Danny Stockli
Getty Oil Company Centennial Chair in Geological Sciences (Fellow)
John F. and Carolyn C. Bookout Endowed Chair in Structural Geology (Holder)
Mailcode: C9000
I grew in the sub-Alpine Molasse next to the external Helvetic Thrust sheets outside of Lucerne, Switzerland. I attended ETH Zurich as an undergraduate and worked in the Eastern Alps on orogen-parallel extension (Brenner Fault) for my M.S, before moving the USA in 1995 for my Ph.D. at Stanford University investigating the timing of Basin and Range extension. After a 2-year postdoc at Caltech during the early years of (U-Th)/He dating, I taught at the University of Kansas for a decade as an Assistant and Associate Professor and move to the University of Texas in 2011 as a Full Professor. I am currently the Chevron (Gulf) Centennial Professor in Geology, the Director of the UTChron laboratory, and the incoming DGS Dept. Chair (2021). During my time at KU and UT, I established cutting-edge (U-Th)/He, 4He/3He, and LA-ICP-MS laboratories (UTChron).
Click here for Stockli Research Group Website
Click here for UTChron Laboratory Website
My research focuses on the integrated application of thermochronology and geochronology to tectonic and geological problems to better understand the temporal and thermal aspects of tectonic, petrologic, stratigraphic, and geomorphologic processes. In particular, I am interested in combining structural geology with ge0- and thermochronology to elucidate the spatial and temporal distribution of deformation in intra-continental rifting, orogen-parallel extension, and continental break-up leading (Basin and Range, Red Sea, Alps-Pyrenees, and the Aegean,) as well as collisional tectonics, timing of thrusting, and coupling of fold-and-thrust sheet and foreland basin dynamics (e.g., Sevier, Zagros, Verkhoyansk FTBs).
In addition to the application of geo- and thermochronometry to tectonics, my research group also focuses on both the developement and calibration, and bench marking of novel geochronology, thermochronology, and petrological tools. This includes a special emphasis on development of new He noble thermochronmeters (e.g., monazite, rutile, spinel, magnetite, spinel etc.) and LA-ICP-MS U-Pb and REE methods (e.g., U-Pb depth profiling, U-Pb-He double dating, U-Pb and REE split-stream analysis and 2D mapping, garnet U-Pb dating, etc.).
With the acquisition of a SFT Helix sector-noble gas machine coupled to an extraction line with diode laser and light-bulb furnace for fractional-loss step heating experiments and a dedicated Excimer Analyte G2 Laser for He laser ablation, our research foci also include thermal history recovery from single apatite and zircon grains and cosmogenic 3He dating.
Areas of Expertise
Thermo-/Geochronology, Tectonics and Structural Geology, Isotopic Provenance Analysis, Archeometry, Geothermal Exploration, and Thermal Maturation
Current Research Programs & Projects
2019 - Apache Egypt. Chronostratigraphy and Thermal Evolution Reconstruction of the Alamein area, Egypt. $325,000.
2018 - Equinor. Provenance signature of modern Rivers in Eastern Mexico. $175,578.11. Stockli (PI)
2018 - NSF Tectonics: Collaborative research: Timing of slip along the Sierra Nevada frontal fault zone, California: A Thermochronologic Study. $235,427. Stockli (PI)
2017- NSF OCE: Collaborative Proposal: Chicxulub impact effects and the recovery of life using scientific drilling investigations at ground zero. $566,407 (UT Total), Gulick (PI), Stockli (co-PI)
2017 - NSF Tectonics. Retrograde metamorphism in the Greek Cycladic Islands as a window into exhumation mechanisms of high-pressure terranes. $334,776. Barnes (PI), Stockli (co-PI)
2017 - Norwegian INPART: Arctic Geological History and Future Exploration: A Norwegian-Russian-North American (NO-R-AM) collaboration in Arctic research and education ~$606,600 or NK 4,841,000 (total for 4 institutions)
2020 - Norwegian INPART: NOR-R-AM 2 - Arctic Geological History and Future Exploration Collaboration in Arctic Research and education ~$606,600 or NK 4,841,000 (total for 4 institutions)
2015 - NSF Tectonics. Using the World's Fastest Slipping Normal Fault to Understand the Mechanics of Low-angle Normal Faults. $290,077.
2015 - Statoil. Isotopic Provenance Constraints on Source to Sink System. $704,289.
Select Past Research
2010 - Ecopetrol-ICP Contract: Low-temperature thermochronological and neotectonic constraints from the Middle Magdalena Valley, Llanos basin, and Eastern Cordillera of Colombia (Phase 3). $616,635.
2010 - Apache Egypt. Thermochronometric Investigation of the Thermal History and Maturation of Paleozoic strata of the Western Desert, Egypt. $149,972.
2010 - NSF Tectonics. Collaborative Research: Timing, extent, and spatial progression of Neogene displacement transfer, southern Walker Lane, western Great Basin. $193,313.
2010 - DOE Geothermal Technologies Program. Detachment faulting and Geothermal Resources - An Innovative Integrated Geological and Geophysical Investigation of Pearl Hot Spring, Nevada. $4,242,519 (including $1,943,282 in external industry cost-share).
