
The Jackson School has one of the country’s largest, most diverse, and most respected geophysics programs. Ranked No. 5 according to U.S. New & World Report, the geophysics program benefits from outstanding connections to industry and a strong grounding in basic research through the school’s major units, including the Institute for Geophysics, which employs 40 research scientists (and many JSG graduate students) working across the spectrum of geophysics research.

Overall, the Jackson School has about 250 graduate students in all disciplines, divided about equally between master of science and doctoral degree seekers. Both degrees involve original research in the form of a thesis or dissertation, and publication of results and presentation at professional society meetings is a goal for all graduate students.

Roughly 20 percent of the graduate student body is engaged in research that employs geophysical observations, and/or develops new geophysical techniques. The diverse graduate research opportunities in geophysics can be separated broadly into four major themes: field intensive studies; theoretical and numerical investigations; applied geophysics; and regional to global scale studies.

Field Studies

Examples include Antarctic expeditions with aero-geophysical surveys of major ice sheets; marine geophysical expeditions to understand tectonic and sedimentary processes over the continental margins and deep oceans; broad-band seismic experiments to illuminate the structure of the crust and upper mantle; airborne laser mapping of topography to understand terrestrial sedimentary processes; radar and electromagnetic investigations of the near-surface; and active source seismic experiments for near-surface and petroleum exploration studies. There are also development efforts for seismic sources and receivers, gravity, radar, and other field instrumentation.

Theoretical and numerical investigations

These include: solutions to inverse problems to estimate complex multi-parameter earth models from large data sets; development of numerical methods to simulate wave propagation and deformation in complex materials via finite element and finite difference methods; inference from and analysis of complex systems, such as Earth’s climate variations; and development of algorithms using parallel processing architectures.

Applied geophysics

Geophysical methods employing seismic and electromagnetic waves can be used to explore for resources, including petroleum, water, and others, and to estimate near surface physical properties for identification of hazards. Examples underway at UT include improved imaging of subsurface structures to support geological interpretation; estimation of subsurface physical properties from conventional and multi-component seismic data; and application of electromagnetic methods (radar and others) to estimate subsurface structure and physical properties.

Regional to global scale studies

UT geophysicists develop images of the interior of the earth using seismic waves; study earthquake sources and their distribution in time and space; interpret the deformation of the crust and the forces that cause them; and study Earth’s gravity and magnetic fields from surface and space-based observations.

Geophysics/Seismology News

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Thorsten  Becker

Thorsten Becker

mantle convection; plate tectonics; structural seismology; numerical modeling; earthquakes; fluid dynamics
Ginny Catania

Ginny Catania

Ice sheet mass balance, ice dynamics, subglacial hydrology, ice sheet stratigraphy, radar, GPS methods, uncertainty in ice sheet response to climate, satellite observations, remote-sensing observations, outlet glaciers, Greenland, glaciology, Antarctica, sea level, ice-ocean interactions. UT Cryosphere.
Sergey Fomel

Sergey Fomel

Computational and exploration geophysics; seismic imaging; wave propagation; seismic data analysis; inverse problems; geophysical estimation
Marc A Hesse

Marc A Hesse

Multiphase flow in porous media, geomechanics, numerical simulation, mathematical, modeling, reactive transport, magma dynamics.
Luc L Lavier

Luc L Lavier

Tectonics; the structural and geodynamical evolution of continental and oceanic rifts, as well as collisional environments; numerical techniques to model tectonic processes on crustal and lithospheric scales; deformation; subduction
Jung-Fu  Lin

Jung-Fu Lin

Mineral physics, physics and chemistry of planetary materials, solid-Earth geophysics and geochemistry, high-pressure diamond anvil cell, X-ray and laser spectroscopy
Shujuan  Mao

Shujuan Mao

Environmental seismology, Hydrogeophysics, Geothermal energy, Carbon sequestration, Critical-zone processes, Time-lapse imaging, Ambient seismic field, 4D seismology
Shujuan  Mao

Shujuan Mao

Environmental seismology, Hydrogeophysics, Geothermal energy, Carbon sequestration, Critical-zone processes, Time-lapse imaging, Ambient seismic field, 4D seismology
Demian M Saffer

Demian M Saffer

Active tectonics, fault/sediment mechanics, geohydrology.
Mrinal K Sen

Mrinal K Sen

Seismic wave propagation including anisotropy, geophysical inverse problems, earthquakes and earth structure, applied seismology, petroleum exploration including 4D seismology
Kyle T Spikes

Kyle T Spikes

Exploration Geophysics, in particular rock physics applications and seismic inversion techniques for reservoir characterization.
Nicola  Tisato

Nicola Tisato

Experimental rock physics and rock mechanics. Digital Rock Physics. Speleology. Seismic wave attenuation, Physical properties of rocks, Wave-Induced-Phenomena, Genesis of caves and speleothems, Reservoir characterization, Nuclear waste management.


