For Graduate Students
Advising, Research, & Career Services
- Advising
- Find a Supervisor/Committee Members
- Student-Advisor Responsibilities
- Individual Development Plans (IDPs)
- Edit My Research Profile
- Career Services
JSG Graduate Program
- Graduate Student Handbook
- Travel Authorization Form
- Courses & Catalogs
- Financial Support
- Commencement
- Timelines
JSG Graduate Forms
- 12-Passenger Van Quiz
- Bar Form
- Graduate External Research Grant Matching Form
- Graduate Student Request for Professional Development
- Graduate Support Application
- Student Field Trip Sign Up Forms
- Notification of Supervisor and Committee Members – Masters Aspirant
- Notification of Supervisor and Committee Members – PhD Aspirant
- Meeting of Ph.D. Dissertation Committee
- Request for Off-Campus Research Support
- Petition to Achieve Support Status
- Petition to Count a GEO Course as an Out-of-Program Degree Requirement
- Petition for Prerequisite Course Substitutions
- Plan for Doctoral Program
- Progress Report
- Best Graduate Student Paper Award Form
UT Resources
- Student Conduct Advisory Committee and Academic Integrity Peer Ambassadors
- UT Counseling and Mental Health Center (CMHC)
- Graduate Student Support Group
- Dissertation Support Group
- International Student Discussion Group
- Graduate Student Mental Health Services
- Legal Services for Students
- Austin Child Care
- University Writing Center
- Texas Graduate Student Writing Group
- Initiatives for Campus Support
- Student Ombuds Office
- Title IX
- Center for Access and Restorative Engagement (CARE)
- UT Graduate School: Health and Wellness
- Student Emergency Services
- UT Advocacy & Support
includes IVPS (Interpersonal Violence Peer Support) and Advocates programs
- UT Advocacy & Support
- Lactation/Quiet Rooms
JSG Resources
- JSG Guidelines for a Respectful Workplace
- JSG Counselors in Academic Residence (CARE)
- Student Organizations
JSG Facilities & Equipment
- JSG Business Services Office
- Building & Room Access Request
- Facility Maintenance Request
- Field Trip Requests
- Field Equipment Checkout
- EPS Vehicle Reservation Request
- Shipping Instructions & Form
- Lactation/Quiet Room Reservation
Teaching Resources
- Inclusive Teaching and Learning
- Inclusive Classrooms Leadership Certificate
- References for Inclusive Teaching and Learning
How do I shift between UT and COBRA insurance for a fellowship or internship?
- Student Insurance
- Student Employee Insurance Benefits
- Insurance for Graduate Student Fellows
- Current Employee Benefits Overview
- COBRA Continuation Coverage
- UT Student Health Insurance Plan
International Students
Leave of Absence / Parental Leave / Accommodations
What is the JGS policy for graduate students considering an academic leave of absence, parental leave, or other accommodations?
- Academic leave of absence: See the JSG Graduate Handbook and the UT Graduate School policy.
- Parental leave or other accommodations: See available accommodations for JSG Graduate Students
JSG Business Services Office
Reimbursement Process: Submitting RTA, OOEF forms; using pro-card, etc
How do I use my professional development funds?
How do I reserve a JSG vehicle?
JSG Research Funds
How do I apply for external and JSG-related research grants (off-campus research or lab analytical fees) ?
- JSG Graduate Financial Support Webpage
- JSG External Research Grant Matching Funds Application
- External Grant Scholarships
TA/RA Duties
Who do I discuss concerns over my workload as a TA, RA, or RA assigned tasks not directly related to my thesis/dissertation?
- Executive Director of Academic and Student Affairs: Veronica Vasquez