2017 | 2015 | 2013 | 2011 | 2009 | 2007 | 2005 | 2003 | 2000 and older | See topical list
Notable papers list | Selected outcrop & core studies list
2024 Selected Publications
Forstner, S.R., Corrêa, R., Wang, Q., Laubach, S.E., 2024. Fracture length data for geothermal applications. In Gill, C.E., Goffey, G., Underhill, J.R., eds., Powering the Energy Transition through Subsurface Collaboration, Geological Society of London, Energy Geoscience Conference Series, v. 1, Published online open access 2024 | view at publisher
Laubach, S.E., 2024. Predicting fracture porosity evolution in sandstone. Final Report, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Grant No. DE-FG02-03ER15430, Project Period: 03/01/2019 – 02/28/2022, DOE-UTA-15430,, 14 p. | view at publisher
Shakiba, M., Lake, L.W., Gale, J.F.W., Laubach, S.E., Pyrcz, M.J., 2024. Stochastic reconstruction of fracture network pattern using spatial point processes. Geoenergy Science & Engineering 236, 212741. | view at publisher
Eppes, M.C., Rinehart, A., Aldred, J., Berberich, S., Dahlquist, M.P., Evans, S.G., Keanini, R., Laubach, S.E., Moser, F., Morovati, M., Porson, S., Rasmussen, M., Shaanan, U., 2024. Introducing standardized field methods for fracture-focused surface processes research. Earth Surface Dynamics 12, 35-66. | view at publisher
Corrêa, R., Carvalho, B., Ukar, E., Laubach, S.E., Pestilhoc, A., Fall, A., Larson, T., Stockli, D., Stockli, L., Luders, V., Niedermann, S., Bankse, D.A., 2024. Brittle deformation and hydrothermal alteration in the Barra Velha Formation, Santos Basin, offshore Brazil. AAPG Bulletin | view at publisher
Ukar, E., Fall, A., Laubach, S.E., Ketcham, R., 2024. Rapid crack-seal growth of Faden quartz. Journal of Structural Geology | view at publisher
Lander, R.H., Cook, J.E., Guilkey, J., Kerimov, A., Bonnell, L.M., Goodwin, L.B., 2024. Digital rock advances from an material point method approach for simulation of frame moduli and a sedimentary petrology inspired method for creation of synthetic samples through simulation of deposition and diagenesis. Geophysics 89 (1), 1-85. | view at publisher
2023 Selected Publications
The role of chemistry in fracture pattern development and opportunities to advance interpretations of geological materials. Reviews of Geophysics | view
Scale-dependent fracture networks. Journal of Structural Geology | view
Ultra-deep basin brittle deformation
Laubach, S.E., Zeng, L., Hooker, J.N., Wang, Q., Zhang, R.H., Wang., J., Ren, B., 2023. Deep and ultra-deep basin brittle deformation with focus on China. Journal of Structural Geology 175, 104938 | view at publisher
Fracture patterns & spatial arrangement
Gale, J. F. W., Elliott, S. J., Rysak, B.G., & Laubach, S.E., 2023. The critical role of core in understanding hydraulic fracturing. In Neal, A., Ashton, M., Williams, L.S., Dee, S.J., Dodd, T.J.H., & Marshall, J.D., Eds. Core Values: The Role of Core in Twenty-first Century Reservoir Characterization, Geological Society, London, Special Publications 527, 317-332. | view at publisher
Hooker, J.N., Katz, R.F., Laubach, S.E., Cartwright, J., Eichhubl, P., Ukar, E., Bloomfield, D., Engelder, T., 2023. Fracture-pattern growth in the deep, chemically reactive subsurface. Journal of Structural Geology 173, 104915 | view at publisher
No. 1 in downloads in last 90 days, September 2023
Wang, Q., Narr, W., Laubach, S.E., 2023. Quantitative characterization of fracture spatial arrangement and intensity in a reservoir anticline using horizontal wellbore image logs and an outcrop analog. Marine & Petroleum Geology 152, 106238. | view at publisher
Shakiba, M., Lake, L.W., Gale, J.F.W., Laubach, S.E., Pyrcz, M.J., 2023. Multiscale spatial analysis of fracture nodes in two dimensions. Marine & Petroleum Geology 149, 106093. | view at publisher
