Lawrence A Lawver
Mailcode: R2200
Dr. Lawver currently focuses his research on paleogeographic reconstructions of Gondwana, the Polar Regions, East Asia, and the Western Pacific, the development of paleo-seaways and their impact on climate, and the aerogeophysics of the Arctic region. He is particularly interested in two of the remaining problems in the study of plate tectonics: understanding the timing and process of the opening of the Canada Basin of the Arctic region, and the impact of plate tectonics on long-term climate change. Lawver uses marine magnetic anomaly, heat flow, and aerogeophysical data, as well as computer graphics, to aid in understanding the break-up and evolution of the Polar Regions. He has acquired heat flow, marine magnetic, and seismic data during cruises to the Antarctic Peninsula and the Ross Sea region of Antarctica. Recent work with his colleague Marta Ghidella of the Instituto Antartico Argentino has led to a new understanding of the early break-up history of the Weddell Sea region of Antarctica. As one of the principal investigators of UTIG's PLATES project, Lawver uses the PLATES global databases as an investigative tool in carrying out his research.
Areas of Expertise
Marine geophysics, plate tectonics, magnetics, gravity, heat flow, seismic studies, paleogeographic reconstructions of Gondwana, the Polar Regions, East Asia, and the Western Pacific
Arctic Service Award - National Science Foundation (2003)
Fellow - Geological Society of America (2000)
Attended, Paleogeography, Chronos workshop, Vienna, Italy (2005)
Attended, Spring AGU meeting, New Orleans (2005)
Attended, Bering Sea IODP drilling workshop, Fairbanks, Alaska (2005)
Attended, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco (2005)
Art Grantz, Was a Jackson School of Geosciences distinguished visiting Researcher at UTIG, USGS (2005)
Invited Speakers Art Grantz and George Newton , Organized a mini-symposium, concerning UNCLOS and law of the sea as it impacts marine research. Lindsay Parsons, Jackson School of Geosciences (2005)
Member, Hybrid ROV Committee, WHOI (2004)
Attended, Workshop on the Amerasian Basin and its Margins, an NSF-supported community meeting (2004)
Attended, First Asia-Oceania Geosciences Society Annual Meeting, Singapore (2004)
Attended, 32nd International Geological Congress, Firenze, Italy (2004)
Attended, Workshop on Frontiers and Opportunities in Antarctic Geosciences, Siena, Italy (2004)
Attended, Workshop on NE Siberian Tectonics, Len Parfenov symposium, Stanford, CA (2004)
Attended, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco (2004)
Co-chief Scientist with Terry Wilson of Ohio State of NBP0401 cruise, Cruise was collecting seismic, multibeam data and dredging rocks to look at the neotectonics of the western Ross Sea. 21 January to 19 February 2004. Five graduate students and three undergraduates participated from University of Texas at Austin and at Dallas, Ohio State University, University of Michigan, Victoria University, Wellington, NZ and University of Sydney. A high school teacher from Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin participated., RVIB N.B. Palmer in the western Ross Sea and southern McMurdo Sound (2004)
Worked with Fred Davey, On marine Geology paper, IGNS, Wellington, N.Z (2004)
Member, Advisory Panel , 11,000 Hybrid ROV. Woods Hole, Ma (2004)
Attended, Structure and evolution of the Antarctic Platform, Boulder, CO, SEAP meeting (2003)
Attended, EUG/EGS/Spring AGU meeting, Nice, France (2003)
Attended, Orava Deep Drilling Project, ICDP, Zakopane, Poland (2003)
Attended, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco (2003)
Member, Arctic Icebreaker Coordinating Committee, A national committee reporting to the US Coast Guard, National Science Foundation, and UNOLS [the University National Oceanographic Laboratory System] meetings, Ship Commissioned (2003)
Invited Speaker, Antarctic Marine Geology and Geophysics new Vessel Planning workshop, Washington, D.C (2002)
Attended, Future directions for IODP, a JOI/USSAP AND NSF sponsored workshop, Florrisant, CO, Cretaceous Climate and Ocean Dynamics meeting (2002)
Attended, G-Plates Workshop, Trondheim, Norway (2002)
Attended, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco (2002)
Member, Arctic Icebreaker Coordinating Committee, A national committee reporting to the US Coast Guard, National Science Foundation, and UNOLS [the University National Oceanographic Laboratory System] meetings, Ship Commissioned (2002)
Visits to NRL, Washington D.C, To work with John Brozena and Vicki Childers, Naval Research Lab, on Eurasian Basin tectonics paper (2002)
