Student Body Profile
Current EER Student Body Profile (pptx)
Student Stories
EER students have recently visited western Scotland, the mighty fjords of Norway, and the majestic views of Yellowstone. We are collecting these stories and more to share with you.

Pursuing: MS EER
Research interests: Peter’s experiences in engineering and renewable technologies, alongside traditional oil and gas fieldwork have provided a broad perspective on energy policies. Originally, I studied Mechanical Engineering at the University of Bristol and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, gaining an understanding of different methods of harnessing energy: from nuclear to wind. Subsequently, I worked in the oil and gas industry in various countries around the world, including China and the United States. These experiences not only highlighted the importance of different technologies, but the impact that the policy, economics and law have, too. The EER program provides the opportunity to further study these areas alongside experts and students from around the world, with a diverse set of interests. This knowledge will be vital for contributing to the goal of economic, environmentally-friendly energy solutions that are available to all.

Pursuing: MS EER and MBA Dual Degree
Research Interests: Kayla’s passion is looking for opportunities to improve environmental and social conditions while growing business. Her thesis work explores how supply chain innovations can reduce energy use and carbon emissions, with a specific focus on the grocery sector and the intersection between food, waste, and energy. While pursuing her graduate degrees, Kayla completed internships with both Nestle Waters North America supporting development of a renewable energy purchasing strategy and in fulfillment center operations.

Pursuing: MS EER
Research interests: Henar’s passion is twofold: by expanding her technical knowledge on renewables and hydraulic fracturing and by combining available resources in a sustainable way, while taking account of the economic benefits and energy security they will bring to each country. For example, by improving domestic energy production in Spain, the economic standards would rise, creating a positive outcome for her homeland.
Recent Graduates
“As a professional with preceding experience in the energy sector, my search for a high quality program at a prestigious university led me to EER. It’s known and respected around the world. Now that I’ve graduated and am back in energy, UT has provided me with the knowledge and skills to combine my prior experience with up-to-date insights from business, policy, earth resources, science and engineering.” — Jose Chavez, Energy Resources, Texas General Land Office, Class of 2010
“I chose EER because of its flexibility. Coming from a technical background, I wanted to know about the public policy, resource economics, and business sides of energy. The LBJ School, McCombs, Cockrell, and Jackson School all have terrific programs and as an EER student I am able to tailor my course work based on my interests. The structure lets me take full advantage of all that UT has to offer so I have a holistic understanding of energy and related issues.” —Pimjai Hoontrakul, Project Management, Energy, and Sustainability Specialist – Siam Commercial Bank, Thailand, Class of 2012
“It was a program where I could base my experience on geology while supplementing my degree with interdepartmental classes in the kind of environmental and business aspects I was able to handle in D.C.” —Stevenson Bunn, Exploration Geologist, Apache, Class of 2015
“Being able to discuss my previous energy-related work experience and the technical background that I have developed from the energy and earth resources master’s degree effectively demonstrates my passion for the industry.” —Kyle Gabb, Finance Program Analyst, Chevron, Class of 2016, EER/MBA dual degree
Highlighted Feature from JSG Newsletter About Our Students