John M Sharp

John M Sharp
Dave P. Carlton Centennial Professor Emeritus in Geology, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences

Dr. Sharp's hydrogeological research covers flow in fractured rocks, thermohaline free convection, fracture skin effects, regional flow in carbonate rocks, hydrology of arid and semi-arid zones, subsidence and coastal land loss, effects of urbanization, and alluvial aquifers. Jack has long-term interests in the hydrogeology of sedimentary basins and hydrological processes in ore deposit formation.

Areas of Expertise

Hyrdogeology; flow in fractured rocks; thermohaline free convection; fracture skin effects; regional flow in carbonate rocks; hydrology of arid and semi-arid zones; subsidence and coastal land loss; effects of urbanization; alluvial aquifers; hydrogeology of sedimentary basins;hydrological processes in ore deposit formation; and hydrogeophysics.

Research Locations

Professor Emeritus - The University of Texas (2018)

Outstanding Reviewer - Environmental Research Letters (2017)

Lifetime Achievement Award - Barton Springs / Edwards Aquifer Conservation District (2017)

Legion of Honor - Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration (2016)

Plenary Speaker - 41st Congress, International Association of Hydrogeologists, Groundwater Challenges and Strategies, Marrakech, Morocco (2014)

Presidents Award (for outstanding international contributions to the development/application of groundwater science and for service to IAH missions) - Inernational Association of Hydrogeologists (2012)

AEG Publication Award - Association of Engineering Geologists (2009)

Robert Farvolden Lecturer - University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. (2007)

Scientists for Groundwater Award - Barton Springs / Edwards Aquifer Conservation District (2006)

2004 Research Conservation Award - Barton Springs / Edwards Aquifer Conservation District) (2004)

Faculty Fellow - Big XII (2002)

David P. Carlton Professor of Geology - The University of Texas (2002 - 2019)

Industrial Ecology Faculty Fellow - AT&T (2000)

Founders Award (for outstanding and dedicated service) - American Institute of Hydrology (1998)

Central Texas Chapter Award - Society of Independent Professional Earth Scientists (1998)

Fellow - Geological Society of America (1998)

C. V. Theis Award (for outstanding contributions to groundwater hydrology) - American Institute of Hydrology (1996)

Distinguished Service Award - Hydrogeology Division of the Geological Society of America (1996)

Joseph B. Hoeing Distinguished Lecturer - Kentucky Geological Survey (1995)

Chevron Centennial Professor of Geology - The University of Texas (1993 - 2002)

Gulf Foundation Centennial Professor of Geology - The University of Texas (1989 - 1993)

C. E. Yager Professor of Geology - The University of Texas (1986 - 1989)

Fellow - Alexander von Humboldt, West Germany (1983)

Fellow - Alexander von Humboldt, West Germany (1980 - 1981)

O. E. Meinzer Award, for outstanding contributions to hydrogeology - Geological Society of America (1979)

Sigma Xi (1978)

Phi Kappa Phi (1974)

Fellow in Geology - University of Illinois (1973 - 1974)

Literary Award - Alpha Delta Phi (1966)

Tau Beta Pi (1966)

W. H. Ziegler Company Scholarship - University of Minnesota (1963 - 1965)

Freshman Scholarship - University of Minnesota (1962 - 1963)

Promethean Society - College of Natural Sciences, The University of Texas

Distinguished Graduate - U. S. Air Force Officer Training School

Distinguished Graduate - U. S. Air Force Base Civil Engineer School

Distinguished Graduate - U. S. Navy Fallout Shelter Analysis School

Guest editor, Groundwater in Arid and Semiarid Areas II, Geosciences (2021)

member, Houston Regional Groundwater Science Advisory Committee, Houston Advanced Research Center (2020 - 2021)

Editorial Board, Discover Groundwater, (2020)

Guest editor, Groundwater in Arid and Semiarid Areas, Geosciences (2019 - 2021)

Science Committee,, Edwards Aquifer Habitat Conservation Plan, Edwards Aquifer Authority (2018 - Present)

Scientific Committee, GwFR’2017 – International Conference on Groundwater in Fractured Rocks, Portugal, International Association of Hydrogeologists (2017)

Co-editor, GSA Memoir, The Edwards Aquifer, Geological Society of America (2016 - 2019)

Scientific Committee, Geometrical structure and hydrogeological properties of hard-rock aquifers,” Groundwater and Society: 60 Years of IAH, IAH 43rd Congress, Montpelier, France, International Association of Hydrogeologists (2016)

member, Meinzer Award Committee, Geological Society of America (2015 - 2017)

member, Programmatic Overview Committee, Geological Society of America (2014)

Scientific Committee, Hard-Rock Aquifers: The up-to-date concepts and the practical applications, IAH French National Chapter, Vendeé, France, International Association of Hydrogeologists (2014 - 2015)

Scientific Committee, 1st International Conference on Fractured Rock Hydrogeology in South and Central America, Port Allegre, Brazil, International Association of Hydrogeologists (2014)

Scientific Committee, Hydrogeology of fractured rocks: progress in understanding of flow and mass transport, Aqua 2015 – Back to the Future, IAH 42nd Congress, Rome, Italy, International Association of Hydrogeologists (2013 - 2015)

Executive Committee & President (2014-2015), Austin Geological Society (2013 - 2016)

International Scientific Advisory Committee, International Conference on Groundwater, Andhra University, Visakapatnam, India (2013 - 2014)

Scientific Board, Characterization and Engineering of Karst Aquifers Field Course, University of Belgrade, Republic of Serbia (2012)

Editor, Fractured Rock Hydrogeology, International Association of Hydrogeologists (2012 - 2014)