2010 - DOD Geothermal Program Office. Geological investigations, eastern Lava Mountains, Almond Mountain, and southern Slate Range, NAWS China Lake, CA. $780,000 (phase I and II). . (co-PI with J.D. Walker as lead PI)
2009 - Remora Oil Contract. Detrital (U-Th)/He thermochronometry of the Llanos foreland basin, Colombia. $98,000.
2009 - NSF Instrumentation and Facilities. Upgrade of the Laser Heating System for the (U-Th)/He laboratory at the University of Kansas. $76,500.
2008 - Ecopetrol-ICP Contract: Low-temperature thermochronological and neotectonic constraints from the Middle Magdalena Valley, Llanos basin, and Eastern Cordillera of Colombia (Phase 2). $817,000.
2009 - Ecopetrol Contract: Low-temperature thermochronological and neotectonic constraints from the Middle Magdalena Valley, Llanos basin, and Eastern Cordillera of Colombia (Phase 1). $110,000.
2008 - Hocol S.A. Contract: Servico en analysis de thermochronologi de baja temperature (U-Th/He en la Cordillera Oriental (Low-Temperature (U-Th)/He Thermochronometric Analyses in Eastern Cordillera, Colombia). $50,000.
2008 - National Geographic Society. Dating Zircon Survivors in Multi-cycle Arc Volcanoes: a new Tool for Predicting Long-term Magmatic Periodicity? Co-PI with Axel Schmitt (UCLA), $17,400.
2008 - NSF Tectonics. Collaborative Research: Development of extensional systems in regions of hot, thick crust: Insight from Tibet. $154,019 (co-PI with M. Taylor)
2008 - NSF Petrology and Geochemistry. Magnetite (U-Th-Sm)/He Geochronology - A Novel Technique for Dating Continental and Oceanic Basalts. $200,036.
2007 - Navy Geothermal Program. Thermochronometric Constraints on the Connection between Advection of Heat through Faulting and Nature of Geothermal Resource for the Hawthorne/Wassuk Range area, Nevada, $134,000.
2006 - Apache Egypt Oil Contract. Thermochronometric Investigation of the SOKAR-1X Unconformity. $69,523.
2005 - NSF Petrology and Geochemistry. Development and calibration of rutile (U-Th)/He geo-and thermochronometry. $ 174,122.
2005 - NSF Instrumentation and Facilities. Technician Support: (U-Th)/He laboratory at the University of Kansas [Phase I]. $203,374.
2005 - KU General Research Fund Grant. Timing of ancient earthquakes by radiometric dating of frictional seismic melts - Development of zircon (U-Th)/He dating of pseudotachylites. $7,588.
2004 - NSF Tectonics. Collaborative Research: Collaborative Research: Exhumation of the Colorado Plateau--spatial and temporal distribution and implications for landscape evolution. $118,818.
2003 - NSF MARGINS. Collaborative Research: Integrated thermochronological & structural investigation of the Saudi Arabian Red Sea rift margin: Implications for the rupturing of continental lithosphere. $189,287.
2003 - NSF MARGINS. Collaborative Research: Integrated thermochronological & structural investigation of the Saudi Arabian Red Sea rift margin: Implications for the rupturing of continental lithosphere. $189,287.
2003 - NSF Tectonics. Timing and Kinematics of Cenozoic of E-W Extension in central Tibet Important Transition in the Strain Field of the Tibetan Plateau. $229,909.
2002 - NSF Tectonics. Collaborative Research: Late Cenozoic to Recent Fault Slip Distribution in the Central Walker Lane Belt, Western Nevada. Award Amount: $162,961.
2011 - DOE Geothermal Technologies Program. Novel Coupled Thermochronometric and Geochemical Investigation of Blind Geothermal Resources in Fault- Controlled Dilational Corners,Dixie Valley, Nevada. $850,000.
2018 - Apache Egypt. Chronostratigraphy and Thermal Evolution Reconstruction of the Abu Gharadig and Alamein basins, Egypt. $170,00.
2015 - NSF IF MRI. Acquisition of a Multicollector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer for Earth Science Research at the University of Texas at Austin. $452,544.
2015 - ExxonMobile. Thermal Evolution of the Iranian Zagros – Lorestan and Fars Provinces. $119,658.
2014 - NSF Tectonics. Exhumation History of the Indian Lesser Himalaya: Discriminating Tectonic Models with Implications for the Neogene Isotopic Composition of Seawater. $361,772.
2013 - NSF Tectonics. Collaborative Research: Title: Collaborative Research: Paleogeographic record of contractional to extensional tectonics in the Sevier hinterland, Nevada. $298,000.
2012 - ExxonMobil. Depositional and Deformational History of the Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt and Foreland Basin, Kirkuk Embayment, Iraqi Kurdistan. $845,409 Horton and Stockli co-PIs.
