Medha Prakash

My research interests are primarily in astrobiology and planetary surface processes. I am working Sean Gulick and Cyril Grima to better understand the geology of Schrödinger crater on the Moon using radar data. This site is of interest to upcoming Artemis missions. My previous research includes literature syntheses pertaining to mineral mediated carbon reduction's importance for the paleoclimates on Mars and Earth, as well as using terrestrial eskers as analogs for sinuous ridges on Mars to inform our understanding of warm-based glaciation on Mars.
Wilbur A. Nelson Award - The University of Virginia- Department of Environmental Sciences (2023)
Undergraduate STEM Research Scholarship - Virginia Space Grant Consortium (2022 - 2023)
Richard Scott Mitchell Award - The University of Virginia- Department of Environmental Sciences (2022)
Double Hoo Award - The University of Virginia Office of Undergraduate Research (2021 - 2022)
Paul Tudor Jones II Jefferson Scholarship - Jefferson Scholars Foundation (2019 - 2023)
Prakash, M., Weber, J., Rodriguez, L., Sheppard, R. & Barge, L. (2022). Database on mineral mediated carbon reduction: implications for future research. International Journal of Astrobiology, 21(6), 423 - 440. doi:
Weber, J., Marlin, T., Prakash, M., Teece, B., Dzurilla, K. & Barge, L. (2023). A Review on Hypothesized Metabolic Pathways on Europa and Enceladus: Space-Flight Detection Considerations. Life, 13(8). doi: