In Recognition of Donors
October 17, 2016
We are grateful to our donors, whether it is their first or 100th time giving to the Jackson School of Geosciences (JSG). we would like to recognize all donors who have designated JSG in their estate plans, donors who are members of our giving societies and annual donors for their longstanding faithful donations. Thank you for your continued support to assure the JSG provides a superior education to budding geoscientists and continues to lead the way in transformative research.
Texas Leadership Society
The Texas Leadership Society is
composed of a distinguished group of
friends and alumni who have included
The University of Texas at Austin
in their estate plans. Estate gifts
support faculty and research, provide
scholarships and graduate fellowships,
and keep libraries, laboratories and
facilities up to date. We would like to
recognize those members who have
designated the Jackson School as
their beneficiary.
David Arctur
Vada & Walt Boyle
Barbara & Philip Braithwaite
Ina Brundrett*
Susan Cage
L. Decker Dawson
Julia & Tim Diggs
Karen & Ed Duncan
Connie & Byron Dyer
Fred Gibson
Bill Gipson
Hugh Hay-Roe
Charlene & Dean Henney
Kathleen Howard
Caroline Rose Hunt
Katie & Jack Jackson*
William Klett
Marietta & Wann Langston*
Sandra Lindquist
Cheryl & Woody Pace
Rita & Jimmie Russell
Kevin Tuerff
Anita & Charles* Weiner
Kathy & Steve Weiner
Raymond Woods*
John Wright*
Edith & Bob Zinn
Flawn Circle of Excellence
The Flawn Circle of Excellence
recognizes individuals who have given
cumulative gifts of $1 million or more.
Established in 2014, this society is
named after Peter T. Flawn, former
president of The University of Texas
at Austin, professor emeritus at
the Jackson School of Geosciences
and lifetime member of the Geology
Foundation Advisory Council.
Jan & Tom* Barrow
Vada & Walt Boyle
Barbara & Philip Braithwaite
Louise* & Decker Dawson
Karen & Ed Duncan
Jacque & Scotty* Holland
Edith & Peter O’Donnell
Rita & Jimmie Russell
Terre & Dick Stoneburner
Elizabeth & Joe* Walter
Katie Society
The Katie Society recognizes
individuals who have given cumulative
gifts of $500,000 or more. It
was established in 2014 in fond
remembrance of Katherine G. “Katie”
Jackson, beloved wife of the late
John A. Jackson. Katie was a great
philanthropist and Jack’s partner in
all things, including the creation and
naming of the Jackson School
of Geosciences.
David Arctur
Jan & Tom* Barrow
Vada & Walt Boyle
Barbara & Philip Braithwaite
Louise* & Decker Dawson
Karen & Ed Duncan
Jacque & Scotty* Holland
Edith & Peter O’Donnell
Rita & Jimmie Russell
Terre & Dick Stoneburner
Elizabeth & Joe* Walter
Cathy & Chuck Williamson
L.T. Barrow Founders Circle
The L.T. Barrow Founders Circle
recognizes friends and alumni
who have given cumulative gifts of
$100,000 or more. Named after
Leonidas T. and Laura T. Barrow,
creators of the first Geology
Foundation endowment in 1953,
Barrow Founders Circle members
honor the legacy of these two guidinspirits of geoscience education at The
University of Texas at Austin.
David Arctur
James Austin, Jr.
Jan & Tom* Barrow
Carolyn & John Bookout
Patricia Boyd
Vada & Walt Boyle
Barbara & Philip Braithwaite
Ina Brundrett*
Jimmye & Ray Burke
Susan Cage
Carlotta Chernoff
Betsy & Richard Chuchla
John Clinch
Billy Cotner
Pam & Barnes Darwin
Louise* & Decker Dawson
Caroline & Tim* Denison
Mary Anne & Bill Dingus
Sally & Ralph Duchin
Karen & Ed Duncan
Connie & Byron Dyer
Carol & Jim Farnsworth
Judy & Jim Gibbs
Bill Gipson
Cala Ferrand & Albert Haertlein
Ann & Henry Hamman
Lisa & Erik Hanson
Grace & Hugh Hay-Roe
Charlene & Dena Henney
Melinda & Jeff Hildebrand
Jacque & David S. “Scotty”* Holland, Sr.