Kenneth W Wisian

Kenneth W Wisian

Geothermal Geophysics, SETI, Exoplanets, Space Exploration, Disaster Response, Recovery & Resiliency, Military Technology Applications, International Affairs, Innovation, Curriculum Development

Affiliated Faculty

Kathy Ellins

Kathy Ellins

Geoscience education; Discipline Based Education Research (DBER); teacher professional development; geoscience curriculum development; undergraduate geoscience teacher preparation; climate literacy; geoscience, art and design engagement
Claudio  Faccenna

Claudio Faccenna

Topics: subduction tectonic and morphological evolution of convergent margin, evolution of orogenic belt and exhumation of deep metamorphic rocks, dynamic topography, trench migration and back-arc deformation, mantle convection, volcanism and fluid circulation in the crust. Tools: Structural geology and geomorphology, experimental / numerical geodynamic modelling, paleomagnetism, seismic lines interpretation. Field sites: ...


Stephen P Grand

Stephen P Grand

Seismic imaging of Earth's mantle, tomography, dynamics of flow in the mantle, regional seismic studies
Lawrence A Lawver

Lawrence A Lawver

Marine geophysics, plate tectonics, magnetics, gravity, heat flow, seismic studies, paleogeographic reconstructions of Gondwana, the Polar Regions, East Asia, and the Western Pacific
Yosio  Nakamura

Yosio Nakamura

Geophysics, lunar and planetary seismology, ocean-bottom seismometry
Paul L Stoffa

Paul L Stoffa

Multichannel seismic acquisition, signal processing, acoustic and elastic wave propagation, modeling and inversion of geophysical data
Clark R Wilson

Clark R Wilson

Geophysics, including gravity, space geodesy, and applied seismology

Research Scientists

Shuvajit Bhattacharya

Petrophysics, Formation Evaluation, Quantitative Seismic Interpretation, Machine Learning, Integrated Subsurface Characterization, Carbon Sequestration
Jamin S Greenbaum

Jamin S Greenbaum

Elizabeth  Spiers

Elizabeth Spiers

Kenneth W Wisian

Kenneth W Wisian

Geothermal Geophysics, SETI, Exoplanets, Space Exploration, Disaster Response, Recovery & Resiliency, Military Technology Applications, International Affairs, Innovation, Curriculum Development

Research Staff

Mohsen Ahmadian

Program Manager for the Advanced Energy Consortium Managing multidisciplinary nanosensor, miniaturized electronics, and smart materials research for the assessment of subsurface properties in various applications, including energy exploration, geothermal, CCUS, etc.
Thomas Hess

Thomas Hess

Geoscience software, anisotropic imaging, seismic processing, seismic geometry, deconvolution, problem solving.
Yujiang  Xie

Yujiang Xie

Graduate Students

Soraya Alfred

Jacob  Allen

Jacob Allen

Second year M.S student studying the effects of confining pressure, vertical stress, and pore fluid pressure on the seismicity of the south central region of the Hikurangi Margin.
Jonathan P Amendola

Jonathan P Amendola

I am interested in glaciomarine environments with particular focus on geomorphology and sediment depositional processes.

William S Bailey

McKenzie Carlson

McKenzie Carlson

My research interests include subduction zone processes, slow slip earthquakes, earthquake hazards, seafloor geodesy, and fault mechanics. I am currently investigating triggering of slow slip events in the Hikurangi Subduction Zone of New Zealand. I am also passionate about science communication and communication of natural hazards to the public.
Kristian  Chan

Kristian Chan

Kristian Chan's research centers on the development and application of techniques for multifrequency/bandwidth ice-penetrating radar data to investigate surface/near-surface regolith properties (e.g., layering) on Jupiter's icy moons Europa and Ganymede. His work incorporates the use of radar models and radar data collected over polar terrestrial analogs (e....
Edward  Clennett

Edward Clennett

I am a fourth year PhD candidate in the geodynamics and tectonics group at UT Austin. I am interested in plate tectonic reconstructions, and how we can use geodynamic and geophysical constraints to better model past plate motion and continental deformation. Plate motion and deformation are modelled through time using ...

