Hima J Hassenruck Gudipati

Hima J Hassenruck Gudipati
23-24 Research Affiliate - Postdoctoral Mohrig, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences

Office: JGB
Mailcode: C1160

Areas of Expertise

Research Interest: geomorphology, sedimentology, hydrology

Current Research Programs & Projects

Characterization of Natural Levees on the Trinity River, Texas

Select Past Research

Investigating River Channel Avulsions on Deltas using an Experimental Setup

JSG Graduate Fellowship - The University of Texas at Austin (2015 - 2016)

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship - NSF (2014)

Thomas J. Watson Fellowship - Watson Foundation (2014 - 2015)

David E. Lumley Young Scientist Scholar for Energy and Environmental Science - AGU (2013)

Time-Lapse Lidar Characterization of Fluvial Levees with Implications to Levee Growth Controls, AGU, (2016)

Experimental Investigation of the Interplay between Backwater Hydrodynamics and Delta Evolution, AGU, Fall Meeting (2013)