JSG Awards

Year Recipient Award Organization
2024-2025 John A Moretti Honarary Award Winner American Federation of Mineralogical Societies Scholarship Foundation
2024 Claire Williams 2024 Jackson Fellowship in Geohydrology Jackson School of Geosciences
2024 Claire Williams BIES Summer Research Travel Fellowship British Irish and Empire Studies
2024 Sarah Brooker 13th Annual Jackson School Student Research Symposium: Late Career Graduate Student Poster Winner University of Texas at Austin
2024-2025 Sarah Brooker Lipman Research Award Geological Society of America
2024 Sarah Brooker International Kimberlite Conference Travel Grant International Kimberlite Conference Organising Committee
2024-2025 Sarah Brooker National Science Foundation INTERN Smithsonian Institute National Museum of Natural History
2024 Shuhua Hu Geophysical Society of Oklahoma City Scholarship SEG
2024 Shuhua Hu David R Lammlein Scholarship SEG
2024 Shuhua Hu ExxonMobil Upstream Research Co. Scholarship SEG
2024 Shuhua Hu SEG 75th Anniversary Scholarship SEG
2024 Neelarun Mukherjee Travel Grant for 2024 Environmental Systems Science, US Department of Energy PI Meeting US Department of Energy
2024 Neelarun Mukherjee First Place, Geosciences Hackathon 2024 Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin
2024 Alejandro Cardona Director's Circle of Excellence Award UT Institute for Geophysics
2024 Joshua Munro Lipman Student Research Grant GSA’s Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology (MGPV) Division
2024-2026 Leena Abdulqader Al-Masri Fellowship The Jackson school
2024 Yangkang Chen First Prize in GeoHackathon 2024 (Mentor) The University of Texas at Austin
2024 Manmeet Singh Best Poster Award 10th Annual Research Symposium, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin
2024-2026 Manmeet Singh Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin
2023 Sergey Fomel Best Paper, Interpretation Society of Exploration Geophysicists
2023-2024 John A Moretti Science Fund award recipient Cleveland Grotto of the National Speleological Society
2023-2024 John A Moretti Lundelius Endowment of Vertebrate Paleontology Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin
2023-2024 John A Moretti Graduate Student Research Grant Geological Society of America
2023 Joshua Malone SGD/SEPM Student Poster Winner - 2023 GSA Annual Meeting SEPM
2023 Liam Norris The Cohen Award for Student Research Society of Vertebrate Paleontology
2023 Liam Norris Graduate Student Research Grant The Jurassic Foundation
2023 Liam Norris Graduate Student Research Grant Geological Society of America
2023 Claire Williams ICRS Ruth Gates Fellowship Honorable Mention International Coral Reef Society
2023 Claire Williams Conservation Paleobiology Network Student Travel Grant Conservation Paleobiology Network
2023 Mariel D Nelson Graduate Research Grant Geological Society of America
2023 Mariel D Nelson Weeks Surface Processes Fellowship Jackson School of Geosciences
2023 Mariel D Nelson Dissertation Research Grant American Association of Geographers
2023 Sarah Brooker DeFord Field Scholarship University of Texas at Austin
2023 Sarah Brooker Chevron Student Analytical Research Fund Lousiana State University
2023 Dev Niyogi Helmut E. Landsberg Award American Meteorological Society
2023 Thorsten Becker August Love Medal European Geoscience Union
2023 Neelarun Mukherjee Summer Off-Campus Research Support Jackson School of Geosciences
2023 Neelarun Mukherjee Travel Grant for PFLOTRAN Reactive Transport Workshop, PNNL CUAHSI
2023 Patty Standring Veterans Memorial Scholarship Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists Foundation
2023-2024 Patty Standring GSA Student Research Grant Geological Society of America
2023-2024 Patty Standring Endowed Presidential Scholarship Jackson School of Geosciences
2023-2024 Patty Standring William V. Sliter Award Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research
2023 Sophia Bautista Outstanding Student Presentation Award AGU OSPA
2023 Sophia Bautista National Association of Geoscience Teachers Travel Stipend NAGT
2023 J. Richard Kyle Hal W. Hardinge (Industrial Minerals) Award Society for Mining, Metallurgy, & Exploration
2023 J. Richard Kyle Mineral Industry Education Award Society for Mining, Metallurgy, & Exploration
2023-2024 Sabrina A Reichert Graduate Research Award Geological Society of America/National Science Foundation (GSA/NSF)
2023-2024 Rodrigo Leal AMS Graduate Fellowship American Meteorological Society
2023 Medha Prakash Wilbur A. Nelson Award The University of Virginia- Department of Environmental Sciences
2023-2024 Joshua Munro College Recruitment Fellowship University of Texas at Austin
2023 McKenzie Carlson Harrington Fellowship University of Texas at Austin
2023-2025 Mrittika Kabir EER Fellowship EER
2023-2025 Taufik Al Amin Charles A. Caughey Graduate Fellowship 2023 Jackson School of Geosciences
2023 Jonathan P Amendola Outstanding Academic Achievement University of California, Santa Barbara
2023 Yangkang Chen First Prize in AETA Earthquake forecast competition using AI AETA&PekingUniversity;
2023 Yangkang Chen Top Cited Article Award on JGR-Solid Earth American Geophysical Union
2023 Marek Locmelis Faculty Research Award Missouri University of Science & Technology
2022 Brian K Horton Best Paper Award Society of Exploration Geophysicists
2022 Charles Kerans Honorary Life Membership Award West Texas Geological Society
2022 Sergey Fomel Honorary Member Society of Exploration Geophysicists
2022 John A Moretti First Place award - Texas Academy of Science 2022 Research Proposal Competition Texas Academy of Science
2022-2023 Molly Zebker Texas Space Grant Consortium Fellowship NASA
2022 Molly Zebker Dr. Floyd F. Sabins, Jr. Summertime Fellowship in Remote Sensing Jackson School of Geoscience
2022 Osareni C Ogiesoba Speaker Award Austin Geological Society
2022 Joshua Malone University of Texas Endowed Presidential Scholarship University of Texas at Austin
2022 Joshua Malone GSA Student Research Grant - Outstanding Application Recipient Geological Society of America
2022 William Reyes Lundelius Endowment in Vertebrate Paleontology The University of Texas at Austin, Jackson School of Geosciences
2022 William Reyes Summer Fellowship The University of Texas at Austin Graduate School
2022 William Reyes GSA Travel Grant Geological Society of America
2022 William Reyes Endowed Presidential Scholarship The University of Texas at Austin
2022 Liam Norris Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Grant American Museum of Natural History
2022 Liam Norris Graduate Student Research Grant Geological Society of America
2022 Liam Norris Graduate Student Research Grant Paleontological Society of America
2022 Claire Williams NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program NSF
2022 Claire Williams Whitney Endowed Presidential Scholarship Jackson School of Geosciences
2022 Claire Williams Society for the Study of Evolution Small Grants Program for Local and Regional Outreach Promoting the Understanding of Evolutionary Biology Society for the Study of Evolution
2022 Claire Williams Lerner-Gray Memorial Fund of the American Museum of Natural History American Museum of Natural History
2022 Claire Williams GSA Graduate Student Research Grant Geological Society of America
2022 Claire Williams Paleontological Society Student Research Grant Paleontological Society
2022 Mariel D Nelson GeoAllies Program Field Outreach Grant National Science Foundation
2022 Mariel D Nelson Graduate Seed Grant National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping
2022 Mariel D Nelson Graduate Research Fellowship Program Honorable Mention National Science Foundation
2022 Sarah Brooker Lipman Research Award GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, & Volcanology Division
2022 Ashley M Matheny Outstanding Early Career Award American Meteorological Society
2022 Dev Niyogi William Stamps Farish Chair Jackson School of Geosciences
2022 Kayla White Dallas Geological Society/DGS/Hilsewick/Shepherd/Sistrunk/Stanley/Dodge Scholarship Endowment Trustees of Communities Foundations of Texas (CFT)
2022 Shuhua Hu Charlie & Jean Smith Scholarship SEG
2022 Shuhua Hu James and Ruth Harrison Scholarship SEG
2022 Shuhua Hu Karen Kellogg Shaw Memorial Scholarship SEG
2022 Ebony Williams NSF/GSA Graduate Student Geoscience Grant The Geological Society of America
2022-2024 Sohini Dasgupta Graduate Fellowship UTIG/ The University of Texas at Austin
2022-2023 Sophia Bautista Jackson School of Geosciences Graduate School Mentoring Fellowship JSG
2022-2023 Medha Prakash Undergraduate STEM Research Scholarship Virginia Space Grant Consortium
2022 Medha Prakash Richard Scott Mitchell Award The University of Virginia- Department of Environmental Sciences
2022 Joshua Munro Skye Foundation Scholarship University of Cape Town
2022 Jonathan P Amendola Department Field Award University of California, Santa Barbara
2022 Yangkang Chen IEEE Senior Membership Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
2022 Marek Locmelis Fellow Society of Economic Geologists
2021 Brian K Horton Knebel Teaching Award Department of Geological Sciences
2021 David Mohrig G. K. Gilbert Award in Surface Processes American Geophysical Union
2021 Peter B Flemings AAPG George C. Matson Memorial Award (best paper at 2022 AAPG Convention. Kevin Meazell was primary author). AAPG
2021-2022 Peter B Flemings UT Institute for Geophysics Director’s Circle of Excellence Award Jackson School of Geosciences
2021 Fernando M Rey Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award -Fall 2021- Department of Geological Sciences, the University of Texas at Austin.
2021-2022 John A Moretti Francis L. Whitney Endowed Presidential Scholarship The Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin
2021 John A Moretti Third place award in the Graduate Student Oral Paper Competition at the 124th Annual Meeting Texas Academy of Science
2021 Timothy A Goudge Ronald Greeley Early Career Award in Planetary Sciences American Geophysical Union
2021-2022 Timothy A Goudge CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholar CIFAR
2021 Timothy A Goudge Planetary Science Early Career Award NASA
2021 William Reyes NSF Graduate Student Research Fellowship National Science Foundation
2021-2022 Veronika J Redensek Endowed Presidential Fellowship UT
2021 Sarah Brooker Richard Chuchla Dean’s Discretionary Fellowship University of Texas at Austin
2021 Sarah Brooker Duchin Centennial Memorial Endowed Presidential Scholarship University of Texas at Austin
2021 Ashley M Matheny Early CAREER grant National Science Foundation
2021-2022 Dev Niyogi John E. "Brick" Elliott Centennial Endowed Professor-Fellow Department of Geological Sciences
2021 Thorsten Becker Evgueni Burov Medal International Lithosphere Program, IUGG
2021 Thorsten Becker Member Academia Europaea
2021-2023 Shuhua Hu Graduate Fellowship UTIG
2021 Shuhua Hu Technology Progress Award Chinese Geophysical Society
2021 Kevin W Shionalyn Robert D. Bentley Award for Superior Academic Performance Central Washington University, Department of Geological Sciences
2021-2022 Kevin W Shionalyn Blue Sky Fellowship University of Texas Institute for Geophysics
2021-2022 Ebony Williams Graduate School Mentoring Fellowship The University of Texas at Austin Graduate School
2021 Neelarun Mukherjee Dean's List Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
2021 Neelarun Mukherjee Best Project Award Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
2021 Neelarun Mukherjee Prof. Supriya Mohan Sengupta Memorial Award: Best masters' Thesis Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