Shakiba, M., Lake, L.W., Gale, J.F.W., Pyrcz, M.J., 2023. Characterization of spatial relationships between fractures from different sets using K-function analysis. AAPG Bulletin 107(7), 1169-1189. doi:10.1306/11062222008 | view at publisher
Shakiba, M., Lake, L.W., Gale, J.F.W., Laubach, S.E., Pyrcz, M.J., 2023. Stochastic reconstruction of fracture network pattern using spatial point processes, Geoenergy Science & Engineering | view at publisher
Hooker, J., Marrett, R., Wang., Q., 2023. Rigorizing the use of the coefficient of variation to diagnose fracture periodicity and clustering. Journal of Structural Geology 168, 104830 | view at publisher
No. 1 in downloads in last 90 days, August 2023
Wu, J., Wang, Q., Cheng, X., Cheng, F., Yu, X., Zhang, C., Shen, X. & Guo, Z., 2023. Formation of multi-stage and clustered fractures at 3.6–4.9 km in the Shizigou structure, SW Qaidam basin. Journal of Structural Geology, 104845. | view at publisher
Wang, J., Yang, X., Zhang, J., Wang, K., Zhang, R., Wang, Q., Ren, B., Ukar, E., 2023. Subsurface fracture characterization in a folded ultra-deep tight-gas sandstone reservoir: A case study from the Keshen gas field, Tarim Basin, China. Journal of Structural Geology 172, 104867 | view at publisher
Afroogh, A., Rahimi, B., Moussavi-Harami, R., Seraj, M., Wang, Q., Hooker, J.N., 2023. Opening-mode fracture clustering: Integrating subsurface and outcrop analogues, Asmari Formation, SW Iran. Journal of Structural Geology 176, 104962 | view at publisher
Lee, B.T., Olson, J.E., 2023. Natural fracture pattern development using 3D coupled numerical model: mechanics and diagenesis. ARMA US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, ARMA 2023-0805 | view at publisher
Size, petrology, & engineering
Wang, Q., Gale, J.F.W., 2023. Aperture size distribution, length, and preferential location of bed-parallel veins in shale. Journal of Structural Geology 177, 104984. | view at publisher
Kyle, J.R., Quintero, T.R., Ukar, E., Miller, N.R., Elliott, S.J. & Colbert, M., 2023. Dolomite cement microstratigraphy: A record of brine evolution and ore precipitation mechanisms, upper Knox Group, Tennessee and Kentucky, USA. Geology 51(4), 392-396. | view at publisher
Wang, J., Olson, J.E., 2023. Efficient modeling of proppant transport in multi-cluster stages. SPE Annual Technical Conference & Exhibition: SPE-214878-MS, | view at publisher
2022 Selected Publications
Fracture patterns & spatial arrangement
Forstner, S.R, Laubach, S.E., 2022. Scale-dependent fracture networks. Journal of Structural Geology 165, 104748. | view at publisher
No. 1, downloads, according to publisher, 1st quarter, 2023; No. 3 in downloads in last 90 days, September 2023
Shakiba, M., Lake, L.W., Gale, J.F.W., Pyrcz, M.J., 2022. Multiscale spatial analysis of fracture arrangement and pattern reconstruction using Ripley’s K-Function. Journal of Structural Geology 155, | view at publisher
2D spatial analysis–Corrêa et al. 2022 view
Corrêa, R.S.M., Marrett, R., Laubach, S.E., 2022. Analysis of spatial arrangement of fractures in two dimensions using point process statistics. Journal of Structural Geology 163, 104726. | view at publisher
No. 3, downloads, according to publisher, 1st quarter, 2023
Corrêa, R.S.M., Ukar, E., Laubach, S.E., Aubert, I., Lamarche, J., Wang, Q., Stockli, D., Stockli, L., Larson, T., 2022. Episodic reactivation of carbonate fault zones with implications for permeability – An example from Provence, Southeast France. Marine & Petroleum Geology 145, 105905. | view at publisher
