Marine Sedimentary Systems
Sedimentary processes of coastal to deep marine systems and their stratigraphic records.
| Carbonate sequence stratigraphy, depositional systems, reservoir characterization, basin analysis, seismic interpretation, seismic stratigraphy, paleokarst analysis, carbonate diagenesis
| Tectonics; the structural and geodynamical evolution of continental and oceanic rifts, as well as collisional environments; numerical techniques to model tectonic processes on crustal and lithospheric scales; deformation; subduction
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| Sedimentary geochemistry, isotope geochemistry, Earth system evolution, Q-ICP-MS, microanalytics, GIS, Neoproterozoic climate [link:]
| Basin analysis, sequence stratigraphy, depositional systems, petroleum geology, resource assessment, energy policy
| Multichannel seismic acquisition, signal processing, acoustic and elastic wave propagation, modeling and inversion of geophysical data
| Marine geology and geophysics, active-source seismology, physical oceanography, coastal processes.
Research Scientists
| Source Rock Characterization
Geochemistry (Organic, Biomarker, Gas Isotope)
Mudrock Characterization
Petrography, SEM
| Petrography and geochemistry of siliciclastic rocks; diagenesis; electron microbeam methods: X-ray mapping, cathodoluminescence imaging; micro-scale reservoir characterization
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Research Staff
| Sedimentary geochemistry, isotope geochemistry, Earth system evolution, Q-ICP-MS, microanalytics, GIS, Neoproterozoic climate [link:]
| Sequence stratigraphic interpretations (well logs, 3-D seismic), integrated reservoir characterization, subsurface correlation and mapping (using workstation and PC) and subsurface structural interpretation (using 3-D seismic), project management, CO2 sequestration
| Reservoir characterization, flow modeling in fractured reservoirs, porosity-permeability evolution