2021 Patty Standring Arthur J. Boucot Award Paleontological Society
2021 Sohini Dasgupta Going Extra Mile Award Cairn Oil and Gas Ltd.
2021-2022 Medha Prakash Double Hoo Award The University of Virginia Office of Undergraduate Research
2021 Medha Prakash Undergraduate Research Scholar Fellowship Undergraduate Research and Mentorship Program (UVA- Department of Environmental Sciences)
2021 Joshua Munro National Research Fund Honours Scholarship University of Cape Town
2021 Taufik Al Amin 2nd Winner of AAPG Imperial Barrel Award 2021 Asia Pacific Region AAPG and the AAPG Foundation
2021 Chenguang Sun MSA Award Mineralogical Society of America
2021 Chenguang Sun MSA Fellow (Life) Mineralogical Society of America
2021 Yangkang Chen IEEE GRSL Best Reviewer Award Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
2021 Qiqi Wang Best of Petroleum Geoscience Collection Geological Society London - Petroleum Geoscience Journal
2021 Qiqi Wang JSG Research Analytical Fund University of Texas at Austin
2021 Ian W Dalziel Penrose Medal Geological Society of America
2021 Manmeet Singh Fulbright-Kalam Climate Fellowship for Doctoral Research United States India Educational Foundation
2020 Kerry H Cook Joanne Simpson Tropical Meteorology Research Award American Meteorological Society
2020 Peter B Flemings Leonidas T. Barrow Centennial Chair in Mineral Resources The University of Texas at Austin
2020 Sergey Fomel Honorary Member Geophysical Society of Houston
2020 Sergey Fomel Distinguished Lecturer Society of Exploration Geophysicists
2020 Timothy M Shanahan Knebel Distinguished Teaching award Department of Geological Sciences
2020 Richard A Ketcham Martin Dodson Prize International Standing Committee on Thermochronology
2020-2021 John A Moretti Francis L. Whitney Endowed Presidential Scholarship The Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin
2020 Timothy A Goudge Geosphere Exceptional Reviewer GeoScience World
2020 Timothy A Goudge G. Moses and Carolyn G. Knebel Distinguished Teaching Award Jackson School of Geosciences
2020 Joshua Malone Graduate with Distinction Augustana College
2020 Joshua Malone Joseph M. Hoare Prestigious Merit Scholarship in Geology Augustana College
2020 Joshua Malone Senior Research Award Augustana College
2020 William Reyes Graduate Student Mentoring Fellowship The University of Texas at Austin Graduate School
2020 Claire Williams University of Illinois Geology Senior of the Year University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Geology
2020-2021 Claire Williams Jackson School of Geosciences Fellowship Jackson School of Geosciences
2020-2021 Mariel D Nelson Graduate Fellowship Jackson School of Geosciences
2020 Ashley M Matheny G. Moses and Carolyn G. Knebel Distinguished Teaching Award Jackson School of Geosciences
2020 Chris Kirk Texas Black and White Award UT Graduate Student Assembly
2020 Peter H Hennings Best Paper AAPG Division of Environmental Geology
2020 Patty Standring Graduate Research Fellowship National Science Foundation
2020 Benjamin Keisling Presidential Citation American Geophysical Union
2020 Benjamin Keisling Excellence in Diversity & Inclusion Award UMass CNS
2020-2022 Benjamin Keisling Lamont-Doherty Postdoctoral Fellowship Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
2020 J. Richard Kyle Legion of Honor Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration
2020-2021 Miriam Barquero-Molina William T. Kemper Fellowship for Teaching Excellence University of Missouri
2020 Sharon Mosher Marcus Milling Legendary Geoscientist Medal American Geosciences Institute
2020 Ronald J Steel Best Paper in Basin Research for 2019 EAGE
2020-2021 Mark A Helper G. Moses and Carolyn G. Knebel Distinguished Teaching Award Department of Geological Sciences
2020 Yangkang Chen Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher Clarivate
2020 Qiqi Wang Jackson School Off-campus Research Award University of Texas at Austin
2020 Lorena G Moscardelli Medal of Merit for Best Paper Related to Canadian Petroleum Geology Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists
2020 Lorena G Moscardelli Grit Award Individual Category by ALLY The Community for the Energy Workforce of the Future
2020 Marek Locmelis CAREER Award National Science Foundation
2020 Manmeet Singh Prof DR Sikka award for the best research paper Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt of India
2020 Manmeet Singh Special Prize Smart India Hackathon
2019 Brian K Horton Outstanding Researcher Award Institute for Geophysics, UT-Austin
2019 David Mohrig Francis J. Pettijohn Medal for Sedimentology Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM)
2019 Luc L Lavier Evgueni Burov Medal International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (Intl Lithosphere Program)
2019 Rowan C Martindale CAREER Award National Science Foundation
2019 Rowan C Martindale Best paper in 2019 for the journal “Papers in Palaeontology”: Palaeontology
2019 Mrinal K Sen One of the top 25 presentations (out of 1100) at the SEG annual meeting, 2019: Biswas, Kumar and Sen, Density inversion from seismic data using a trans-dimensional approach. Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG)
2019 Mrinal K Sen One of the top 25 presentations (out of 1100) at the SEG annual meeting, 2019: Zhao and Sen, A gradient guided MCMC method for full waveform inversion. Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG)
2019-2021 Fernando M Rey Argentinian Presidential Fellowship Argentinian Government
2019-2021 Fernando M Rey The IAPG´s Claudio Manzolillo Scholarship IAPG Houston
2019-2021 Scarlette Hsia Graduate Research Fellowship National Science Foundation
2019 Scarlette Hsia Graduate Student Research Grant Geological Society of America
2019 Timothy A Goudge G. Moses and Carolyn G. Knebel Distinguished Teaching Award Jackson School of Geosciences
2019 Claire Williams Delcomyn International Study in Biology Award University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Integrative Biology
2019 Claire Williams Conference Travel Grant University of Illinois Office of Undergraduate Research
2019 Sarah Brooker Grover Murray Field Camp Scholarship UNC Chapel Hill
2019 Sarah Brooker The Daniel Craig Pignatiello Fund for Undergraduate Research in Geological Sciences UNC Chapel Hill
2019 Dev Niyogi Visiting / Adjunct Professor Centre of Excellence in Disaster Mitigation & Management at Indian Institute of Technology - Roorke,
2019 Peter H Hennings Walter Award for Outstanding Research University of Texas Jackson School of Geosciences
2019 Neelarun Mukherjee CNRS Research Fellowhsip Geoscience Rennes, France
2019 Neelarun Mukherjee University of Alberta Research Experiience (UARE) University of Alberta, Canada
2019 Mahdi Haddad Elected Future Leader American Rock Mechanics Association
2019-2023 Medha Prakash Paul Tudor Jones II Jefferson Scholarship Jefferson Scholars Foundation
2019 Qiqi Wang Jackson School Summer Research Analytical Fund University of Texas at Austin
2019 Toti E Larson Jules Braunstein Memorial Award American Association of Petroleum Geologists
2019 Toti E Larson Jules Braunstein Memorial Award American Association of Petroleum Geologists
2019 Manmeet Singh Most Interactive Pavillion award 106th Indian Science Congress
2018 Brian K Horton William R. Dickinson Medal (Award for Excellence in Sedimentary Geology by a Mid-Career Scientist) Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM)
2018 Danny Stockli JSG Oustanding Researcher Award 2018 University of Texas at Austin
2018 Rowan C Martindale Acknowledgement for support of students with disabilities UT Austin
2018 Tip Meckel JSG Outstanding Educator Award Jackson School of Geosciences
2018 Mrinal K Sen Virgil Kauffman Gold medal or making significant advances in the sciences of Exploration Geophysics in the past five years. Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG)
2018 Joshua I O'Connell Outstanding Support Staff Award UT Institute for Geophysics
2018 John A Moretti Stephen Jay Gould Award The Paleontological Society
2018-2019 Scarlette Hsia JSG Fellowship Pennzoil and Pogo Award
2018 Joshua Malone SGD/SEPM Student Poster Winner - 2018 GSA Annual Meeting SEPM
2018 Julia A Clarke Fellow (FRSB) Royal Society of Biology
2018 Dev Niyogi Indiana Governors Team Award for Environmental Excellence Indiana Department of Environmental Management
2018 William S Bailey Fellowship Geological Society of London
2018 Benjamin Keisling Post Expedition Award IODP
2018 Benjamin Keisling Campus Climate Improvement Grant UMass
2018 Benjamin Keisling Geosciences Hartshorn Award UMass
2018-2021 Eric Attias Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, University of Hawai‘i
2018 Mahdi Haddad Cedric K. Ferguson Medal Society of Petroleum Engineers
2018 John M Sharp Professor Emeritus The University of Texas
2018 Sean S Gulick Fellow of the Geological Society of America Geological Society of America
2018 Marek Locmelis Junior Faculty Award Missouri University of Science & Technology Mines and Metallurgy Academy
2018 Manmeet Singh Silver Jubilee award for the best research paper Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt of India
2017 Brian K Horton Outstanding Educator Award Jackson School of Geosciences, UT-Austin
2017 Charles Kerans Honorary Membership Award, 2017 SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology
2017 Sergey Fomel Best Paper, Interpretation Society of Exploration Geophysicists
2017 Rowan C Martindale Carolyn G. and G. Moses Knebel Teaching Award (teaching excellence in an introductory undergraduate course in the Department of Geological Sciences) Jackson School of Geoscience
2017 Rowan C Martindale UT Austin Mentoring fellowship University of Texas at Austin
2017 Rowan C Martindale JSG Outstanding Service Award Jackson School of Geosciences (UT Austin)
2017 Richard A Ketcham Fellow Mineralogical Society of America
2017 Nicola Tisato Paper of the month in EGU blogs (January) European Geosciences Union (blogs)
2017 Mary F Poteet Provost Teaching Fellowship The University of Texas at Austin, Provost teaching fellows.
2017 Julia A Clarke Elective Member, an honorary membership category that recognizes contributions to ornithology American Ornithological Society
2017 M Bayani Cardenas Faculty Science Performance Award University of Texas Department of Geological Sciences
2017 Elizabeth J Catlos Max Kade Distinguished Visiting Professor Heidelberg University
2017 Ashley M Matheny University of Texas Rising STARs Faculty Award University of Texas at Austin
2017-2018 Patty Standring Martin B. Lagoe Micropaleontology Fellowship Jackson School of Geoscience
2017 Sohini Dasgupta Best Student Award SEG IIT-ISM Dhanbad Student Chapter
2017-2018 Miriam Barquero-Molina MU Chancellor's Excellence Award for Undergraduate Faculty University of Missouri
2017 Ronald J Steel Cam’ Sproule Award for Best Paper (w/student Jinyu Zhang) American Assoc. Petrol. Geologists
2017 John M Sharp Outstanding Reviewer Environmental Research Letters
2017 John M Sharp Lifetime Achievement Award Barton Springs / Edwards Aquifer Conservation District
2017-2018 Mark A Helper G. Moses and Carolyn G. Knebel Distinguished Teaching Award Jackson School of Geosciences
2017 Sean S Gulick Eugene Shoemaker Memorial Award Arizona State University
2017 Michael H Young Walter Excellence Award Jackson School of Geosciences
2016 David Mohrig Union Fellow American Geophysical Union
2016 Danny Stockli GSA Fellow Geological Society of America
2016 Peter B Flemings Joseph C. Walter Jr. Excellence Award Jackson School of Geosciences
2016 Tip Meckel JSG Outstanding Research Award Gulf Coast Carbon Center
2016 Andras Fall Tinker Family BEG Best Publication Award Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin
2016 Mrinal K Sen Distinguished Graduate Alumnus Award Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Hawaii at Manoa.
2016 Mrinal K Sen UTIG director’s circle of excellence recognition University of Texas at Austin Institute for Geophysics
2016 Mrinal K Sen Distinguished Researcher Award University of Texas at Austin Institute for Geophysics
2016 Mahdi Heidari moghadam Future Leader American Rock Mechanics Association
2016 Julia A Clarke Humboldt Research Award Humboldt Foundation
2016 Julia A Clarke Provost's Teaching Fellow The University of Texas
2016 M Bayani Cardenas Faculty Science Performance Award University of Texas Department of Geological Sciences
2016 Ashley M Matheny Professor of the Month National Residence Hall Honorary
2016 Ashley M Matheny 2nd Place Oral Presentation 32nd Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
2016 Dev Niyogi Adjunct Professor Department of Environmental Sciences in the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
2016 Wonsuck Kim 2016 Geoscience Information Society Best Paper Award Geoscience Information Society
2016 Chris Kirk Billy Carr Distinguished Teaching Fellowship UT Environmental Sciences Institute
2016 Chris Kirk Membership, Academy of Distinguished Teachers UT Academy of Distinguished Teachers
2016 Peter H Hennings AAPG Distinguished Service Award AAPG
2016-2021 Neelarun Mukherjee Inspire Scholarship Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India
2016-2017 Benjamin Keisling Fellowship NSF GROW
2016-2019 Sohini Dasgupta Department Gold Medal IIT-ISM Dhanbad
2016-2017 Jay L Banner President's Associates Teaching Excellence Award UT Austin