Scientific Advisory Committee, International Conference on Groundwater in Fractured Rocks, Prague, Czech Republic (2011 - 2012)

North American Scientific Advisory Committee, International Association of Hydrogeologists 39th Congress, Niagara Falls, Canada (2010 - 2012)

Associate editor, Editorial board, Aqua Mundi (2010 - 2011)

International Scientific Committee, Water Down Under 2008, Adelaide, Australia (2006 - 2008)

Panelist, Aquifer Sciences Advisory Panel, Edwards Aquifer Authority (2006 - 2019)

President and Councilor, Geological Society of America (2006 - 2009)

Member, Founders Award Committee, American Institute of Hydrology (2004)

Treasurer, International Association of Hydrogeologists (2004 - 2008)

President and Treasurer, US National Committee, International Association of Hydrogeologists (2004 - 2012)

Member, Scientific Advisory Committee, 35th IAH Congress, Portugal, International Association of Hydrogeologists (2004 - 2007)

Member, Scientific Advisory Committee, IAH Conference on Karst, Belgrade, International Association of Hydrogeologists (2004 - 2005)

Member, Scientific Advisory Committee, IAH Conference on Groundwater in Fractured Rocks, Prague, International Association of Hydrogeologists (2004 - 2003)

Treasuer (2010), Board of Directors (2009-2012), Council of Scientific Society Presidents (2004 - 2012)

Chair, Hydrogeology Division Distinguished Service Award Committee, Geological Society of America (2004 - 2005)

Session chairman, Hydrogeology Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America (2004)

Session-Chairman, Groundwater in Fractured Rocks, Prague, International Association of Hydrogeologists (2003)

Advisory Board, Rule of Capture Conference, Texas Water Development Board (2003 - 2004)

Advisor, Barton Springs Groundwater Availability Model, Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District (2003 - 2004)

Session chairman, Hydrogeology Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America (2003)

Member, Examination Committee, American Institute of Hydrology (2001 - 2003)

Convener of symposium, Groundwater Challenges in the 21st Century, American Institute of Hydrology (2001)

Session Chairman, Annual Meeting, American Institute of Hydrology (2001)

Vice-Chairman, Commission on Education and Training, International Association of Hydrogeologists (2001 - 2003)

Session-Chairman, New Approaches to Characterising Groundwater Flow, Munich, International Association of Hydrogeologists (2001)

Member, Central Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer Groundwater Availability Model, Stakeholder Advisory Forum (2001 - 2003)

Reviewer, Manuscripts, Desert Fishes Symposium (2001)

Member, Department of Regulation and Licensing - Fundamentals of Hydrology Examination Test Development, State of Wisconsin (2001)

Environmental Steering Committee, Luminant Energy, Dallas, Texas (2001 - 2019)

Member, Borderlands and Latin America Working Group , Environmental Science Institute (2001)

Member, Committee on Nominations, Geological Society of America (2001 - 2003)

Member, Scientific Advisory Committee, 2001 annual meeting, American Institute of Hydrology (2000 - 2001)

Chairman, Committee on Committees , Geological Society of America (2000)

Member, Nominations Committee, American Institute of Hydrology (1999 - 2000)

Member, Programme Committee, Munich, International Association of Hydrogeologists (1999 - 2001)

Member, Nominating Committee, International Association of Hydrogeologists (1999 - 2000)

Convener of sessions, Municipal and Industrial Water Supplies, Association of Ground Water Scientists and Engineers (1999)

Session chairman , Annual Meeting, National Ground Water Association (1999)

Session chairman, Hydrogeology Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America (1999)

Session Chairman, Annual Meeting, American Institute of Hydrology (1998)

Member, Advisory Committee on the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP), National Research Council (1998 - 2001)

International Judge, International Conference on Mineral and Thermal Groundwater (Domnisoara Izvorul Minunilor), International Association of Hydrogeologists (1998)

Session-Chairman, Groundwater: Sustainable Solutions, Melbourne, International Association of Hydrogeologists (1998)

Session-Chairman, International Conference on Mineral and Thermal Groundwater, Mercurea Ciuc, Romania, International Association of Hydrogeologists (1998)

Session chairman , Fluid Flow in Carbonate Rocks, Door County, Wisconsin, 1998 SEPM Research Conference (1998)

Short Course Taught, Introduction to Hydrogeology, Permian Basin Graduate Center, Midland, Texas (1998)

Convener, "Understanding Ground Water in Arid and Semi-Arid Environments of North America and Australia" (annual meeting) , GSA International Internet Symposium (1998)

Session chairman, Hydrogeology Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America (1998)

Member, Scientific Advisory Committee, 1998 annual meeting, American Institute of Hydrology (1997 - 1998)

Session Chairman, Annual Meeting, American Institute of Hydrology (1997)

Chairman, Austin Chapter, Society of Independent Professional Earth Scientists (1997 - 1998)

Co-editor, Working Group on Hard Rock Hydrogeology, International Association of Hydrogeologists (1997)

Member, International Scientific Committee, Second International Conference on Water Resources & Environmental Research, Brisbane, Australia (1997 - 1999)

Member, Scientific Advisory Committee, SEPM Carbonate Research Conference, Door County, Wisconsin (1997 - 1998)

Member, Review of Core Programme, British Geological Survey (1997)

Member, Austin-Adelaide Sister Cities Committee (1997)

Session chairman, Hydrogeology South-Central Section, Geological Society of America (1996)

Member, Scientific Advisory Committee, 1997 annual meeting, American Institute of Hydrology (1996 - 1997)

Member, U. S. National Committee, International Association of Hydrogeologists (1996 - 2000)

