Speaker Series

Fall 2015 Schedule

October 19, Nick Z. Fang, Ph.D., P.E., Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department, The University of Texas at Arlington, “A Parametric Model – Dynamic Moving Storm (DMS) Builder and Its Applications in Flood Vulnerability Assessment” Monday, October 19, 2015, 3PM – 4PM, Barrow Conference Room, JGB 4.102 http://fang.uta.edu


Spring 2015 schedule:

June 5, Dr. Liming Zhou, SUNY Albany
“Assessing Possible Climatic Impacts of Large Wind Farms in Texas Using Satellite Data”
Friday, June 5, 11:00am, CLA 1.102 http://www.atmos.albany.edu/facstaff/zhou/lzhou.html

May 21, Dr. Nir Krakauer, Assistant Professor, City University of New York, “Groundwater in the Earth System: Emerging Perspectives,” CIESS: Location CLA 0.120 12:00-1:00pm http://www-ce.ccny.cuny.edu/nir

April 16, Dr. Joshua Fisher, Climate Scientist, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, ““The fate of the terrestrial biosphere under a changing climate,” CIESS: Location: JGB 4.102 Barrow Conference Room, 10:00am-11:00am http://josh.yosh.org

February 20, Dr. Alex Hall, Professor, UCLA, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences and  Faculty Director, UCLA Center for Climate Change Solutions, “Improving the Credibility of Regional Climate Change Projections,” CIESS/Climate Forum: Location: JGB 4.102 Barrow Conference Room, 1:30-2:30pm http://web.atmos.ucla.edu/csrl/res.html


Spring 2014 schedule:

March 3, Dr. Lianhong Gu, Sr. Staff Scientist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, “Some Scientific and technological challenges in biogeosciences,” CIESS/Climate Forum: Location: JGB 4.102 Barrow Conference Room, 3:00-4:00pm

March 20, Dr. Dennis Hartmann, Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington, Cuyler Lectureship Series, Department of Geological Sciences, “How much will the climate warm? The role of clouds in global and regional climate sensitivity,” Location: JGB 2.324 Boyd Auditorium, 4:00-5:00pm (DGS Tech Sessions)


March 21, Dr. Dennis Hartmann, Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington, “Recent Trends in Climate: Radiation, Clouds, Sea Ice and Temperature,” CIESS, Location: JGB 4.102 Barrow Conference Room, 3:00-4:00pm

April 8, Dr. Alan Betts, Atmospheric Research, Pittsford, Vermont, “The coupling between clouds, land-use, precipitation, and snow cover and the climate of the Canadian Prairies,” CIESS/Climate Forum: Location: JGB 4.102 Barrow Conference Room, 2:30-3:30pm

April 15, Dr. Renyi Zhang, Atmospheric Sciences & Chemistry, Texas A&M University, “Formation and Regional and Global Impacts of Haze Pollution in China,” CIESS: Location: JGB 4.102 Barrow Conference Room, 3:00-4:00pm

May 22, Dr. Song Yang, Associate Dean, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University, China, “Predictability and Prediction of the Asian and Indo-Pacific Climate,” CIESS, Location, JGB 4.102 Barrow Conference Room, 3:00-5:00pm


Fall 2013 schedule:
Dec 3, Dr. Thanos Papanicolaou, Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Iowa,  “Toward Sustainability: Bringing Biogeochemistry, Ecology, Economics and Ethics Together,” CIESS/EWRE (Environmental and Water Resources Engineering) Joint Lecture, Location: POB 2.302, 3:30-4:30pm


Nov 18, Dr. Ron Prinn, Director of the MIT Center for Global Change Science, Professor of Atmospheric Science, MIT, “Integrated Global System Models: New Tools for Environmentally and Economically Beneficial Development of Energy, Food and Water Resources,”  CIESS Location: JGB 4.102, 3:00pm


Oct 24, Dr. Aaron Packman, Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northwestern University, “Rivergroundwater interactions: Problems, processes, and predictions,” CIESS/EWRE (Environmental and Water Resources Engineering) Location: Avaya Auditorium POB 2.302, 3:30-4:30pm


Sept 30, Dr. Adam Schlosser, Principal Research Scientist, MIT Center for Global Change Science, MIT, “Assessing the Future of the World’s Water Resources: An Integrated Assessment Model Approach,” CIESS/DGS Climate Forum Location: JGB 4.102, 3:00pm


Sept 16, Dr. Chien Wang, Senior Research Scientist, MIT, “Anthropogenic Aerosols and Tropical Precipitation”, CIESS/DGS Climate Forum Location: JGB 4.102, 3:00pm


Past Speakers:

Monday April 29, Jay Famiglietti, Professor, University of California Irvine, “A Strategy for Accelerating the Development of Hydrological Models: Societal Needs, Observational Requirements and Public Communication” Location: JGB 2.218


Thursday, April 25, Dorothy Hall, Scientist, NASA, “Satellite Snow and Ice Products for Studies of the Changing Cryosphere,” Time and Location: 4:00pm, JGB 4.102


Monday April 22, David Lawrence, Scientist, NCAR Earth System Laboratory, “Projections and Implications of 21st Century Permafrost Thaw” Location: JGB 2.218

Thursday, April 18, Tom Bogdan, President, UCAR, “A Conversation with Tom Bogdan,” Location: JGB 4.102 Barrow Conference Room, 10:00am

Monday April 8, Soroosh Sorooshian, Professor, University of California Irvine, “Current state of hydrologic modeling and challenges in forecasting floods and predicting droughts and extreme events” Location: ACE 2.302 Avaya Auditorium


Monday March 25, Dennis Lettenmaier, Professor, University of Washington, ” Climate Change and the Water Resources of the Western US”: Location: JGB 4.102 Barrow



Monday February 25, Eric Wood, Professor, Princeton University,

“Towards a global drought monitoring, forecasting and projection capability”

Dr. Inez Fung, University of California at Berkeley

“CO2- Weather Data Assimilation”

Friday, November 9, 2012

12:00pm, JGB 4.102 Barrow

Dr. Michael Mann, Penn State University



“The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars: Dispatches from the Front Lines”
Monday, October 1, 4:00pm
ACE 2.302 Avaya Auditorium
Reception will follow

Dr. Robert Dickinson, DGS Climate Research Group
“A National Strategy for Advancing Climate Modeling –   a briefing on the 9/7/12 NRC report.”

PDF of the prepublication version of the report:
