2010-2011 Dean’s Desk

Welcome to the Dean’s Desk, which celebrates accomplishments of members of the Jackson School community. With this many honors, there is always a risk of overlooking some. Please accept the editors’ apologies and send along any omitted material, which we will place on the Web site. You can send information to J.B. Bird in the Dean’s Office. Enjoy reading about these distinctions and keep them coming.

Recipient Award Division/Organization
William Ambrose Wallace E. Pratt Memorial Award AAPG
Florence Bonnaffe Wallace E. Pratt Memorial Award AAPG
L. Frank Brown Jr. Wallace E. Pratt Memorial Award AAPG
Gail Christeson 2010-2011 Distinguished Lectureship Consortium for Ocean Leadership
Peter Eichhubl Most Cited Paper 2006-2010 Journal of Structural Geology
Sergey Fomel Two of the Top 30 Presentations, SEG Annual Meeting SEG
Sergey Fomel Conrad Schlumberger Award European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers
FRAC FRAC paper in Top-50 most cited articles Tectonophysics
FRAC Three FRAC papers in Top 25 Articles ScienceDirect
GCCC Frio Project CSLF Recognition Award Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum
Ursula Hammes A. I. Levorsen Best Paper Award (co-author) Gulf Coast Section, GCSSEPM/GCAGS Annual Meeting
Tucker Hentz Wallace E. Pratt Memorial Award AAPG
Tucker Hentz Third Place, Gordon I. Atwater Best Poster Award GCAGS
Jack Holt Among 100 Top Stories of 2010 Discover Magazine
Farzam Javadpour Outstanding Service Award as Associate Editor SPE-JCPT, Society of Petroleum Engineers
Rich Ketcham Among 50 Most Cited Articles 2005-2010 Journal of Structural Geology
Steve Laubach Among 50 Most Cited Articles 2006-2010 Tectonophysics
Steve Laubach 38th Most Cited Article of All Time International Journal of Coal Geology
Jung-Fu “Afu” Lin CAREER Award NSF
Robert Loucks Wallace E. Pratt Memorial Award AAPG
Robert Loucks A. I. Levorsen Best Paper Award (co-author) Gulf Coast Section, GCSSEPM/GCAGS Annual Meeting
Paul Mann Among 100 Top Stories of 2010 Discover Magazine
David Mohrig Outstanding Paper Journal of Sedimentary Research
William Muehlberger Marcus Milling Legendary Geoscientist Medal AGI
Suzanne Pierce Fulbright NEXUS Scholar Fulbright Program
Eric Potter Wallace E. Pratt Memorial Award AAPG
Rob Reed A. I. Levorsen Best Paper Award (co-author) Gulf Coast Section, GCSSEPM/GCAGS Annual Meeting
Stephen Ruppel Third Place, Gordon I. Atwater Best Poster Award GCAGS
Stephen Ruppel A. I. Levorsen Best Paper Award (co-author) Gulf Coast Section, GCSSEPM/GCAGS Annual Meeting
Eleanour Snow Second Place Paper, 2010 GCAGS Meeting, Oct 2010 GCAGS
Ronald Steel Grover E. Murray Distinguished Educator Award AAPG
Fred Wang Wallace E. Pratt Memorial Award AAPG
Lesli Wood Third Place, Thomas A. Philpot Excellence of Presentation Award (co-author) Gulf Coast Section, GCSSEPM/GCAGS Annual Meeting
Chris Zahm Faculty Advisor to first place Imperial Barrel competition winners Gulf Coast Section, AAPG

Recipient Award Division/Organization
Jay Banner Friar Centennial Teaching Fellowship Friar Society
Jay Banner Member Academy of Distinguished Teachers
Chris Bell Outstanding Educator Award JSG
Daniel Breecker LIFT Award UT Research & Educational Technology Committee
Daniel Breecker G. Moses and Carolyn G. Knebel Distinguished Teaching Award (Graduate) JSG
William Carlson G. Moses and Carolyn G. Knebel Distinguished Teaching Award (Undergrad) JSG
William Carlson Outstanding Teaching Award UT Board of Regents
Elizabeth Catlos Texas Exes Teaching Award Texas Exes
Ian Duncan Outstanding Service Award BEG
Philip Guerrero Outstanding Service Award JSG
Richard Ketcham G. Moses and Carolyn G. Knebel Distinguished Teaching Award (Intro Geology) JSG
David Mohrig G. Moses and Carolyn G. Knebel Distinguished Teaching Award (Graduate) JSG
Lorena Moscardelli 2010 Publication of the Year (co-author) BEG
Eleanor Picard Staff Excellence Award JSG
Suzanne Pierce LIFT Award UT Research & Educational Technology Committee
Doug Ratcliff Walter Excellence Award JSG
STARR (William Ambrose and Ursula Hammes) Outstanding Research Award JSG
Michael Webber Dads’ Association Centennial Teaching Fellowship UT Board of Regents
Lesli Wood 2010 Publication of the Year (co-author) BEG

Recipient Position
Bayani Cardenas Associate Professor
James Gardner Professor
Xavier Janson Research Scientist
Tip Meckel Research Scientist
David Mohrig Professor
Seay Nance Research Associate
Jeffrey Paine Senior Research Scientist
Eleanour Snow Associate Director of Outreach
Michael Young Senior Research Scientist

Name Position Division/Organization
Michelle Foss Member, Technical Advisory Council Natural Resource Charter
Sean Gulick Co-Chief Scientist, IODP Leg 341 IODP
Sean Gulick Co-Chief Scientist, IODP Chixculub Experiment IODP
Bob Hardage President Elect SEG
Steve Laubach Elected Editor and Member Executive Committee AAPG
Scott Tinker President Elect GCAGS
Lesli Wood Sec. of Energy Ultra-deepwater Advisory Council DOE

Student Award Division/Organization
Paola Arias Best Student Poster Award AGU
Kenny Befus Jack Kleinman Award for Volcano Research USGS
Kenneth Befus Petrography Contest (Grad 2nd) JSG
Ashley Bens First Place, Imperial Barrel Award AAPG
Rocio Bernal-Olaya Third Place, Student Poster Competition AAPG
William Burnett Tech Sessions Best Speaker (PhD) JSG
Meredith Bush Thelma Lynn Guion Library Staff JSG
Henry Campos First Place, Student Poster Competition AAPG
Edward “Ted” Cross Estwing Hammer JSG
Katherine Delbecq Outstanding TA JSG
Michael Fairbanks First Place, Imperial Barrel Award AAPG
Anjali Fernandes Best Student Oral Presentation AAPG
Justin Fitch First Place, Imperial Barrel Award AAPG
Meaghan Gorman Tech Sessions Best Speaker (MS) JSG
Lisa Helper GSEC Student Service JSG
Jamie Levine Petrography Contest (Grad 1st) JSG
Vishal Maharaj Third Place, Thomas A. Philpot Excellence of Presentation Award GCAGS
Vishal Maharaj ExxonMobil Geoscience Award Exxon Mobil
Kristine McAndrews Second Place, Student Paper Competition, SPE HSSE Conference SPE
Tyson McKinney Summer 2011 Program Yellowstone National Park
Erin Miller First Place, Imperial Barrel Award AAPG
Jennifer Olori Romer Prize SVP
Brandon Okafor Student Employee of the Year UT Austin
Wendy Robertson Outstanding TA JSG
Jillian Rowley Petrography Contest (UG 1st) JSG
Eugenio “Jay” Santillan Outstanding Student Paper Award AGU
Audrey Sawyer Outstanding Student Presentation, ASLO Summer Meeting American Society of Limnology and Oceanography
Julia Schneider Outstanding Student Paper Award, AGU Fall Meeting Mineral and Rock Physics Section, AGU
Tim Shin Petrography Contest (UG 2nd) JSG
Ben Siks First Place, Imperial Barrel Award AAPG
John Singleton Outstanding TA JSG
Calla Smith-Dowling Thelma Lynn Guion Library Staff JSG
Yanadet Sripanich The American Mineralogist Undergraduate Award Mineralogy Society of America
Michelle Stocker Outstanding TA JSG
Kongrath Suwannasri Second Place Geophysics Poster- AAPG Student Expo AAPG and SEG
Dolores van der Kolk Top Ten Poster Presentations, AAPG International Conference & Exhibition, Calgary AAPG
Dolores van der Kolk HGS Outstanding Student Houston Geological Society
Kurtus Woolf 2nd Place, Student Poster Competition AAPG
Yao You Best Poster, SIAM Conference on Mathematics & Computational Issues in the Geosciences SIAM
Yao You Best Presentation, AGU Fall Meeting AGU

These students earned external grants and those that applied also received matching funds from the Jackson School to complement their external grants. If this list is incomplete, please email additions. Thanks.

Student Award External Agency
Eric Anderson Grants-in-Aid AAPG
Kevin Befus GSA Student Research Grant GSA
Curtis Bixler GSA Graduate Student Research Grant GSA
Darrin Burton Off campus research grant JSG
Kuldeep Chaudhary ExxonMobil Grant ExxonMobil
Edward “Ted” Cross HGS Scholarship Houston Geological Society
Joshua Dixon Fred A. and Jean C. Dix Grant AAPG
Joshua Dixon The Conoco Phillips Annual Fellowship Conoco Phillips
Anne Dunkel NSF Graduate Research Fellowship NSF
Anjali Fernandes Weimer Research Grant SEPM
Anjali Fernandes Grants-in-Aid AAPG
Parker Foy AGS Scholarship Austin Geological Society
Emily Graham SEG Foundation Scholarship SEG
Eric Kelly Glen and Martha Vargas Endowed Presidential Scholarship JSG
Ethan Lake Graduate Research Grant GSA
Ethan Lake Ogden Tweto Memorial Grant Colorado Scientific Society
Vishal Maharaj ConocoPhillips SPIRIT Scholar (2010) ConocoPhillips
Vishal Maharaj AAPG Grants-in-Aid William Dow Hamm Memorial Grant AAPG
Vishal Maharaj ExxonMobil Research Fellowship ExxonMobil
Vishal Maharaj Research Fellowship GCSSEPM
Vishal Maharaj 2010 Chevron Fellowship Chevron Energy Technology Company
Vishal Maharaj 2011 Ed Picou Fellowship Grant Gulf Coast Society SEPM
Damian Markez University Endowed Graduate Fellowship JSG
Kylara Martin CETC Scholarship Chevron Energy Technology Company
Lindsay Olinde SED ERG Fellowship Conoco Phillips
Lindsay Olinde Grants-in-Aid AAPG
Ashley Payne NSF Graduate Research Fellowship NSF
Nick Perez NSF Graduate Research Fellowship NSF
Grant Petersen AGS Field Camp Scholorship JSG
Stefan Punnette BG Fellowship BG
Wendy Robertson GSA Student Research Grant GSA
John Shaw Deford Field Scholarship UT Off Campus Research Funding
John Shaw SEPM Student Research Grant Society for Sedimenary Geology
Tim Shin Undergraduate Research Fellowship UT VP of Research and JSG Match
Delores van der Kolk Kenneth H. Crandall Memorial Grant AAPG
Kurtus Woolf Grants-in-Aid AAPG
Peter Zamora Student Research Grant GSA