Leon E Long

Leon E Long
Professor Emeritus, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences

Dr long's research is in isotope geology, especially to use naturally occurring radioactivity and its daughter products as a geologic clock (for example, to date the crystallization of a magma), and as a geochemical tracer (for example, to characterize the source rock whose melting produced the magma). Dr. Long is interested in applying the Rb-Sr isotopic age method to clay minerals, one possibility being to date when weathering had produced an ancient soil zone.

Areas of Expertise

Geochemistry, isotope geology including Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd geochronology, and radioactive isotopes used as geochemical tracers to date ancient geologic events

Recipient - Outstanding Teaching in an Introductory Class Award (2003)

to be entered - Chancellor's Council Outstanding Teaching Award (2001. Only one recipient each year in the nation's largest university!) (2001)

to be entered - University if Texas Academy of Distinguished Teachers (1999)

Teaching Excellence Award - College of Natural Sciences (1998)

Honorary Member - Golden Key National Honor Society (1996)

Recipient - Knebel Distinguished Teaching Award (1994)

Centennial Teaching Fellowship - Dad's Association (1992 - 1993)

Faculty Excellence Award - Houston Oil and Minerals Corporation (1990)

Faculty Excellence Award - Houston Oil and Minerals Corporation (1978)

Fellow - Geological Society of America (1970)

Higgins Special Fellow - Columbia University

Predoctoral Fellow - National Science Foundation

Postdoctoral Fellow - National Science Foundation

to be entered - University (of Texas) Research Institute research leaves

Honorary Member - Golden Key National Honor Society

Taught Short Course, "Principles of isotope geochronology", Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt (1983)

Visiting Professor, "Isótopos estáveis em geología" ("Stable isotopes in geology"), University of S ão Paulo, Brazil (1976)

Member, Parking and traffic panel, to be entered

Member, Review Panel (physical sciences), University Research Institute

Member, Undetermined Majors, to be entered

Member, University Council, to be entered

Member, Faculty Senate

Chairman, Committee on Benefits, Faculty Senate

Member, Committee on Benefits, Faculty Senate

Member, Committee on Teaching / Research Balance, Faculty Senate

Member, Budget Advisory Committee , College of Natural Sciences

Member, General Faculty Committee on Teacher Education, to be entered

Member, Quality Teaching Project, to be entered

Chairman, University Committee on Responsibilities, Rights, and Welfare of Teaching Assistants and Assistant Instructors, to be entered

Member, Admission Liaison Committee, College of Natural Sciences

Member, Teaching Excellence Committee, College of Natural Sciences

Member, Ad hoc Committee to implement Provisional Admission Policy, College of Natural Sciences

Member, Committee for Dad's Association Centennial Teaching Fellowship, College of Natural Sciences

Member, Teaching Awards Committee, to be entered

Member, Faculty Fellow, to be entered

Faculty Associate, Brazil Center, to be entered

Associate Member, Humanities Center

Specialist Reviewer, Fullbright Senior Scholars International Exchange Program

Member, University Committee to Select Chancellor'e Council Teaching Award, to be entered

Chairman , Committee for Undergraduate Scholarships, College of Natural Sciences

Member, Honors Committee, College of Natural Sciences

Member, Emerging Scholars Committee, College of Natural Sciences

Member, Study Abroad Committee, College of Natural Sciences

Member, Faculty Advisor Committee, College of Natural Sciences

Member, Advisory Council on International Science Opportunities, College of Natural Sciences

Member, Dean's Scholars Steering Committee, College of Natural Sciences

Member, Wheaton College Scholastic honor Society

Member, Sigma Xi

Member, Geological Societies (Geological Society of America, Geochecmical Society, etc.)

Member, Graduate Fellowship Evaluation Panel, National Science Foundation / National Research Council

Member, Critical reviews of numerous grant proposals, reviews of manuscripts, of papers and books for publishers, National Science Foundation

Member, Committee , Geological Society of America

Advisory Consultant, Earth and Science Departments, Different colleges and universities

Editorial Board, Journal of the Faculty of Science, United Arab Emirates University

Instructor, Chautauqu Short Course for College Teachers

Consultant , Revision of secondary school curriculum, Texas Education Agency

Nominations Committee, Society of Sigma Xi (a national honorary research society), University of Texas Chapter

Treasurer, Society of Sigma Xi (a national honorary research society), University of Texas Chapter

Vice-President, Society of Sigma Xi (a national honorary research society), University of Texas Chapter

President, Society of Sigma Xi (a national honorary research society), University of Texas Chapter

Consultant , Texas Parks and Wildlife Department

Consultant , Educational Activities, Lower Colorado River Authority

Consultant , Reform of Science Education, Austin Independent School District

Judge, Texas State Science and Technology Fair

Consultant , Defining geology curriculum and teaching a geology course in Ecuador, Science Academy of Austin

Lecturer, Texas (numerous invited lectures and seminars to various school districts in Texas)

Member, Student-Faculty Discipline Panel, to be entered

Member, Faculty steering Committee, Junior Science, Engineering, and Humanities Symposium

Member, Churchill Scholarship screening committee, to be entered

Member, Course and Curriculum Committee, to be entered

2015Spring GEO 303 Introduction To Geology
2014Spring GEO 303 Introduction To Geology