de Arruda Passos, V.S., de Miranda, T.S., Oliveira, J.T.C., Celestino, M.A.L., Corrêa, R.*, Topan, J.G., & da Cruz Falcão, T. 2022. Quantification of the spatial arrangement of structural lineaments and deformation bands: Implications for the tectonic evolution of the eastern border of the Araripe Basin, NE Brazil. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 118, 103934. | view at publisher
Lee, H.P., Schultz, R.A., Olson, J.E., 2022. Inferring friction and stress states from the angle between wing fractures and solution surfaces, Journal of Structural Geology 162, 104706, | view at publisher
Lee, B., Olson, J.E., & Laubach, S.E., 2022. Coupling diagenesis and mechanics for more realistic simulation of natural fracture pattern development, Extended Abstract, Second International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, AAPG IMAGE 2022. | view at publisher
Laubach, S.E., Wang, Q., Correa, R., Forstner, S.R., Shakiba, M., Lee, B.T., Hebel, N., Elliott, S., Hooker, J.N., 2022. Cement deposits in opening-mode fractures in sandstone: implications for size, spacing, connectivity, and erosion. Short Papers and Extended Abstracts, Geological Society of America Penrose Conference Penrose Conference: Progressive Failure of Brittle Rocks, PRF2022. Flat Rock, N.C., 20-24 June. | view at publisher
Hebel, N.J., 2022. Economic impacts of fracture patterns in geothermal electricity production. M.S. Thesis, The University of Texas at Austin, EER. | view at UT
Pyrcz, M.J., 2022. Introduction to special issue: Geoscience data analytics and machine learning. AAPG Bulletin 106, 2145-2148.
Shale fracture systems & mechanical stratigraphy
Gale, J.F.W., Fall, A. Yurchenko, I.A., Ali, W.A., Laubach, S.E., Eichhubl, P., & Bodnar, R.J., 2022. Opening-mode fracturing and cementation during hydrocarbon generation in shale: An example from the Barnett Shale, Delaware Basin, West Texas. AAPG Bulletin 106(10), 2103-2141. doi:10.1306/01062219274 | view at publisher
Fractures in shale–Gale et al. 2022 | view
Rysak, B.R., Gale, J.F.W., Laubach, S.E., Ferrill, D.A., Olson, J.E., 2022. Mechanisms for the generation of complex fracture networks: observations from slant core, analog models, and outcrop. Frontiers in Earth Science, v. 10, Section Geohazards and Georisks. In Li, Y, Rutter, E.H., Shang, J. and Ji, Y., Eds., Special Issue, Recent Advances in Mechanics and Physics of Rock Fractures across Scales. | view at publisher
Guerrero, J.O., Espinoza, D.N., Gale, J.F.W., 2022. High resolution HFTS2 slant core imaging through X-ray Computed Micro Tomography. SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference. One Petro, | view at publisher
Hooker, J.N.*, Cartwright, J., Stephenson, B., Day C.C., 2022. Continuous versus punctuated vein widening in the Marcellus Formation, USA: the fine line between pressure fringes and hydraulic fractures. Geological Magazine, 159 (11-12), 2020-2035. | view at publisher
Zhang, J. Ukar, E.*, Qu, J., Zhang, B., Zhao, H., Zhang, Y., Wang, Z., 2022. Periclinal fold systems in thick-bedded mudstones: A case study of the Early Cretaceous Hekou Group, Lanzhou Basin, NW China. Journal of Structural Geology 161, 104678. | view at publisher
Engelder, T., Vermilye, J., Lacazette, A., Geiser, P., Sicking, C., & Hooker, J.N.* 2022. Seismic emissions reveal the mechanical stratigraphy of the Middle Paleozoic section under the Appalachian Plateau, Pennsylvania. In Koeberl, C., Claeys, P., and Montanari, A., eds., From the Guajira Desert to the Apennines, and from Mediterranean Microplates to the Mexican Killer Asteroid: Honoring the Career of Walter Alvarez. Geological Society of America Special Paper 557, 239–266. | view at publisher
Structural diagenesis, fracture mineral systems, reservoir quality
