomponent data processing and velocity ratios estimation for reservoir characterization, Seismic modeling, Seismic inversion, Diffraction imaging, Acreage evaluation and prospect generation, 3D seismic attributes-based rock property prediction in hydrothermal dolomite reservoirs. |
Yuko M OkumuraClimate dynamics, climate variability and change, large-scale ocean-atmosphere interactions, atmospheric teleconnections, paleoclimate and thermohaline circulation, climate change |
Cornel OlariuClastic Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, Depositional Environments, Basin Analysis |
Mariana I Olariu |
Jeffrey G PaineNear-surface geophysics in hydrogeology and environmental and Quaternary geology; coastal geology; Quaternary geology and geomorphology; computer applications in the geological sciences |
Judson W PartinPaleoclimate, Stable and Radiogenic Isotope Geochemistry, climate change |
Desmond B Patterson |
Scott Pearce |
Francis PeelSalt Tectonics Gulf of Mexico Seismic Interpretation Salt Deposition RIsk and probability in exploration Fold and Thrust Belts Deepwater systems |
Sheng PengMulti-scale pore system characterization; Fluid flow in porous media; Unconventional reservoir |
Priyanka Periwal |
Geeta PersadAtmospheric Aerosols, Climate Change, Climate Modeling, Air Pollution, Global Hydrologic Cycle, Monsoon Systems, Western U.S. Climate Impacts, Climate Policy and Decision-Making |
Mary F Poteetaquatic ecosystems, creek metabolic regimes, urbanization, biotic response and vulnerability to climate change |
Eric Radjef |
Cornelia RasmussenPaleoecology, geobiology, geochemistry, geochronology, sedimentology |
Robert M ReedMicrostructural analysis of rocks, particularly small-scale deformation structures and pores in mudrocks. |
Robert C ReedyInstrumentation systems, geographic information systems (GIS), vadose zone hydrology |
Daniella M RempeHydrology, Geomorphology, Ecohydrology, Catchment Hydrology, Near-surface Geophysics, Hydrogeology |
Thomas G Richter |
Harold H Rogers |
Katherine D RomanakGeochemistry and isotope systematics of carbon cycling in the vadose zone and in freshwater aquifers; soil-gas monitoring and surface gas flux measurements at CO2 sequestration sites; microbial influences on carbon geochemistry in the shallow subsurface; fate and transport of organic contaminants. |
Demian M SafferActive tectonics, fault/sediment mechanics, geohydrology. |
Chris Sagebiel |
Aaron Satkoski |
Alexandros Savvaidis |
Kutalmis Saylamremote sensing, lidar, sea ice, marine geophysics, hydrology, lidar bathymetry |
Bridget R ScanlonEvaluation of the impact of climate variability and land use change on groundwater recharge, application of numerical models for simulating variably saturated flow and transport, controls on nitrate contamination in aquifers |
Mrinal K SenSeismic wave propagation including anisotropy, geophysical inverse problems, earthquakes and earth structure, applied seismology, petroleum exploration including 4D seismology |
Timothy M Shanahanclimate variability, climate change, paleoclimatology, geochemistry, stable isotopes, organic geochemistry, sedimentology, environmental science If you are interested in learning more, please visit [link:]research website.[/link] |
Yi Jin Shi |
Evan Sivil |
Katie M Smye |
John W SneddenGulf of Mexico Basin global expert, Sequence Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, Reservoir Development and Connectivity, Petroleum Geoscience |
Krista M SoderlundAstrobiology, Cryosphere, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Magnetohydrodynamics, Planetary Science |
Kyle T SpikesExploration Geophysics, in particular rock physics applications and seismic inversion techniques for reservoir characterization. |
Danny StockliThermo-/Geochronology, Tectonics and Structural Geology, Isotopic Provenance Analysis, Archeometry, Geothermal Exploration, and Thermal Maturation |
Lisa D StockliU-Pb Geochronology and trace element analysis by LA-ICP-MS; TIMS and SIMS techniques |
Chenguang SunDeep volatile cycling; magmatic and metamorphic processes; planetary differentiation and habitability |
Xun Sun |
Michael L Sweet |
