Update to Covid Travel Policies
July 19, 2021
- The Exemptions@jsg.utexas.edu address has been deleted because domestic travel no longer requires approval at the Dean’s level.
- International travel arrangements will continue to require approval by Texas Global through Dec 31, 2021. All international travel is currently considered a “Restricted Region” and requires submission of a Restricted Regions Form and a covid travel waiver. Forms are available at: https://global.utexas.edu/risk/travel/restricted-regions/request
- The RR form requires approval by your Director/Chair and Dean prior to submitting to Texas Global. Once Director/Chair has signed the RR form, please send directly to the Dean, claudia.mora@jsg.utexas.edu with the subject line “International Travel” for signature. Signed forms and waivers should be submitted to grs@austin.utexas.edu by the first of the month preceding the month of your travel (i.e., by Aug. 1 for September travel). Forms submitted late may still be considered, but all effort should be made to plan your travel well in advance to assure your travel goes as planned.