Ukar, E., Lopez, R.G., Gale, J.F.W., Ciancio, L., Elliott, S., 2022. Deformation bands as fluid pathways in outcrops of Lajas Formation tight-gas sandstone, Neuquén Basin, Argentina. Extended Abstract, Second International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, AAPG IMAGE 2022. | view at publisher
Menzel, M.D., Urai, J.L., Ukar, E.*, Schwedt, A., Hirth, G., Kovács, A., Kibkalo, L., Kelemen, P.B., 2022. Ductile deformation during carbonation of serpentinized peridotite. Nature Communications 13(1), 3478. | view at publisher
Menzel, M.D., Urai, J.L., Ukar, E.*, Decrausaz, T., Godard, M., 2022. Progressive veining during peridotite carbonation: insights from listvenites in Hole BT1B, Samail ophiolite (Oman). Solid Earth, 13, 1191-1218. | view at publisher
Taylor, T.R., Lander, R.H., Bonnell, L.M., 2022. Sandstone Petrography, Petrology, and Modeling, SEPM Concepts in Sedimentology and Paleontology v. 13, SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology. | view at publisher
Lander, R.H., Bonnell, L.M., Taylor, T.R., Espejo, I., 2022. Reservoir quality and diagenesis of deepwater sandstones. In Rotzien, J., Yeilding, C., Sears, R., Hernandez-Molina, J., Catuneanu, O., Eds., Deepwater Sedimentary Systems: Science, Discovery, and Applications, Elsevier. | view at publisher
Fracture cement dating & fracture timing
Corrêa, R.S.M., Ukar, E., Laubach, S.E., Aubert, I., Lamarche, J., Wang, Q., Stockli, D., Stockli, L., Larson, T., 2022. Episodic reactivation of carbonate fault zones with implications for permeability – An example from Provence, Southeast France. Marine & Petroleum Geology 145, 105905. | view at publisher
Mason, A.J., Vaks, A., Breitenbach, S.F.M., Hooker, J.N.*, Henderson, G.M., 2022. A simplified isotope dilution approach for the U–Pb dating of speleogenic and other low-232Th carbonates by multi-collector ICP-MS, Geochronology 4 (1), 33-54. | view at publisher
2021 Selected Publications
Gale, J.F.W., Elliott, S.J., Rysak, B.G., Ginn, C.L., Zhang, N., Myers, R.D., & Laubach, S.E., 2021. Fracture description of the HFTS-2 slant core, Delaware Basin, West Texas. In SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference. OnePetro. | view at publisher
Spruženiece, L., Späth, M., Urai, J.L., Ukar, E., Selzer, M. & Nestler, B., 2021. Wide-blocky veins explained by dependency of crystal growth rate on fracture surface type: Insights from phase-field modeling. Geology, 49(6), 641-646. | view at publisher
Spruženiece, L., Späth, M., Urai, J.L., Ukar, E., Selzer, M., Nestler, B. & Schwedt, A., 2021. Formation of wide-blocky calcite veins by extreme growth competition. Journal of the Geological Society, 178(2). jgs2020-104. | view at publisher
Wang, J., Zeng, L., Yang, X., Liu, C., Wang, K., Zhang, R., Chen, X., Qu, Y., Laubach, S.E., Wang, Q, 2021. Fold-related fracture distribution in Neogene, Triassic, and Jurassic sandstone outcrops, northern margin of the Tarim Basin, China: Guides to deformation in ultradeep tight sandstone reservoirs. Lithosphere (Special 1), 8330561. | view at publisher
Guilkey, J., Lander, R.H., & Bonnell, L.M., 2021. A hybrid penalty and grid based contact method for the Material Point Method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 379, 113739. | view at publisher
2020 Selected Publications
Almansour, A., Laubach, S.E., Bickel, J.E., & Schultz, R.A., 2020. Value of Information analysis of a fracture prediction method. SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, 23 (3), 811-823. doi: 10.2118/198906-PA | view at publisher | VOI software | blog post
Value of Information–Almansour et al. 2020 | view