JSG Oustanding Researcher Award 2018 - University of Texas at Austin (2018)
GSA Fellow - Geological Society of America (2016)
Science Performance Award (Full Professor Level) - UT Dept. of Geological Sciences (2015)
Science Performance Award (Full Professor Level) - UT Dept. of Geological Sciences (2014)
Chevron (Gulf) Centennial Endowed Professorship - Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas at Austin (2014)
J. and M. Van Sant Geology Excellence Award - University of Kansas (2006)
Caltech Texaco Philanthropic Prize Postdoctoral Fellowship - Caltech (1999 - 2001)
UC White Mountains Research Station Fellowship - University of California (1996 - 1999)
Outstanding master's thesis award - ETHZ (1995)
Swiss Presidential Silver Medal - President of Switzerland (1995)
Stanford University Graduate Fellowship - Stanford University (1995)
Member, Faculty Council, University of Texas (2020)
Chair, DGS COVID-19 Online Instructional Transition, UT Jackson School of Geosciences (2020)
Chair, Dept. of Geological Sciences, UT Jackson School of Geosciences (2020)
Member, GSA Student Research Grant Review Committee, Geological Society of America (2019)
Member, GSA International Committee, Geological Society of America (2018)
Member, International Thermochronology Standing Committee, (2018)
Member, GSA Structure and Tectonics Career Award, Geological Society of America (2013 - 2015)
Chair, Solid Earth and Tectonic Processes Research Theme, UT Jackson School of Geosciences (2011 - 2017)
NSF Margins initiative steering committee, Margins steering committee, NSF, Washington DC (2008 - 2010)
Herbette Visiting Professor Universite de Lausanne, Switzerland, Sabbatical, Universite de Lausanne, Switzerland (2007)
Organizer and Convener, GeoEarthScope-MARGINS interface workshop, GeoEarthScope Meeting Monterey, California (2007)
Associate Professor (thermochronology/tectonics), Dept of Geology, University of Kansas (2006 - 2011)
Advisory committee, ISES (Integrated Solid Earth Sciences) initiative, GSA/AGU (2006)
Organizer, EarthScope GeoSwath Walker Lane EarthScope, Reno, Nevada (2006)
Honorary Research Associate, Dept of Geological Sciences, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada (2005 - 2011)
Organizer and Convener, GSA Penrose Conference, Kinematics and geodynamics of intra-plate dextral shear in eastern California and western Nevada. Mammoth Lakes, California (2005)
Co-Director of IGL, Isotope Geochemistry Laboratories, University of Kansas (2003 - 2011)
Invited Panelist and Forum Leader, Integrated Solid Earth Sciences workshop, GSA/AGU (2003)
Integrated Solid Earth Sciences Member, pearheading database development for Geochronology and Thermochronology, Cyberinfrastructure workshop at the University of Kansas (2003 - 2011)
Assistant professor (thermochronology/tectonics), Dept of Geology, University of Kansas (2001 - 2006)
Editor, On Track, International fission-track newsletter, Stanford University (1996 - 1997)
Teaching and research assistant, Dept of Geol and Environ Sciences, Stanford University (1995 - 1999)
Teaching and laboratory assistant, Institute of Geology, ETH Zurich (1993 - 1995)
Megan Mueller
I am an NSF Postdoctoral Fellow. My research focuses on using sedimentary rocks to reconstruct ancient subduction zones and continental collisions. I utilize a combination of field work, sedimentology, stratigraphy, geo-/thermo-/petrochronology, and provenance proxies. I use the evolution of ancient sedimentary basins to explore the links between geodynamics, tectonics, topography, magmatism, and biogeography.
Drew Levy, 2020, University of Texas
Federico Galster, 2015 - 2018, University of Texas
Now Geologist with Swiss Geological Mapping Consortium in Switzerland
Ryan McKenzie, 2013 - 2014, University of Texas
Now Assistant Professor at University of Hong Kong
Owen Anfinson, 2012 - 2015, University of Texas
Now Assistant Professor at Sonoma State University in Rohnert Park CA
Andrew Smye, 2012 - 2015, University of Texas
now Assistant Professor at Penn State University
Elizabeth Cassel, 2011 - 2014, University of Texas
Now Assistant Professor at University of Idaho in Moscow ID
Jeffrey Marsh, 2011 - 2013, University of Texas
Now Post-Doctoral Fellow & LA-ICP-MS Laboratory Technician at Laurentian University in Sudbury Canada
Charles Verdel, 2010 - 2011, University of Kansas
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Now Project Geologist at Geological Survey of the Northern Territory of Australia
Junsheng Nie, 2010 - 2011, University of Kansas
Now Professor at Lanzhou University in Lanzhou China
Badr Ghorbal, 2009 - 2011, University of Kansas
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Now Researcher at Simula Research Laboratory in Oslo Norway
Joe Andrew, 2009 - 2010, University of Kansas
Postdoctoral research associate
Now Research Associate at University of Kansas
Stephanie Brichau, 2004 - 2006, University of Kansas
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Now Charge de recherche IRD at University of Toulouse France
Graduate Students
Max Ehrenfels
, Ph.D., expected 2026
The aim of my research is to improve established methods and develop new methods to extract thermal history information using the (U-Th)/He decay system in zircon. An initial project will produce new mineral standards to overcome analytical shortcomings in the currently used laser ablation (U-Th)/He protocol. This will lay the groundwork for further investigating fundamental basics such as the diffusion...
