Sean S Gulick

Sean S Gulick
Research Professor, Institute for Geophysics, Jackson School of Geosciences

Work: +1 512 471 0483
Office: ROC 3.248
Mailcode: R2200

Research Interests
Sean is interested in tectonic-climate interactions, the role of catastrophism in the geologic record and marine and planetary geophysical imaging at nested resolutions. See the Research tab for a full list of interests.

Current Projects
Sean's current projects include tectonic and glacial interactions in Alaska, geohazards and margin evolution of subduction and transform faulting in Alaska, Sumatra, New Zealand, and Japan, and the geologic processes, environmental effects, and habitability of the Cretaceous-Paleogene Chicxulub meteor impact.

Planetary Habitability
Sean is co-director of the Center for Planetary Systems Habitability, an interdisciplinary research center located virtually at The University of Texas at Austin reporting to the Jackson School of Geosciences. The center collaborates across disciplines, schools, and borders to understand the planetary systems where life could evolve, and how to find them.

Areas of Expertise

– Marine and planetary geophysical imaging at nested resolutions and ground truth through drilling, coring, logging, and sampling.
– Tectonic processes, tectonic-climate interactions, and geohazards of convergent margins and transitional tectonic environments.
– Role of catastrophism in the geologic record including impact cratering, hurricanes, and tectonic events.
– Planetary habitability, impact generated ecosystems, biotic crises.

Research Locations

Current Research Programs & Projects

Tectonic and climate interactions in the Surveyor submarine fan ( view )

Geohazards and margin evolution of subduction and transform faulting in New Zealand, Alaska, Sumatra, and Japan

International Ocean Discovery and Continental Drilling Programs Expedition 364: Drilling the K-Pg Chicxulub impact crater ( view )

Bureau of Ocean and Energy Management Texas Coop for Sand Resources

Trinity River Paleochannel Project (TRIPP)

SISIE: South Island, New Zealand, Subduction Initiation Experiment

High-resolution Imaging of the Ries Impact Crater

Assessing the habitability of post-impact hydrothermal systems using the Chicxulub crater as a natural laboratory

Select Past Research

St. Elias Mountains tectonic and climate interactions

Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 341: Southeast Alaska tectonics and climate

Icy Bay Geohazards and Taan Fiord Landslide Joint NSF/USGS Project

Totten Glacier Ice-Ocean-Sediment Interactions Study, East Antarctica

Fellow of the Geological Society of America - Geological Society of America (2018)

Eugene Shoemaker Memorial Award - Arizona State University (2017)

Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg Fellow - Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst, GER (2016)

Jackson School Outstanding Researcher Award - University of Texas at Austin (2015)

Signature Course Essential Elements Award for Excellence in Teaching Oral Communication - University of Texas at Austin (2015)

Directors Circle of Excellence - UTIG (2010 - 2017)

Joint Oceanographic Institutions Distinguished Lectureship - JOI/USSAC (2007 - 2008)

Jackson School of Geosciences Research Achievement Award - University of Texas at Austin (2007 - 2009)

Consortium of Ocean Leadership Distinguished Lecturer - COL (2007 - 2008)

Jackson School of Geosciences Research Fellowship - University of Texas at Austin (2006 - 2007)

Young Scientist Fellowship - Jackson School of Geosciences (2005 - 2006)

Committee Member, Marine Seismology Symposium, Steering Committee, (2021)

Associate Chair, Department of Geological Sciences: Lithosphere & Deep Earth, (2021 - Present)

Chair, Department of Geological Sciences, Internal Search Committee, (2020)

Committee Member, Department of Geological Sciences: Structure and Tectonics Faculty Search Committee, (2020)

Committee Member, University of Texas Institute for Geophysics, Executive Committee, (2020 - 2021)

Board Member, Joides Resolution Facility Board Working Group on Science Framework Proposal Requirements and Assessments, (2020 - Present)

Committee Member, Jackson School of Geosciences, Dean Search Committee, (2019)

Co-convener, IODP Expedition 364 Second Post-cruise Meeting, Merida, México (2018)

Steering Committee, UT Pop-Up Institute on Planetary Habitability (2018)

Co-chair, UTIG DirectorÂ’s Search Committee, (2018 - 2019)

Committee Member, IODP Renewal Committee- SOD23+, (2018 - 2020)

Ex-officio IODP Representative, Marine Seismic Research Oversight Committee, (2017 - 2019)

Steering Committee, Antarctica Drilling Workshop, College Station, Texas (2016)

Steering Committee, Subduction Zone Observatory Workshop, Boise, Idaho (2016)

Committee member, Marcus Langseth Science Oversight Committee, (2016 - 2017)

Co-chair, IODP Science Evaluation Panel, (2016 - 2020)

Committee member, Jackson School of Geosciences Strategic Planning Committee, (2015 - 2019)

Panel Member, IODP Science Evaluation Panel, (2014 - 2016)

Co-chair, IRIS Scientific Grand Challenges Committee, (2014 - 2016)

Chair, Jackson School of Geosciences, Marine Geosciences Theme, (2011 - 2020)

Keynote Speaker, International Core-Log-Seismic Integration Workshop (2005)

Panel Member, IODP Measurements and Science Technology Panel, (2003 - 2005)

Co-convenor, Joint NSF-JOI Tectonic-Climate Interplay Workshop (2003)

Panel Member, IODP Interim Scientific Measurements Panel (iSciMP), (2002 - 2003)

Committee Member, University of Delaware Research Vessel Advisory Committee, (2001 - 2002)

Member, American Geophysical Union ( - Present)

Member, Geological Society of America ( - Present)

Member, Union of Concerned Scientists ( - Present)

Graduate Students

Jonathan P Amendola , M.S., expected 2025 (Supervisor)
I am interested in glaciomarine environments with particular focus on geomorphology and sediment depositional processes.

