Duncan A Young

Mailcode: R2200
Areas of Expertise
Polar remote sensing (especially areogeophysics), glaciology and geoscience. Member of the Europa Clipper project science group, a mission to Jupiters ocean world Europa. Lead for the Europa Clipper's radar instrument's (REASON) Science Data System and science requirements validation and verification. Ice-rock physical interactions in an ice cap context, tectonic evolution of the younger planetary crusts
Research Locations
Current Research Programs & Projects
International Collaborative Exploration of the Cryosphere through Airborne Profiling (ICECAP) ( view )REASON (Radar for Europa Assessment and Sounding: Ocean to Near-Surface
Open Polar Radar
Select Past Research
Geophysical Investigations of Marie Byrd Land Evolution (GIMBLE)
Steering Group member, Antarchitecture action group, Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research (2019 - Present)
Associate Editor for Geophysics, Advances in Polar Science, (2016 - Present)
Steering Committee member, Antarctic Digital Magnetic Anomaly Project Expert Group, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (2015 - Present)
Graduate Students
Megan Kerr (Supervisor)
Shivangini Singh (Co-supervisor)
Shuai Yan, Ph.D., 2023
(Committee Member)
University of Texas at Austin
Wei Wei, Ph.D., 2021
(Committee Member)
Jackson School of Geosciences
Enrica Quartini, Ph.D., 2018
University of Texas at Austin
Now at Cornell University's, Planetary Habitability and Technology Lab as a laboratory and field manager.
Marie Cavitte, Ph.D., 2017
(Committee Member)
University of Texas at AUustin
Now at Université Catholique de Louvain in Belgium as a polar climate postdoc, after a stint in industry.
Brad Gooch, Ph.D., 2016 (Committee Member)
Jamin Greenbaum, Ph.D., 2015
(Committee Member)
Bruce Frederick, Ph.D., 2015 (Committee Member)