Hurricane Harvey’s Impact

Dear Jackson School community,

As we watch the tragedy of Hurricane Harvey unfold, I would like to offer my heart-felt sympathies and support to those caught in the path of this catastrophic storm.

This type of tragedy affects everyone. We know that we have students, faculty, researchers and alumni who have been directly impacted or who are concerned about the welfare of their loved ones in areas devastated by this unprecedented event.

As geoscientists, we are already planning a mission through our Rapid Response program to research how Harvey has impacted the coast and offshore Gulf of Mexico. This research will help determine the best ways to deal with many coastal issues in the aftermath of this storm, and how we might better prepare for such events in the future.

But at this moment, as the flooding continues and communities are still reeling, I want everyone in the Jackson School family to know that we are here to support you.

We understand that some students may not be able to attend class in the coming days because of the storm. If possible, we ask students that miss class to submit a Class Absence Notification Request. I would also like to ask instructors to be flexible and use discretion on attendance policies and assignment deadlines for the next week. As the floodwaters recede and families assess damage to their homes, it is also likely that students will need to return home to help clean up or move family members. I ask that instructors continue to work with students who may need time to do so.

Tragedies like Harvey are long-lasting. The communities that were devastated will, in some cases, take years to fully recover. This can take a heavy emotional toll on those affected. I encourage anyone who feels like they might need support to reach out to the UT Counseling and Mental Health Center.

I would also urge us all to support the relief effort in any way we can. The Red Cross is accepting donations for victims of Harvey, and UT relief efforts are being formed.

This is a difficult way to begin the new school year. But I am confident that the Jackson School family will come together and support those in need. You make me proud every day.




Sharon Mosher, Dean