2016 Ronald J Steel Honorary Professorial Fellow Lyell Center for Earth and Marine Sciences, Heriot-Watt University, UK.
2016 Ronald J Steel Twenhofel Medal for Excellence in Research SEPM
2016 John M Sharp Legion of Honor Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration
2016-2018 Yangkang Chen Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship Oak Ridge National Laboratory
2016 Sean S Gulick Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg Fellow Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst, GER
2016 Michael H Young Fellow Geological Society of America
2016 Michael H Young Fellow Soil Science Society of America
2015 Danny Stockli Science Performance Award (Full Professor Level) UT Dept. of Geological Sciences
2015 Charles Kerans Best Paper Award for 2015 for Ted E. Playton and Charles Kerans, 2015, Late Devonian Carbonate Margins and Foreslopes of the Lennard Shelf, Canning Basin, Western Australia, Part A: Development During Backstepping and the Aggradation-To-Progradation Trans SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology
2015-2020 Peter B Flemings John A. and Katherine G. Jackson Chair in Energy and Mineral Resources The University of Texas at Austin
2015-2016 Peter B Flemings Chair of the Asahiko Taira International Scientific Ocean Drilling Research Prize Committee American Geophysical Union
2015 Peter B Flemings Tinker Family BEG Publication Award Bureau of Economic Geology
2015-2017 Peter B Flemings Methane Hydrate Advisory Committee (Member) Advisory Committee to the Secretary of Energy
2015 Sergey Fomel Honorable Mention, Best Poster Society of Exploration Geophysicists
2015 Rowan C Martindale 2013 Outstanding Paper in Palaios SEPM
2015 Rowan C Martindale Critical infrastructure upgrades and expanded digital access to Non-vertebrate Paleontology Collections at the University of Texas at Austin NSF Collections in Support of Biological Research
2015-2016 Rowan C Martindale CNS Catalyst Grant University of Texas at Austin, College of Natural Sciences
2015 Maria-Aikaterini Nikolinakou 2015 Tinker Family BEG Publication Award BEG
2015 Richard A Ketcham Joseph C. Walter, Jr. Excellence Award Jackson School of Geosciences
2015 Mrinal K Sen Honorary membership for extraordinary contributions as a geophysicist, educator and author Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG)
2015 Mrinal K Sen UTIG director’s circle of excellence University of Texas at Austin Institute for Geophysics
2015 Mrinal K Sen Distinguished Educator Award ackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas at Austin
2015 M Bayani Cardenas Faculty Science Performance Award University of Texas Department of Geological Sciences
2015 Elizabeth J Catlos Carolyn G. and G. Moses Outstanding Teaching Award for Introductory Geoscience Course (GEO401) UT Austin
2015 Elizabeth J Catlos Outstanding Reviewer, Earth and Planetary Science Letters Elsevier
2015-2016 Ashley M Matheny Presidential Fellowship Ohio State University
2015 Ashley M Matheny Marian P. and David M. Gates Student Research Fellowship University of Michigan
2015-2016 Ashley M Matheny Scholar Award P.E.O. International
2015-2016 Ashley M Matheny Ohio Scholarship P.E.O. International
2015 Romy D Hanna Pallas-Ryder Award for Best Student Paper in Planetary Sciences Joint Award from the Meteoritical Society and the Planetary Geology Division of GSA
2015 Thorsten Becker Fellow American Geophysical Union
2015 Wonsuck Kim Faculty Annual Evaluation Award Department of Geological Sciences, University of Texas
2015 Chris Kirk Leslie Waggener Centennial Teaching Fellowship UT College of Liberal Arts
2015 Peter H Hennings Matson Award for Best Paper AAPG
2015-2016 Kathy Ellins Fulbright CORE Scholar, Jamaica Hosted by the University of the West Indies (UWI), Mona
2015 Kathy Ellins AGU Citation for Excellence in Reviewing (EOS) American Geophysical Union
2015 J. Richard Kyle Best Poster Award Geological Society of America Energy Division
2015 Jay L Banner Kappe Lecturer American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists
2015 Yangkang Chen BEG publication awards Bureau of Economic Geology
2015 Qiqi Wang AAPG Award of Excellence “Top 10” Poster Presentation AAPG
2015 Krista M Soderlund Early Career Fellow NASA
2015 Sean S Gulick Jackson School Outstanding Researcher Award University of Texas at Austin
2015 Sean S Gulick Signature Course Essential Elements Award for Excellence in Teaching Oral Communication University of Texas at Austin
2014 Danny Stockli Science Performance Award (Full Professor Level) UT Dept. of Geological Sciences
2014 Danny Stockli Chevron (Gulf) Centennial Endowed Professorship Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas at Austin
2014 Charles Kerans Joseph C. Walter Jr. Excellence Award Jackson School of Geosciences
2014 Charles Kerans SEPM Francis J. Pettijohn Medal for Sedimentology SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology
2014 Peter B Flemings Outstanding Researcher Award UT Institute for Geophysics
2014 Peter B Flemings Certificate for Reviewing Excellence Marine and Petroleum Geology
2014 Peter B Flemings Author Achievement Award Bureau of Economic Geology
2014-2015 Peter B Flemings Methane Hydrate Advisory Committee (Chair) Advisory Committee to the Secretary of Energy
2014 Sergey Fomel Tinker Family BEG Publication Award Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin
2014 William D Carlson Knebel Award for Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching Department of Geological Sciences
2014 Richard A Ketcham Faculty Science Performance Award for an Associate Professor Jackson School of Geosciences
2014 Mrinal K Sen Distinguished Alumnus award Indian Institute of Technology(IIT), Dhanbad
2014 Mrinal K Sen UTIG director’s circle of excellence recognition University of Texas at Austin Institute for Geophysics
2014-2015 Nicola Tisato Post-Doc fellow of Swiss NSF Swiss National Scientific Foundation
2014 Ashley M Matheny Outstanding Student Paper Award American Geophysical Union
2014 Ashley M Matheny Keith W. Bedford Travel Grant Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geodetic Engineering, Ohio State University
2014 Ashley M Matheny Marian P. and David M. Gates Student Research Fellowship University of Michigan
2014 Romy D Hanna Gordon A. McKay Award for Best Student Oral Presentation Meteoritical Society
2014 Thorsten Becker Astor Visiting Fellowship Oxford University
2014 Wonsuck Kim 2014 Editor's Choice Award in Water Resources Research AGU (American Geophysical Union)
2014 Chris Kirk Dads’ Association Centennial Teaching Fellowship Texas Parents Association
2014-2019 Benjamin Keisling Graduate Research Fellowship NSF
2014-2016 Rodrigo Leal NOAA Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
2014-2016 Chenguang Sun Devonshire Postdoctoral Scholar Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
2014 Jay L Banner Tower Award to ESI's GK-12 Program UT Austin Center for Community Engagement
2014-2015 Miriam Barquero-Molina GSA/Exxon Mobil Field Camp Excellence Award Geological Society of America/Exxon Mobil
2014 Ronald J Steel Van Tuyl Distinguished Lectureship Colorado School of Mines
2014 Ronald J Steel Delivered the William Smith Lecture Geological Society (London)
2014 John M Sharp Plenary Speaker 41st Congress, International Association of Hydrogeologists, Groundwater Challenges and Strategies, Marrakech, Morocco
2014 Clark R Wilson Carlton Centeniall Professor in Geophysics Department of Geological Sciences
2014-2015 Yangkang Chen Chevron Fellowship The University of Texas at Austin
2014-2015 Yangkang Chen Marathon Geophysical Fellowship The University of Texas at Austin
2014 Marek Locmelis NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellowship Award NASA
2013 Amanda Z Calle Award of Excellence Top 10 Poster Presentation American Association of Petroleum Geologists
2013 Amanda Z Calle Marta Sutton Weeks Grant American Association of Petroleum Geologists Foundation
2013 Brian K Horton Outstanding Researcher Award Institute for Geophysics, UT-Austin
2013 Peter B Flemings Methane Hydrate Advisory Committee (Co-Chair) Advisory Committee to the Secretary of Energy
2013-2016 Rowan C Martindale JSG Seed Grant Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas at Austin
2013 Richard A Ketcham Exceptional Reviewer Review of Scientific Instruments
2013 Mrinal K Sen Fellow, Geological society of India, 2013 Geological society of India
2013 Mrinal K Sen Recipient of Dr. Hari Narayan award of the Geological society of India, 2013 Geological society of India
2013 Osareni C Ogiesoba Speaker Award San Antonio Geophysical Society (SAGS)
2013 Osareni C Ogiesoba Speaker Award Gulf Coast Associatiation of Geological Societies (GCAGS)
2013 Osareni C Ogiesoba Speaker Award American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
2013 Mahdi Heidari moghadam Kolodzey Grant Award The University of Texas at Austin
2013 Julia A Clarke Outstanding Research Award Jackson School of Geoscience
2013 M Bayani Cardenas Faculty Science Performance Award University of Texas Department of Geological Sciences
2013 Elizabeth J Catlos Notable Paper for Catlos (2013) "Generalizations about monazite: Implications for geochronologic studies" American Mineralogist Mineralogical Society of America
2013-2016 Romy D Hanna NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NESSF) NASA
2013 Romy D Hanna Marshall Endowed Presidential Scholarship Jackson School of Geosiences
2013 Thorsten Becker Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Award Humboldt Foundation
2013 Wonsuck Kim Faculty Science Performance Award Department of Geological Sciences, University of Texas
2013-2014 Wonsuck Kim Total E&P USA Petroleum Faculty Fellowship in Geological Sciences Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas
2013 Wonsuck Kim 2012 Outstanding Paper for Journal of Sedimentary Research SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology)
2013-2016 Sohini Dasgupta Department of Physics Medal Lady Brabourne College (University of Calcutta)
2013-2017 Eric Attias Ph.D. Fellowship National Oceanography Centre Southampton (NOCS) & Rock Solid Images (RSI)
2013 Rodrigo Leal HUCE Undergraduate Summer Research Grant Harvard University Center for the Environment
2013 Jay L Banner University of Texas System Regents Outstanding Teaching Award University of Texas
2013 Jay L Banner Research Award for Groundwater Stewardship, for publication in Groundwater by Wong et al., Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer Conservation District
2013 Qiqi Wang S.K. Grant Field Camp Award, best mapper Missouri University of Science and Technology
2013 Qiqi Wang Spring Undergraduate Research Award Missouri University of Science and Technology
2013 Seyyed Abolfazl Hosseini Grant for develping analytical simulation tools (PI- $ 995,000) DOE-NETL
2013 Manmeet Singh Best Journalist at Udghosh Hindu College, University of Delhi
2013 Chase J Shyu Outstanding Student Poster Award 2013 European Geosciences Union
2012 Ramon Trevino Distinguished Service Award Gulf Coast Section of SEPM
2012 Amanda Z Calle Graduate Student Research Grant Geological Society of America
2012 Amanda Z Calle Research Grant Society of Sedimentary Geology
2012-2013 Brian K Horton Faculty Research Assignment (sabbatical research fellowship) UT-Austin
2012 Charles Kerans 2012 Best Paper Award West Texas Geological Society
2012 Kerry H Cook Outstanding Graduate Instruction Jackson School of Geosciences
2012 Marc A Hesse Shell Companies Foundation Centennial Chair in Geophysics University of Texas at Austin
2012 Peter B Flemings Chair: 2nd Gordon Research Conference on Hydrates Gordon Research Conference
2012 Sergey Fomel Outstanding Educator Award Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin
2012 Rowan C Martindale Postdoctoral Scholar (declined) Scripps Institution of Oceanography
2012 Rowan C Martindale Postdoctoral Research Fellow (declined) Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
2012 Estibalitz Ukar GDL Foundation Fellowship Grant, Structural Diagenesis research GDL Foundation
2012 Maria-Aikaterini Nikolinakou First class of Future Leaders American Rock Mechanics Association
2012 Timothy M Shanahan Kavli Fellow National Academy of Sciences
2012-2020 Zong-Liang Yang Adjunct Professor of The START Regional Center for Temperate East Asia Institute of Atmospheric Physics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
2012 Richard A Ketcham Exceptional Reviewer GSA Bulletin
2012 Mrinal K Sen Recipient of SPG, India honorary membership, 2012. The Society of Petroleum Geophysicists, India (SPG)
2012 Mrinal K Sen Fellow, A. P. Akademi of sciences, 2012 AP Akademi of Sciences, Hyderabad
2012 Mrinal K Sen Recipient of decennial gold medal of the Indian Geophysical Union (IGU), 2012 Indian Geophysical Union (IGU)
2012 Mahdi Heidari moghadam Best Student Paper in North American Tunneling Conference Society of Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration (SME)
2012 Julia A Clarke Knebel Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching Award Jackson School of Geosciences
2012 M Bayani Cardenas GSA Kohout Early Career Award Geological Society of America Hydrogeology Division
2012 M Bayani Cardenas Fred Holmsley Moore Distinguished Lecturer University of Virginia
2012 Wonsuck Kim Total E&P USA Petroleum Faculty Fellowship in Geological Sciences Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas
2012 Carey W King Rosenfeld Plaque --- link: http://iopscience.iop.org/1748-9326/page/Rosenfeld plaque Environmental Research Letters (Institute of Physics, Science)
2012 Benjamin Keisling Scholarship Barry M. Goldwater
2012 Chenguang Sun AGU Outstanding Student Paper Award American Geophysical Union (VGP Section)
2012 Jay L Banner Texas Exes Teaching Award Texas Exes
2012 Jay L Banner UT Athletics Professor of Excellence UT Athletics
2012 John M Sharp Presidents Award (for outstanding international contributions to the development/application of groundwater science and for service to IAH missions) Inernational Association of Hydrogeologists
2012 Philip C Bennett Evelyn and Moses E. Knebel Distinguished Teaching Award The University of Texas
2012 James A Austin Career Service Award to Scientific Ocean Drilling ECORD/NSF
2012 Duncan A Young UTIG Outstanding Young Researcher Award UTIG
2011 Jaime D Barnes Society for Teaching Excellence, member University of Texas at Austin
2011 Brian K Horton Outstanding Research Award Jackson School of Geosciences, UT-Austin
2011-2017 Brian K Horton Directors Circle of Excellence Award Institute for Geophysics, UT-Austin, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2017
2011 Jung-Fu Lin NSF CAREER Award NSF
2011 Marc A Hesse John A. and Katherine G. Jackson Centennial Teaching Fellowship in Geological Sciences Jackson School of Geosciences
2011-2016 Peter B Flemings Director’s Circle of Excellence Award UT Institute for Geophysics
2011 Sergey Fomel Conrad Schlumberger Award European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers
2011 Julia F Gale President's Certificate of Excellence, Oral Presentation at Annual Meeting Energy Minerals Division, AAPG
2011 Julia F Gale Publication Award - Best Paper Bureau of Economic Geology
2011-2016 Tip Meckel Director. Acquisition, processing and interpretation of novel HR3D datasets for investigation of overburden structure and fluid flow processes High-Resolution 3D seismic (P-Cable) Center
2011 Andras Fall EMD President's Certificate for Excellence in Presentation Award, Co-Author Energy Minerals Division, AAPG
2011 Andras Fall Certificate of Recognition, Excellence in Technical Presentation, Co-Author Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM)
2011 William D Carlson Knebel Award for Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching Department of Geological Sciences
2011 Richard A Ketcham G. Moses and Carloyn G. Knebel Distinguished Teaching Award; Introductory-level teaching Jackson School of Geosciences
2011-2012 Kehua You Doris & Joe P. Watson 42 Endowed Graduate Scholarship Texas A&M University
2011 Osareni C Ogiesoba Speaker Award American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
2011 M Bayani Cardenas Editor Citation for Excellence in Refereeing (Geophysical Research Letters) American Geophysical Union
2011 M Bayani Cardenas Editor Citation for Excellence in Refereeing (Water Resources Research) American Geophysical Union
2011 M Bayani Cardenas AGU Hydrologic Sciences Early Career Award American Geophysical Union Hydrology Section
2011 Elizabeth J Catlos Texas Exes Teaching Award Texas Exes
2011 Ashley M Matheny Distinguished Graduate Student Women in Engineering, Ohio State University
2011 Romy D Hanna Jackson School First Year Graduate Fellowship Jackson School of Geosciences
2011 Wonsuck Kim John E. Brick Elliott Centennial Teaching Fellowship Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas
2011 Carey W King Best Paper, 2010 International Energy Sustainability Conference American Society of Mechanical Engineers
2011-2012 Tingwei (Lucy) Ko ConocoPhillips Fellowship Jackson School of Geosciences
2011 Jay L Banner Centennial Teaching Fellowship Friar's Society
2011 Jay L Banner Academy of Distinguished Teachers University of Texas at Austin
2011 Ronald J Steel Distinguished Educator Award, American Assoc. Petrol. Geologists, 2011 AAPG
2011 Ronald J Steel Distinguished Educator Award American Assoc. Petrol. Geologists
2011 Mark A Helper Jackson School Outstanding Educator Award Jackson School of Geosciences
2011-2012 Mark A Helper G. Moses and Carolyn G. Knebel Distinguished Teaching Award Jackson School of Geosciences
2011-2013 Seyyed Abolfazl Hosseini Career-Development Publications Award GAAC, BEG
2011 Yuko M Okumura Journal of Climate Editor's Award American Meteorological Society
2011 Krista M Soderlund UTIG Postdoctoral Fellowship Institute for Geophysics; Jackson School of Geosciences; The University of Texas at Austin
2010 Jaime D Barnes G. Moses and Carolyn G. Knebel Distinguished Teaching Award JSG
2010 Peter B Flemings Vice Chair: 1st Gordon Research Conference on Hydrates Gordon Research Conference
2010 Peter B Flemings Informal Advisor to Energy Secretary S. Chu's BP Macondo Well Integrity Team BP Macondo Well Integrity Team
2010 Sergey Fomel Best Poster presented at the SEG Annual Meeting Society of Exploration Geophysicists
2010 Andras Fall Structural Diagenesis Fellowship The GDL Foundation
2010 William D Carlson Regents' Outstanding Teaching Award University of Texas System
2010 William D Carlson UT Professor of the Month UT Senate of College Councils
2010 Richard A Ketcham GSA Fellow Geological Society of America
2010 Mrinal K Sen UTIG Directors Circle of Excellence Jackson School of Geosciences, UT-Austin
2010-2012 Kehua You Research Award 3rd, 4th and 5th Annual Texas A&M Geology & Geophysics Research Symposium
2010 Mahdi Heidari moghadam Exceptional Talent Iranian National Foundation of Elites
2010 William L Fisher Colonel Edwin L. Drake Legendary Oilman Award Petroleum History Institute
2010 Jeffrey G Paine Gold Award Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society
2010 Julia A Clarke Gigapan Science Outreach Fellow Fine Foundation/NASA/Carnegie Mellon Robotics
2010 M Bayani Cardenas G. Moses and Carolyn G. Knebel Distinguished Teaching Award University of Texas Jackson School of Geosciences
2010 M Bayani Cardenas NSF CAREER Award National Science Foundation
2010-2011 Ashley M Matheny University Fellowship Ohio State University
2010 Wonsuck Kim 2010 JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for North American and European Researchers Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Japan
2010 Wonsuck Kim John E. Brick Elliott Centennial Professorship in Geological Sciences Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas
2010 Chris Kirk Friar Centennial Teaching Fellowship Friar Society
2010 Jay L Banner Outstanding Educator Award Jackson School of Geosciences
2010 Ronald J Steel Distinguished Teaching Award, Jackson School, University of Texas, 2010 UT Austin
2010 Lorena G Moscardelli Exemplary Publication of Scientific Impact Bureau of Economic Geology
2010-2017 Sean S Gulick Directors Circle of Excellence UTIG
2010 Manmeet Singh Shakuntala Juneja Memorial Scholarship for academic excellence Thapar University Patiala
2009 Jaime D Barnes GSA Subaru Outstanding Woman in Science Award Geological Society of America
2009 Charles Kerans AAPG Gabriel Dengo Memorial Award, 2009, Best International Paper at AAPG International Convention AAPG International
2009 Kerry H Cook Fellow American Meteorological Society
2009 Marc A Hesse David Crighton Fellowship Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics - University of Cambridge
2009-2021 Tip Meckel Project PI - Offshore CO2 Storage Resource Assessment of the Northern Gulf of Mexico DOE-NETL
2009 Tim P Dooley Jules Braunstein Memorial Award American Association of Petroleum Geologists
2009 Estibalitz Ukar R.L. Folk/E.F. McBride Petrography Award Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin
2009 William D Carlson Knebel Award for Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching Department of Geological Sciences
2009 Osareni C Ogiesoba Reviewer Award Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG)
2009-2022 Osareni C Ogiesoba Author Achievement Award Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin
2009-2015 Dallas B Dunlap Distinguished Service Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies
2009 William L Fisher Distinguished Achievement Award Associação Brasileira de Geólogos de Petróleo
2009 William L Fisher Pete Henley Mentor Award Texas Section Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists
2009 M Bayani Cardenas Big XII Faculty Fellowship Big XII
2009 M Bayani Cardenas Top Referee Award (Journal of Hydrology) Elsevier
2009-2010 Wonsuck Kim 2009-2010 Big XII Faculty Fellowship University of Texas, Austin
2009 Ronald J Steel Walter Excellence Award, Jackson School, University of Texas at Austin 2009 Jackson School. UT Austin
2009 Ronald J Steel SEPM Best Paper (Honorable Mention), Gerber et al. 2009 SEPM
2009 John M Sharp AEG Publication Award Association of Engineering Geologists
2009 John A Goff Excellence in Reviewing IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering
2008 Charles Kerans SEPM Excellence of Poster Presentation Award, 2008: Beatriz Garcia-Fresca, Jerry Lucia and Charlie Kerans, Numerical Model of Reflux Circulation during the Deposition of the Permian San Andres Formation, Guadalupe Mountains and Algerita Escarpment SEPM
2008 Peter B Flemings Keynote Speaker/ Co-Convener, 'Subsurface sediment mobilization and fluid flow' Geological Society, London.
2008 Peter B Flemings Author Achievement Award Bureau of Economic Geology
2008 Robert G Loucks President's Certificate for Excellence in Presentation Energy and Minerals Division, AAPG Annual Convention
2008 Robert G Loucks Honorable Mention, Best Poster Paper SEG 2007 Annual Meeting
2008 Robert G Loucks Outstanding Research Award Jackson School of Geosciences
2008 Andras Fall Geosciences Graduate Research Fellowship Department of Geosciences, Virginia Tech
2008 Estibalitz Ukar Texas Exes Teaching Award The Senate of College Councils, The University of Texas at Austin
2008 Hongliu Zeng Honorable Mention, Best Poster Paper SEG 2007 Annual Meeting
2008 Zong-Liang Yang NCAR 2008 CCSM Distinguished Achievement Award (shared) NCAR
2008-2013 Zong-Liang Yang Co-Chair of the NCAR Community Climate System Model (CCSM) Land Working Group (LandWG) NCAR
2008 Zong-Liang Yang Adjunct Professor of Lanzhou University, China Lanzhou University
2008 William D Carlson Outstanding Educator Award Jackson Scholl of Geosciences
2008-2013 Kehua You Graduate Fellowship Texas A&M University
2008-2009 Kehua You Incentive Scholarship Texas A&M University
2008 Kehua You Natural Inspiring Scholarship University of Science and Technology of China
2008 Kehua You Graduation with Honor University of Science and Technology of China
2008 Julia A Clarke Outstanding Faculty Member Engaged in Extension Award North Carolina State University
2008 M Bayani Cardenas Balik Scientist Department of Science and Technology, Philippines
2008-2009 Elizabeth J Catlos Fulbright Lecturing Award Fulbright
2008 Susan D Hovorka One of 35 People Who Will Shape Our Future Texas Monthly
2008 Thorsten Becker C. F. Gauss lecturer German Geophysical Society
2008 James A Austin Outstanding Service Award Jackson School of Geosciences
2008 John A Goff Excelence in Reviewing American Geophysical Union
2007-2008 Jaime D Barnes L'Oréal USA For Women in Science Fellowship American Association for the Advancement of Science on behalf of L’Oréal
2007 Charles Kerans Groover E. Murray Best Published Paper Award for 2007 (Waite lead author) Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies
2007 Kerry H Cook Outstanding Educator Merill Presidential Scholar
2007 Peter B Flemings JOI-USSAC Distinguished Lecturer JOI-USSAC
2007 Peter B Flemings Keynote Speaker and Co-Convener Geological Society, London
2007 Sergey Fomel Lorand Eotvos Award European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers
2007 Sergey Fomel Honorable Mention, Best Poster Society of Exploration Geophysicists
2007 Robert G Loucks Honorary Life Member Award Permian Basin Section, SEPM
2007 Robert G Loucks Co-Author, Second Place, Thomas A. Philpott Excellence of Presentation Award Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies
2007 Robert G Loucks Gordon Atwater Best Poster Award (with Hongliu Zeng) GCAGS/GCSSEPM Convention
2007 Robert G Loucks Best Poster Award (with Robert Reed) Energy and Minerals Division, Annual Meeting of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists
2007 Xavier Janson SEPM Best Poster Award, Annual AAPG/SEPM Convention SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology)
2007 Julia F Gale President's Certificate of Excellence, Poster Presentation at Annual Meeting Energy Minerals Division, AAPG
2007 Hongliu Zeng Co-Author, Second Place, Thomas A. Philpott Excellence of Presentation Award GCAGS/GCSSEPM Convention in Corpus Christi
2007 Hongliu Zeng Gordon Atwater Best Poster Award GCAGS/GCSSEPM Convention in Corpus Christi
2007 Zong-Liang Yang The Joseph C. Walter Jr. Excellence Award (the most prestigious internal award in the Jackson School of Geosciences) The University of Texas at Austin
2007-2009 Richard A Ketcham Research Excellence Fellow Jackson School of Geosciences
2007 Mrinal K Sen John A. and Katherine G. Jackson Chair in Applied Seismology Jackson School of Geosciences, UT-Austin
2007 Mrinal K Sen Joseph C. Walter Jr. Award for Research Excellence Jackson School of Geosciences, UT-Austin
2007 Kehua You Outstanding Undergraduate Research Project University of Science and Technology of China
2007 William L Fisher Marcus E. Milling Legendary Geoscientist Medal for Significant Scientific Contributions and Sustained Service to the Geosciences American Geosciences Institute
2007 Julia A Clarke NSF Research Highlights - OISE Directorates
2007 M Bayani Cardenas G. Moses and Carolyn G. Knebel Distinguished Teaching Award University of Texas Jackson School of Geosciences
2007-2008 Elizabeth J Catlos Donald D. Harrington Fellowship University of Texas at Austin
2007 Elizabeth J Catlos Fellow of the Geological Society of America Geological Society of America
2007 Thorsten Becker Kavli fellow National Academy of Sciences
2007 Wonsuck Kim Alvin G. Anderson Award St. Anthony Falls Laboratory, University of Minnesota
2007 Jay L Banner Evelyn and Moses E. Knebel Distinguished Teaching Award The University of Texas at Austin
2007 Jay L Banner UT Division of Instructional Innovation and Assessment Excellence in Teaching Award The University of Texas at Austin
2007 Miriam Barquero-Molina Thomas R. Banks Research Fellowship Jackson School of Geosciences
2007-2008 Ronald J Steel SEPM Best Paper (Honorable Mention) award 2007 and AAPG Best Paper (2nd Place), 2008 AAPG & SEPM
2007 John M Sharp Robert Farvolden Lecturer University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
2007-2008 Mark A Helper G. Moses and Carolyn G. Knebel Distinguished Teaching Award Jackson School of Geosciences
2007 James A Austin University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography Dean's List Award
2007 Lorena G Moscardelli Ed Picou Full Fellowship Grant Gulf Coast Section of SEPM
2007-2008 Sean S Gulick Joint Oceanographic Institutions Distinguished Lectureship JOI/USSAC
2007-2009 Sean S Gulick Jackson School of Geosciences Research Achievement Award University of Texas at Austin
2007-2008 Sean S Gulick Consortium of Ocean Leadership Distinguished Lecturer COL
2006 Jaime D Barnes Sigma Xi "Excellence in Graduate Research" Award University of New Mexico, Sigma Xi chapter
2006 Jaime D Barnes Best Doctoral Candidate Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of New Mexico
2006 Jaime D Barnes V.C. Kelly Outstanding Doctoral Candidate Scholarship University of New Mexico
2006-2007 Brian K Horton Humboldt Research Fellowship Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany
2006 Danny Stockli J. and M. Van Sant Geology Excellence Award University of Kansas
2006-2013 Kerry H Cook Board of Trustees University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
2006 Peter B Flemings Kavli Fellow and Speaker Humboldt Foundation Frontiers of Science Symposium
2006 Peter B Flemings AAPG Distinguished Lecturer American Association of Petroleum Geologists
2006 Sergey Fomel Best Poster presented at the SEG Annual Meeting Society of Exploration Geophysicists
2006 Robert G Loucks A. I. Levorsen Memorial Award Southwest Section, American Association of Petroleum Geologists
2006 Julia F Gale President's Certificate of Excellence, Poster Presentation at Annual Meeting Energy Minerals Division, AAPG
2006-2016 Tip Meckel Fulltime Researcher on geologic aspects of carbon capture and storage Gulf Coast Carbon Center
2006 Andras Fall C.G. Tillman Teaching Excellence Endowed Award Department of Geosciences, Virginia Tech
2006-2007 Jean Nicot Young Scientist Fellowship Jackson School of Geosciences
2006 Estibalitz Ukar Geological Society of America Research Grant Geological Society of America
2006 Timothy M Shanahan NOAA Climate & Global Change Postdoctoral Fellowship NOAA
2006 Timothy M Shanahan Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Postdoctoral Fellowship Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
2006 Zong-Liang Yang Coauthor of Best Student Poster Presentation 8th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, 86th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society
2006 William D Carlson UT Academy of Distinguished Teachers Univeristy of Texas at Austin
2006-2007 Richard A Ketcham Scientist Fellow Jackson School of Geosciences
2006-2007 Osareni C Ogiesoba Howard Scholarship McGill University
2006 William L Fisher Honorary Life Member Geology Foundation Advisory Council, Jackson School of Geosciences
2006 William L Fisher Heritage Award Division of Professional Affairs, American Association of Petroleum Geologists
2006 Julia A Clarke G.G. Simpson Award Yale University
2006 Julia A Clarke Argentine Fulbright Commission, 50th anniversary volume, distinguished alumna
2006 Elizabeth J Catlos Young Scientist Award (Donath Medal) Geological Society of America
2006 Elizabeth J Catlos Junior Faculty Award Oklahoma State University
2006 Elizabeth J Catlos Outstanding Reviewer Geological Society of America Bulletin
2006 Susan D Hovorka Award of Excellence Association for Women in Communications, World of Water Simulation
2006 Jay L Banner Evelyn and Moses E. Knebel Distinguished Teaching Award The University of Texas at Austin
2006-2007 Miriam Barquero-Molina Texas Exes Teaching Award The University of Texas at Austin
2006 Ronald J Steel Awarded 6th Century Chair University of Aberdeen, UK
2006 John M Sharp Scientists for Groundwater Award Barton Springs / Edwards Aquifer Conservation District
2006 Lorena G Moscardelli AAPG Grant in Aid American Association of Petroleum Geologists Foundation
2006-2008 Seyyed Abolfazl Hosseini Exceptional Talented Fellows Scholarship Award Iranian Ministry of Science
2006-2009 Yuko M Okumura NOAA Climate and Global Change Postdoctoral Fellowship UCAR Visiting Scientist Programs
2006-2007 Sean S Gulick Jackson School of Geosciences Research Fellowship University of Texas at Austin
2005 Jaime D Barnes Association for Women in Science Educational Foundation Gail Naughton predoctoral award AWIS
2005 Brian K Horton Fellow Geological Society of America
2005-2008 Jung-Fu Lin Lawrence Livermore Fellowship Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
2005 Peter B Flemings Co-Chief Scientist IODP Expedition 308 – Gulf of Mexico, Hydrogeology
2005 Hongliu Zeng Wallace E. Pratt Award for Best Original Article published in the AAPG Bulletin AAPG
2005 Christopher J Bell G. Moses and Carolyn G. Knebl Distinguished Teaching Award The University of Texas at Austin
2005 William D Carlson Knebel Award for Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching Department of Geological Sciences
2005 William D Carlson Knebel Award for Distinguished Graduate Teaching Department of Geological Sciences
2005 William D Carlson Dana Medal ("continued outstanding scientific contributions through original research in the mineralogical sciences") Mineralogical Society of America
2005-2006 Richard A Ketcham Research Fellow Jackson School of Geosciences
2005-2006 Kehua You "Huang Mao Tong" Special Scholarship University of Science and Technology of China
2005 Julia A Clarke NSF Research Highlights - OPP Directorates
2005 Susan D Hovorka Joseph C. Walter Jr. Award Jackson School of Geosciences
2005 Tingwei (Lucy) Ko Dean's Award College of Science, National Taiwan University
2005 Lorena G Moscardelli Graduate Student Research Grant Geological Society of America
2005 Seyyed Abolfazl Hosseini Best Oral Presentation Award Iranian National Chemical Engineering Society
2005-2006 Sean S Gulick Young Scientist Fellowship Jackson School of Geosciences
2004-2005 Amanda Z Calle Research Scholarship Servicio Nacional de Geologia de Bolivia
2004 Brian K Horton Young Scientist Award, Donath Medal Geological Society of America
2004 Charles Kerans Gordon I. Atwater Best Poster Award Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies
2004 Robert G Loucks Third Place, Gordon I. Atwater Best Poster Award Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies
2004 James T Sprinkle 2004 Honorary Award ("for distinguished achievement in the field of Earth Sciences"), (Came with 2 $4,000 scholarships for UT Geol. graduate students) American Federation Scholarship Foundation, South-Central Federation of Mineralogical Societies
2004-2007 Estibalitz Ukar Full Predoctoral Scholarship for the Education of Future Researchers Basque Government, Spain
2004 Christopher J Bell Faculty Excellence Award Houston Oil and Minerals Corporation
2004 Zong-Liang Yang Teaching Excellence Award College of Natural Sciences
2004 William D Carlson Knebel Award for Distinguished Teaching Department of Geological Sciences
2004 Mrinal K Sen Outstanding Student Paper Award AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco
2004 Mrinal K Sen Best Paper Award (presented by a student) SEG2004 in Denver
2004-2005 Kehua You Outstanding Student Scholarship University of Science and Technology of China
2004-2007 Osareni C Ogiesoba Graduate Fellowship McGill University
2004 William L Fisher Designated Founding Member Academy of Medicine, Engineering and Science of Texas (TAMEST)
2004 William L Fisher Robert Earll McConnell Award American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers
2004 Julia A Clarke Sigma Xi - Full Associate Member Brown University
2004 M Bayani Cardenas AGU Outstanding Student Paper Award (Hydrology Section) American Geophysical Union
2004 M Bayani Cardenas AGU Horton Research Grant American Geophysical Union
2004 Wonsuck Kim Outstanding Student Paper Award (Hydrology Section) American Geophysical Union, 2004 Annual Fall Meeting, San Francisco
2004 Wonsuck Kim Frank and Julie Tsai Travel Award St. Anthony Falls Laboratory, University of Minnesota
2004 Wonsuck Kim Richard Clarence Dennis Graduate Fellowship Department of Geology & Geophysics, University of Minnesota
2004-2005 Ronald J Steel Distinguished Lecturer AAPG
2004 John M Sharp 2004 Research Conservation Award Barton Springs / Edwards Aquifer Conservation District)
2004-2005 Mark A Helper G. Moses and Carolyn G. Knebel Distinguished Teaching Award Jackson School of Geosciences
2004 Mark A Helper Distinction in Teaching Award Phi Beta Kappa Alpha of Texas (UT Chapter)
2004 Lorena G Moscardelli Thomas R. Banks Memorial Scholarship San Antonio Area Foundation
2004 Lorena G Moscardelli Outstanding Student Paper Award Hydrology Section AGU
2004 Lorena G Moscardelli L. Austin Weeks Grant American Association of Petroleum Geologists Foundation
2004 Timothy B Rowe World's 50 Best Websites, for www. DigiMorph.org Scientific American
2004 Timothy B Rowe 3rd place, for The Dino Pit Exhibit at the Austin Nature & Science Center , under the Wayside Exhibit Category. National Association for Interpretation Media Competition
2003 Charles Kerans Seismic frequency control on carbonate seismic stratigraphy: a case study of the Kingdom Abo Sequence, West Texas Wallace E. Pratt Award for Best Original Article published in the AAPG Bulletin
2003 Kerry H Cook Outstanding Educator Merrill Presidential Scholar
2003 Peter B Flemings G. Montgomery and Marion Mitchell Award for Innovative Teaching Pennsylvania State University, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
2003 Sergey Fomel Honorable Mention, Best Paper Geophysics
2003 Robert G Loucks Third Place, Gordon I. Atwater Best Poster Award Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies
2003 Robert G Loucks Second Place, Gordon I. Atwater Best Poster Award Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies
2003 Christopher J Bell Faculty Achievement Award El Paso Corporate Foundation
2003 Timothy M Shanahan NSF-IGERT research traineeship in Anthropology
2003 Paul L Stoffa Foreign Geophysicist Recognition Award Society of Brazilian Geophysicists
2003 William L Fisher William L. Fisher Congressional Geoscience Fellowship established and endowed American Geological Institute and friends
2003 William L Fisher Designated National Associate (Honorary) National Academies
2003 William L Fisher Fellow American Association for the Advancement of Science
2003 William L Fisher Senior Fellow Society of Economic Geologists
2003 Jeffrey G Paine Best Paper Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems
2003 M Bayani Cardenas CH2M-Hill Outstanding Hydrology Teaching Assistant New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
2003 Leon E Long Recipient Outstanding Teaching in an Introductory Class Award
2003 Carey W King National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Fellowship
2003 Carey W King College of Engineering (CoE) Endowed Presidential Scholarship
2003 Sharon Mosher Distinguished Service Award Geological Society of America
2003 Lawrence A Lawver Arctic Service Award National Science Foundation
2003 Ian W Dalziel Doctor of Science (Honoris Causae) University of Edinburgh
2003 Timothy B Rowe Gold Award, for DigiMorph.Org. UT Innovative use of Instructional Technology
2002-2003 Jaime D Barnes Association for Women Geoscientists (Denver Chapter) Outstanding Geoscience Student Award AWG
2002 James E Gardner Co-Recipient Wagner Medal from IAVCEI
2002 James E Gardner Visiting Professor IPGP, Paris
2002-2003 Jung-Fu Lin Carnegie Postdoc Fellowship Geophysical Lab, Carnegie Institution of Washingon
2002 Charles Kerans Gordon I. Atwater Best Poster Award Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies
2002 Charles Kerans Jackson Fellow to be entered
2002 Charles Kerans 1st Place Best Published Paper Award, Styles of rudist buildup development along the northern margin of the Maverick Basin, Pecos River Canyon, Southwest Texas Grover E. Murray Award
2002 Charles Kerans Selected Best Papers, presented at EAGE conference session in Florence, Italy American Association of Petroleum Geologists for AAPG International talk
2002 Charles Kerans Honorary Life Member Permian Basin Section, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists
2002 Charles Kerans International Distinguished Lecturer American Association of Petroleum Geologists
2002-2003 Marc A Hesse European Trust Bursary & EPSRC Studentship University of Cambridge
2002 Timothy M Shanahan McGinnies Fellowship for Arid Lands Studies, U. Arizona
2002 Zong-Liang Yang John A. Wilson Fellow Vertebrate Paleontology
2002 William L Fisher Honorary D. Eng. Colorado School of Mines
2002 William L Fisher Presidential Citation (equivalent to honorary doctorate) The University of Texas at Austin
2002 William L Fisher Don R. Boyd Medal for Excellence in Gulf Coast Geology Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies
2002 William L Fisher Hats Off! Award Texas Independent Producers and Royalty Owners Association (TIPRO)
2002-2006 M Bayani Cardenas Frank M. Kottlowski Fellowship New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
2002 Thorsten Becker Cecil H. and Ida M. Green Scholarship Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California at San Diego
2002 J. Richard Kyle Thayer Lindsley Lecturer Society of Economic Geologists
2002 Jay L Banner Chevron Centennial Teaching Fellow The University of Texas at Austin
2002-2003 Miriam Barquero-Molina Stanley E. Tyler Teaching Award Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Wisconsin-Madison
2002 Ronald J Steel Distinguished Lecturer Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science
2002 John M Sharp Faculty Fellow Big XII
2002-2019 John M Sharp David P. Carlton Professor of Geology The University of Texas
2002-2003 Mark A Helper Faculty Excellence Award Houston Oil & Minerals Corp.