Zoltan SylvesterSedimentology and stratigraphy of clastic sedimentary systems. Stratigraphic forward modeling and its applications in reservoir modeling. Seismic stratigraphy and interpretation of three-dimensional seismic data. Sediment gravity flows and their deposits. Reproducible scientific computing in geology. |
Carla M Thomas |
Nicola TisatoExperimental rock physics and rock mechanics. Digital Rock Physics. Speleology. Seismic wave attenuation, Physical properties of rocks, Wave-Induced-Phenomena, Genesis of caves and speleothems, Reservoir characterization, Nuclear waste management. |
Danielle Toumaclimate variability, climate change, extreme climate events, natural hazards, hydroclimatology |
Ramon TrevinoSequence stratigraphic interpretations (well logs, 3-D seismic), integrated reservoir characterization, subsurface correlation and mapping (using workstation and PC) and subsurface structural interpretation (using 3-D seismic), project management, CO2 sequestration |
Estibalitz UkarFracture analysis and structural diagenesis Brittle structural petrology Fractured carbonate rocks Tectonics and metamorphism of subduction zones |
Harm J Van AvendonkVan Avendonk is an active-source seismologist who specializes in the acquisition and inversion of seismic refraction data on land and at sea. Often these seismic refraction data are used for a tomographic inversion. The resultant seismic velocity models help us to interpret the composition of the Earth’s crust and mantle, the geometry of sedimentary basins, and the structure of plate boundaries. |
Jason Visser |
Edward "Ned" K Vizyclimate dynamics, atmospheric dynamics, climate change, extreme weather events, climate system modeling, hurricanes, paleoclimate, mesoscale modeling |
Annie Walker |
Laura WallaceCrustal deformation, GPS/Geodesy, active plate boundary processes, subduction tectonics, geohazards |
Timothy L WhiteakerGeographic Information Systems (GIS) in water resources engineering; hydrologic, hydraulic, and water quality modeling; scientific information management; bringing water resources engineering solutions to end users by developing Web and desktop applications. |
Kenneth W WisianGeothermal Geophysics, SETI, Exoplanets, Space Exploration, Disaster Response, Recovery & Resiliency, Military Technology Applications, International Affairs, Innovation, Curriculum Development |
Charles M Woodruff |
Yujiang XieGeophysics, Seismology |
Chi Yan |
Zong-Liang YangDr. Yang's primary research interest is to understand the exchanges of momentum, radiation, heat, water, carbon dioxide, and other materials between the atmosphere and the Earth surface spanning from small (short) to very large (long) scales. This includes analysis of in-situ and remotely-sensed data for the Earth's surface, and modeling studies of weather, climate and hydrology at local, regional and global scales. |
Lijing Yao |
Kehua YouCarbon cycle, Methane Hydrate, Hydrogeology, Flow and Transport in Porous Media, Analytical and Numerical Modeling |
Bissett E Young |
Duncan A YoungPolar remote sensing (especially areogeophysics), glaciology and geoscience. Member of the [italic]Europa Clipper[/italic] project science group, a mission to Jupiters ocean world Europa. Lead for the [italic]Europa Clipper's[/italic] radar instrument's (REASON) Science Data System and science requirements validation and verification. Ice-rock physical interactions in an ice cap context, tectonic evolution of the younger planetary crusts |
Michael H YoungEcohydrology of arid and semiarid landscapes; groundwater recharge in both managed agriculture and natural (arid and semi-arid) systems; influence of soil structure and vegetation on water cycling; design and implementation of monitoring systems for above-ground and near-surface below ground environments. |
Christopher K ZahmReservoir characterization, flow modeling in fractured reservoirs, porosity-permeability evolution |
Hongliu ZengSeismic sedimentology; seismic geomorphology; seismic and sequence stratigraphy; Characterization of thin-bed reservoirs; seismic chrono-stratgraphy |
Tongwei ZhangGas geochemistry and isotope geochemistry; Petroleum and gas generation kinetics and basin modeling; Fluid transport processes in basins and reservoirs; Organic-inorganic interactions; Unconventional gas reservoir characterization; CO2 sequestration and H2S risk prediction. |
Gary W Zuker |