Claudio Faccenna

Claudio  Faccenna
2024 9/1-8/31/25 Other University Affiliate, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences

Work: +3 932 905 71016
Office: JGB
Mailcode: C1160

Education and Employment

2019-present John F. and Carolyn C. Bookout Endowed Chair in Structural Geology, Dept. of Geology, Jackson School, University of Texas at Austin
2011-present Full Professor at Dept. of Sciences, University Roma TRE.
2001-2010 Associate Professor at Dept. of Geological Science, University Roma TRE.
1995-2000 Researcher at Department of Geological Science, University of Roma TRE.
1997-1998 Visiting scholar at Harvard University, Cambridge (USA).
1993-1995 Post-doc at University Paris VI and at Geosciences Rennes-University di Rennes I.
1989-1993 PhD at Department of Earth Science, University of Rome La Sapienza.
1984-1988 Graduated at Department of Earth Science, University of Rome La Sapienza.

Areas of Expertise

Topics: subduction tectonic and morphological evolution of convergent margin, evolution of orogenic belt and exhumation of deep metamorphic rocks, dynamic topography, trench migration and back-arc deformation, mantle convection, volcanism and fluid circulation in the crust. Tools: Structural geology and geomorphology, experimental / numerical geodynamic modelling, paleomagnetism, seismic lines interpretation. Field sites: Tethyan belt: Mediterranean to the Middle East (Morocco, Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Iran), Himalaya (Pakistan), Andes (Argentina-Colombia), Antarctica.

Graduate Students

Edward Clennett , Ph.D., expected 2024 (Committee Member)
I am a fifth year PhD candidate in the geodynamics and tectonics group at UT Austin. I am interested in plate tectonic reconstructions, and how we can use geodynamic and geophysical constraints to better model past plate motion and continental deformation. Plate motion and deformation are modelled through time using plate reconstructions. These are widely used across industry and academia...

Eirini Poulaki, Ph.D., 2022 (Committee Member)
Jackson School of Geosciences

2021Summer GEO f660A Field Geo-Tx/Nm/Co/Wy/Mt/Id/Ut
2021Summer GEO f660B Field Geo-Tx/Nm/Co/Wy/Mt/Id/Ut
2021Spring GEO 401 Physical Geology
2021Spring GEO 401 Physical Geology-Wb
2021Spring GEO 338T Marine Tectonics-Wb
2021Spring GEO 371T Tectonic Geodynamics-Wb
2021Spring GEO 381T Marine Tectonics-Wb
2021Spring GEO 391 Tectonic Geodynamics-Wb
2020Spring GEO 338T Marine Tectonics
2020Spring GEO 371T Tectonic Geodynamics
2020Spring GEO 381T Marine Tectonics
2020Spring GEO 391 Tectonic Geodynamics
2019Spring GEO 338T Marine Tectonics
2019Spring GEO 371T Tectonic Geodynamics
2019Spring GEO 381T Marine Tectonics