Daniel Ruiz Arriaga
, Ph.D., expected 2023
My current research is focused on the architecture reconstruction of Jurassic syn-rift basins along east Mexico to better understand the tectonic drivers behind the early Mesozoic history of the Gulf of Mexico. The approach I use relies on the integration of structural and stratigraphic observations at different scales, in combination with sediment provenance analysis and detrital zircon geo- and thermochronology....
E. Gabriela Gutiérrez Tamayo
, Ph.D., expected 2022
My current research is focused on sediment routing systems at various temporal and spatial scales. I am interested on elucidating how these systems respond to allogenic controls in sedimentary basins as well as understanding the impact on the structural setting, stratigraphy and hydrocarbon systems of the basin.
Patricia Ascanio-Pellon
My research is focused on geochronology, structural geology, and sedimentology. I am using detrital zircons from Jurassic sandstones in western Cuba to determine the sediment's provenance and its implications for Caribbean tectonics.
Ethan M Conrad
I am a PhD candidate at the University of Texas Jackson School of Geosciences (Institute for Geophysics, UTIG & Department of Geological Sciences, DGS) advised by Profs. Claudio Faccenna (Formerly UT & Roma TRE, now GFZ Potsdam & Roma TRE), Thorsten Becker (UT - JSG: DGS & UTIG), and Daniel Stockli (UT - JSG: DGS). My research interests include structural...
Sandra Juarez Zuniga (Supervisor)
Sage Turek (Supervisor)
Leena Abdulqader
Utilizing my geology degree from the University of Jordan and drawing from my experience in driving technical support excellence at Esri, I am currently spearheading innovative research on South Jordan's dikes. Under the supervision of Dr. Danny Stockli, this research endeavors to yield significant contributions to our comprehension of regional tectonics and geological history, carrying far-reaching implications.
Cullen Kortyna, Ph.D., 2022
Jackson School of Geosciences
Eirini Poulaki, Ph.D., 2022
Jackson School of Geosciences
Catherine Ross, Ph.D., 2022
Jackson School of Geosciences
Megan Flansburg, Ph.D., 2022
Jackson School of Geosciences
Zachary Foster-Baril, Ph.D., 2022
Jackson School of Geosciences
Emily Hinshaw, M.S., 2022
Jackson School of Geosciences
Samuel Robbins, M.S., 2021
Department of Geosciences
Kelly David Thomson, Ph.D., 2020
University of Texas
M.S. (2016, UT). Thesis: Detrital U-Pb-He provenance investigation of the Ainsa Basin, Southern
Ph.D. (2020, UT). Thesis: Intra-unit variability and mixing of detrital zircon provenance studies in the modern and deep time
Now instructor at Gallatin College, Bozeman MT
Clara Brennan, M.S., 2019
University of Texas
M.S. (2019, UT). Thesis: In-situ laser ablation and step-heating 4He/3He thermal history recovery
Now a Ph.D. student at Central Michigan University
Margo Odlum, Ph.D., 2019
University of Texas
Ph.D. (2019, UT). Thesis: Thermo-tectonic record of hyperextension, structural inversion, and foreland basin evolution of the eastern and central Pyrenees
Now a NSF postdoctoral Scholar at Utah State University
John Lee, Ph.D., 2018
University of Kansas
M.S. (2007, KU). Thesis: Thermochronometric constraints on the incision history of the Grand Canyon from borehole and surface samples
Ph.D. (2018, KU). Thesis: Cenozoic erosion history and long-term landscape evolution of the central Sierra Nevada, California. Co-advised with J.D. Walker at KU.
