Continuing Education for Carbon Storage
March 16, 2023
A new extension course in carbon storage is set to launch this summer.
The online course, which was developed by Gulf Coast Carbon Center (GCCC) researchers Alex Bump, Katherine Romanak and Seyyed Hosseini at the Bureau of Economic Geology, is geared toward geosciences professionals interested in the ins and outs of carbon storage. The class covers subsurface characterization, modeling, monitoring and project management, including permitting and operations.
According to Bump, the course is far from textbook. It incorporates the latest science and standards of the carbon storage industry and will be updated regularly to stay up to-date with an evolving industry.
The GCCC created the course in response to “turbocharged interest” from energy companies looking to grow the carbon storage skills of their workforce, according to Bump, who spent 20 years in petroleum reservoir exploration before making a career change to carbon storage research at the GCCC.
The course will be available to anyone through The University of Texas at Austin’s University Extension platform. Bump is available to answer questions at
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