Caroline Rose Hunt
Rosa & Tom Layman
Richard Leach
Judy & Frank Lee
Patsy & David Lehman
Sandra Lindquist
Susi & Mike Looney
Judy & Ernie Lundelius
Alicia & David Martineau
Sara & David Martineau
Marian Maxwell
Susan & Jack Mayfield
Joy & Jerry McQueen
Edith & Peter O’Donnell
Cynthia Oualline
Cheryl & Woody Pace
Jim Patterson
Madrienne Petitjean
Eleanour & Scott Petty
Carol & Jerry Pitts
Janet & Dave Rainey
Marsha & Gregg Robertson
Rita & Jimmie Russell
Maryjane & Bud Scherr
Nancy & Don Sheffield
Sandra Sigman
Russell Slayback
Fifi Stokes
Terre & Dick Stoneburner
Dorothy Sumner
Allison & Bryan Wagner
Elizabeth & Joe* Walter
Anita & Charles* Weiner
Kathy & Steve Weiner
Mike Wiley*
Mark Wilkinsoon
Cathy & Chuck Williamson
Pinar Yilmaz
Edith & Bob Zinn
Hill Society
The Hill Society honors friends and
alumni who have given $10,000 or
more over their lifetime in support
of the Jackson School. This society
is named after Robert T. Hill, the
first professor and chair of the
Department of Geology and a
founding member of the UT Mineral
Survey, which would later become the
Bureau of Economic Geology.
Doris Allday
Ellen & Gene Ames
Debbie & Jim Anderson
David Arctur
James Austin, Jr.
Carol & Rod Baker
Dan Barker*
Linda & Virgil Barnes
Louise Barnes
Donna & Ken Barrow
Jan & Tom* Barrow
Kim Bates
Annell Bay & Robert Suchecki
Dunya McCammon Bean
Reggie Beasley
Teresa & Fred Becker
Mary Poteet & Chris Bell
Tiffany & Raul Benavidez
Earl Bescher*
Ann & John Bookout, III
Caroline & John Bookout, Jr.
Judith & Douglas* Bostwick
Patricia Boyd
Vada & Walt Boyle
Barbara & Philip Braithwaite
Marcelite & David Bristol
Ann & Doug Brown
Ina Brundrett*
Thais Freda Bullard*
Jimmye & Ray Burke
Tom Burke
Denise Butler
Robert Bybee*
Sarah Bybee
Susan Cage
Corinne & Toby* Carleton
Susan & Bill Carlson
Penni* & Chuck Caughey
Emma & Edward Cazier
Donna & Michael Cervantes
Carlotta Chernoff
Betsy & Richard Chuchla
Sally & Craig Clayton
John Clinch
Peg & Mitch Cline
Carolyn & Steve Compton
Billy Cotner
Carol & Weyman Crawford
Pamela & Barnes Darwin
Louise* & Decker Dawson
Henry Dean
Marion Wier DeFord
Charles DeLancey
Bill DeMis & Mary Nelis
Caroline & Tim* Denison
Pat Dickerson
Mary Anne & Bill Dingus
Sally & Ralph Duchin
Anne & Charles Duncan
Karen & Ed Duncan
Connie & Byron Dyer
Heather Wilson & John Echols
Katherine Ellins
Karen & Paul Erickson
Anne* & Tom Fanning
Carol & Jim Farnsworth
Marilee & Bill Fisher
Priscilla* & Peter Flawn
Cherie & James Flores
Brian Flynn
Jeanine & Ray Foutch
Beatrice & Jesse Fowler
Jim Frasher
Jean & Larry Funkhouser
Julie GarvinAllison & Bruce Gates
Rebecca & Jean Paul Gestel
Judy & Jim Gibbs
Fred Gibson
Paula & Gerry Gilbert
Allen Gilmer & Riki Rushing
Bill Gipson
Rusty Goetz
Liz Gordon
Nora & Charles Gray
Marianne & Will Green
Claire & Joseph Greenberg
Lynn & Jeremy Greene
Robbie Gries
Cheryl* & Paul Gucwa
Cala Ferrand & Albert Haertlein
Jo Ann & Karl Hagemeier
Ann & Henry Hamman
Lisa & Erik Hanson
Linette & George Harwell
Grace & Hugh Hay-Roe
Charlene & Dean Henney
Juli & Peter Hennings
Melinda & Jeff Hildebrand
Carolyn & Bill Holland
Jacque & David S. “Scotty” Holland, Sr.*
Sandra & Richard Hoover
Terry Huffington & Ralph Dittman
Katherine & Gary Hummel
Caroline Rose Hunt
Mary Johns & Eric Beam
Brenda & Jonny Jones
Elizabeth Walter Keeney
Ada & Howard Kiatta
Bill Klett
Christa & Glenn Klimchuk
Dianne & Ken Kramer
Virginia & George Laguros
Lynton & Judy Land
Karen Langston
Marietta & Wann Langston*
Sandra Langston
Rosa & Tom Layman
Richard Leach
David Lear
Judy & Frank Lee
Patsy & David Lehman
Walter Light, Jr.