Vice President, International Association of Hydrogeologists (1996 - 2000)

Advisory Committee, 28th Annual Congress, International Association of Hydrogeologists (1996 - 1998)

Session chairman , Environmental Geology, San Antonio, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies (1996)

Session chairman, Hydrogeology South-Central Section, Geological Society of America (1995)

Session chairman, Hydrogeology North-Central Section, Geological Society of America (1995)

Associate editor, Journal of Hydrogeology, International Association of Hydrogeologists (1995 - 1997)

Member, U. S. National Committee, Scientific Hydrology (1995 - 2002)

Member, Organizing Committee, International Tuff Properties Workshop, Santa Fe, New Mexico (1995 - 2000)

Session chairman , Mechanics of Jointed and Faulted Rock, Vienna, Second International Conference (1995)

Editor, Environmental and Engineering Geoscience, Geological Society of America (1995 - 2002)

Associate editor, Journal of Applied Hydrogeology, International Association of Hydrogeologists (1994 - 1995)

Member, Panel of Assessors , Australian Research Council (1994)

Session chairman , Texas Section meeting, American Water Resources Association (1994)

Visiting Scientist, C. S. I. R. O. Centre for Groundwater Studies, Adelaide, Australia (1994)

Member, Publications Committee, Geological Society of America (1994 - 2001)

Program Chairman, Local Committee, 1996 South-Central Section Meeting, Geological Society of America (1994 - 1996)

Member, International Advisory Committee, International Association of Hydrogeologists (1993 - 1996)

Session-Chairman, Hydrogeology of Hard Rocks, 24th International Congress, Oslo, International Association of Hydrogeologists (1993)

Member, Board of Directors, Texas System of Natural Laboratories (1993)

Advisor, American Hydrological Society (1993 - 1994)

Session chairman , Texas Section meeting, American Water Resources Association (1993)

Member, Hydrogeology Division Nominations Committee, Geological Society of America (1993 - 1995)

Council, Long Range Planning Committee, Geological Society of America (1993)

Session chairman, Hydrogeology South-Central Section, Geological Society of America (1993)

Chairman, Organizing Committee, 1994 annual meeting, American Institute of Hydrology (1992 - 1994)

Member, Local Committee, 35th U. S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics (1992 - 1994)

Short Course Taught, Short course for SAGA Geophysics and the U. S. Air Force, Austin, Texas, Geophysical Exploration for Groundwater (1992)

Council, Executive Committee, Geological Society of America (1992 - 1993)

Chairman, Board of Registration, American Institute of Hydrology (1991 - 1995)

Session Chairman, Annual Meeting, American Institute of Hydrology (1991)

Member, Water Resources Advisory Panel, Desert Research Institute, Nevada (1991 - 1993)

Council , Audit Committee, Geological Society of America (1991 - 1993)

Session chairman, Hydrogeology South-Central Section, Geological Society of America (1991)

Session Chairman, USA/USSR Joint Conference, American Institute of Hydrology (1990)

Member, Review of Hydrogeology, London, National Environmental Research Council (Great Britain) (1990)

Advisor, National Geographic Society (1990)

Chairman, Course and Curriculum Committee , (1990 - 1992)

Member, Coop/Internship Committee , (1990 - 1992)

Co-editor, I. A. H. Proceedings, 28th International Geological Congress, International Association of Hydrogeologists (1989 - 1990)

Representative, U.S. Committee, International Assoc. of Hydrogeologists (1989 - 1992)

Session chairman, Hydrogeology Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America (1989)

Member, Executive Committee, American Institute of Hydrology (1988 - 1995)

Vice President, Academic Affairs, American Institute of Hydrology (1988 - 1991)

Member, Publications Committee, American Association of Petroleum Geologists (1988 - 1991)

Member, Science Education/Teacher Certification Committee (1988 - 1990)

Member, Course and Curriculum Committee , (1988 - 1992)

Session chairman, Hydrogeology North-Central Section, Geological Society of America (1987)

Program Chairman, Austin Geological Society (1987 - 1988)

Associate Editor, Geological Society of America Bulletin , Geological Society of America (1987 - 1992)

Session chairman, Hydrogeology South-Central Section, Geological Society of America (1987)

Member, Committee on Opportunities in Water Resources and Waste Management, American Association of Petroleum Geologists (1986 - 1988)

Chairman, Hydrogeology Division, Geological Society of America (1986 - 1987)

Co-convener , "Hydrogeology of Sedimentary Basins" , Geological Society of America (1986)

Management Board, Hydrogeology Division, Geological Society of America (1986 - 1987)

Member, Registration Board, American Institute of Hydrology (1985 - 1988)

Member, Editorial Board: Hydrological Science and Technology, American Institute of Hydrology (1985 - 1990)

Member, U. S. National Advisory Council, International Association of Hydrogeologists (1985 - 1992)

Member, Course and Curriculum Committee , (1985 - 1987)

Program Committee, 1986 Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America (1985 - 1986)

Committee Chairman, Meinzer Award Committee, Geological Society of America (1985 - 1986)

Member, Meinzer Award Committee, Geological Society of America (1984 - 1987)

Task Force , Professional Education, American Institute of Hydrology (1983 - 1985)

Co-convener , "Hydrodynamics and Geochemistry of Ore Deposits in Sedimentary Environments", Geological Society of America Centennial Frontier Symposium at Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America (1983)

Session chairman, Hydrogeology Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America (1983)

Session chairman, Engineering Geology , Geological Society of America (1982)

Co-convener , "Hydrodynamics and Geochemistry of Ore Deposits in Sedimentary Environments", Penrose Conference (1982)

