Vertebrate Evolution, Biodiversity & Biogeography


Christopher J Bell

Christopher J Bell

Vertebrate paleontology and evolutionary morphology, North American Pliocene and Pleistocene small mammal biostratigraphy and biochronology, osteology, anatomy, and systematics of squamate reptiles and turtles, Impacts of climate change on vertebrate communities; history of science
Julia A Clarke

Julia A Clarke

Evolution of anatomical novelty, vertebrate paleontology, systematic biology, avian vocalization and the evolution of flight, fossil birds. Dinosaurs.

Affiliated Faculty

Chris Kirk

Chris Kirk

fossil, primate, Primates, evolution, Eocene, Oligocene, Paleogene, adapid, adapoid, adapiform, omomyoid, omomyid, omomyiform, anthropoid, haplorhine, haplorrhine, tarsier, lemur, strepsirrhine, mammal, synapsid, mammaliaform, mammal, vision, eye, retina, hearing, auditory, cochlea, semicircular canal, nasal cavity, nasal fossa, olfaction, olfactory, turbinal, turbinate, olfactory bulb, Texas, Big Bend, Tornillo Basin, Canoe Formation, Devil's Graveyard ...


Lawrence A Lawver

Lawrence A Lawver

Marine geophysics, plate tectonics, magnetics, gravity, heat flow, seismic studies, paleogeographic reconstructions of Gondwana, the Polar Regions, East Asia, and the Western Pacific
Timothy B Rowe

Timothy B Rowe

Vertebrate paleontology, evolution and development of the vertebrate skeleton, phylogenetic systematics, the early history of mammals and their extinct relatives among Synapsida, the history of birds and their extinct relatives among Dinosauria, the history of other amniotes, high-resolution X-ray computed tomography, CT scanner, DigiMorph, informatics

Research Scientists

Cornelia  Rasmussen

Cornelia Rasmussen

Paleoecology, geobiology, geochemistry, geochronology, sedimentology