Martin B. Lagoe (1951-1995)

Martin Lagoe

Martin B. Lagoe

A micropaleontologist, Lagoe worked in both research and exploration applying his knowledge in industry before joining the Department of Geological Sciences (UTDGS) in 1985.

His major focus was on foraminifera and their clues to paleoenvironments*.

He applied quantitative methods of micropaleontological interpretations focusing on both the Gulf of Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico.

Learn more about Lagoe.

Also read an article by Lillis in the AAPG Bulletin; July 1997; v. 81; no. 7; p. 1209-1210.

Globigerina sacculifer

The planktic foraminifera Globigerina sacculifer. Much enlarged, this specimen would fit in the eye of a small needle.

* JPaleont; March 1979 ; v. 53; no. 2; p. 258-262
Micropaleontology; June 1983; v. 29; no. 2; p. 202-222 
GSA Bulletin
; October 1985; v. 96; no. 10; p. 1296-1312
The Journal of Foraminiferal Research; July 1986; v. 16; no. 3; p. 232-243
PALAIOS; October 1988; v. 3; no. 5; p. 523-536
The Journal of Foraminiferal Research; July 1989; v. 19; no. 3; p. 194-209
GSA Bulletin; December 1993; v. 105; no. 12; p. 1542-1560
PALAIOS; June 1997; v. 12; no. 3; p. 249-266