Member, Initiator of Geology Development Board, University of Missouri (1981)

Department Chairman, University of Missouri (1980 - 1982)

Initiator, Geology/Civil Engineering Dual Degree Program and Geology Development Board, University of Missouri (1980)

Director, Branson Field Laboratory , many department committees, University of Missouri (1980)

Department Chairman, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri (1980 - 1982)

Session chairman, Hydrogeology North-Central Section, Geological Society of America (1979)

Session chairman , Geology and Section , Missouri Academy of Science (1979)

Associate Professor of Geology, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri (1979 - 1982)

Consulting Report, Opinion on D-L Ranch, San Juan Basin, Colorado: Report for J. W. Patterson & Associates (1978)

Session chairman, Hydrogeology North-Central Section, Geological Society of America (1977)

State Representative , Ground-Water Management Workshop, Missouri River Basin Commission (1977)

Director , Graduate Studies, University of Missouri (1977 - 1980)

Director of Graduate Studies, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri (1977 - 1980)

Assistant Professor of Geology, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri (1974 - 1979)

Research Associate, Committee to Save Park, Economic analysis of municipal water supplies and evaluation of reservoir environmental impact. (1972 - 1973)

Member, Alexander von Humboldt Association of America

Member, American Geophysical Union

Member, American Institute of Mining Engineers (S. M. E.)

Member, American Quaternary Association

Member, Association of Groundwater Scientists and Engineers

Member, Austin Geological Society

Member, International Water Resources Association

Member, New Mexico Geological Society

Member, Texas Academy of Sciences

Member, West Texas Geological Society

Reviewer, Manuscripts, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin

Reviewer, Manuscripts, Applied Hydrogeology

Reviewer, Manuscripts, Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District

Reviewer, Manuscripts, Desert Fishes Council

Reviewer, Manuscripts, Environmental and Engineering Geoscience

Reviewer, Manuscripts, Geological Society of America Bulletin

Reviewer, Manuscripts, Geology

Reviewer, Manuscripts, Geophysical Research Letters

Reviewer, Manuscripts, Ground Water

Reviewer, Manuscripts, Hydrogeology Journal

Reviewer, Manuscripts, Hydrological Science and Technology

Reviewer, Manuscripts, Journal of Geophysical Research

Reviewer, Manuscripts, Journal of Hydrology

Reviewer, Manuscripts, Journal of South American Earth Sciences

Reviewer, Manuscripts, Mathematical Geology

Reviewer, Manuscripts, Science

Reviewer, Manuscripts, Texas Water Development Board

Reviewer, Manuscripts, Water Resources Bulletin

Reviewer, Manuscripts, Water Resources Research

Reviewer, Manuscripts, Water SA

Reviewer, Research Proposals, American Chemical Society - Petroleum Research Fund (ACS-PRF)

Reviewer, Research Proposals, Arkansas Science and Technology Institute

Reviewer, Research Proposals, Australian Research Council

Reviewer, Research Proposals, The Center for Field Research

Reviewer, Research Proposals, Cottrell Research Foundation

Reviewer, Research Proposals, Idaho Board of Education

Reviewer, Research Proposals, International Science (Soros) Foundation

Reviewer, Research Proposals, Louisiana Board of Regents (several programs)

Reviewer, Research Proposals, Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium

Reviewer, Research Proposals, Missouri Water Resources Research Center

Reviewer, Research Proposals, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Reviewer, Research Proposals, National Science Foundation (NSF, several branches)

Reviewer, Research Proposals, National Science Foundation (NSF, several branches)

Reviewer, Research Proposals, New Mexico Water Resources Research Center

Reviewer, Research Proposals, United States Air Force

Reviewer, Research Proposals, United States Department of Energy

Reviewer, Research Proposals, United States Environmental Protection Agency

Reviewer, Research Proposals, United States Fish and Wildlife Service

Reviewer, Research Proposals, United States Geological Survey (104 program)

Reviewer, Research Proposals, United States - Mexico Foundation for Science

Member, University-Wide Water Resources Advisory Committee, University of Missouri

Chairman, Hydrology and Water Resources Interdisciplinary Minor, University of Missouri

Member, Ballet Austin, Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of America, Northwest Austin Little League, Balcones Civic Association, American Cancer Society, etc., Tarrytown United Methodist Church (Various volunteer projects with)

Industrial Consultant, State of Texas Professional Geologist No. 1800; A.I.H. Registered Professional Hydrogeologist No. 135; S.I.P.E.S. Professional Earth Scientist No. 2419.

For a listing of past postdocs and graduate students see the Curriculum Vitae

Undergraduate Students

No current undergraduate students- I am emeritus. See curriculum vitae for a list of former undergrad student thesis students

Balmorhea Springs: Hydrogeologic History and Review, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Trans Pecos Workgroup, Austin, Texas (2019)

Preliminary Results: Hydrogeologic Evaluation & Vulnerability Analysis for Balmorhea-Area Springs, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Trans Pecos Workgroup, Austin, Texas (2019)

What is on the Horizon for Texas Groundwater - Management Challenges and Groundwater Research?, American Groundwater Trust Annual Texas Aquifer Conferenc, Austin, Texas (2018)

Threats to Balmorhea Springs from Oil & Gas Operation, Big Bend Conservation Alliance, Alpine, Texas (2017)

Crystalline Rock Aquifers of the Llano Uplift, Austin Gem & Mineral Society, Austin, Texas (2017)

Evolution of Edwards Aquifer Models, South Central Texas Water Research Interest Group, Seguin, Texas, (2017)