Douglas Barber, Ph.D., 2018
University of Texas
Ph.D. (2018, UT). Thesis: Tectonic and sediment provenance evolution of the NW Zagros in Kurdistan (Iraq) and SE Turkey
Now Geologist with Chevron in Houston TX
Adam Goldsmith, 2018
University of Texas
Ph.D. (2018, UT). Thesis: Influence of radiation damage on helium diffusion in zircon and its application to detrital thermochronometry. Co-supervised with Richard Ketcham (UT)
Now Research Associate at University of Connecticut
Emily Copperdock (Hernandez-Goldstei, Ph.D., 2017
University of Texas
Ph.D. (2017, UT). Thesis: Development of magnetite (U-Th)/He dating of serpentinites and its application of hyper-extended continental margins
Postdoc at WHOI
Now Assistant Professor at University of Southern California
Steffi Wafforn, Ph.D., 2017
University of Texas
Ph.D. (2017, UT). Thesis: Temporal and thermal evolution of the Grasberg Gold District of West Papua, Indonesia. Co-advised with Mark Cloos
Now Exploration Geologist at Pretium, Canada
Egardo Josue Pujols Vasquez, Ph.D., 2017
University of Texas
M.S. (2011, KU). Thesis: Structural evolution and timing of extensional faulting in the central Gulf of Suez, Egypt
Ph.D. (2017, UT). Thesis: Reconstruction of the interplay between the Sevier fold-and-thrust belt and the Sevier foreland basin, central Utah
Now Assistant Professor at Lamar University in Beaumont, TX
Renas Koshnaw, Ph.D., 2017
University of Texas
Ph.D. (2016, UT). Thesis: The Zagros fold-and-thrust belt and foreland basin of Kurdistan (Iraq). Co-advised with B. Horton)
Postdoctoral scholar at Univ of Bern, Switzerland
Now Humboldt postdoctoral scholar at Univ of Goettingen, Germany
Alissa Kotowski, Ph.D., 2017
University of Texas
Ph.D. (2019, UT). Thesis: Structural, thermal, and rheological evolution during prograde metamorphism in the subduction channel - a field-oriented study in Syros, Greece. Advised with W. Behr)
Now postdoctoral scholar at McGill University, Montreal Canada
Patrick Boyd, M.S., 2017
University of Texas
M.S. (2017). Thesis: Thermal evolution of the lower crust during continental rifting and breakup, eastern Alps, Switzerland
Now Geologist with BP in Houston TX
Spencer Seman, Ph.D., 2016
University of Texas
Ph.D. (2016, UT). Thesis: Novel geo-and thermochronometric and petrologic insights into the evolution of HP rocks in the central Aegean, Greece
Postdoctoral scholar at Penn State Univ
Now Senior Research Scientist at McCrone Associates
Michael Prior, Ph.D., 2016
University of Texas
Ph.D. (2016, UT). Thesis: Tectonic and thermal evolution of the Bullfrog Metamorphic Core Complex, Nevada
Postdoctoral scholar at Colorado State University
Cody Colleps, M.S., 2016
University of Texas
M.S. (2016, UT). Thesis: Integrated structural and stratigraphic study of the frontal Himalayas in NW India
Now Ph.D. Student at Hong Kong University
Daniel Arnost, M.S., 2015
University of Texas
M.S. (2015, UT). Thesis: Impact of meteoric fluid flow on the long-term thermal evolution - insights from Alpine tunnels studies
Nikki Seymour, 2015
University of Texas
M.S. (2015, UT). Thesis: Lower-crustal syn-rift exhumation at a hyper-extended continental margin - a case study in NE Corsica, France
Ph.D. from Colorado State University (2020)
Now NSF Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford University
Michael Cloos, M.S., 2014
University of Texas
M.S. (2014, UT). Thesis: Sedimentary and provenance evolution of the Plio-Pleistocene Colorado River Delta, California. Co-advised with Ron Steel
Now Geophysicist at DownUnder GeoSolutions
Alison MacNamee, M.S., 2014
University of Texas
M.S. (2014, UT). Thesis: Coupled Thermochronometric and Geochemical Investigation of Blind Geothermal Resources in Fault-Controlled Dilational Corners, Dixie Valley, Nevada
Now a Geoscientist at Hess Corporation, Houston TX
Nicole Hart, M.S., 2014
University of Texas
M.S. (2014, UT). Thesis: Coupled bedrock and detrital thermochronometry of a hyper-extended continental margin, Mauleon, Pyrenees
Tandis Bidgoli, Ph.D., 2014
University of Kansas
Ph.D. (2014, KU). Thesis: Temporal and kinematic reconstruction of middle Miocene extension and transition to Mio-Pliocene transtension in the Las Vegas area. Co-advised with J.D. Walker at KU
Research Scientist at the Kansas Geological Survey
NOW Assistant Professor at the University of Missouri in Colombia MO
Tim Shin, 2014
University of Texas
M.S. (2014, UT). Thesis: Contractional and extensional evolution of the Aegean tectono-metamorphic complex in Andros and Tinos islands, Greece
Now a Geologist with TOTAL in Houston TX
Caleb Rhatigan, M.S., 2014
University of Texas
M.S. (2013, UT). Thesis: Thermochronometric investigation of the Paleozoic stratigraphic and thermal evolution of the Western Desert, Egypt
Joshua Burrus, M.S., 2013
University of Texas at Austin
M.S (2013, UT). Thesis: Integrated footwall and hanging wall tectonics and stratigraphic evolution of the Weepah Metamorphic Core Complex, Nevada
Now Apache Corporation in Midland TX
Eugene Szemanski, Ph.D., 2012
University of Kansas
Thesis: Structural and sedimentological evolution of the Wadi Al-Hamd half-graben, Medina, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Now Geologist with Chevron in Houston TX
Jordan Taylor (Rhatigan), M.S., 2012
University of Kansas
Thesis: Magnetite (U-Th-[Sm])/He geochronology of Colombia River Basalts
Now Client Service Representative at Worxtime
Evan Bargnesi, M.S., 2011
University of Kansas
Thesis: Thermochronometric constraints on detrital provenance and source thermal evolution from a supra-detachment basin in Paros, Greece
Now Geological Advisor Exploration for California Resources Corporation in Bakersfield CA
Kyle Gorynski, M.S., 2011
University of Kansas
Thesis: Thermochronometric Constraints on the Longevity of a Geothermal System in an Extensional Tectonic Setting. Co-advised by Doug Walker (KU)
Now Director Reservoir Characterization and Exploration at Bonanza Creek Energy, Inc.
