Yujiang Xie

Yujiang  Xie
Research Fellow, Institute for Geophysics, Jackson School of Geosciences

Office: ROC
Mailcode: R2200

Yujiang Xie is a Research Fellow at the Institute for Geophysics, Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas at Austin. He earned a Ph.D. in Earth System Sciences from the University of Hamburg (Germany) in 2017. In 2018, he was a Research Scholar at the Institute of Geophysics, University of Hamburg (Germany). From 2019 to 2024, he was a Research Fellow and Research Scholar at Ocean and Earth Sciences, University of Southampton (UK).

Xie's research interests lie in theoretical and computational seismology and applied mathematics, including topics such as partial differential equations (PDEs), wave equations, wave simulations, seismic full-waveform modeling and inversion, and high-performance computing. Previously, he worked on 3D common-reflection-surface with global optimization, 5D seismic interpolation, and traveltime tomography using seismic ray theory (e.g., V. Cervený, 2001). Since 2018, he has been working on full waveform inversion based on the finite-difference method and the adjoint state method (e.g., Virieux and Operto, 2009; Plessix, 2006), seismic adjoint tomography based on the spectral element and adjoint method (e.g., Komatitsch & Tromp, 1999; Tromp et al., 2005; Liu and Tromp, 2008), and the second-order adjoint method derived from perturbation method (e.g., Fichtner and Trampert, 2011).

Since 2024, Xie has been working on anisotropic FWI and anisotropic adjoint tomography in several parameterizations and/or second-order sensitivity at local, regional, and global scales, for the purpose of mitigating or reducing the interparameter trade-offs (e.g., Seismic Tomography 2024, Fichtner et al., 2024). In addition to his role at UT Austin, he also collaborates with Principal Investigators from Germany, the UK, Canada, the US, and many others.

Areas of Expertise

Geophysics, Seismology

Current Research Programs & Projects

Devito: Advancing multi-parameter full waveform modeling and inversion

Seismic full waveform imaging of the oceanic lithosphere-asthenosphere system in the equatorial Mid-Atlantic Ridge (SPECFEM3D and SeisFlows)

Viscoelastic and anisotropic full waveform inversion (adjoint tomography) with full Hessian: scalable and portable implementation

Revisiting the Mathematics and Mechanical Theories in Geophysics and Seismology (for students)

Reviewer, AGU Outstanding Student Presentation Awards, AGU, USA (2019 - Present)

Member, Wave Inversion Technology Consortium (WIT), Germany (2014 - Present)