Alexandros Savvaidis
Mailcode: E0610
Areas of Expertise
Manager of the Texas Seismological Network and Seismology Research (TexNet). Extensive 30 years experience in Seismology and Applied Geophysics both through my research position as a Senior Researcher and collaboration with Industrial partners in multidisciplinary European and US funded projects. I currently manage the seismic network of Texas with 210 seismic stations providing ground motion data in real time. In addition, I managed the largest Seismographic Network in Greece, numbering 100 real time seismometers and 150 offline installations. My research activity and technical expertise is focused on, earthquake physics (natural and induced seismicity), engineering seismology, Earth observation and disaster risk reduction, exploration, engineering, and environmental geophysics. My research on Seismology includes the study of causal factors of induced seismicity (Oil and Gas operations, water production, geothermal, CCUS, mining etc.), source characteristics, the wave path and site characterization in case of an earthquake event, the real time acquisition of ground motion data, Shakemaps implementation and data fusion for disaster risk mitigation. Additionally in Applied Geophysics my attention is directed towards acquiring, processing, and modeling geophysical data using passive and active seismic and electromagnetic techniques in urban and free field areas to reveal 1D, 2D and 3D earth models and to improve the knowledge in exploration, mining and three dimensional basin structure using geophysical methods. Also, I am an expert of surface wave data acquisition, processing and inversion for crustal modeling. For this I have applied different inversion algorithms through the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) in passive and active data in order to minimize the computational time.