Leopold Desage

Mailcode: R2200
Leopold Desage is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Texas at Austin, focusing on radar data interpretation with simulations. He has a master's degree and a PhD in Astrophysics from Grenoble Alpes university.
During his PhD at the University of Grenoble Alpes, he used the SHAllow RADar to study the shallow subsurface of the Martian southern midlatitudes, highlighting the impact of DEM quality on the detectability of shallow interfaces. He also used MARSIS data on Phobos to refine its orbitography and study its physical properties.
At UTIG, Leopold is applying his experience in radar simulation within the framework of the preparation for Europa Clippers REASON radar for clutter discrimination. He is also studying polar airborne radar data as an analogue for the surface and subsurface of Jupiters icy moons.
Areas of Expertise
Radar science, radar simulation, DEM, Jupiter icy moons, Mars subsurface, polar radar