Taufik Al Amin

Taufik Al  Amin
M.S., Geological Science, Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin, expected 2025
M.S., Geological Science (Petroleum Geoscience), Institut Teknologi Bandung, 2022
B.S., Geological Science, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 2020


My research work with Reservoir Characterization Research Laboratory (RCRL) - Bureau of Economic Geology, pertains to the examination of facies variability, mechanical stratigraphy, and their implications on the heterogeneity of natural and induced fractures in the upper Wolfcamp formation of mixed carbonate-siliciclastic fans, Permian, Delaware Basin.

Charles A. Caughey Graduate Fellowship 2023 - Jackson School of Geosciences (2023 - 2025)

2nd Winner of AAPG Imperial Barrel Award 2021 Asia Pacific Region - AAPG and the AAPG Foundation (2021 - 2021)

Amin, Taufik Al., Baroek, Marino., Santana, Sonny., Sapiie, Benyamin. & Gunawan, Indra. (2022). 1D Geomechanical Modeling and Critically-Stressed Fractures Analysis in Naturally Fractured Reservoir, Muara Laboh Geothermal Field, West Sumatra, Indonesia. Bulletin of Geology, 6(1), 851 - 865. https://buletingeologi.com/index.php/buletin-geologi/article/view/221. doi:.