Associate Professor Elizabeth Catlos teaches Earth Materials, one of the few in-person classes this fall. Zip-tied seats help maintain social distance. Credit: Jackson School.
Jackson School leaders shared "mask selfies" For UT's "Protect Texas Together" Campaign. LEFT to RIGHT: Claudia Mora, Scott Tinker, Demian Saffer. Credit: Mora, Tinker, Saffer.
LEFT: Geosciences student April Deleon attending an Earth Materials class. RIGHT: Associate Professor Daniel Breecker under studio lights while live streaming a lecture. Credit: Jackson School.
LEFT: Research Scientist and Lab Manager Priyanka Periwal at work in the Scanning Electron Microscope Lab at the Bureau of Economic Geology. RIGHT: Department Chair Charles Kerans (in white hat) opted for an outdoor classroom for his class on carbonate and evaporite depositional systems. Credit: Jackson School.