2001 David L Carr Co-author, A.I. Levorsen Memorial Award Southwest Section, American Association of Petroleum Geologists
2001-2004 Jaime D Barnes National Science Foundation Graduate Student Fellowship NSF
2001 James E Gardner Fellow American Geophysical Union
2001 James E Gardner Teaching Excellence Award College of Natural Sciences
2001 Peter B Flemings Best Paper Award Computers and Geosciences
2001 Sergey Fomel J. Clarence Karcher Award Society of Exploration Geophysicists
2001 Robert G Loucks Second Place, Thomas A. Philpott Excellence in Presentation Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies
2001 Robert G Loucks Wallace E. Pratt Memorial Award for Best Paper in the AAPG Bulletin American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention
2001 Julia F Gale SEPM Honorable Mention, Oral Presentation Award, Understanding fractured carbonate reservoirs. AAPG/SEPM Annual Meeting, Denver
2001 Estibalitz Ukar TASSEP (US-EU Sciences) Scholarship BBK (Bilbao Bizkaia Kutxa), Spain
2001 Christopher J Bell UT Austin Dads' Association Centennial Teaching Fellowship The University of Texas at Austin
2001 Zong-Liang Yang UT-Austin Representative, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research UCAR
2001 William D Carlson Fellow American Association for the Advancement of Science
2001 William D Carlson Houston Oil and Minerals Corporation Faculty Excellence Award Geology Foundation
2001 William L Fisher William H. Twenhofel Medal for Excellence in Sedimentary Geology Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM)
2001 William L Fisher Joseph C. Walter, Jr. Excellence Award (formerly known as the Houston Oil and Mineral Corporation, Faculty Excellence Award) Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin
2001 Julia A Clarke Orville Prize-best dissertation in the Earth Sciences Yale University
2001 Julia A Clarke G.G. Simpson Award Yale University
2001 M Bayani Cardenas AAPG Paul Danheim Nelson Award American Association of Petroleum Geologists
2001 M Bayani Cardenas Yatkola-Edwards Research Grant University of Nebraska-Lincoln
2001 Thorsten Becker Certificate of Excellence in Teaching Harvard University
2001 Leon E Long to be entered Chancellor's Council Outstanding Teaching Award (2001. Only one recipient each year in the nation's largest university!)
2001 Earle F McBride R. L. Folk and E. F. McBride Petrography Fund Geology Foundation
2001 Carey W King Bruton Fellowship (CoE)
2001 Peter H Hennings Honorary Fellow GSA
2001-2002 Peter H Hennings Distinguished Lecturer AAPG
2001 J. Richard Kyle Excellence of Presentation Award Gulf Coast Association of Geological Sciences
2001 Sharon Mosher Alumni Achievement Award University of Illinois Department of Geological Sciences
2001 Sharon Mosher Geological Society of America President
2001 Ronald J Steel Excellence of Poster Award SEPM
2001-2002 Mark A Helper Teaching Excellence Award College of Natural Sciences
2001 Lorena G Moscardelli Exxon-Mobil Student Grant Participation Award AAPG/SEPM Annual Convention
2000-2001 Charles Kerans International Distinguished Lecturer American Association of Petroleum Geologists
2000-2002 Marc A Hesse Presidential Graduate Fellowship Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2000 Marc A Hesse Edinburgh Geological Society Prize University of Edinburgh
2000-2001 Andras Fall Visiting Student Scholarship at Eotvos Lorond University, Budapest, Hungary Departments of Education of Hungary and Romania
2000 Christopher J Bell Teaching Excellence Award The College of Natural Sciences, University of Texas at Austin
2000 William D Carlson President Mineralogical Society of America
2000 William L Fisher Carolyn G. and G. Moses Knebel Distinguished Teaching Award Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin
2000 William L Fisher Commissioned Admiral in Texas Navy (honorific) Texas Governor George W. Bush
2000 William L Fisher Named One of 100 Most Influential People in Gas and Electricity of the 20th Century Century of Power, Energy Markets Magazine
2000 Julia A Clarke Hutchinson Prize Fellowship for Biospheric Studies Yale Institute
2000 Julia A Clarke Estwing Hammer Prize for outstanding research in Geology Yale University
2000 Elizabeth J Catlos Fellow Institute for Geophysics and Planetary Physics
2000 Earle F McBride 2000 Outstanding Scientist of the 21st Century Inter Biographical Centre, Cambridge
2000 Earle F McBride Best Poster Award AAPG Meeting, Denver
2000 Carey W King Thrust 2000 Fellowship (CoE)
2000 Jay L Banner College of Natural Sciences Outreach Innovation Award The University of Texas at Austin
2000 Jay L Banner Houston Oil and Minerals Corporation Faculty Excellence Award The University of Texas at Austin
2000 Ronald J Steel Outstanding Research Award University of Wyoming
2000 John M Sharp Industrial Ecology Faculty Fellow AT&T
2000 Lawrence A Lawver Fellow Geological Society of America
1999-2001 Danny Stockli Caltech Texaco Philanthropic Prize Postdoctoral Fellowship Caltech
1999 Marc A Hesse Mineralogical Society Student Award Mineralogical Society
1999 Marc A Hesse Total Oil Marine Prize University of Edinburgh
1999 Robert G Loucks Dean A. McGee International Distinguished Lecturer American Association of Petroleum Geologists
1999 Julia A Clarke Henry Gardiner Ferguson Fellowship in Geology Yale University
1999 M Bayani Cardenas Outstanding BS Geology Graduate University of the Philippines-Diliman
1999 M Bayani Cardenas Arthur Saldivar-Sali Award University of the Philippines-Diliman
1999 Leon E Long to be entered University if Texas Academy of Distinguished Teachers
1999 Earle F McBride Member Houston Oil and Minerals Distinguished Faculty Award, University of Texas at Austin
1999 Jay L Banner Fellow Geological Society of America
1999 Ronald J Steel Best Lecturer, 2nd Place SEPM, Rocky Mountain Section
1999 Ronald J Steel Best Paper Award Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists, Denver
1998-1999 Brian K Horton Postdoctoral Research Fellowship National Science Foundation
1998 James E Gardner Visiting Professor University of Tokyo, Japan
1998-1999 Charles Kerans Qualline Lectureship The University of Texas at Austin
1998 William D Carlson Fellow Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland
1998 William L Fisher Senior Fellow Geological Society of America
1998 Leon E Long Teaching Excellence Award College of Natural Sciences
1998-1999 Carey W King University Fellow
1998 Carey W King Engineering Graduate Fellowship (CoE)
1998-2022 J. Richard Kyle Third C.E. Yager Professor in Geological Sciences University of Texas at Austin
1998 Jay L Banner Houston Oil and Minerals Corporation Faculty Excellence Award The University of Texas at Austin
1998 John M Sharp Founders Award (for outstanding and dedicated service) American Institute of Hydrology
1998 John M Sharp Central Texas Chapter Award Society of Independent Professional Earth Scientists
1998 John M Sharp Fellow Geological Society of America
1998-1999 Ian W Dalziel Best Paper Award Permian Basin Section of Society for Sedimentary Geology
1997 Peter B Flemings Geological Society of America Fellow Geological Society of America
1997-2001 Robert G Loucks Honorary Research Fellow School of Geological Science, Kingston University, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, UK
1997 Timothy M Shanahan NSF research traineeship in hydrology
1997 William D Carlson Honorary Scholarship Award American Federation of Mineralogical Societies
1997 William L Fisher William B. Heroy, Jr., Award for Distinguished Service American Geological Institute
1997 William L Fisher Noel Distinguished Lecturer in Energy University of Texas, Permian Basin
1997-2000 Julia A Clarke Graduate Student Fellowship National Science Foundation
1997 Elizabeth J Catlos Predoctoral Fellowship Smithsonian Institution
1997 Romy D Hanna MSA American Mineralogist Undergraduate Award Mineralogical Society of America
1997 Wonsuck Kim Best Academic Award (Senior) Earth System Sciences, Yonsei University, Korea
1997 Carey W King Cooperative Education Work Program Engineering Scholar
1997 Philip C Bennett Henry Darcy Distinguished Lecturer National Ground Water Association
1997-1998 James A Austin JOI-USSAC Distinguished Lecturer
1997 Ian W Dalziel Bownocker Medal Ohio State University
1997 Ian W Dalziel Honorary Research Chair in Geology University of St. Andrews
1997-1998 Ian W Dalziel Cooperative Society Best Research Paper Award University of Texas at Austin
1997-1998 Timothy B Rowe Founding Fellow UT Center for Instructional Technologies
1996-1999 Danny Stockli UC White Mountains Research Station Fellowship University of California
1996 James E Gardner Faculty Excellence Award Houston Oil and Minerals Corporation
1996 Charles Kerans Best of 1996 AAPG Hedberg Reservoir Compartmentalization Conference (Woodlands, Texas) Vienna International AAPG
1996 Peter B Flemings Matthew J. and Anne C. Wilson Outstanding Teaching Award Pennsylvania State University, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
1996 Robert G Loucks SEPM Excellence of Poster Presentation, Honorable Mention AAPG/SEPM Annual Meeting
1996 James T Sprinkle Honorable mention for 1995 Best Paper Award in Palaios SEPM
1996 William L Fisher Ben H. Parker Medal for Distinguished and Outstanding Service to the Profession of Geology American Institute of Professional Geologists
1996 William L Fisher Special Award for Contributions to Brazilian Petroleum Geology Associação Brasileira de Geólogos de Petroleo
1996 William L Fisher Public Service Award American Institute of Professional Geologists, Texas Chapter
1996 Leon E Long Honorary Member Golden Key National Honor Society
1996 Wonsuck Kim Best Academic Award (Junior) Earth System Sciences, Yonsei University, Korea
1996 Carey W King Ernest Cockrell Jr. Scholarship
1996 Jay L Banner Evelyn and Moses E. Knebel Distinguished Teaching Award The University of Texas at Austin
1996 John M Sharp C. V. Theis Award (for outstanding contributions to groundwater hydrology) American Institute of Hydrology
1996 John M Sharp Distinguished Service Award Hydrogeology Division of the Geological Society of America
1996 Mark A Helper Honorary Scholarship Award American Federation of Mineralogical Societies
1996-1997 Mark A Helper Research Grant Award - Extension to Geologic Studies in the Shackleton Range, Coats Land, and Dronning Maud Land, E. Antarctica: A North American Connection (with I. Dalziel, W. Gose) National Science Foundation
1996 Ian W Dalziel Fellow University of Edinburgh
1996 Ian W Dalziel Corresponding Fellow Edinburgh Geological Society (elected)
1996 Timothy B Rowe Honorary Member Golden Key Honors Society
1996 Timothy B Rowe Honorary Member Golden Key Honors Society
1995 Danny Stockli Outstanding master's thesis award ETHZ
1995 Danny Stockli Swiss Presidential Silver Medal President of Switzerland
1995 Danny Stockli Stanford University Graduate Fellowship Stanford University
1995-1997 John C Lassiter Postdoctoral Fellowship National Science Foundation
1995 James E Gardner Fellowship Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship
1995 Peter B Flemings Best Paper, J.C. Cam Sproule Memorial Award AAPG Bulletin
1995 Zong-Liang Yang Young Scientists' travel award EGS General Assembly, Hamburg, Germany
1995 William D Carlson Distinguished Lecturer Mineralogical Society of America
1995 Richard A Ketcham Houston Geological Society Outstanding Student Award University of Texas at Austin, Department of Geological Sciences
1995 Julia A Clarke Arnold Prize Fellowship for undergraduate achievement and an original research project ($15,000; declined to accept Fulbright Grant). Brown University
1995 Julia A Clarke Sigma Xi Brown University
1995 Earle F McBride Francis J. Pettijohn Medal for Excellence in Sedimentary Geology (Society for Sedimentary Geology) SEPM
1995 Earle F McBride Fullbright Fellow to Egypt to be entered
1995-1997 Carey W King Engineering Scholar
1995-1998 J. Richard Kyle Shell Oil Company Teaching Fellow in Geological Sciences University of Texas at Austin
1995 John M Sharp Joseph B. Hoeing Distinguished Lecturer Kentucky Geological Survey
1995 Mark A Helper Antarctic Service Medal US Department of Defense
1995 Clark R Wilson Fellow International Association of Geodesy
1995 Timothy B Rowe President's Associates Teaching Excellence Award University of Texas
1995 Timothy B Rowe George D. Louderback Award for Academic Excellence and Leadership in Departmental Programs Department of Paleontology, University of California, Berkeley
1995 Timothy B Rowe President's Associates Teaching Excellence Award University of Texas at Austin
1994 Robert M Reed Outstanding Student Research Award, Geological Society of America
1994-1995 Charles Kerans Distinguished Lecturer American Association of Petroleum Geologists
1994 Charles Kerans Pratt Award for Best Paper in American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin American Association of Petroleum Geologists
1994-1997 Peter B Flemings Shell Faculty Fellow Shell
1994 Timothy M Shanahan Outstanding Graduating Senior, Dept. of Geosciences, Brown U.
1994 Timothy M Shanahan National Association Of Geology Teachers Undergraduate Award
1994 Timothy M Shanahan Sigma Xi
1994 William D Carlson Fellow Mineralogical Society of America
1994 William D Carlson Knebel Award for Distinguished Teaching Department of Geological Sciences
1994 Richard A Ketcham Best Ph.D. Technical Sessions Presentation University of Texas at Austin, Department of Geological Sciences
1994 Richard A Ketcham Graduate Student Service Award University of Texas at Austin, Department of Geological Sciences
1994 Osareni C Ogiesoba Spot Award for Outstanding Performance Mobil Oil Company
1994 William L Fisher Elected Member National Academy of Engineering
1994 William L Fisher Sidney Powers Medal for Distinguished Achievements in Petroleum Geology American Association of Petroleum Geologists
1994 William L Fisher Distinguished Service Award Association of American State Geologists
1994 William L Fisher Distinguished Lecturer in Geoscience Policy National Research Council
1994 William L Fisher Certificate of Merit American Association of Petroleum Geologists
1994 Julia A Clarke Phi Beta Kappa Brown University
1994 Elizabeth J Catlos Summer Research Fellowship NASA Specialized Center for Research and Training in Exobiology
1994 Leon E Long Recipient Knebel Distinguished Teaching Award
1994-1995 Mark A Helper G. Moses and Carolyn G. Knebel Distinguished Teaching Award Department of Geological Sciences
1994 Philip C Bennett Faculty Excellence Award Houston Oil and Minerals Corporation
1994 Philip C Bennett Fellow Geological Society of America
1994 Clark R Wilson National Honor Society Phi Kappa Phi
1994 Clark R Wilson Houston Oil and Minerals Excellence Award Department of Geological Sciences
1993-1996 Brian K Horton Graduate Research Fellowship National Science Foundation
1993-1995 John C Lassiter The Berkeley Fellowship to be entered
1993 James E Gardner Visiting Professor (invited) California Institute of Technology
1993-1994 Charles Kerans Distinguished Service Award West Texas Geological Society
1993-1994 William L Fisher President American Insitute of Professional Geologists
1993-1994 William L Fisher President Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies
1993 William L Fisher Honorary Member Austin Geological Society
1993 Sharon Mosher Best Poster Award (with M. K. John) GSA Annual meeting
1993-2002 John M Sharp Chevron Centennial Professor of Geology The University of Texas
1993 Philip C Bennett Jackson Centennial Teaching Fellowship in Geological Sciences The University of Texas at Austin
1993 Timothy B Rowe Knebel Teaching Award in Geological Sciences University of Texas
1993 Timothy B Rowe Knebel Teaching Award Geological Sciences
1992 Robert M Reed Graduate Student Petrography Award, Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin
1992-1993 Charles Kerans Best Paper Award PBS-SEPM Noon Luncheon Program
1992-1993 Charles Kerans Best Paper Award, Permian Basin Section Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Invited Lecture Series
1992 Charles Kerans Best Poster Award West Texas Geological Society Annual Convention
1992 Charles Kerans Best Poster Award Southwest American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention
1992 Peter B Flemings Crosby Distinguished Lecturer Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1992 Mrinal K Sen Best Paper Award (best paper on AVO inversion) SEG/EAEG Summer Research Workshop
1992 William L Fisher Certificate of Appreciation Geological Society of America
1992 William L Fisher Trustee American Geological Institute Foundation
1992-1993 Leon E Long Centennial Teaching Fellowship Dad's Association
1992 J. Richard Kyle Faculty Excellence Award Houston Oil and Minerals Corporation
1992-1997 Mark A Helper Research Grant Award - Geologic Studies in the Shackleton Range, Coats Land and Dronning Maud Land, E. Antarctica: A North American Connection (with I. Dalziel, W. Gose, N. Walker) National Science Foundation
1992-2014 Clark R Wilson Wallace E. Pratt Professor of Geophysics University of Texas at Austin
1992 Ian W Dalziel Murchison Medal Geological Society of London
1991 Peter B Flemings Best Paper Award Mountain Geologist
1991 Zong-Liang Yang Visiting Research Scholarship NCAR Exchange, Boulder, CO, USA
1991 Zong-Liang Yang Travel Award Wisconsin summer school (climate system modeling)
1991 William D Carlson Knebel Award for Distinguished Teaching Department of Geological Sciences
1991 William L Fisher Ian Campbell Medal for Singular Contribution to and Performance in the Profession of Geology American Geological Institute
1991 William L Fisher Hollis D. Hedberg Medal for Excellence in Energy Institute for the Study of Earth and Man
1991 William L Fisher Hearst Distinguished Lecturer University of California at Berkeley
1991 William L Fisher Distinguished Lecturer California State University, Fresno
1990-1993 John C Lassiter Graduate Research Fellowship National Science Foundation
1990-1991 Charles Kerans Distinguished Lecturer American Association of Petroleum Geologists
1990-1991 Robert G Loucks SEPM Excellence of Poster Presentation Award AAPG/SEPM Annual Meeting
1990-1991 Robert G Loucks SEPM Excellence of Poster Presentation, Honorable Mention AAPG/SEPM Annual Meeting
1990 Robert G Loucks SEPM Excellence of Presentation, Honorable Mention AAPG/SEPM Annual Meeting, San Francisco
1990 Robert G Loucks Representative to Academy of Sciences, USSR ARCO
1990 William L Fisher Distinguished Service Award West Texas Geological Society
1990 William L Fisher Hedberg Distinguished Lecturer University of Kansas
1990-1991 William L Fisher President American Geological Insitute
1990-2011 William L Fisher Turstee Southwest Research Insitute
1990-2011 William L Fisher Trustee American Association of Petroleum Geologists Foundation
1990 William L Fisher Honorary Member American Association of Petroleum Geologists
1990 Leon E Long Faculty Excellence Award Houston Oil and Minerals Corporation
1990-2002 Jay L Banner Carlton Centennial Teaching Fellow The University of Texas at Austin
1990 Sharon Mosher Outstanding Educator Award Association of Women Geologists
1990 Timothy B Rowe Knebel Teaching Fellowship in Geological Sciences University of Texas
1990 Timothy B Rowe Dad's Association Centennial Teaching Fellowship College of Natural Sciences, The University of Texas
1990 Timothy B Rowe Knebel Teaching Fellowship Geological Sciences
1990 Timothy B Rowe Dad's Association Centennial Teaching Fellowship College of Natural Sciences, The University of Texas
1989 John C Lassiter Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society Brown University
1989 John C Lassiter Sigma Xi Science Honor Society Brown University
1989-1992 Zong-Liang Yang Postgraduate Research Award Macquarie University, Australia
1989 William D Carlson Teaching Excellence Award College of Natural Sciences
1989 William L Fisher Distinguished Service Award American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Division of Professional Affairs
1989 William L Fisher Transactions Dedicatee Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies
1989-1991 William L Fisher Councilor Geological Society of America
1989-1995 J. Richard Kyle Getty Oil Company Centennial Teaching Fellow in Geological Sciences University of Texas at Austin
1989 Sharon Mosher Geological Society of America Fellow
1989-1993 John M Sharp Gulf Foundation Centennial Professor of Geology The University of Texas
1989 Philip C Bennett Syracuse University Graduate School Marshall Syracuse University
1989 Clark R Wilson Editor's Citation as an Outstanding Referee Journal of Geophysical Research
1989-1994 Timothy B Rowe National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award University of Texas
1989-1994 Timothy B Rowe Presidential Young Investigator Award. National Science Foundation
1988 Charles Kerans Best of AAPG paper Society of Petroleum Engineers
1988 William D Carlson Knebel Award for Distinguished Teaching Department of Geological Sciences
1988 William D Carlson Fellow Geological Society of America
1988 William L Fisher Berg Distinguished Lecturer Wichita State University
1988 William L Fisher Member National Petroleum Council
1988-1989 William L Fisher Member White House Science Council
1988 J. Richard Kyle Mineral Deposits Studies Group, Keynote Presentation Geological Society of London
1987-1988 Charles Kerans Best Paper Award, Permian Basin Section Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Invited Lecture Series
1987 William L Fisher Mayfield Distinguished Lecturer Bowling Green State University
1987 William L Fisher Certificate of Merit American Association of Petroleum Geologists
1987 Earle F McBride Best Paper Award SEPM, Gulf Coast Section (San Antonio, Texas)
1987-1989 Mark A Helper Research Grant Award - Rb-Sr,U-Pb, K-Ar Geochronologic study of the Condrey Mountain Schist, Klamath Mountains, N. California and SW Oregon. National Science Foundation
1986 James E Gardner Best Student Paper in Seismology Award American Geophysical Union, Spring Meeting
1986 Peter B Flemings John McMullen Graduate Fellowship for academic record
1986-1987 Mrinal K Sen Recipient SEG Scholarship
1986 Mrinal K Sen Recipient of J. Watumul Foundation Award for the most outstanding student in Geology and Geophysics University of Hawaii
1986 William L Fisher Leonidas T. Barrow Centennial Chair in Mineral Resources The University of Texas at Austin
1986 William L Fisher Honorary D.Sc. Southern Illinois University
1986 William L Fisher Honorary Member Gulf Coast Assocation of Geological Societies
1986 Earle F McBride Honorary Member SEPM
1986 Peter H Hennings Levorsen Award for Pest Paper AAPG
1986 J. Richard Kyle Excellence of Presentation Award Society of Economic and Paleontologists and Mineralogists
1986-1989 John M Sharp C. E. Yager Professor of Geology The University of Texas
1985-2012 Kitty L Milliken see vita for listing several
1985 William D Carlson Knebel Award for Distinguished Teaching Department of Geological Sciences
1985-1986 Mrinal K Sen Recipient SEG Scholarship
1985 William L Fisher John T. Galey Public Service Award American Institute of Professional Geologists
1985-1986 William L Fisher President American Association of Petroleum Geologists
1985-1989 J. Richard Kyle Centennial Teaching Fellow University of Texas at Austin Geology Foundation Advisory Council
1984-1985 Robert G Loucks Technical Achievement Awards ARCO
1984 William D Carlson Houston Oil and Minerals Corporation Faculty Excellence Award Geology Foundation
1984-1985 Mrinal K Sen Recipient SEG Scholarship
1984 J. Richard Kyle Best Paper Award Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Gulf Coast Section
1984-1992 Clark R Wilson Jackson and Shell Centennial Teaching Fellows University of Texas at Austin
1984-1985 Timothy B Rowe Peabody Fellowship Department of Paleontology, University of California, Berkeley.
