Tag: bird
May 23, 2024
Birdsong and Human Voice Built from Same Genetic Blueprint
Humans have been long fascinated by bird song and the cacophony of other avian sounds — from coos and honks to quacks and peeps….
Read MoreJuly 30, 2021
Bird Brains Left Other Dinosaurs Behind
Today, being “birdbrained” means forgetting where you left your keys or wallet. But 66 million years ago, it may have meant the difference between life…
Read MoreSeptember 24, 2018
Birds Reinvent Voice Box in Novel Evolutionary Twist
Birds tote around two vocal organs inside their bodies, but only one works. New interdisciplinary research suggests that this distinctly avian anatomy arose because birds,…
Read MoreJuly 5, 2016
Fossil Shows Ostrich Relatives Lived in North America 50 Million Years Ago
Exceedingly well-preserved bird fossil specimens dating back 50 million years represent a species of a previously unknown relative of the modern-day ostrich, according to new…
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