Denny, A.C., Fall, A., Orland, I.J., Valley, J.W., Eichhubl, P., Laubach, S.E., 2020. A history of pore water oxygen isotope evolution in the Cretaceous Travis Peak Formation in East Texas. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 132 (7-8), 1626-1638. doi: 10/1130/B35291.1 | view at publisher | blog post
Baqués, V., Ukar, E., Laubach, S.E., Forstner, S.R., Fall, A., 2020. Fracture, dissolution, and cementation events in Ordovician carbonate reservoirs, Tarim basin, NW China. Geofluids, v. 2020, Article ID 9037429, 28 p. doi: 10.1155/2020/9037429 | view at publisher
Ukar, E., Baqués, V., Laubach, S.E., Marrett, R., 2020. The nature and origins of decameter-scale porosity in Ordovician carbonate rocks, Halahatang oilfield, Tarim Basin, China. Journal of the Geological Society, 177, 1074-1091. doi:10.1144/jgs2019-156 | view at publisher | No. 5 on ‘Most Read’ list, November 2020, according to publisher
Ukar, E., López, R.G., Hryb, D., Gale, J.F.W., Manceda, R., Fall, A., Brisson, I., Hernandez-Bilbao, E., Weger, R.J., Marchal, D.A., Zanella, A., Cobbold, P.R., 2020. Natural fractures: From core and outcrop observations to subsurface models. In Minisini, D., Fantín, M., Lanusse Noguera, I., Leanza, H.A., eds., Integrated geology of unconventionals: The case of the Vaca Muerta play, Argentina: AAPG Memoir 121. doi: 10.1306/13682234M1203837 | view at publisher
Callahan, O.A., Eichhubl, P., Davatzes, N.C., 2020. Mineral precipitation as a mechanism of fault core growth. Journal of Structural Geology doi: 10.1016/j.jsg.2020.104156 | view at publisher
Callahan, O.A., Eichhubl, P., Olson, J.E., & Davatzes, N.C., 2020. Experimental investigation of chemically aided fracture growth in silicified fault rocks. Geothermics, 83, 101724. | view at publisher
Wang, Q., Narr, W., Laubach, S.E., 2020. Characterizing subsurface fracture spatial distribution in the East Painter Reservoir anticline, Wyoming. SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, URTeC-3265, 12 p. doi: 10.15530/urtec-2020-3265 | view at publisher
Wang, L., Gale, J., Sun, A.Y., 2020. Development of a machine-learning-based workflow for well completion optimization in Permian basin. SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, URTeC-3101, doi: 10.15530/urtec-2020-301 | view at publisher
Fall, A., 2020. Applications of fluid inclusions in structural diagenesis. In: Steele-MacInnis, M., Lecumberri-Sanchez, P., Kontak, D. (eds.) Fluid and Melt Inclusions: Applications to Geologic Processes, Topics in Mineral Sciences, 49, 17-46. | view at publisher
Nicot, J. P., Darvari, R., Eichhubl, P., Scanlon, B.R., Elliott, B.A., Bryndzia, L. T., Gale, J.F.W. & Fall, A., 2020. Origin of low salinity, high volume produced waters in the Wolfcamp Shale (Permian), Delaware Basin, USA. Applied Geochemistry, 122, 104771. | view at publisher
Lander, R.H., L.M. Bonnell. 2020. Predicting sediment and sedimentary rock properties. U.S. Patent No. 10,725,012. | view at publisher
2019 Selected Publications
Laubach, S.E., Lander, R.H., Criscenti, L.J., et al., 2019. The role of chemistry in fracture pattern development and opportunities to advance interpretations of geological materials. Reviews of Geophysics, 57 (3), 1065-1111. doi:10.1029/2019RG000671 | view at publisher | blog post | BEG summary | view AGU Editor’s Vox | JSG press release
Laubach, S.E., 2019. How chemical processes influence fracture pattern development. EOS, 100, doi:10.1029/2019EO136309 (American Geophysical Union) | News item about Reviews of Geophysics paper | view Editor’s Vox
Structural diagenesis methods
Weisenberger, T., Eichhubl, P., Laubach, S.E., and Fall, A., 2019. Degradation of fracture porosity by carbonate cement, Piceance basin, Colorado, USA. Petroleum Geoscience, 25, 354-370. doi:10.1144/petgeo2018-162 | view at publisher | blog post
No. 5. ‘Most downloaded’ August 2019 according to publisher
