Kehua You
Mailcode: C9000
I am a hydrogeologist interested in studying subsurface fluid flow and reactive mass transport using analytical and numerical models. I am particularly interested in investigating the carbon cycle in marine and permafrost system, and the dynamics of methane hydrate system. I have been working on projects spanning from the formation and evolution of methane hydrate in marine and permafrost sediments, gas production from methane hydrate reservoirs, carbon cycle during sedimentation and burial and in Arctic permafrost associated with a changing climate, and fracture propagation and evolution in cold marine seeps.
Areas of Expertise
Carbon cycle, Methane Hydrate, Hydrogeology, Flow and Transport in Porous Media, Analytical and Numerical Modeling
Current Research Programs & Projects
Characterization and Modeling of Methane Hydrate Reservoirs in the Gulf of Mexico
Toward A Process Understanding of the Methane Thermodynamics associated with Subsea Permafrost Thaw at the Arctic Continental Shelves
Doris & Joe P. Watson 42 Endowed Graduate Scholarship - Texas A&M University (2011 - 2012)
Research Award - 3rd, 4th and 5th Annual Texas A&M Geology & Geophysics Research Symposium (2010 - 2012)
Graduate Fellowship - Texas A&M University (2008 - 2013)
Incentive Scholarship - Texas A&M University (2008 - 2009)
Natural Inspiring Scholarship - University of Science and Technology of China (2008 - 2008)
Graduation with Honor - University of Science and Technology of China (2008 - 2008)
Outstanding Undergraduate Research Project - University of Science and Technology of China (2007 - 2007)
"Huang Mao Tong" Special Scholarship - University of Science and Technology of China (2005 - 2006)
Outstanding Student Scholarship - University of Science and Technology of China (2004 - 2005)
Session primary convener, AGU Fall meeting (2018)
Discussion Leader, Gordon Research Seminar on Natural Gas Hydrate Systems (2018)
Judge, 5th Annual Jackson School Student Research Symposium (2018)
OSPA Judge, AGU Fall meeting (2017)
Session convener, AGU Fall meeting (2017)
Session primary convener and chair, AGU Fall meeting (2016)
OPSA Judge, AGU Fall meeting (2015)
Discussion Leader, Gordon Research Seminar on Natural Gas Hydrate Systems (2014)
Graduate Positions
Carbon Cycle in Arctic Permafrost
I am looking for a new graduate student who is interested in research on carbon cycle in Arctic Permafrost.