Michelle Tebolt , Ph.D., expected 2024 (Committee Member)
As a planetary scientist, I study sedimentary processes on Mars to better understand the paleoenvironment, or the conditions that once existed on the surface. I am particularly interested in Martian fluvial processes that occurred ~3.8 billion years ago when there was liquid water on the surface and consider the question: How has water influenced the surface of Mars? Or more...

Soraya Alfred , M.S., expected 2024 (Supervisor)

Medha Prakash (Supervisor)
My research interests are primarily in astrobiology and planetary surface processes. I am working Sean Gulick and Cyril Grima to better understand the geology of Schrödinger crater on the Moon using radar data. This site is of interest to upcoming Artemis missions. My previous research includes literature syntheses pertaining to mineral mediated carbon reduction's importance for the paleoclimates on Mars...

Ema Parker (Co-supervisor)
My research focuses on employing active marine electromagnetic (EM) methods to study lithosphere-biosphere dynamics and, by extension, potential implications those mechanisms may have for the New Blue Economy. I also have a key interest in expanding the Jackson School's marine EM capabilities.

Catherine Ross, Ph.D., 2022 (Co-supervisor)
Jackson School of Geosciences

Naoma McCall, Ph.D., 2022 (Supervisor)
Jackson School of Geosciences

Russell Miller, M.S., 2022 (Co-supervisor)
Jackson School of Geosciences

Marina Frederik, Ph.D., 2016 (Supervisor)

Marueen Walton, Ph.D., 2016 (Supervisor)

Sebastian Ramirez, Ph.D., 2016 (Supervisor)

Jonathan Osmond, M.S., 2016 (Committee Member)

Aleksandr Montelli, M.S., 2015 (Supervisor)

Robert Reece, Ph.D., 2012 (Supervisor)

Kylara Martin, 2012 (Supervisor)

Jason Sanford (Co-supervisor)

2024Spring GEO 397F Marine Geo & Geophys Field Crs
2024Spring GEO 382T Continental Tectonics
2024Spring GEO 381T Marine Tectonics
2024Spring GEO 348K Marine Geo/Geophys Field Crs
2024Spring GEO 339T Continental Tectonics
2024Spring GEO 338T Marine Tectonics
2023Fall GEO 416E Solid Earth Processes
2023Spring GEO 397F Marine Geo & Geophys Field Crs
2023Spring GEO 382T Continental Tectonics
2023Spring GEO 381T Marine Tectonics
2023Spring GEO 348K Marine Geo/Geophys Field Crs
2023Spring GEO 339T Continental Tectonics
2023Spring GEO 338T Marine Tectonics
2022Fall GEO 366P Planetary Geo/Geophysics
2022Fall GEO 398P Planetary Geo/Geophysics
2022Summer GEO f397F Marine Geo & Geophys Field Crs
2022Summer GEO f348K Marine Geo/Geophys Fld Crs-Tx
2022Spring GEO 381T Marine Tectonics
2022Spring GEO 338T Marine Tectonics
2021Summer GEO f397F Marine Geo/Geophys Fld Crs-Tx
2021Summer GEO f348K Marine Geo/Geophys Fld Crs-Tx
2021Spring GEO 381T Marine Tectonics-Wb
2021Spring GEO 338T Marine Tectonics-Wb
2020Fall GEO 391 Planetary Geology / Geophysics
2020Fall GEO 366P Planetary Geo/Geophysics-Wb
2020Spring GEO 381T Marine Tectonics
2020Spring GEO 338T Marine Tectonics
2019Summer GEO f397F Marine Geo/Geophys Fld Crs-Tx
2019Summer GEO f348K Marine Geo/Geophys Fld Crs-Tx
2019Spring GEO 381T Marine Tectonics
2019Spring GEO 338T Marine Tectonics
2018Summer GEO f397F Marine Geo/Geophys Fld Crs-Tx
2018Summer GEO f348K Marine Geo/Geophys Fld Crs-Tx
2018Spring GEO 394 Rsch In Geological Sciences
2018Spring GEO 381T Marine Tectonics
2018Spring GEO 338T Marine Tectonics
2017Fall GEO 394 Rsch In Geological Sciences
2017Summer GEO f397F Marine Geo/Geophys Fld Crs-Tx
2017Summer GEO f348K Marine Geo/Geophys Fld Crs-Tx
2017Spring GEO 394 Rsch In Geological Sciences
2017Spring GEO 381T Marine Tectonics
2017Spring GEO 338T Marine Tectonics
2016Fall GEO 394 Rsch In Geological Sciences
2016Summer GEO f348K Marine Geo/Geophys Field Crs
2016Summer GEO f397F Marine Geo & Geophys Field Crs
2016Spring GEO 394 Rsch In Marine Geo And Geophys
2016Spring GEO 381T Marine Tectonics
2016Spring GEO 338T Marine Tectonics
2015Fall GEO 394 Rsch In Geological Sciences
2015Summer GEO f397F Marine Geo & Geophys Field Crs
2015Summer GEO f348K Marine Geo/Geophys Field Crs
2015Spring GEO 394 Rsch In Marine Geo And Geophys
2015Spring GEO 381T Marine Tectonics
2015Spring GEO 338T Marine Tectonics
2014Fall GEO 394 Rsch In Marine Geo And Geophys
2014Summer GEO f397F Marine Geo & Geophys Field Crs
2014Summer GEO f348K Marine Geo/Geophys Field Crs
2014Spring GEO 338T Marine Tectonics
2014Spring GEO 394 Rsch In Marine Geo And Geophys
2014Spring GEO 381T Marine Tectonics

Graduate Positions

Research in Marine Geology and Geophysics
There are opportunities for research within Marine Geology and Geophysics.