Sarah Evans, M.S., 2011
University of Kansas
Thesis: Tectonic evolution of a Tethyan rift marin and ocean-continent transition in the Eastern Alps - An integrated magnetite and zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronometric approach
Now at ExxonMobil in Houston TX
Kurt Sundell, M.S., 2011
University of Kansas
Thesis: Thermochronology of the Lunggar active metamorphic core complex, Tibet. Co-supervised by Michael Taylor (KU)
Ph.D. University of Houston
Now postdoctoral scholar at LaserChron University of Arizona in Tucson AZ
Chris Hager, Ph.D., 2010
University of Kansas
Thesis: Structural Geology and Neotectonics of the Xianza Rift, Central Tibet
Now a Petroleum Geologist with Chevron in Bakersfield CA
Joe Miller, M.S., 2010
University of Kansas
M.S. (2012, KU). Thesis: Detrital (U-Th)/He and U-Pb dating of the northern Alpine Flysch and Molasse, central Switzerland
Now a Geologist with CDM Smith in Denver, CO
Melissa Wolfe, M.S., 2009
University of Kansas
Thesis: He Diffusion in Rutile and Calibration of Rutile (U-Th)/He Thermochronology on the KTB Ultra-Deep Borehole
Markella Hoffman, M.S., 2009
University of Kansas
Thesis: Incision and exhumation history of the Colorado Plateau in the Canyonlands to Book Cliffs Region, Utah
Now with ExxonMobil in Houston TX
Travis Glauser, M.S., 2009
University of Kansas
Thesis: Thermochronometric investigation of multiple unconformities and post-depositional thermal history of a fault block in the northern Western Desert, Egypt
Now Geologist at Chesapeake Energy
Terrence Blackburn, M.S., 2006
University of Kansas
Thesis: (U-Th)/He Dating of Xenoliths from Kimberlites and basaltic volcanic fields
Now Assistant Professor at University of California at Santa Cruz
David Bradley, M.S., 2005
University of Kansas
David Bradley - M.S. (2005, KU). Thesis: Kinematics and slip rates of the Coaldale Fault, Nevada
Now Geotechnical Consultant in Savannah GA
Christopher Tincher, M.S., 2005
University of Kansas
Christopher Tincher - M.S. (2005, KU). Thesis: Cenozoic Volcanism and Tectonics in the Queen Valley Area, western Nevada
Now Executive Vice President, Development & Geology, at Nickel Road Operating LLC
Previous Exploration Geologist with EnCana and Newfield Exploration in Denver CO
Juan Pablo Centeno, M.S., 2004
University of Kansas
Juan Pablo Centeno - M.S. (2004, KU). Thesis: Exhumation of the Torngat Mountains, northern Labrador, Canada
Now Research Software Engineer with National Jewish Health
Undergraduate Students
Undergraduate Research/Theses:
Terrence Blackburn (2004). Senior Thesis: Timing and origin of Kansas kimberlites.
Nathan Winters (2004). Senior Thesis: Basalt geochemistry of the Volcanic Hills area, Esmeralda County, Nevada.
Kelly Wooten (2004). Senior Thesis: Mesozoic magmatism and deformation in the northern White Mountains, CA and NV.
James Lyons (2004). Senior Thesis: Petrography and geochronology of lamprolites in Woodsen County, Kansas.
Jack Desmond (2005). Senior Thesis: Gravity and basin geometry of Queen Valley, California and Nevada.
Mark Hadley (2005). Senior Thesis: Gravity and basin geometry of Queen Valley, California and Nevada.
Adam Kueker (2005). Senior Thesis: Volcanic stratigraphy of Pliocene ash-flow tuffs in northern Fish Lake Valley, Nevada.
Randy Ackerman (2006). Senior Thesis: Zircon and titanite (U-Th)/He geochronology of Oligocene ash flow tuffs in northern Fish Lake Valley
Alec Waggoner (2007). Senior Thesis: Monazite, xenotime, and allanite (U-Th)/He thermochronometry - a case study from the NQTL core complex, Tibet
Spencer Seaman (2009). Senior Thesis: (U-Th)/He dating of conodonts - A case study from in the Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria.
Josef Miller (2009). Senior Thesis: Zircon (U-Th)/He dating of impact melts and suevites from the Manson impact, Iowa.
Adam Goldsmith (2009). Senior Thesis: (U-Th)/He dating and He diffusion of emerald from the Eastern Cordillera, Colombia.
Cody Colleps (2013). Senior Thesis: Zircon U-Pb geochronology of subsurface basement samples from the Western Desert, Egypt.
Laura Dafov (2016). Senior Thesis: DZ U-Pb as a monitor of sand generation in response to dams along the Colorado River of Texas
Dylan Hart (2016). Senior Thesis: DZ U-Pb record of the Jurassic syn-rift strata in the central Lusitania Basin, Portugal
Edna Rodriguez (2016). Senior Thesis: The Devils River Uplift - Rifted piece of Laurantia or slice of Gondwana?