Cameron M deFabry

Ismail H Faruqi

Nicole  Ferrie

Nicole Ferrie

Nicole Ferrie is a Ph.D. student interested in utilizing geochemical behavior to research seismologic processes and paleoclimate reconstruction. Her research focuses on using boron adsorption and isotopic fractionation (1) as a fluid tracer in shallow subduction complexes and (2) as a proxy for paleoatmospheric CO2 reconstruction in paleosols. Nicole performs experimental ...
Andrew Gase

Andrew Gase

I use seismic and electromagnetic geophysical methods to probe the earth at lithospheric and environmental scales. My recent interests include subduction zone structure, volcanic geomorphology, and magmatic-tectonic interactions.

Xiang He

Shuhua  Hu

Shuhua Hu

I am a PhD Candidate in computational geophysics, interested in using numerical methods, scientific computing and machine learning to solve for large-scale geophysical inverse problems. My previous experience includes land seismic data processing, seismic imaging R&D for anisotropic media.
Sarp  Karakaya

Sarp Karakaya

Thesis Project: Constraining and quantifying depositional controls on mixed carbonate & siliciclastic sequence stratigraphy of the Eastern Shelf of the Permian Basin and reservoir modeling using 3D seismic interpretation, well log interpretation, seismic inversion, core analysis, and machine learning applications Tasks: o Interpreted a 3D seismic volume and well logs in ...

Megan Kerr

Christopher S Linick

Christopher S Linick

I am a geophysicist with roots in geodesy. I study inverse problems at the intersection of hydrology and geodesy; for instance, currently I am working to quantify snowpack across the Sierra Nevada of California from dense GPS observations of crustal deformation and other data types. I also work with gravimeters, ...
Landon  Lockhart

Landon Lockhart

My expertise is in petrophysics and geomechanics, and I have proficiency in log-based petrophysical analysis, in laboratory measurements, and broadly in geomechanics, both in conventional and unconventional reservoirs. A key highlight of my research is the development of a model to predict pore pressure in the Permian Basin. In this ...
Shirley T Mensah

Shirley T Mensah

Shirley Mensah completed her BS in Geology and Professional Science Master's in Geographic Information Science and Cartography from Eastern Illinois University. After her graduation, she worked with various companies like Apple and Nicor Gas as a GIS Technician and Geospatial Analyst. Currently, she is a Ph.D. student working with ...
Scott  Mitchell

Scott Mitchell

Dr. Sheng Peng's team and I are Looking at porosity in various salt and shale core samples. Our goal is to accurately and consistently determine hydrogen leakage at nonconventional drill sites.

Nicholas J Montiel

Ema Parker

My research focuses on employing active marine electromagnetic (EM) methods to study lithosphere-biosphere dynamics and, by extension, potential implications those mechanisms may have for the New Blue Economy. I also have a key interest in expanding the Jackson School's marine EM capabilities.
Mikayla A Pascual

Mikayla A Pascual

Hongrui  Peng

Hongrui Peng

I am broadly interested in everything associated with seismology and tectonics, especially understanding the origin and spatio-temporal variation of seismic ambient noise, as well as derive more information (e.g., Attenuation, dv/v, Body wave, Higher-modes) from it.
Sabrina A Reichert

Sabrina A Reichert

Marine seismic tomography of the Blake Plateau, with consideration of magnetic and bathymetric data to illuminate the tectonic and magmatic mechanisms of continental breakup, as well as seafloor spreading phenomena in the Central Atlantic Ocean.
Akshika  Rohatgi

Akshika Rohatgi

Kevin W Shionalyn

Kevin W Shionalyn

ice-ocean interactions, glaciology, machine learning, acoustics, geophysics

Shivangini Singh

Cole M Speed

Cole M Speed

I am a Ph.D. student with interests in remote sensing, geospatial data analytics, and Earth/planetary surface processes. My current research focuses on quantifying the evolution of modern fluvial landscapes and their preservation in the ancient rock record using high-resolution topography, time-lapse satellite imagery, numerical models, and field data. ...
Huiwen  Sun

Huiwen Sun

My research interests lie primarily in the field of active tectonics with a focus on megathrust earthquakes. I seek to integrate geological observations, geodetic measurements, and seismological data into numerical models to better understand the behaviors of megathrust events.
Molly  Zebker

Molly Zebker

I am a geophysicist specializing in radar remote sensing of the Earth's surface processes. My current research focuses on algorithm development for Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR). Applications of InSAR include groundwater resources, induced seismicity, and carbon storage.