Balmorhea Springs and West Texas Groundwater, Big Bend Conservation Alliance, Balmorhea, Texas (2016)

Volcanogenic Hypogene Karst – Zacatón and Other Deep System, District of Columbia Grotto, National Speleological Society, Chevy Chase, Maryland (2015)

Effects of Urbanization on Shallow Hydrogeologic Systems, Center for Urban Environmental Research and Education, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, Maryland (2015)

Volcanogenic Karst Systems, Geological Society of Washington, Washington, DC (2015)

“Fracture Controls on Recharge and Discharge: Example of Trans-Pecos Texas, International Association of Hydrogeologists, 41st Congress, Marrakech, Morocco (2014)

Texas Water - Texas Style, Capital City Village Men’s Club, Austin, Texas (2014)

The Effects of Urbanization on Groundwater Systems, Department of Geology, Baylor University, Waco, Texas (2013)

Groundwater – Texas style, Edwards Aquifer Authority Distinguished Lecture Series, San Antonio, Texas (2013)

Aquifers & Karst Systems, Edwards Aquifer Authority Distinguished Lecture Series, San Antonio, Texas (2013)

The Edwards Aquifer, Edwards Aquifer Authority Distinguished Lecture Series, San Antonio, Texas (2013)

Edwards Aquifer – Evolution of our Conceptual Models, Edwards Aquifer Authority Distinguished Lecture Series, San Antonio, Texas (2013)

Sustainability of (Karst) Aquifers, Edwards Aquifer Authority Distinguished Lecture Series, San Antonio, Texas (2013)

Decision Support, Edwards Aquifer Authority Distinguished Lecture Series, San Antonio, Texas (2013)

Ethics !, Edwards Aquifer Authority Distinguished Lecture Series, San Antonio, Texas (2013)

The Effects of Urbanization, Edwards Aquifer Authority Distinguished Lecture Series, San Antonio, Texas (2013)

Regional Flow Systems, Edwards Aquifer Authority Distinguished Lecture Series, San Antonio, Texas (2013)

Volcanogenic Karst Systems, Edwards Aquifer Authority Distinguished Lecture Series, San Antonio, Texas (2013)

The Edwards Aquifer - Needs and Perplexing Questions, Edwards Aquifer Authority Distinguished Lecture Series, San Antonio, Texas (2013)

Prediction of fracture roughness aperture, and other hydraulic properties: Is upscaling of flow and transport possible?, New South Wales Australian Chapter, International Association of Hydrogeologists, Sydney, NSW, Australia (2013)

Aperture and Roughness of Rock Fractures; Is Upscaling Possible?, Flinders University, Adelaide, SA, Australia (2013)

Effects of Urbanisation on Shallow Surface Waters and Groundwater Systems, National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training, Adelaide, SA, Australia (2013)

Water Resources: Current and Future Issues, Geological Energy and Environmental leadership Organization, The University of Texas, Austin, Texas (2012)

Effects of Urbanization on Groundwater Systems: Is Mankind the Major Hydrogeologic Agent?, Department of Geology, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah (2011)

The Effects of Urbanization on the Sustainability of Urban Groundwater Systems, Scholia, Austin, Texas (2010)

Effects of Urbanisation on Groundwater Systems – Implications for Urban Water Management, Flinders University, Adelaide, SA, Australia (2010)

The Edwards Aquifer of Texas, Victoria State Chapter of Australian National Chapter, International Association of Hydrogeologists, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (2010)

Deep and Wide: Implications and Some Questions from Studies of Carbonate Aquifers in Mexico, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA (2010)

The Characteristics of the Limestone Carbonate Aquifer System in Cadiz Groundwater Storage, Southern California – Managing for Self Sufficiency, Association of Ground Water Agencies & American Ground Water Trust, Water Resources Issues in California Conference, Ontario CA (2010)

Deep and Wide: Implications from Studies of Carbonate Aquifers in Mexico, Geology Colloquium Series, University of Maryland, College Park (2010)

Hydrogeological Investigation of Tecolote Farm, Travis County Commissioners Court, Austin, Texas (2009)

Some Observations on the Edwards Aquifer in Central Texas, Jackson School of Geosciences, Friends and Alumni Network, San Antonio, Texas (2009)

Urbanization and the Contribution of Storm Drain Leakage to Recharge, The University of Texas REU Symposium, Austin, Texas (2008)

Some Comments on the Bad-Water Zone of the Edwards Aquifer, Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer Conservation District Conference, Edwards Saline Zone Workshop, Buda, Texas (2008)

Mapping the Earth’s Deepest Sinkholes – Implications from the Studies at Zacatón, Scholia, Austin, Texas (2008)

The Earth’s Deepest Sinkhole: The Cenote Zacatón, Lakeway Men’s Breakfast Club, Austin, Texas (2008)

Deep and Wide – Exploring Carbonate Aquifer Systems in Mexico, Flinders University, Adelaide, SA, Australia (2008)

Challenges to Hydrophilanthropy, Universities Council on Water Resources, Durham, NC (2008)

The Edwards Aquifer, GeoForce, San Antonio, Texas (2007)

Urbanization and Groundwater System, Virginia Tech University, Blacksburg, VA (2007)

Decision Support Systems, CAMPO Mobility Financing Task Force, Austin, Texas (2007)

Groundwater Management in Texas, Hill Country Geoscientists, Kerrville, TX (2007)

Deep and Wide - Implications from Studies of Carbonate Aquifer Systems in Mexico, The Farvolden Lecture, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada (2007)

Sistema Zacatón: Hydrogeologic Discoveries from DEPTHX, Geol. Soc. America Special Session, DEPTHX — The DEep Phreatic THermal eXplorer: Robotic exploration and characterization of Sistema Zacatón on the mission path to Europa, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver, CO (2007)

