The BEG collection:
This collection includes a variety of specimens from all geological ages, almost exclusively from Texas. It is the result of collections made during the geologic mapping of the state by the Bureau of Economic Geology (BEG). The collection is arranged stratigraphically by county. Many of the Paleozoic collections of Frederick B. Plummer and R. H. King are included. The combined BEG catalogs include about 60,000 lots.
The Adkins collection:
This collection includes a wide range of specimens from the research of Walter S. Adkins and his students as well as material acquired from other sources. The collection was catalogued by Keith Young and includes about 20,000 lots.
The UT collection:
A wide ranging collection is largely the product of research within the Department of Geological Sciences. Many of the specimens collected by Francis L. Whitney and his students are included here. The Engerrand-Chantegrain and the Singley-Askew collections are catalogued under UT numbers. The collection of more than 50,000 lots was catalogued by Keith Young.
The TNSC collection:
This collection includes specimens collected by the research staff at the Texas Natural Science Center. There is an extensive Paleozoic plant and arthropod collection stemming from the work of Christopher J. Durden. New type material described by members of the Jackson School (JSG) is housed in this collection. Many new Paleozoic species have been added by James T. Sprinkle and his students.