Graduate and undergraduate research in geologic sequestration of CO2

Gulf Coast Carbon Center supports a team of students and post docs working in geologic sequestration (deep subsurface long-duration storage) of the major greenhouse gas CO2, as a method to reduce release to the atmosphere. Student projects are wide ranging, from sedimentology to policy, linked in that they are 1) multidisciplinary and 2) applied to current issues. Students are typically jointly supervised by faculty in geology or petroleum geosystems engineering and staff at the GCCC. A class in geologic sequestration is offered in the fall some years.
Posted by: Susan Hovorka

Graduate research opportunities in computational seismology

Texas Consortium for Computational Seismology is looking for Ph.D. students interested in computational research. Our group works on a broad range of topics in exploration geophysics, from wave-equation seismic imaging and inversion to computational algorithms for seismic data processing and seismic interpretation. The work is supported by industrial sponsors. We use open-source software tools and high-performace computing resources.
Posted by: Sergey Fomel

High Resolution 3D marine seismic for fluid studies

Opportunities exist to become involved in the design, acquisition, processing, and interpretation of high-resolution 3D marine seismic data. Current applications include characterization for subsurface storage of carbon dioxide and natural fluid migration studies. We anticipate development into imaging modern systems as reservoir analogs.
Posted by: Tip Meckel

Student Opportunities

I am always interested in adding motivated new students to my Earthquake Science research team in the Jackson School. For prospective graduate students, please review the application guidelines and expectations listed on the Jackson School website (see orange link above). We do not accept "off track" admissions in the Jackson School, so the standard Fall application season is your best bet. I strongly encourage prospective students to reach out to me via email during this time with your CV and research interests. I highly value diversity in thought and experience, and students from underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged to apply.
Posted by: Daniel Trugman

Electromechanical instrumentation design

Electromechanical instrumentation design
Posted by: Darrel Tremaine

Analyzing seismic data using machine learning techniques

Seismic recordings are used to detect earthquakes and to create images of the Earth’s interior. Seismic data contain rich patterns that can be discovered for extracting detailed information. Newly developed machine learning techniques aid in the discovery process. Deep learning has been used to detect arrivals of seismic signals from earthquakes and volcano eruptions and to extract from subsurface images such features, as faults, channels, salt bodies, etc. In detecting geological features, computational algorithms prove to be as powerful or even more powerful than the human eye, especially in higher dimensions. In this project, we are adopting the latest ideas from the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence to improve the resolution ability of seismic images. Our objective is to advance the state of the art in discovering seismic data patterns. The approaches include unsupervised learning for analyzing seismic waveforms and compressing data in the transformed domain and supervised learning for teaching the computer how to imitate the work of human interpreters. We are seeking an enthusiastic student to participate in this project. The student will develop data-analysis skills and contribute to an open-source software project. Some prior familiarity with seismology and machine learning, as well as some prior experience with computer programming using Python are helpful but not required
Posted by: Sergey Fomel

Graduate opportunities at OCEEMlab

Graduate - Five years
OCEEMlab welcomes future graduate students of high caliber who are passionate about exploring new frontiers in Ocean and Earth science. At OCEEMlab, we study lithosphere-biosphere dynamic processes and complex systems using a combination of fieldwork, advanced computational modeling, and integrative data science. We seek candidates with solid foundations in natural sciences and programming skills. We are especially interested in bringing on board individuals with interdisciplinary knowledge who are highly motivated in weaving disciplines such as geophysics, geology, oceanography, geochemistry, and environmental molecular biology to address contemporary challenging research questions. Most importantly, in the core values of OCEEMlab lies courtesy to one another, encouraging natural curiosity, and cohesive teamwork; As a team, we can achieve far more than individuals. In addition, we firmly believe that groundbreaking discoveries are accomplished by walking on the fringes of science rather than at the center. Thus, we encourage unorthodox genuine thinkers to join our team and help us stretch the envelope of human knowledge a tiny bit further.
Posted by: Eric Attias