Which Way Did It Go? Basic Hydrogeology, Texas Style, 2006 National Groundwater Summit, Groundwater Management in Texas: A Continuing Challenge in a Changing Environment, San Antonio, Texas (2006)

The Edwards Aquifer and Sustainability, Air & Waste Management Association, Austin, Texas (2006)

IAH as a Business, International Association of Hydrogeologists, 50th Anniversary Colloquium, Dijon France (2006)

Effects of Urbanization on Groundwater, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX (2005)

Fracture Skins and Their Effects on Flow and Transport, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX (2005)

Urban-enhanced groundwater recharge in Austin, Texas, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas (2005)

Water, the Bible, and the Edwards Aquifer, O.W.O.P., Austin, Texas (2005)

Effects of Urbanization on the Hydrologic Cycle, Hill Country Urbanization and the Flash Flood Threat, National Weather Service – Lower Colorado River Authority Workshop, Austin, Texas (2005)

Consensus as Constraint: Identifying Key Parameters to Model Groundwater Allocation Using Stakeholder Elicitation and Causal Narratives, Groundwater Management Area #9 Conference, Kerrville, TX (2005)

Groundwater Careers in Academia, National Ground Water Association, Student Mentoring Luncheon, San Antonio, Texas (2005)

Thermohaline Free Convection in Groundwater: Example from Padre Island, The University of Texas, Marine Science Institute, Port Aransas, TX (2005)

"Emerging and Forgotten Issues of West Texas Groundwater, Texas Ground Water 2004: Towards Sustainability, Austin, Texas (2004)

West Texas Water Roundtable: What Science Tells Us, Sul Ross State University, Alpine, Texas (2004)

The Edwards Aquifer and Barton Springs, Board of Directors, American Ground Water Trust, Austin, Texas (2004)

Hydrogeology in a Rapidly Growing Urban Area and Urban-Enhanced Recharge, 32nd International Geological Congress, Florence, Italy (2004)

Evaluating Groundwater Allocation Alternatives in an Urban Setting Using a GIS Model and Economic Valuation Techniques, 32nd International Congress Program, Florence, Italy (2004)

Effects of Urbanization on Hydrogeological Systems, Utah State University, Logan, UT (2004)

Developing Chemical Data to Define Flow Systems in Cuatro Cienegas, Mexico, Texas Ground Water 2004: Towards Sustainability, Austin, Texas (2004)

San Antonio Water System, Carrizo Aquifer Storage and Recover, Texas Ground Water 2004: Towards Sustainability, Austin, Texas (2004)

Urban-Enhanced Groundwater Recharge in Austin, Texas, Texas Ground Water 2004: Towards Sustainability, Austin, Texas (2004)

Sustainable Groundwater Yields, Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer Conservation District, Austin, Texas (2003)

Hydrogeological Studies – Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Texas, PEMEX, Austin, Texas (2003)

Groundwater Flow and Transport in Fractured Rocks: Approaches, Opportunities, and Future Challenges, International Conference on Groundwater in Fractured Rocks, International Association of Hydrogeologists, Prague ,Czech Republic (2003)

Stream-Groundwater Interactions – Groundwater Flow Systems, Integrated Watershed Sciences Symposium: Bridging the Gap Between Science and Application, The University of Texas, Austin, Texas (2003)

“Groundwater, the Edwards Aquifer, and Sustainability in Central Texas, Hays County Regional Water Planning, Dripping Springs, TX (2003)

Characterizing and Modeling Heterogeneity of Low-Permeability Stratified Units, Austin Geological Society, Austin, Texas (2002)

Thermohaline Convection in Coastal Plain Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks, Department of Geology, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah (2002)

Anthropogenic Effects on Water Budgets in Urban Areas, School of Chemistry, Physics, and Earth Sciences, Flinders University, Adelaide, SA, Australia (2002)

Regional Flow Systems of Trans-Pecos Texas, School of Chemistry, Physics, and Earth Sciences, Flinders University, Adelaide, SA, Australia (2002)

Urban Hydrology, Ground Water Institute for Teachers, American Ground Water Trust, San Antonio, Texas (2002)

The Edwards Aquifer: Will There Be Water for Texas?, Outreach Lecture Series, Environmental Science Institute, The University of Texas, Austin, Texas (2002)

The Effects of Urbanization on Hydrogeology, Austin Geological Society, Austin, Texas (2001)

Overview of the Edwards-Trinity System, Edwards-Trinity System Workshop, Austin, Texas (2001)

Effects of Urbanization on Groundwater Systems, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN (2001)

Regional Groundwater Flow Systems in Trans-Pecos Texas, Texas Water Development Board, Aquifers of West Texas Symposium, Alpine, TX (2001)

Sustainability of Groundwater Yields, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt (2000)

Characteristics of Major Fluvial Aquifers in the U.S.A., Research Institute for Groundwater, Cairo, Egypt (2000)

Tracing Regional Flow Paths to Major Springs in Trans-Pecos Texas Using Naturally - Occurring Geochemical and Isotopic Specie, Austin Geological Society, Austin, Texas (2000)

The Urbanizing World - Hydrogeological Implications", Department of Geology, University of Indiana, Bloomington, IN (2000)

Hydrogeology of Fractured Rocks - Effects of Fracture Skins, Department of Geology, University of Indiana, Bloomington, IN (2000)

Effects of Urbanization on Groundwater Systems, Pickins School of Geology, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK (2000)

ydrogeology of the Central Nile Delta – Formulation of a Research Project, Pickins School of Geology, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK (2000)