Sandra Lindquist
Nancy & Allen Locklin
Mary & Leon Long
Mark Longman
Susi & Mike Looney
Lillian & Howard Lowe
Judy & Ernie Lundelius
Ann & Rolf Lundelius
Linda & Mike Maler
Charles Mankin*
Ada Marshall*
Mary & Sabin Marshall
Jackie Martin
Sara & David F. Martineau
Alicia & David T. Martineau
Marian Maxwell
Melissa & Steven May
Susan & Jack Mayfield
Earle McBride
Janet & Michael McCall
Kathleen & Barry McConachie
Joy & Jerry McQueen
Jane & Robert Middleton
Marion & Harry* Miller
Martha & Herbert Mills
Steven Mills
Lauree & Jim Bob Moffett
Ann & Ian Molineux
William & Deborah Monroe
Stephanie Moore & Tim Shin
Ione & Sidney Moran
Nancy & Roy* Muehlberger
Sally & Bill Muehlberger*
Susan & Jerry Namy
Ken Neavel
Carol & Ed Nelson
Mark Nibbelink
Jim Nienaber
Edith & Peter O’Donnell
Frances* & Fred Oliver
Cynthia & Judd* Oualline
Woody Pace
Jeffrey Palmer
Marjorie* & Jim Patterson
Don Paul
Madrienne Petitjean
Eleanor & Scott Petty
Terry & Elliott Pew
Mary Anne & Bob Pickens
Elizabeth & Greg Pipkin
Carol & Jerry Pitts
Nancy & David Pustka
Stacey & Andrew Quarles
Janet & David Rainey
Louise Reeser
Coleen & Peter Regan
Cambria & Brian Reinsborough
Moonyean & William* Reynolds
Diana & Kenneth Ritmire
Katherine & Jeffrey Roberts
Marsha & Gregg Robertson
Mary & Hugh Rose
Tim Rowe
Rita & Jimmie Russell
Lynn Salvador
Maryjane & Bud Scherr
Nancy & Don Sheffield
Janet & David Shomette
Sandra Sigman
Russell Slayback
Joann & Dan Smith
Brian Smyth & Rebecca Marvil
Fifi & Bill* Stokes, Jr.
Terre & Dick Stoneburner
Celika Storm
Evan Strickland
Juanita & Michael Strickler
Donna & Paul Strunk
Dorothy Sumner
Mark Swann
Cheri & Thomas Tanton
Elizabeth Thompson
Sherry & Gary Thompson
Allyson & Scott Tinker
Debra Sue & Brian Trinque
Dennis Trombatore
James Truchard
Kevin Tuerff
Evelyn & John Tuohy*
Margie & Andy Udden
Glenn & Martha Vargas*
Zoe & Harry Vest
Allison & Bryan Wagner
Leslie & Earl Wahrmund
Suzanne & Virgil* Walston
Elizabeth & Joe* Walter
Paula & Rusty Walter
Debbie & John Watson
Anita & Charles* Weiner
Kathy & Steve Weiner
Bonnie Weise
Dianne & Les White
Sheri & Jamie White
Mike Wiley*
Mary & Addison* Wilkinson
Cathy & Chuck Williamson
Carol & Chris Wilson
Mary Lou & Mark* Wilson
Ruth & John* Wilson
Vereen & Madison Woodward
John Wright
Mary Anne & Phillip* Wyche
Cindy Ybarra
Pinar Yilmaz
Edith & Bob Zinn
Annual Donors 2015–2016
We honor the following individuals
who have generously contributed to
the Jackson School of Geosciences
(JSG) during the 2015–2016 fiscal
year. Annual contributions are
critical to JSG. As a result of annual
contributions, students participated in
field experiences, faculty conducted
research, students received
scholarships and the lights were
turned on.
Pat Abbott
Roxanne & Bill Agee
Gladstone Airewele
Lauren Adams
McKenzie Adams
Trevor Aitken
Kathleen & David Allen
Jennifer Allen
Missy & Richard Allen
Maribel Alonzo
Debra & James Anderson
Nancy & David Anderson
Speight Anderson
Sue & Leo Anderson
Rebecca & Russ Andress
Brenda Anzures
Patricia Armstrong
John Atkins
Gerald Atkinson
Jamie Austin
Sara Avant-Stanley
Sean Avitt
Dora Ayala
Deliece & Walter Ayers
Kathy & Wayne Babin
Patsy & Malcolm Bailey
Carol & Rodney Baker
Carole Baker
Marianne Baker & David Bolduc
Laura Baldwin
Cassie & Scott Bale
Lorraine Baline
Patricia & Stan Ballard
Liz Banner
Vladimir Bashkardin
Jacqueline & William Bath
Lou & Jon Bauman
Annell Bay & Robert Suchecki
Paige Becker
Teresa & Fred Becker
Sam Beckham
Mary Poteet & Chris Bell
Virginia & Jack Bell
Tiffany & Raul Benavidez
Cassandra & Hugh Bender
Mark Berlinger
Rachel Bernard
Peggy & Alan Berryhill
Manuel Berumen
Nancy Bessent
Don Bilbrey
Rosanne & Tom Bjorklund
Linda Black
Chaquette Blanks
Ann & John Bookout
Sherre Boothman
Lynn Boswell & Burton Baldridge
Kristen Botello
Samuel Boyar
Elizabeth & Robert Boyce
Patricia Boyd
Barbara & Philip Braithwaite
Susan Brand & Harry Mueller
Benjamin Breeden
Joanne Breeden
Jeanne Brennan & Jose Carballo
Laura Brenskelle
Syble & Thomas Bridge
Anne & Bud Brigham
Rosemary & Ralph Brinegar
Marcelite & David Bristol
Donna & Mark Brown
Matt Brown
Sunni Brown
Suzanne & Trey Brown
Theresa Brown
Leslie Bruce
Charlotte Bryant
Mildred & Leonard Bryant
Pat & Dale Bulla
Frances & Wade Burke
Jimmye & Ray Burke
Leon Byerley
Benjamin Byerly
Susan Cage
Dean Callender
Cathy & Thomas Campbell
Claude Campbell
Chris Campisano
Tracy & Bayani Cardenas
Elaine Carleton
Toby* & Corinne Carleton
Susan & Bill Carlson
Danielle Carpenter
Alyson Carralez
Barbara & Jack Cartwright
Susan & James Caruthers
Chuck Caughey
Emma & Edward Cazier
Natalie Cedillo
Donna & Michael Cervantes
Lin Chang
Teri & Eric Chang-Tung
Jenny Chapman
Kari Cherland & Kent Nutt
Carlotta Chernoff
Adriana & Daryl Chicken
Laurie & Scott Chodrow
Wan-Joo Choi
Melinda Chow
Marcus Chroback
Betsy & Richard Chuchla
Kerin Claeson & Sebastian Egbert
Lillie & Uel Clanton
Mike Clark
William Clarke
Sally & Craig Clayton
Miranda Clements
Peg & Mitch Cline
Michael Cloos
Ann Cochran
Karen Cochran
Caitlin Colleary
Mary Cooke
Regina & Larry Corbin
Caroline Creeden
Cecilia Creeden
Steve Crews
Katharine Criswell
Michael Cronin
Carolyn Croom & John Tate
Trammell Crow
Benee Curtis
Laura Dafov
Hunter-West A. Danque
Celia & William Darsey
Pam & Barnes Darwin
Becca Davis
Clyde Davis
Matthew Davis
Rondi & Joe Davis
Henry Dean
Luke Decker
Patricia Dees
Marcela DeFaria & Joaquin Casaubon
Bill DeMis & Mary Nelis
Pat Dickerson
Samuel Dietrich
Mary Jane & George Dill
Mary Anne & Bill Dingus
Christian Dohse Merla & Gene Doty
Patricia Downs
Stephanie Dozier
Margaret & Ryan Du Mont
Sally & Ralph Duchin
David Dufeau
Lisa & Kent Duran
Connie & Byron Dyer
Autumn & Dan Eakin
Catherine Early
Gerald Ebanks
Brent Ebel
Mary & James Eberhardt
Julie Ebersole & David Chow
Heather & John Echols
Kathryn & Carl Ehlert
Eric Ekdale
Michael Eklund
Frances Ellington
Kathy Ellins
Gretchen & Bob Ellis
Bonnie Ellwood
Kristin Elowe
Lauren English
Pamela English
Eunice & Carlton Erickson
Allison & Roger Espinosa
Nicholas Ettinger
Yolanda Evans
Anne Finch & Robert Fakundiny
Tom Fanning
Robert Fares
Vivian & Tim Ferchill
Stephen Ferencz
John Ferguson
Cala Ferrand & Al Haertlein
Joseph Fiduk
William Fitchen
Ann & Peter Flemings
D’nese & Chip Fly
Brian Flynn
Heather Flynn
Michael Fox
Helen & Jerome Frank
Jim Frasher
Susan & Paul Fredericks
Kimberly Freehauf
Steve Friedman
Patricia & Jack Frizzell
Suzanne & Gordon Galligher
Rosemary & Bill Galloway
Flor Garcia
Yolanda Garcia
Julie & Michael Garvin
Allison & Bruce Gates
Cornelia & Edward Gates
Susan & Winn Gaynor
Hongxing Ge
Beverley & Thurman Geddie
Christi & Charles Gell
Terra George
Belle & Eric German
Kay & Steve Germiat
Fred Gibson
Jenny & Ronald Gieger
Eddie Gilbert
Bill Gipson
Peter Gold
Betty Golub
Patti Gonzales
Melanie Gonzalez
Mark Gordon
Andrea & David Gorney
Mark Graebner
Kristie Graham
Jayme Grander & Colt Woody
Gary Gray
Jason Greager
Laurie & Jerry Green
Marianne & Will Green
Redge Greenberg
Celia Gregg
Emily Gregg
Vicky & Peter Gregg
Christopher Griffin
Barbara & Chip Groat
Paulette & Thomas Groves
Gregory Grubbs
Paul Gucwa
Alexa Guerrero
Patrick Gustie
Gay & Roberto Gutierrez
Davide Guzzi
Vinh Ha
Rosamond Haertlein
James Halbouty
Danna & Bryan Hale
Bill Halepeska
Evalyn & Bob Halvorsen
Ann & Henry Hamman
Lisa & Erik Hanson
Laurie & Paul Hardwick
Jennifer & Matthew Harold
Karen & David Harris
Colleen & Chris Hart
Peggy Harwood
Angele Haskin
Mary Hastings
Nancy & Tom Heathman
Melissa Heckendorn
Melinda Heidenreich
Curry Hendricks
Richard Hendricks
Barbara & Jon Herber
Ana & Gabe Hernaez
Claudia Hernandez
Julie & Franz Hiebert
Sam Hiebert
Janice Hill & John Garing
Steve Himes
Mary Hinton
Stephen Hodgkins
Matthew Hofer
Tina & Paul Hoffman
Patricia Holroyd
Debbie & Ben Hooper
Ann & John Howard
Blythe Hoyle
Karen & Leonard Huber
Terry Huffington & Ralph Dittman
David Hull
Donna Hull
Fatima & Todd Humphreys
Caroline Rose Hunt
Holly & Dan Huston
Janice & Rusty Jackson
Lance Jackson
Debra & Eric James
Grace James
Steve Janda
Raquel Janoe
Tammy Jarocki
Christopher Jass
Borden Jenkin
Shari John
Ellie & Charlie Johnson
Maica Jordan
Marilyn & Alan Joyce
Mike Jungman
Tamara Kahn
Michael Kallstrom
Ann & Paul Kemp
Suzie & Bob Kent
Nancy & Bob Kier
Jesse Kimball
Marion & John Kimberly
Tracy King
Drena & John Kingman
J. Kinsella
Kathy & David Kirchner
Maggie Klocke & Travis Kloss
Anita & Don Knight
Jan & Orion Knox
Jurgen Koch
Nancy & Rick Kolb
Jessica Kopp
Diane & Kenneth Kramer
Ellen & Charlie Kreitle Margaret Kroehler
Florence Krupnick
Debra Swart & John Kuehne
Angela McDannel & Bruce Kuyper
Misha Land
Judith Lang & Lynton Land
Kristina & James LaRue
Julie & Jonathan Lass
Linda & Robert Laudon
Jeff Lawton
Rosie & Tom Layman
Jenny Le
Christy Leath
Patricia & David Lehman
Pam & Bob Leibrock
Ann & Scott Leist
Raymond Leonard
Shannon Leonhardt
Chris Lerch
Rebecca Lewis & Chris Kirk
Zhiheng Li
Jacqueline Van Lier
Walter Light
Frances & James Liles
Adrien Lindley
Lonnie Lisenbee & Todd Francis
Joshua Lively
Nancy & Allen Locklin
Cecilia Lopez-Gamundi
Taylor Lopez-Huebner
Steve Lovell
Chang Lu
Judy & Ernie Lundelius
Ann Lyssyj
Keith Mahon
Jessie & John Maisano
Patricia & Bruno Maldonado
Katharine & Andrew Mangan
Regina Manion
Selva Marroquin
Adam Marsh
Alex Marsh
Lauren & Pascal Martin
Rowan Martindale
Linda & Matt Masters
Amanda Masterson & David Ingold
Kristina & Adrian Matthys
Colleen & Art Maxwell
Melissa & Steven May
Caleb McBride
Janet & Mike McCall
Bruce McCommons
Cynthia & Kenneth McDowell
Nicole McEnerney
Marcellus McKinley
Ana Mendoza
Glenn Merkord
Diane & Robert* Merrill
Soon & Tony Merz
Carole & Wayne Miller
Ginger & Bill Miller
Karen Miller
Heather & Larry Miller
Marilyn & Bob Miller
Mary & Greg Miller
Martha & Herbert Mills
Steve Mills
Laura & Thomas Minor
Mary Minor
Donald Miser
Sheila Mitchell
Erika Mittag
Alexander & Stephen Mizer
Laura Lee Moffett
Ann & Ian Molineux
Kathleen Monahan & Michael Mullen
Jane & Scott Monroe
Debbie & Bill Monroe
Melissa & Charles Montero
Terry Moody
James Moore
Michael Moore
Gloria & Sam Moore
Ione & Sidney Moore
Stephanie Moore & Tim Shin
Dorothy & Duane Moredock
Frank Morgan
Debbie & Frank Morrill
Shannon Morrison & Mike Lothringer
Sharon Mosher & Mark Helper
Sherri & Todd Muelhoefer
Rachel Murphy
Donna & Robert Murray
Alif Musa
MaryLynn Musgrove
Eden Myers
Kimberly Myers
Abhishek Nakarmi
Susan & Jerry Namy
Leslie Neal
Ken Neavel
Kim & Earl Nesbitt
Diane & John Newberry
Katherine Newman
Tuong Nguyen
Janet Nilsson & Arthur Busbey
Frances & Isaac Norman
Elizabeth Nunan
Cassie O’Connor
Josh Oden
Lauren & Christopher Oefinger
Ruth Oldham
Sheila & Todd Olmstead
Myron Osborne*
Olga & Armando Otal-Garza
Rebecca & Jeffrey Ouelette
Pamela Owen
Saran & Rick Paige
Dena Palermo
Robin & Jeff Palmer
Petro Papazis
Ana & James Pape
Jessica Parker
William Parker
Donna & Ben Patterson
JoAnn & Tom Patty
Anine Pedersen
Dorothy & John Percy
Madelyn Percy
Jana Peters
Terry & Elliott Pew
Barbara & Jack Phillips
Ed Picou
Evelyn & Juan Pineda
Daniel Pinkston
Carol & Jerry Pitts
Nanci & Nick Pollard
Sharelle & Stephen Poth
Linda Poyser & Mike Maler
Kim Praderas
Nancy & John Preston
Heidi Prince
Elise Proffitt
Wendi & Jimmie Proffitt
Mary & Charles Raby
Tara & Eric Radjef
Michael Rahnis
Susan & Tom Raia
Janet & Dave Rainey
Jorge Ramos
Margarita Ramos
Maria Redfearn
Joe Reese
Louise Reeser
Vickie & Scott Reeve
Coleen & Peter Regan
Elward & Bernard Reiss
Anthony Riccardi
John Richburg
Margaret & Barrett Riess
Wayne Ritcheson
Alexander Ritchie
Alex Riter
Juliet Roche
Sarah Roche
Edna Rodriguez
LaVonne & Tom Rogers
Susan Rosenbaum & Eric Schoen Eric Ross
Patsy & Rollins Roth
James Rougvie
Dawna & Peter Rowley
Adrienne & Les Ruthven
Eleanor & Cornell Saathoff
Floyd Sabins
Chris Sagebiel
Diana Salinas
Richard Sams
Raquel Sanchez
Georgia & Geoffrey Sanders
Jason Sanford
Bridget Scanlon
Jason Schein
Nina & Bill Schenck
Judith Schiebout
Karen & David Schmidt
James Schmude
Janet & Ted Schulenberg
Jennifer & Robert Schwenker
Stephanie Scollard
John Seale
Paula & Clyde Seewald
Deepthi & Naresh Setlur
Louise & Charles Sewell
Robin Shaver
Kristy Shaw
Patricia & Carlton Sheffield
Edward Shelburne
Isabel & David Shetler
Mary & Theodore Shrader
Elida Silva
Robert Single
Christine Skirius
Russ Slayback
Marriott & John Smart
Andrew Smith
Brian Smith
Chaniquah Smith
Craig Smith
Elizabeth & Michael Smith
Gary Smith
Gordon Smith
Isaac Smith
Joann & Dan Smith
Beth & Scott Spann
Pamela Speciale
Lillian Spencer
Frederick Spiegelberg
G. K. & Jim Sprinkle
Ann St. Clair & Kirk Holland
Anna Stanley
Wanda & Ted Stanzel
Todd Stephenson
Margaret & James Stevens
Michelle Stocker & Sterling Nesbitt
Teresa Stoker
Patsy Stone
Susan Stone
Terre & Dick Stoneburner
Gabrielle Strickland
Le Ann & Paul Suddath
Kellie Sullivan
Charles Taylor
Richard Tesson
Angella Thompson
Jeffrey Thompson
Sherry & Gary Thompson
Kay & Leo Tiller
Barbara Tillotson
Mary & Doug Toepperwein
Elizabeth & Mike Tomsu
Mildred & Elsworth Tonn
Chiara Tornabene
Barbara & Elliot Trester
Alberto Trevino
Dennis Trombatore & Shiela Winchester
Jonathan Trujillo
Kristen & Travis Tucek
Kevin Tuerff
Mary Jean & Ronald Tykoski
Michael Ueber
Linda & Don Urbanec
Rebecca & Jean-Paul Van Gestel
Jorge Vargas
Sonia Vera
Natasha Vitek
Sharmon & Todd Votteler
Allison & Bryan Wagner
Frank Wagner
David Wahl
Leslie & Earl Wahrmund
Betsy Walker & Calvin Parrish
Martha Wall
Rachel Wallace
Liz Walter
Carol Ward
Cristeen Ward
Michael Watkins
Orla & Nick Way
Julia & Michael Webber
Kathy & Steve Weiner
Lynn Weir
Bonnie Weise
Wendy Weiss & Bob Mace
Sarah Werning
James Westgate
Dana & William White
Dianne & Les White
Sharon & Travis White
Steve White
Lisa & Lynn Wiese
Elizabeth & Bruce Wik
Mary Wilkinson
Corliss & James Williams
Jeanene & Larry Williams
Ricky Williams
Timothy Williams
Cathy & Chuck Williamson
Carol & Chris Wilson
Clayton Wilson
Gail & Feather Wilson
Sissel Wilson
Alisa & Dale Winkler
William Woods
Vereen & Madison Woodward
Gail & Danny Worrell
Kimberly & David Worthington
Kaila Wyllys & Hugh Winkler
Joan Yaffe & Robert Baumgardner
Pinar Yilmaz
Nancy York
Carol & Richard Young
Eleanor & Steven Young
Linda & William Young
Xiaoying Yu
Cathy & Douglas Zarker
Gifts of Books and Materials
to the Walter Geology Library
American Geosciences Institute
Chris Bell
Bill Carlson
Doug Johnson
Jon Kalb
Earle McBride
Fred McDowell
Kitty Milliken
Rob Reed
Jack Sharp
Jim Sprinkle
Chris Swezey
E. B. Thompson
Associations, Corporations
and Foundations
Abraxas Petroleum Corporation
American Association of Petroleum
Geologists Foundation
Anadarko Petroleum Corporation ANKOR E&P Holdings Corporation
Apache Corporation
Austin Community Foundation
BHP Billiton Limited
BHP Billiton Petroleum (Americas) Inc.
BP Corporation North America Inc.
BP Foundation Inc.
Bybee Foundation
Carleton Gotlin Law
Chevron Corporation
ChevronTexaco Products Company
Cimarex Energy Company
Communities Foundation of Texas
ConocoPhillips Company
Core Laboratories
Cullen/Frost Bankers Inc.
Earth Day Texas, Inc.
Ernst & Young LLP
Evolving Earth Foundation
ExxonMobil Corporation
ExxonMobil Foundation
Foundation Energy Management LLC
Freeport Oil Company Ltd.
GDL Foundation
Geologic Mapping Inc.
Haddington Ventures
George & Mary Josephine
Hamman Foundation
Hess Corporation
High Plains Exploration Company
Baker Hughes Foundation
Hunt Oil Company
KDK-Harman Foundation
Kinder Morgan Inc.
Legacy Reserves Operating LP
Lyford Clay Foundation
Macquarie Group Foundation
Marathon Oil Company Foundation
McKinsey & Company Inc.
Memorial Production Operating LLC
Memorial Resource
Development Corporation
The Cynthia &
George Mitchell Foundation
Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation
MUD Geochemical Inc.
Newfield Exploration Company
Oncor Electric Delivery
Paleo Environmental Associates, Inc.
Parsley Resources Inc.
Paul Weiss Rifkind Wharton & Garrison
Pharmachem Acquisition Company Ltd.
Rayonier Advanced Materials
R & T Robertson Foundation
Rosewood Foundation
Roxanna Oil Company
Sams Exploration Inc.
SEG Foundation
Shell Oil Company
Shell Oil Company Foundation
Silicon Laboratories Inc.
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Solutient Geosciences Inc.
Southern Company
Southwestern Energy Company
Strata Geological Services Inc.
Thunder Exploration, Inc.
Toyota Motor North America Inc.
The Trull Foundation
Venada Oil & Gas LLP
The G. Unger Vetlesen Foundation
Wagner Oil Compan