Eric Attias
Guest Investigator, Geology & Geopysics department, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Affiliate Faculty, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, Institute of Geophysics, University of Hawaii
Eric's group at OCEEMlab aims to illuminate Earth's complex systems. We study a broad spectrum of mechanisms from the upper mantle to the ultra-shallow crust, focusing on dynamic processes associated with marine geohazards and resources. We are particularly interested in lithosphere-biosphere feedback loop interactions. To this aim, we use primarily passive (MT) and active (CSEM) marine electromagnetic techniques, integrated with seismic reflection/tomography, gravity, magnetic, and oceanographic data. OCEEMlab research is driven by environmental, societal, and economic scientific challenges of contemporary global relevance.
Areas of Expertise
OCEEMlab focuses on mitigating climate-driven phenomena by studying dynamic processes at oceanic plate boundaries, addressing geohazards, and promoting a New Blue Economy. Research Interests: (1) The interplay between mantle plumes, submarine freshwater, and marine biodiversity in volcanic systems. (2) Hot-spot mantle plume geodynamics and submarine volcanism. (3) Slab rollback-driven toroidal and poloidal mantle flows at back-arc subduction zones and their role in the evolution of continental breakup. (4) Oceanic mid-ocean ridge transform faultsÂ’ role in quasi-periodic earthquake cycles. (5) Impact of ice-sheet retreat and isostatic rebound on fluid flow dynamics and marine gas hydrate dissociation in polar regions. (6) Subsea CO2 storage sites time-lapse monitoring. (7) Characterization of seafloor minerals at hydrothermal vent fields along seafloor spreading ridges.
Research Locations
Current Research Programs & Projects
4CASTGofar: Studying the Gofar transform fault quasi-periodic earthquake cycle using marine EM ( view )ICE-FLAME: Impact of ICE-sheet retreat and Fluid flow dynamics in Western Antarctic Peninsula Margin Experiment ( view )ESCAPE: Electromagnetic imaging of Submarine Canyon freshwAter Plume Experiment ( view )Postdoctoral Research Fellowship - Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, University of Hawai‘i (2018 - 2021)
Ph.D. Fellowship - National Oceanography Centre Southampton (NOCS) & Rock Solid Images (RSI) (2013 - 2017)
Course leader: Geophysical fieldwork, OCEEMlab partnered with GeoFORCE to host a week-long geophysical fieldwork BootCamp as part of the GeoFORCE summer outreach program. In addition to the field portion of the BootCamp, OCEEMlab introduced the fundamentals of data processing and interpretation. Students who participated were then asked to create a poster presentation of their geophysical explorations encountered during the course., GeoFORCE | Jackson School of Geosciences (2023)
Academic Adviser, ATX Science Olympiad, UT Austin Student Organization (2022 - Present)
Primary-convener, Imaging Earth Structures from the Surface down to the Upper Mantle with Multiple Geophysical and Geochemical Data I and II, AGU Annual Fall Meeting (2020)
Mentor, undergraduate and master students, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, University of Hawai‘i (2019 - 2021)
Ph.D. Advisor, Informal advisor of Ph.D. candidate, University of Southampton, School of Ocean and Earth (2018 - Present)
Manuscript reviewer, Nat. Rev. Earth Environ.; Geophys. Res. Lett.; J. Geophys. Res.; Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst.; Geophys. J. Int.; Geophys. Prospect.; Geophysics, and abstracts for AGU and SEG Annual Meetings., Peer-reviewed journals (2017 - Present)
Dallas Sherman, 2023 - 2026, UTIG at UT Austin
RESEARCH INTERESTS: Marine electromagnetic geophysics, fluid flow in gas hydrate systems, submarine groundwater, stability and extent of submarine permafrost. EDUCATION: Ph. D., Geophysics, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, 2018. B.Sc., Environmental Engineering, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, 2012. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Geophysicist, Frontier Geosciences Inc., North Vancouver, Canada, 2018-2022. Consulting Geophysicist, Ocean Floor Geophysics, Japan, 2017. Staff Research Assistant, IGPP, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, 2018.
GEO 365P: Potential Fld Appl In Geophys, Marine Electromagnetic Methods (4 guest lectures), JSG (2023)
Graduate Positions
Graduate opportunities at OCEEMlab (Five years)
OCEEMlab welcomes future graduate students of high caliber who are passionate about exploring new frontiers in Ocean and Earth science. At OCEEMlab, we study lithosphere-biosphere dynamic processes and complex systems using a combination of fieldwork, advanced computational modeling, and integrative data science. We seek candidates with solid foundations in natural sciences and programming skills. We are especially interested in bringing on board individuals with interdisciplinary knowledge who are highly motivated in weaving disciplines such as geophysics, geology, oceanography, geochemistry, and environmental molecular biology to address contemporary challenging research questions. Most importantly, in the core values of OCEEMlab lies courtesy to one another, encouraging natural curiosity, and cohesive teamwork; As a team, we can achieve far more than individuals. In addition, we firmly believe that groundbreaking discoveries are accomplished by walking on the fringes of science rather than at the center. Thus, we encourage unorthodox genuine thinkers to join our team and help us stretch the envelope of human knowledge a tiny bit further.
Postdocs opportunities at OCEEMlab (Two years)
OCEEMlab welcomes applicants via UTIG's Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellows Program. At OCEEMlab, we study lithosphere-biosphere dynamic processes and complex systems using a combination of fieldwork, advanced computational modeling, and integrative data science. We are especially interested in bringing on board individuals with interdisciplinary knowledge who are highly motivated in weaving disciplines such as geophysics, geology, oceanography, geochemistry, and environmental molecular biology to address contemporary challenging research questions. Contact Dr. Attias for further information.