LUST Characterization in Urban Fractured Karstic Aquifers, Karst Waters Symposium on Karst Modeling, Charlottesviile, VA (1999)

LUST Characterization in Urban Fractured Karstic Aquifers, Austin Geological Society, Austin, Texas (1999)

Fracture Experiments at Various Scales, Austin Geological Society, Austin, Texas (1999)

Urban Hydrogeology, Board of Directors, American Ground Water Trust,, San Antonio, Texas (1999)

Contaminant Transport in Sets of Parallel Finite Fractures with Fracture Skin, T. Mylan Stout Lecture, Workshop in Mathematics and the Geosciences, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska (1999)

Fracture Skins and Their Effects on Transport in Fractured Rock and Dual Porosity Systems, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas (1999)

Density-Driven Groundwater Flow Through Fractured Low Permeability Units of the Gulf of Mexico, USA: Implications, Resolutions, and Remaining limitations, Flinders University, Adelaide, SA, Australia (1999)

The Urbanising [sic] World – Hydrogeologic Implications, South Australian Hydrological Society, Adelaide, SA, Australia (1999)

How Urbanization Affects Groundwater Systems, Geomatrix Consultants, Newport Beach, CA (1999)

The Mayak and Chernobyl Sites - Roundtable Discussion, 4th USA/CIS Joint Conference on Environmental Hydrology and Hydrogeology, Hydrologic Issues for the 21st Century: Ecology, Environment and Human Healt, San Francisco, CA (1999)

Fracture Skins - Origins, Properties, and Significance, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, CA (1999)

Synopsis, Conclusions, and Challenges From the Conference on Groundwater: Sustainable Solutions, International Association of Hydrogeologists Conference, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (1998)

Fracture Skins - What Are They and Why Do We Care?, C.S.I.R.O. Land and Water, Adelaide, SA, Australia (1998)

Flow and Transport in Fractured Systems: The Effect of Fracture Skins, New South Wales Chapter, International Association of Hydrogeologists, Sydney, NSW, Australia (1998)

he Hydrogeology Program at The University of Texas, Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology Department, Charles University, Praha (Prague), Czech Republic (1998)

Free Convection and Gulf of Mexico Evolution, Department of Geosciences, University of Houston, Houston, Texas (1998)

Groundwater Story in Central Texas, Austin Mineralogical Society, Austin, Texas (1997)

Edwards Aquifer, Flow Controls, Society of Independent Earth Scientists (S.I.P.E.S.), National Meeting, Austin, Texas (1997)

Ground-Water Supply Issues in Urban and Urbanizing Area, Keynote address, Groundwater in the Urban Environment: Problems, Processes and Management, 27th Congress, International Association of Hydrogeologists, Nottingham, UK (1997)

Springflow Augmentation, Endangered Species, the Edwards Aquifer, and Politics, Society of Independent Earth Scientists (SIPES), - Austin Chapter, Austin, Texas (1996)

Springflow Augmentation, A Water Forum for the People, San Antonio, Texas (1996)

Springflow Augmentation as Part of the Water Resources Solution Puzzle, Edwards Aquifer Authority, San Antonio, Texas (1996)

Springflow Augmentation, City of San Antonio Citizens Committee on Water Policy, San Antonio, Texas (1996)

Area Geohydrology of The Edwards Aquifer, Barton Creek, and Bull Creek, Aquatic Biological Assessment Team, Austin, Texas (1995)

Springflow Augmentation for Comal and San Marcos Springs?, Austin Geological Society, Austin, Texas (1995)

The Edwards Aquifer, Geology Department, College of Wooster, Wooster, OH (1995)

Modeling Flow in Fractured Rocks and the Effects of Fracture Skins, Kentucky Geological Survey, Lexington, Kentucky (1995)

Pressure and Temperature Patterns in the Gulf of Mexico Basin: Implications for Analysis of Flow Systems, University of Texas Institute for Geophysics, Austin, Texas (1995)

The Sources of Water for Balmorhea Springs, Adopt-A-Wetlands Workshop, Balmorhea, Texas (1995)

The Edwards Aquifer, User Conflicts, and Springflow Augmentation, Regional Clean Air and Water Association, San Antonio, Texas (1994)

Hydrogeological Principles for Fractures Rocks - Properties and Effects of Fracture Skins, Hydrological Society of South Australia, Adelaide, SA, Australia (1994)

Regional Subsidence Along the Texas Gulf of Mexico Coastline, Department of Geography, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA, Australia (1994)

Stream-Groundwater Interactions, Department of Geography, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA, Australia (1994)

Free Convection at Various Scales, C.S.I.R.O. Division of Water Resources, Adelaide, SA, Australia (1994)

Arid Basins of Trans-Pecos Texas, C.S.I.R.O. Division of Water Resources, Adelaide, SA, Australia (1994)

The A.I.H. Certification Process, Joint meeting of the American Water Resources Association and Amer. Inst. Hydrology, Texas Hydrology Roundup, Austin, Texas (1993)

Consideration of Basic Hydrogeology in the Design of On-Site Waste Water Treatment Systems, 1993 On-Site Waste Water Treatment Conference, Austin, Texas (1993)

Update on Springflow Augmentation, National Biological Survey Fountain Darter/Comal River Projects Meeting, San Marcos, TX (1993)

Hydrogeology of Trans-Pecos Texas, The University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, Texas, (1992)

Geothermics/Hydrogeology of the Northern Gulf of Mexico Basin, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX (1991)

The Edwards Aquifer, the Technical Advisory Panel, and One Man's Opinion, Austin Geological Society, Austin, Texas (1991)

