Labs & Field Work
Update to Covid Travel Policies
The address has been deleted because domestic travel no longer requires approval at the Dean’s level. International travel arrangements will continue to require approval…
Travel Restrictions Extended
From Dean Claudia Mora: All, We are all finding out about the extended travel restrictions. No one hates travel restrictions more than geoscientists, but there…
Bureau of Economic Geology Opens Most Labs, Core Research Center
After months of shutdown, analysis, and preparation, the Bureau of Economic Geology has taken necessary safety precautions and recently opened many more of its facilities…
Required JSG Information for Research Phase 3 Restart
In alignment with the Guidelines and Principles documents produced by the Vice President for Research, the PI Information for Research Phase 3 Restart form must be…
Update on UT Travel Restrictions
The domestic travel restriction has been extended through June 30, 2020. Decision about July travel status will be made by June 15, 2020. Limited exemptions…
MG&G Field Course Canceled
We have made the decision to cancel the Marine Geology and Geophysics field course for 2020. Our primary concern is student safety and health, and…