Samuel Robbins (2017). Senior Thesis: Zircon U-Pb and He constraints on the Paleozoic and Mesozoic chronostratigraphy of the Gulf of Suez, Egypt
Thomas Ditges (2019). Senior Thesis: Provenance evolution of the Pennsylvanian Strawn Group in central Texas
Patrica Standring (2019). Senior Thesis: Thermal evolution of the Glarus Thrust Sheet, Switzerland
Year | Semester | Course | |
2024 | Spring | GEO 382T | Continental Tectonics |
2024 | Spring | GEO 381T | Marine Tectonics |
2024 | Spring | GEO 381S | Tectonic Problems |
2024 | Spring | GEO 660B | Field Geology |
2024 | Spring | GEO 339T | Continental Tectonics |
2024 | Spring | GEO 338T | Marine Tectonics |
2023 | Summer | GEO f660B | Field Geology-Wy/Mt/Ut |
2023 | Spring | GEO 382T | Continental Tectonics |
2023 | Spring | GEO 381T | Marine Tectonics |
2023 | Spring | GEO 339T | Continental Tectonics |
2023 | Spring | GEO 338T | Marine Tectonics |
2023 | Spring | GEO 420K | Intro To Field/Strat Meths |
2022 | Summer | GEO f660B | Field Geo-Wy/Mt/Ut |
2022 | Spring | GEO 391 | Geochronology |
2022 | Spring | GEO 420K | Intro To Field/Strat Meths |
2022 | Spring | GEO 381S | Tectonic Problems |
2021 | Summer | GEO f660B | Field Geo-Tx/Nm/Co/Wy/Mt/Id/Ut |
2021 | Spring | GEO 391 | Thermochronology |
2020 | Fall | GEO 382T | Continental Tectonics |
2020 | Fall | GEO 339T | Continental Tectonics-Wb |
2020 | Fall | GEO 339T | Continental Tectonics |
2020 | Spring | GEO 391 | Geochronology |
2020 | Spring | GEO 381K | Tectonic Problems |
2019 | Fall | GEO 339T | Continental Tectonics |
2019 | Summer | GEO f660B | Field Geo-Tx/Nm/Co/Wy/Mt/Id/Ut |
2019 | Spring | GEO 420K | Intro To Field/Strat Meths |
2019 | Spring | GEO 391 | Thermochronology |
2019 | Spring | GEO 381K | Tectonic Problems |
2018 | Summer | GEO f660B | Field Geo-Tx/Nm/Co/Wy/Mt/Id/Ut |
2018 | Spring | GEO 394 | Rsch In Geological Sciences |
2018 | Spring | GEO 391 | Geochronology |
2018 | Spring | GEO 381K | Tectonic Problems |
2018 | Spring | GEO 420K | Intro To Field/Strat Meths |
2017 | Fall | GEO 394 | Rsch In Geological Sciences |
2017 | Spring | GEO 394 | Rsch In Geological Sciences |
2017 | Spring | GEO 391 | Thermochronology |
2016 | Fall | GEO 394 | Rsch In Geological Sciences |
2016 | Fall | GEO 339T | Continental Tectonics |
2016 | Fall | GEO 303 | Introduction To Geology |
2016 | Spring | GEO 391 | Geochronology |
2016 | Spring | GEO 381K | Tectonic Problems |
2016 | Spring | GEO 394 | Rsch In Structural Geology |
2015 | Fall | GEO 394 | Rsch In Geological Sciences |
2015 | Fall | GEO 391 | Sedimntry Source-To-Sink Dynmc |
2015 | Fall | GEO 386G | Gis & Gps Applics In Earth Sci |
2015 | Fall | GEO 339T | Continental Tectonics |
2015 | Spring | GEO 394 | Rsch In Structural Geology |
2015 | Spring | GEO 391 | Geochronology |
2015 | Spring | GEO 391 | Advanced Field Methods |
2014 | Fall | GEO 394 | Rsch In Structural Geology |
2014 | Fall | GEO 391 | Thermochronology |
2014 | Fall | GEO 339T | Continental Tectonics |
2014 | Spring | GEO 381K | Tectonic Problems |
2014 | Spring | GEO 391 | Geochronology |
2014 | Spring | GEO 391 | Advanced Field Methods |
Graduate Positions
Innovative Detrital Provenance Studies - Double Dating PLUS
A major thrust of my current research the development and application of more comprehensive isotopic detrital provenance tools. U-Pb on zircon is clearly the big work horse, but only goes so far and sometimes yields "no" useful info, e.g., if the source of the sediment is mostly recycled sediment. We have extensively pursued double dating of zircons by U-Pb and He, as zircon He ages yield very interesting insights into the thermal and tectonic history of the source terrane; often yielding very different insights than crystallization ages. The combination is powerful, but I think we can take things so much farther by combining double dating with other constrains. People have tried fission track (not precise enough), Hf/Hf (to get mantle separation model ages), etc., but what we want to do and are working on is really Double Dating ++, combining zircon U-Pb-He dating with a variety of other geochemical aspects to more comprehensive understand detrital provenance and improve paleo-tectonic reconstructions. For example, trace-element thermometry (Ti in zirc), REE on zircon (met vs mag origin), Hf/Hf (see above), oxygen isotopes, etc. and also to develop rutile in an analogous manner (e.g., Zr in rut thermometry, Cr/Nb ratio (mafic vs granulitic), REE, etc.). The sky is the limit and what can learn so much. The issue in part it, how much can a single grain tell us before it's gone? The project sounds very laboratory oriented, but it's really a combination of field and lab work. We have identified a few possible case study areas, e.g., Morocco; great exposures, long-lived and preserved record of basin deposition since the Precambrian. My group is already working on some case studies in NW Himalayas, the N & S Pyrenees, the Sevier FTB, Permian Basin and other foreland basin. New projects include provenance studies along rifted and passive continental margins such the Gulf of Mexico, the central Atlantic Margins in Canada, USA, Portugal, and Morocco.
