Matthew A Malkowski

Matthew A Malkowski
Assistant Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences

Work: +1 512 471 5172
Office: EPS 3.128

Research group website:

Matt Malkowski is an assistant professor in the Department of Geological Sciences at UT-Austin. He received his BS and MS degrees from Michigan State University and a PhD from Stanford University.

Matt's research focuses on how siliciclastic depositional systems, modern and ancient, respond to and record external forcings such as climate, tectonics, sea level change, and human impacts. Research includes a range of field work, lab work, and modeling.

Interested and motivated students are encouraged to contact Matt about available research opportunities. Learn more here:


Barra Peak
I am an earth scientist interested in how landscapes and continents change over geologic time. I use U-Pb geochronology and (U-Th)/He thermochronology to date earth materials and determine the magnitude of heating and cooling events they have experienced in the shallow crust (less than ~ 10 km). I am currently applying these tools to look at how detrital zircon is...

Graduate Students

Fernando M Rey , Ph.D., expected 2025 (Supervisor)
My research focus is to link the stratigraphic record with tectonic processes using geochronology and geochemical signatures. I am currently working on projects in southern Patagonia (Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Rocas Verdes Back-arc basin) and Japan (Neogene opening of the Sea of Japan).I am also interested in the dispersal of sediments in shallow marine environments. I have 8 years of experience...

Jacqueline Epperson (Supervisor)

2024Spring GEO 420K Intro To Field/Strat Meths
2024Spring GEO 660A Field Geology
2023Fall GEO 191 Dynamic Field Stratig: Andes
2023Fall GEO 416S Earth/Planetary Proc Thru Time
2023Spring GEO 660A Field Geology
2022Fall GEO 383 Clastic Depositional Systems
2022Summer GEO f660A Field Geo-Tx/Nm/Wy
2022Spring GEO 420K Intro To Field/Strat Meths
2022Spring GEO 363S Sedimentary Basin Analysis
2022Spring GEO 383S Sedimentary Basin Analysis

Undergraduate Positions

Sedimentological characterization along the North Slope of Alaska (~4 months)
The Arctic is melting! How will the earth’s frozen surface and subsurface respond to a warming world? We are looking for a summer student intern (fully paid) to help us characterize the geology of Arctic seabed in northernmost Alaska. The project is funded by Sandia National Labs and provides the student with an opportunity to interact with a potential future employer while enhancing our climate security. The student will be introduced to a diverse array of data types including seismic reflection, core data, and remote sensing observations. This work will provide the broader UT-Austin and Sandia team with a better understanding of Arctic shelf geology and help guide planning efforts for future site surveys and data collection. Results will impact decisions and serve as excellent exposure to problem solving in the field of geosciences.


Malkowski Research Group
More about what we do and why.