Postdocs opportunities at OCEEMlab

Graduate - Two years
OCEEMlab welcomes applicants via UTIG's Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellows Program. At OCEEMlab, we study lithosphere-biosphere dynamic processes and complex systems using a combination of fieldwork, advanced computational modeling, and integrative data science. We are especially interested in bringing on board individuals with interdisciplinary knowledge who are highly motivated in weaving disciplines such as geophysics, geology, oceanography, geochemistry, and environmental molecular biology to address contemporary challenging research questions. Contact Dr. Attias for further information.
Posted by: Eric Attias

Geomechanics and Geofluids Research Jobs for Undergrads

Do you want to study the Earth while learning the ins-and-outs of cutting-edge laboratory equipment, from maintenance to experiment design? UT GeoMechanics and GeoFluids investigates fluid flow and deformation in Earth materials using lab experiments, field work, and computer modeling. We seek hard-working and detail-oriented students with a passion for learning. You will assist with ongoing projects: offshoots could lead to your senior thesis. Tasks will include everything from the routine to the experimentally complex. You will work independently or with staff and researchers on experimental setup, equipment maintenance, laboratory clean up, sample preparation, data analysis, and a host of other tasks. For more information contact Josh O'Connell. Learn more about our research projects at UT GeoMechanics and GeoFluids.
Posted by: Peter Flemings

Sedimentological characterization along the North Slope of Alaska

Undergraduate - ~4 months
The Arctic is melting! How will the earth’s frozen surface and subsurface respond to a warming world? We are looking for a summer student intern (fully paid) to help us characterize the geology of Arctic seabed in northernmost Alaska. The project is funded by Sandia National Labs and provides the student with an opportunity to interact with a potential future employer while enhancing our climate security. The student will be introduced to a diverse array of data types including seismic reflection, core data, and remote sensing observations. This work will provide the broader UT-Austin and Sandia team with a better understanding of Arctic shelf geology and help guide planning efforts for future site surveys and data collection. Results will impact decisions and serve as excellent exposure to problem solving in the field of geosciences.
Posted by: Matthew Malkowski

Summer intern/undergrad job Summer 2023 at TACC

The Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) is seeking a summer intern to join the HighPerformance Computing group for the Summer 2023. The position is supported by the Seismic COmputational Platform for Empowering Discovery (SCOPED) project funded by NSF. The intern will primarily work on polishing and writing documents of the software tools supported by SCOPED. The tools are written in Python and C++, so basic understanding of these languages will be helpful. Additionally, experience with docker containers is preferred. Responsibilities: • Review and revise existing documents of software tools and containers • Find and correct any issues in the documentation • Improve the wording and presentation of the documents • Work collaboratively with the development team to ensure accuracy and consistency in the documents Requirements: • Must be currently enrolled in a bachelor's or master's degree program at UT • Basic understanding of Python and C/C++ languages • Familiarity with docker containers is preferred • Exceptional precision and accuracy when reviewing and editing documents to ensure they are error-free. • Excellent written and verbal communication skills • Ability to work independently and collaboratively with the development team • Background in Seismology is a plus Required Materials • Resume • Letter of interest To apply, please send your resume and letter to Ian Wang ( via emails before Apr 15, 2023. We welcome applicants from all backgrounds and encourage individuals from underrepresented groups to apply
Posted by: Thorsten Becker

MTMOD Megathrust modeling framework

Various summer projects and undergraduate research opportunities
Posted by: Thorsten Becker

Mantle and Fault System Dynamics Graduate Research

The UT Geodynamics Team is always looking for motivated graduate and undergraduate students. The University of Texas at Austin hosts an exciting and diverse community of researchers at the Jackson School of Geoscience, which includes the UTIG and DGS units with which I am affiliated. At UT, we are colocated and collaborate with a number of others, including at the Texas Advanced Computing Center and the Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences. We are always looking for motivated students with a keen interest and solid background in the Earth sciences, physics, engineering, or computer science. Please take a look at some of our recent publications to give you an idea of current projects, but I like to work with students who think and work independently and challenge and extend my expertise and interests. Please consider applying for our program should you be interested in pursuing a PhD in my research group, and see the JSG pages for admission procedures. The (important) Fellowship deadline is December 1 each year. If you think this could be a match, please do reach out by email.
Posted by: Thorsten Becker