Laser ablation (U-Th)/He and 4He/3He dating of zircon and apatite
Seeking motivated Ph.D. students interested in noble gas geo-thermochronology and geochemistry to pursue project in method development and application of laser ablation (U-Th)/He dating and depth profile 4He/3He thermochronometry of zircon and apatite. Our laboratory has a dedicated noble gas extraction line with a SFT magnetic sector noble gas mass spectrometer and dedicated Excimer Laser. The lab also houses two Element2 magnetic sector single collector ICP-MS instruments with a second Excimer laser as well as a state-of-the-art Bruker optical interferometric microscope. The project will develop laser ablation methodology to recover detailed thermal histories from apatite and zircon by laser ablation (U-Th)/He and 4He/3He dating as well as comparison to step-heating fractional loss experiments.
LA-ICP-MS single-pule U-Pb depth profiling recovery of thermal histories
Seeking motivated Ph.D. students interested in in-situ geochronology to pursue project in method development and application of laser ablation continuous mode or single-pulse U-Pb LA-ICP-MS geo-thermochronology as well as trace element speedometry to constrain thermal history or lower and middle crustal rocks. The UTChron Geo- and Thermochronometry laboratory houses two Element2 magnetic sector single collector ICP-MS instruments with a large-volume cell Excimer laser system, ideally suited for depth profiling and U-Pb and trace element split stream analysis. The laboratory also houses a Bruker optical interferometric microscope to control laser ablation rates as well as a Raman system. The focus of applications is on method development and application to the exhumation of middle and lower crustal rocks in rifted margin settings.
Ph.D. Project Greece - Petrochronology and tectonic evolution of the Cycladic Blueschist Complex (University of Texas at Austin) (4-5 years)
Ph.D. project available in the Stockli Research Group and UTChron Laboratory of the Dept of Earth and Planetary Sciences (https://eps.jsg.utexas.edu/) at the Jackson School of Geosciences (https://www.jsg.utexas.edu/) of The University of Texas at Austin. The project focuses on the tectonic and metamorphic evolution of the Cycladic Blueschist Complex in central and northern Greece to constrain the tectonic and metamorphic evolution of one of the world's best-exposed subduction complexes. The project entails field mapping and structural analysis with strong emphasis on accessory mineral (zircon, apatite, titanite) LA-ICP-MS petrochronology, microanalytical mineral imaging and elemental and isotopic mapping, and low-temperature (U-Th)/He thermochronometry of the Cycladic Blueschist Complex in central and north-eastern Greece with the goal of constraining the pre-subduction, subduction, and exhumation history of Cycladic blueschists and understanding subduction underplating within the Hellenic subduction complex. The project is a collaboration with the University of Athens (Prof. Soukis) and we are seek an outstanding, motivated, and independent PhD student with interested in combining field and cutting-edge laboratory work.
Interested candidates should contact Dr. Daniel Stockli with any inquiries and questions regarding the project or application procedures. For more information regarding the Stockli Research Group (https://www.jsg.utexas.edu/stockli-group/), the UTChron Laboratory (https://www.jsg.utexas.edu/utchron-lab/) please see these website links.
Applications are due January 1, 2024, and information about applying to our program is online using the online application from the Graduate School of the University of Texas at Austin. Applications must be complete in the Graduate and International Admissions Center (GIAC) by the appropriate deadline. ALL ITEMS must be received by the deadline. We no longer require submission of a GRE score for the application for the Fall of 2024, however, international applicants do require submission of TOEFL scores.
For general admissions questions, please see https://www.jsg.utexas.edu/education/graduate/admissions/
The University of Texas at Austin is one of the most diverse campuses in the nation. With nearly 52,000 students from all 50 states and 123 countries, we take seriously our motto: What Starts Here Changes the World. We boast 18 colleges and schools with over 300 degree programs, representing a diversity of thought and scholarship that is staggering. The Dept. of Geological Sciences at UT seeks to foster an environment where faculty, students, and staff feel valued and welcome.