Milliken: Finding the Upside of a Downturn

Room with a view: Milliken drilling Nankai mud on the Chikyu (with Arito Sakaguchi).

While not wanting to be dismissive of the current downturn in the oil and gas industry, Kitty L. Milliken – winner of AAPG’s Robert R. Berg Outstanding Research Award and co-recipient of the Wallace E. Pratt Memorial Award for best AAPG Bulletin article – points out that had she not been laid off during the 1980s’ oil glut, she might be applauding others for groundbreaking research benefitting the nation’s shale energy boom.

Today, Milliken works as a senior research scientist at the Bureau of Economic Geology (BEG) in Austin, Texas, and is a global authority on sedimentary petrography, the microscopic description and classification of sedimentary rocks.



AAPG Explorer, May 2015

Featuring: Kitty Milliken, senior research scientist, Bureau of Economic Geology, Jackson School of Geosciences