Honors Program Field Trip – 3 Florida Keys – April 19-23, 2009

Snorkeling in the "Keys"
Snorkeling in the "Keys"

In the spring of 2009 Jackson School of Geosciences Honors Program students took a field trip to the Florida Keys led by Dr. Terry Quinn. The students studied the local geology and modern carbonate sedimentation around the Keys in order to understand the fundamental mechanisms of a carbonate system. The students visited a local limestone quarry, snorkeled to see modern systems in action, and took push cores to look at the depositional patterns. Each student did a small write up about a topic related to the geology of the Florida Keys. Topics ranged from spur and groove formations, calcareous green algae as carbonate producers, hydrology of the Florida Keys, Salinity variations in Florida Bay and the Florida Keys, and many more.










Honors Advisor:

Dr. William Carlson