Member, Arctic Icebreaker Coordinating Committee, A national committee reporting to the US Coast Guard, National Science Foundation, and UNOLS [the University National Oceanographic Laboratory System] meetings, Ship Commissioned (2001)
Visits to NRL, Washington D.C, To work with John Brozena and Vicki Childers, Naval Research Lab, on Eurasian Basin tectonics paper (2001)
Attended, Warm water Trials, San Juan, PR to San Juan, PR, USCGC Healy (2000)
Attended, Science Ice Trials, Nuuk, Greenland to Keflavik, Iceland, USCGC Healy (2000)
Member, Arctic Icebreaker Coordinating Committee, A national committee reporting to the US Coast Guard, National Science Foundation, and UNOLS [the University National Oceanographic Laboratory System] meetings, Avondale, LA (2000)
Member, Arctic Icebreaker Coordinating Committee, A national committee reporting to the US Coast Guard, National Science Foundation, and UNOLS [the University National Oceanographic Laboratory System] meetings, Seattle (2000)
Member, Arctic Icebreaker Coordinating Committee, A national committee reporting to the US Coast Guard, National Science Foundation, and UNOLS [the University National Oceanographic Laboratory System] meetings, Avondale, LA (1999)
Member, Arctic Icebreaker Coordinating Committee, A national committee reporting to the US Coast Guard, National Science Foundation, and UNOLS [the University National Oceanographic Laboratory System] meetings, Avondale, LA (1998)
Member, Arctic Icebreaker Coordinating Committee, Anational committee reporting to the US Coast Guard, National Science Foundation, and UNOLS [the University National Oceanographic Laboratory System] meetings, Avondale, LA (1997)
Member, Arctic Icebreaker Coordinating Committee, A national committee reporting to the US Coast Guard, National Science Foundation, and UNOLS [the University National Oceanographic Laboratory System] meetings, Avondale, LA (1997)
Member, Arctic Icebreaker Coordinating Committee, A national committee reporting to the US Coast Guard, National Science Foundation, and UNOLS [the University National Oceanographic Laboratory System] meetings, Washington, D.C (1996)
Member, AICC, Arctic Icebreaker Coordinating Committee (1995 - 2003)
Visiting Scientist, Andaman Sea/Burma seismic and magnetics investigation, Dr. J. R. Curray, Scripps Institution of Oceanography (1980)
Research Associate, Thermal history and maturation studies of sedimentary basins, Southeast Asia, MIT - tectonics of South Atlantic (1980 - 1983)
Geothermal studies project, Land heat flow in Alaska, Dr. Arthur H. Lachenbruch, UGSG (1978 - 1980)
Postgraduate Research Geophysicst V, Marine heat flow, Southeast Asia Project of IDOE, Dr. J. R. Curray and Dr. G. G. Shor, Scripps Institute of Oceanography (1976 - 1977)
Research Assistant, Marine heat flow, Prof. V. Vacquier, Scripps Institute of Oceanography (1973 - 1975)
Senior Engineering Aid, Marine heat flow, PDr. J. G. Sclater, Scripps Institute of Oceanography (1971 - 1973)
Research Assistant, Remote sensing work, Prof. Lyon, Stanford University (1970)
Research Assistant, Seismic refraction work, Dr. G. G. Shor, Scripps Institute of Oceanography (1970 - 1971)
Geophysical Field Assistant, Southwest Montana - Mining Exploration, Placer Development Company (1969)
Field Assistant, Hydrology and Geophysics, Mono Lake Area (1968)
Member, American Geophysical Union
Fellow, Geological Society of America
Member, Royal Astronomical Society
Member, SEAPEX
Research Project, PLATES Project, Industry Sponsored
Research Project, Neotectonics of the western Ross Sea Region, Antarctica, NSF Sponsored
Research Project, Sea Ice Seismometer study of Chukchi Borderland, Arctic Ocean, NSF Sponsored
Attended, A 2002 Perspective, A Joint Conference of Geoscientists and Petroleum Engineers, May 18-23, 2002. Also presented fill-in talk on the Ordovician to Present tectonic evolution of the Arctic Region., Pacific Section AAPG/Western Region SPE Conference Energy Frontiers
Steven Stevenoski , Visited UTIG and we worked on Antarctic curriculum development for high school students, Lincoln High School, Wisconsin Rapids
Keynote talk, Workshop on Bering Sea Drilling, IODP, Fairbanks, AK (2005)
Tectonics course, UT Austin, Jackson School of Geosciences, Mark Cloos coordinator, Austin, TX (2004)
Invited Lecture, First Asia-Oceania Geosciences Society Annual Meeting, Singapore (2004)
Invited Talk, 32nd International Geological Congress, Firenze, Italy (2004)
Workshop, Frontiers and Opportunities in Antarctic Geosciences, Siena, Italy (2004)
Keynote talk, Workshop on NE Siberian Tectonics, Len Parfenov symposium, Stanford, CA (2004)
Orava Deep Drilling Project, ICDP, Zakopane, Poland (2003)