Ph.D. Opportunities in Environmental Seismology and Energy Transition

My research group "Seismo4D" is actively looking for PhD students and postdocs. Please email me if you're interested. Our group applies 4D seismology to understand Earth's physical processes associated with climate change and energy transition. Potential research topics focus on fluid/vapor systems in Earth's shallow subsurface, including hydrological processes, geothermal energy exploitation, critical zones, and volcanic unrest. Students in our group will develop and employ cutting-edge seismic techniques (such as passive seismic interferometry and time-lapse imaging) to study the spatiotemporal evolution and physical mechanisms of subsurface processes.
Posted by: Shujuan Mao

Offshore CO2 Storage

Graduate - Seeking Graduate Research Assistant interested in integrated seismic, well log, and geology integration for CO2 storage resource assessment.
Current DOE grant to study CO2 storage options in the Gulf of Mexico offshore Corpus Christi, Texas.
Posted by: Tip Meckel

Carbon Cpature and Geologic Storage

Undergraduate - ongoing - get in touch:
The Gulf Coast Carbon Center often engages with undergradutes in geology, EER, and petroleum engineering on topic related to carbon capture and geologic storage (CCS).
Posted by: Tip Meckel

Students/postdocs on ML/AI-based earthquake data analysis

I am looking for self-motivated graduate students and postdocs who are interested in research on advanced earthquake data analysis using ML/AL.
Posted by: Yangkang Chen

Center for Computational Geosciences & Optimization

The Center for Computational Geosciences and Optimization addresses modeling of the solid and fluid earth systems, with emphasis on large scale simulation and inversion on supercomputers. Problems of interest include forward and inverse modeling of regional and global seismic wave propagation, mantle convection, atmospheric and subsurface contaminant transport, ocean dynamics, and flow in porous media. Research in the CCGO is conducted jointly with collaborators from the Jackson School of Geosciences, other ICES centers, the College of Engineering, the Department of Computer Sciences, other universities including Carnegie Mellon, Penn, MIT, Columbia, and Emory, and Sandia National Labs. Related inverse and optimization problems in the mechanical and biomedical engineering sciences are also being pursued.

Center for Planetary Systems Habitability

The Center for Planetary Systems Habitability is an interdisciplinary research center at UT and is the result of a partnership between the Jackson School, the College of Natural Sciences, and the Cockrell School of Engineering. The center advances our ability to search for life on other planets by collaborating on research that helps better understand where habitable zones develop and how they evolve within planetary systems.

EDGER Forum (Exploration & Development Geophysics Education & Research)

The Edger Forum is a consortium of industry participants sponsoring Education & Research in Exploration Geophysical Technology.

Exploration Geophysics

The Exploration Geophysics Laboratory (EGL) develops a wide range of technologies using all components of the seismic wavefield, including seismic field-recording techniques, data-processing and data-interpretation procedures, for improved reservoir characterization and prospect evaluation.


A program of research into plate tectonics and geologic reconstructions, the PLATES Project is supported by an industry consortium. Our primary objectives are to model past and present plate movement, compile comprehensive databases, develop plate motion computer software and apply plate motion models.

Reservoir Characterization Research Laboratory

The Reservoir Characterization Research Laboratory (RCRL) seeks to use outcrop and subsurface geologic and petrophysical data from carbonate reservoir strata as the basis for developing new and integrated methodologies to better understand and describe the 3-D reservoir environment.

Texas Consortium for Computational Seismology

The mission of the Texas Consortium for Computational Seismology is to address the most important and challenging research problems in computational geophysics as experienced by the energy industry while educating the next generation of research geophysicists and computational scientists.

TexNet Seismic Monitoring Program

In the 84th Legislative Session, the Texas Legislature tasked us with helping to locate and determine the origins of earthquakes in our State, and, where they may have been caused by human activity, helping to prevent them from occurring in the future. We have established the TexNet earthquake monitoring program to accomplish these goals, and we plan to place earthquake monitoring stations across Texas to gather information about and study these events as they occur. We want to help inform Texas citizens so that they can keep their property safe from the impact of earthquakes.

Affiliated UT Programs & Centers

Center for Space Research

The University of Texas at Austin, Center for Space Research was established in 1981 under the direction of Dr. Byron D. Tapley. The mission of the Center is to conduct research in orbit determination, space geodesy, the Earth and its environment, exploration of the solar system, as well as expanding the scientific applications of space systems data.

Texas Advanced Computing Center

The Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) at The University of Texas at Austin is one of the leading centers of computational excellence in the United States. Located on the J.J. Pickle Research Campus, the center's mission is to enable discoveries that advance science and society through the application of advanced computing technologies.
Posted by Marcus Gary
Photos of research of the Sistema Zacaton karst area