Reevaluation of the Causes of Subsidence Along the Texas Gulf of Mexico Coast and Some Extrapolations of Future Trends, Fourth International Symposium on Land Subsidence, Houston, Texas (1991)

Technical Factors in Edwards Aquifer Use and Management, Special Joint Texas Senate and House of Representatives Committee on the Edwards Aquifer, Austin, Texas (1990)

The Potential Impact of Aerosols on Ground-water Systems, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN (1990)

The Potential Impact of Aerosols on Ground-water Systems, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN (1990)

Fracture and permeability Patterns in a Welded Tuff, the Santana Tuff of Trans-Pecos Texas - Implications for Waste Disposal, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN (1990)

Risk Assessment and Causes of Subsidence and Inundation Along the Texas Gulf Coast, NATO-ARW Workshop on Geohydrological Management of Sea Level and Mitigation of Drought, Fuerteventura, Canary Islands (1989)

Hydrodynamics and Geothermics of the Texas Gulf Coast and Relations to Diagenesis, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL (1989)

Origin of the Bad Water Zone of the Edwards Aquifer, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL (1989)

Risk Assessment of Subsidence and Inundation, Texas Gulf Coast, Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV (1989)

Regional Groundwater Flow Systems in Trans-Pecos Texas, Desert Research Institute, Las Vegas, NV (1989)

Evolution of Fluid Pressure and Temperature in the Sediments of the Gulf Coast, Oryx Energy, Dallas, TX (1989)

Large-Scale Fluid Transport Systems in Sedimentary Basins - Settings, Processes and Their Effects on Sedimentary Basins, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX (1988)

Evolution of Fluid Pressure and Temperature in the Sediments of the Gulf Coast, Department of Petroleum Engineering, The University of Texas, Austin, Texas (1988)

Groundwater, Lt. Governor's Conference, Water in Texas: The State of the State, L. B. J. School of Public Affairs, The University of Texas, Austin, Texas (1988)

Evolution of Momentum and Energy Transport Systems in the Gulf of Mexico Basin, University of Minnesota, Miineapolis, MN (1988)

Groundwater/River Interaction, University of Minnesota, Miineapolis, MN (1988)

Some Comments on Water Resources Management in Texas with Special Consideration Towards Ground-Water Issues, Governor's Committee on Water Resources Management, Austin, Texas (1988)

Coupled Flow in Sedimentary Basins, Geological Society of America Penrose Conference on Brines in Deep Sedimentary Basins, Oxnard, CA (1987)

Is Environmental Geology Dead?, Texas Junior College Association, Austin, Texas (1986)

Hydrogeology of the Toyah Basin, Austin Geological Society, Austin, Texas (1986)

Gulf Coast Research at The University of Texas, Marathon Oil, Littleton, CO (1984)

Subsidence", American Institute of Hydrology, Workshop on Current and Future National Water Problems and Issues as Related to Hydrology, Washington, DC (1984)

Opportunities in the Geological Sciences for Graduate Students in Geotechnical Engineering, The University of Texas Civil Engineering Geotechnical Engineering Seminar, Austin, Texas (1983)

Physical Hydrogeology of Tuscany, Italy, and its Effects on the Hydrothermal Systems and on the Occurrence of Mercury and Antimony Deposits, University of Illinois Colloquium, Urbana, IL (1982)

Hydrogeologic Models of Mineral Deposition, "Hydrogeologic Models of Mineral Deposition" – Geological Society of America Penrose Conference on Hydrodynamics and Geochemistry of Ore Deposits in Sedimentary Environments, Lake of the Ozarks, MO (1982)

Hydrogeology of Some Tuscan (Italy) Geothermal Systems, Austin Geological Society, Austin, Texas (1982)

Hydrogeology of Major Alluvial Aquifers", Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Texas, Austin, Texas (1981)

Preliminary Results: Application of Hydrogeologic Models to Ore Deposits of Tuscany, Italy, Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Texas, Austin, Texas (1981)

Hydrogeologic Concepts in Mineral Deposition, Illinois State Geological Survey, Urbana, IL (1980)

Flood-Plain Hydrogeology, Kansas Geological Survey, Lawrence, Kansas (1978)

Hydrogeology of the Missouri River Flood Plain, Michigan State University Colloquium Series, East Lansing, Michigan (1976)

Ground Water in the Alluvium of the Missouri River Flood Plain, University of Missouri Soils Seminar, Columbia, Mo (1976)

Role of Fluids as an Energy Transport Mechanism in Evolving Sedimentary Basins, Geol. Soc. America Penrose Conference, Vail, Colorado (1976)

Groundwater Supply Problems and their Solutions in Missouri, University of Missouri - Bicentennial Environmental Engineering Seminar Series, Columbia, Mo (1975)

Energy Transport in Sediments, Exxon Production Research, Houston, Texas (1975)

2017Fall GEO 476K Groundwater Hydrology
2017Fall GEO 391C Physical Hydrogeology
2017Fall GEO 191W Aquifer Testing
2016Fall GEO 391C Physical Hydrogeology
2016Fall GEO 191W Aquifer Testing
2016Fall GEO 476K Groundwater Hydrology
2015Fall GEO 476K Groundwater Hydrology
2015Fall GEO 391C Physical Hydrogeology
2015Fall GEO 191W Aquifer Testing
2015Spring GEO 394 Rsch In Hydrogeology
2014Fall GEO 394 Rsch In Hydrogeology
2014Spring GEO 377K Applied Karst Hydrogeology
2014Spring GEO 391K Applied Karst Hydrogeology
2014Spring GEO 394 Rsch In Hydrogeology