
JSG Coronavirus Updates

Student Emergency Funds Available

The Covid-19 pandemic has been challenging for students, depriving many of much needed employment and adding unexpected costs for hardware and software, internet services, new childcare services and other needs.

In response, the Jackson School of Geosciences hosted a Hornraiser in 2020 to raise funds from our friends and alumni to assist students who are experiencing extraordinary strain during these difficult times. We are happy to be able to make these funds available to undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in JSG degree programs.

You may apply for funding using the link provided here. Although there is no cap on individual funds or areas of specific need, we will try to accommodate as many students as possible in a fair manner. Funds will be distributed as scholarships. An ad hoc committee of faculty and staff will review and approve funds on a frequent and regular basis until the funds are exhausted.

Please contact Georgia Sanders with questions.