Drought Symposium

Upcoming Forum:

A symposium is in the early planning stages for April 2016. For additional information please contact Jessica Smith.


Past Forum:

Water Forum III: Drought Symposium, October 14-15, 2013

Download the agenda (PDF)

Download the abstracts (PDF)

CIESS hosted the third annual drought symposium, Water Forum III: Droughts and Other Extreme Weather Events, on October 14–15, 2013 with a focus on the latest research and provided a forum for discussion of trends, problems and future directions.

The themes included, but were not limited to, impacts and mitigation, observations and monitoring, modeling and prediction, decision support systems, and causes and mechanisms.

For additional information on this and future drought symposiums, please contact: Jessica Smith, CIESS Program Coordinator

October Presentation Highlights:


Banner_Coordinating Texas Water Research

BingPu_Spatial Variability

Brown_Drought In Texas

Caldwell_Soil Moisture

Cedric David_Texas Water Forum

DremaGross_It Takes A Village

Eckhart_UT Water Drought Forum_Oct 2013

ErhuDu_Real Time Guadalupe River Basin

Julian_Land Cover Effects

KanarekCardenas_Bastrop Complex Fire

Kevin_Kloesel_UT WATER 2013


LiHuang_Leaf Area Index

Lin_Case Study Lake Buchanan


Minsker_Real Time


Reid_GIS Hydrodynamic


Srinivasan_Hydrology From Space

Tavakoly_GIS Based Modeling

TongRen_Role of Mexican Plateau

Zhao_Real-time Water Decision Support Services


Current Information on the Texas Drought can be found at Texas Drought and Resources Updates: http://www.texasdroughtinfo.org/


Previous Forums:

Water Forum: Texas Drought 2012

October 22-23, 2012

CIESS hosts a series of Water Forums to share the latest water research and provide a forum for discussion of trends, problems and future directions. Presentation highlights from the most recent forum participants are shown below with contact information included in the file. For additional information contact: Jessica Smith, CIESS Program Coordinator

Final Agenda: TexasWaterForum_Drought_final

October Presentation Highlights:

Yang: Developing a High-Resolution Texas Water and Climate Prediction Model

Maidment: Drought Technology for Texas

Nielsen-Gammon: Anatomy of an Extreme Event

Dickinson: Recent NRC/BASC Reports – Their Relevance for Management of Water Resources

Fu, Dickinson: Evaluating Climate Projection for Drought and Extreme Surface Temperatures over South-Central US

Wells: Satellite Monitoring of Changing Vegetation Conditions in 2011 and 2012

Tapley: Texas Water Storage Observed by GRACE

Caldwell: Ground-based measurements of soil water storage in Texas

Hinz: Drought and Public Water Systems

Ek: Application of NCEP Land Data Assimilation Systems (LDAS) for Global and Regional Drought Analysis, Monitoring and Seasonal Prediction: Focus on Texas

Mo: The 2011-2012 Texas Drought

Casteel: Reconstructing Past Droughts in Texas

Jones: Cloud-Based Water Level Mapping Utility

Jones: MODFLOW Simulations on the Cloud

Dai: An Imminent Transition to Drier Conditions in the United States?

Brown: 2011 The New Drought of Record

Alexander: TCEQ Drought Update

Mohanty: Improving Multi-Scale Root Zone Soil Water Process Representation in Land Surface Models

Anderson: The Economic Impact of Drought and Mitigation in Agriculture

Raabe: Instream Flows in the San Antonio River Basin: From Science to Environmental Flow Standards

Su: Soil-moisture precipitation feedback in the April 2011 drought in the Southern Great Plains

Zhao: Real-Time Water Decision Support System

Murphy: Seawater Desalination as a Tool for Drought Management and Economic Growth

Scanlon: “Increasing Resilience of Power Generation to Water Shortages during Drought”
PDF is unavailable at this time.



Water Forum: Texas Drought 2012, are we prepared?
When: Monday, February 13, 2012. 8am – 5pm.

Description: This forum will gather scientists and stakeholders to explore the various dimensions of 1) How much water do we have? 2) How much are we using? and 3) How much do we need? We ask that each Texas institution be represented by one speaker who will summarize the challenges it faces against a potential 2012 drought in a 15-minute talk during the morning session.  Faculty members and scientists of the University of Texas will present their work in the afternoon session, focusing on their ability to observe and model Texas water resources on a day by day basis and on how they can support management in the state if the drought continues in 2012.


  • 7:30 – 8:00     Registration (all).  Upload presentations on computer before 8:00 (speakers). Coffee available for purchase from Starbucks on the first floor

Morning Session Challenges Related to Texas Droughts 8:00AM–12:00PM

Part 1 – Chaired by David Maidment

Part 2 – Chaired by Cédric David

Lunch (complimentary) 12:00PM–1:00PM

Afternoon Session Hydrology and Discussion 1:00PM–5:00PM

Hydrology Chaired by Zong-Liang Yang

Discussion Chaired by David Maidment

  • 4:00 – 5:00      Discussion


Texas Stream Flow Animation

Texas Stream Flow AnimationClick here for an animation showing stream flow in the Texas Gulf Coast Hydrologic Region, USA, over four months (between 2004-03-01 and 2004-06-30). The animation was produced using RAPID (Routing Application for Parallel computation of Discharge), a river routing model developed by Cedric David as part of his Ph.D. research. Given surface and groundwater inflow to rivers, this model can compute flow and volume of water everywhere in river networks made out of many thousands of reaches. The design of RAPID allows it to be adapted to any river network, if given basic connectivity information.


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