1983-1985 James E Gardner Fellowship ARCS Foundation
1983 William L Fisher Commissioned A True Texian Texas Governor W. P. Clements
1983 John M Sharp Fellow Alexander von Humboldt, West Germany
1983-1984 Mark A Helper Shell Graduate Student Fellowship Shell Oil Company
1982-1985 Charles Kerans Western Australian Mining and Petroleum Research Institute Grant Petrology of Subsurface Lennard Shelf Carbonates, Canning Basin
1982 Robert G Loucks SEPM Excellence of Presentation Award AAPG/SEPM Annual Meeting, Calgary
1982 Julia F Gale Clement Le Neve Foster Memorial Prize Imperial College London
1982 James T Sprinkle Charles Schuchert Award "for excellence in paleontology by a person under 40 years of age" Paleontological Society
1982 William D Carlson Teaching Excellence Award College of Natural Sciences
1982-1983 Osareni C Ogiesoba Postgraduate Scholarship Award Federal Government of Nigeria
1982-1986 William L Fisher Morgan J. Davis Centennial Professor of Petroleum Geology The University of Texas at Austin
1982 William L Fisher Distinguished Service Award American Association of Petroleum Geologists
1982-1983 Mark A Helper ARCO Graduate Student Fellowship Atlantic Richfield Corporation
1982-1983 Timothy B Rowe Regent's Fellowship University of California, Berkeley
1982 Timothy B Rowe Print CaseBooks 5 Award of Excellence for "Fossils of New Mexico," a 2-year public exhibit Commissioned by the State of New Mexico, written by T. Rowe, produced by the Museum of Northern Arizona, designed by Ralph Applebaum Associates
1981 Robert M Reed National Merit Scholarship, The University of Texas at Austin
1981 William D Carlson Knebel Award for Distinguished Teaching Department of Geological Sciences
1981 William D Carlson Mineralogy-Petrology Research Award Mineralogical Society of America
1981 William L Fisher Certificate of Merit American Association of Petroleum Geologists
1981-1982 William L Fisher President Association of American State Geologists
1981 J. Richard Kyle Teaching Excellence Award University of Texas at Austin Natural Science Council
1981 J. Richard Kyle Robert Peele Memorial Award (Best Paper) Society of Mining Engineering
1981 Sharon Mosher Outstanding Junior Faculty Award ARCO
1981-1983 Mark A Helper Field Research Grants Geology Foundation, Univ. of Texas at Austin
1981 Clark R Wilson Young Faculty Award ARCO Oil Company
1981-1982 Timothy B Rowe Wheeler Fellowship University of California, Berkeley
1980 Earle F McBride Distinguished Faculty Award Houston Oil and Minerals, University of Texas at Austin
1980 J. Richard Kyle Faculty Excellence Award Houston Oil and Minerals Corporation
1980-1981 John M Sharp Fellow Alexander von Humboldt, West Germany
1980 Ian W Dalziel Corresponding Member Associacion Geologica Argentinia (elected)
1979-1982 Charles Kerans Epstein Scholarship Carleton University
1979 John M Sharp O. E. Meinzer Award, for outstanding contributions to hydrogeology Geological Society of America
1978-1979 William L Fisher Distinguished Lecturer American Association of Petroleum Geologists
1978 William L Fisher Haworth Distinguished Alumni Honors in Geology University of Kansas
1978 Leon E Long Faculty Excellence Award Houston Oil and Minerals Corporation
1978 Earle F McBride Best Paper Award (runner-up with R. L. Folk) Journal of Sedimentary Petrology
1978 John M Sharp Sigma Xi
1977 Charles Kerans Graduated Cum Laude St. Lawrence University
1977-1979 Osareni C Ogiesoba Academic Merit Award for Outstanding University Student: University of Benin Federal Government of Nigeria
1977 William L Fisher Outstanding Achievement Award Southern Illinois University
1977 William L Fisher Distinguished Service Award Southern Illinois Incorporated
1976 Earle F McBride Best Paper Award (runner-up with R. L. Folk) Journal of Sedimentary Petrology
1976-1977 Ian W Dalziel John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship Swiss Federal Institute, Zurich, Switzerland
1976-1977 Timothy B Rowe Field Museum of Natural History Fellowship University of Chicago
1975-1976 Timothy B Rowe Thomas J. Watson Fellowship to be entered
1974 John M Sharp Phi Kappa Phi
1973-1974 William L Fisher President Austin Geological Society
1973-1974 John M Sharp Fellow in Geology University of Illinois
1973-1975 Timothy B Rowe Occidental College Scholarship Occidental College, Los Angeles
1970-1971 James T Sprinkle NRC-USGS Postdoctoral Associateship U.S. Geol. Survey, Denver, Colorado
1970 William L Fisher Fellow Texas Academy of Science
1970 William L Fisher Fellow Society of Economic Geologists
1970-1971 William L Fisher Distinguished Lecturer American Association of Petroleum Geologists
1970 William L Fisher Best Paper Award (with C. V. Proctor, W. E. Galloway, and J. S. Nagle) Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies
1970 Leon E Long Fellow Geological Society of America
1969-1970 James T Sprinkle Fellowship Harvard University
1968 William L Fisher Fellow Geological Society of America
1967-1970 James T Sprinkle Member, Society of Sigma Xi Harvard University
1966 John M Sharp Literary Award Alpha Delta Phi
1966 John M Sharp Tau Beta Pi
1965-1969 James T Sprinkle Graduate Fellowship National Science Foundation
1963-1965 John M Sharp W. H. Ziegler Company Scholarship University of Minnesota
1962-1963 John M Sharp Freshman Scholarship University of Minnesota
1961-1965 James T Sprinkle College Scholarship General Motors
1959-1960 William L Fisher Summer Fellow National Science Foundation, University of Kansas
1959-1960 William L Fisher Shell Fellow University of Kansas
1958 William L Fisher Haworth Graduate Award in Geology University of Kansas
1954 William L Fisher Merit Award Department of Geology, Southern Illinois University
David Mohrig Knebel Distinguished Teaching Award Dept. of Geol. Sci., UT-Austin (2022)
David Mohrig Knebel Distinguished Teaching Award Dept. of Geol. Sci., UT-Austin (2015)
David Mohrig Outstanding Educator Award Jackson School of Geosciences, UT-Austin (2014)
David Mohrig Knebel Distinguished Teaching Award Dept. of Geol. Sci., UT-Austin (2013)
David Mohrig Knebel Distinguished Teaching Award Dept. of Geol. Sci., UT-Austin (2011)
David Mohrig Knebel Distinguished Teaching Award Dept. of Geol. Sci., UT-Austin (2007-2008)
Ian J Duncan Outstanding Contribution Award Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy
Ian J Duncan Penrose Grant, Outstanding Proposal Geological Society of America
Ian J Duncan Killam Predoctoral Fellowship University of British Columbia
Ian J Duncan Graduate Fellowship University of British Columbia
Ian J Duncan Geological Sciences Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award University of British Columbia
Mrinal K Sen Recipient of ISM silver medal for ranking first in first class in BSc and MSc Indian School of Mines
William L Fisher Listed in Who's Who in the World
William L Fisher Listed in Who's Who in America
William L Fisher Listed in Who's Who in Science and Engineering
William L Fisher Listed in American Men and Women of Science
William L Fisher Listen in Financial Times Who's Who in World Oil and Gas
William L Fisher Listen in Who's Who in the South and Southwest
William L Fisher Listed in Who's Who in the 21st Century
Ernest L Lundelius - Fulbright Fellowship to Western Australia, 1954-1955, studying Pleistocene and post-Pleistocene vertebrate faunas.
Ernest L Lundelius - National Science Foundation Grant, 1960-1961, for study of Pleistocene vertebrates from Brazos River terraces.
Ernest L Lundelius - National Science Foundation Grant, 1963-1968, for field/laboratory work on Australian fossil mammals.
Ernest L Lundelius - Fulbright Senior Scholar Award, National Science Foundation Grant, Research Assignment, University Research Institute (July-December, 1976), for work in Australia on fossil mammals.
Ernest L Lundelius - National Science Foundation Grant, 1980-1983, Dissertation Improvement Grant for Melissa Winans.
Ernest L Lundelius - Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research for Sleshi Tebedge for work in Ethiopia.
Ernest L Lundelius - National Science Foundation Grant, 1983-1985, Grant for paleontological work in Ethiopia.
Ernest L Lundelius - National Science Foundation Grant, 1986-1989, for enhancement of management of vertebrate fossil resources at the Texas Memorial Museum.
Ernest L Lundelius - National Science Foundation Grant, 1991-1994, management enhancement for fossil vertebrate resources at the Texas Memorial Museum, Phase 2.
Ernest L Lundelius - Earthwatch Grant, Summer 1991, Late Pleistocene/Holocene Climatic History of the Edwards Plateau, Texas
Ernest L Lundelius - National Science Foundation Grant, 1990-1993, for compilation of data base of Quaternary mammals (with R. W. Graham as co-PI).
Ernest L Lundelius - Texas Academy of Science, Distinguished Scientist of the Year (2008).
-2007 Thorsten Becker CAREER Award National Science Foundation
Leon E Long Higgins Special Fellow Columbia University
Leon E Long Predoctoral Fellow National Science Foundation
Leon E Long Postdoctoral Fellow National Science Foundation
Leon E Long to be entered University (of Texas) Research Institute research leaves
Leon E Long Honorary Member Golden Key National Honor Society
Earle F McBride Phi Beta Kappa Augustana College, Ill.
Earle F McBride A. P. Green Fellowship in Fire Clay Mineralogy University of Missouri
Earle F McBride Fellow GSA
Earle F McBride Honorary Life Member Permian Basin Section, SEPM
Earle F McBride Bronze Award in the category "Teaching with Technology" for "Sandstone Petrology: A Tutorial Petrographic Images Atlas" (with Kitty Milliken, Suk-Joo Choh, Petro Papazis, and Luis Crespo) to be entered
John M Sharp Promethean Society College of Natural Sciences, The University of Texas
John M Sharp Distinguished Graduate U. S. Air Force Officer Training School
John M Sharp Distinguished Graduate U. S. Air Force Base Civil Engineer School
John M Sharp Distinguished Graduate U. S. Navy Fallout Shelter Analysis School
-1981 Mark A Helper Penrose Research Grant Geological Society of America