Wang, Q., Laubach, S.E., Gale, J.F.W., and Ramos, M.J., 2019. Quantified fracture (joint) clustering in Archean basement, Wyoming: application of Normalized Correlation Count method. Petroleum Geoscience, 25, 415-428. doi:10.1144/petgeo2018-146 | view at publisher | blog post | Best of Petroleum Geoscience
No. 3 ‘Most downloaded’ June-July 2019 according to publisher
Ukar, E., Laubach, S.E., Hooker, J.N., 2019. Outcrops as guides to subsurface natural fractures: example from the Nikanassin Formation tight-gas sandstone, Grande Cache, Alberta Foothills, Canada. Marine & Petroleum Geology, 103, 255-275. | view at publisher
Published news item
about initiative staff A new editor for North America, 2019. Journal of Structural Geology, 122, A1. | view at publisher
Guzmics, T., Berkesi, M., Bodnar, R.J., Fall, A., Bali, E., Milke, R., Vetlenyi, E., Szabo, C., 2019. Natrocarbonatites: a hidden product of three-phase immiscibility. Geology 47 (6), 527-530. | view at publisher
Shale fractures & mechanical properties
Gale, J.F.W., Elliott, S.J., Laubach, S.E., 2019. Direct observation of hydraulic fractures in the Hydraulic Fracture Test Site (HFTS) slant core, Reagan Co., Midland Basin, Texas: Insights into distribution, morphology, intensity and interaction with natural discontinuities. William C. Gussow Geoscience Conference, New Directions in Geosciences for Unconventional Resources. | view at publisher | blog post
Chen, X., Eichhubl, P., Olson, J.E., Dewers, T.A., 2019. Effect of water on fracture mechanical properties of shale. JGR Solid Earth | view at publisher
Chen, X., Eichhubl, P., Olson, J.E., Dewers, T., 2019. Salinity, pH, and temperature controls on fracture mechanical properties of three shales and their implications for fracture growth in chemically reactive fluid environments. Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment. doi:10.1016/j.gete.2019.100140 | view at publisher
Ramos, M.J., Espinoza, D.N., Laubach, S.E., and Torres-Verdin, C., 2019. Quantifying static and dynamic stiffness anisotropy and nonlinearity in finely laminated shales: experimental measurement and modeling. Geophysics 84 (1), MR25-MR36. | view at publisher
Quantifying shale stiffness and anisotropy Recent progress reported in two major new papers by Ramos et al.
Ramos, M.J., Espinoza, D.N., Goldfarb, E.J., Tisato, N., Laubach, S.E., Torres-Verdin, C., 2019. Microstructural controls on elastic anisotropy of finely laminated Mancos Shale. Geophysical Journal International, 216 (2), 991-1004. | view at publisher
Ukar, E., Lopez, R.G., Gale, J.F.W., and Manceda, R., 2019. Outcrop to core comparison of natural fractures in the Vaca Muerta Formation, Argentina. Sixth EAGE Shale Workshop, 28 April 2019. doi: 10.3997/2214-4609.201900284 | view at publisher
Gale, J.F.W., Elliott, S.J., Li, J.Z., and Laubach, S.E., 2019. Natural fracture characterization in the Wolfcamp Formation at the Hydraulic Fracture Test Site (HFTS), Midland basin, Texas. SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, URTEC-644. doi: 10.15530/urtec-2019-644 | view | view at publisher
McCay, A.T., Shipton, Z.K., Lunn, R.J., and Gale, J.F.W., 2019. Mini thief zones: sub-centimeter sedimentary features enhance fracture connectivity in shales. AAPG Bulletin, 103 (4), 951-971. | view at publisher
Featured in AAPG Explorer | view
Wang, W., Wu, K., and Olson, J.E., 2019. Characterization of hydraulic fracture geometry in shale rocks through physical modeling. International Journal of Fracture, 216 (1), 71-85. | view at publisher
Yue, K., Olson, J.E., Schultz, R.A., 2019. The effect of layered modulus on hydraulic-fracture modeling and fracture-height containment. SPE Drilling & Completions. | view at publisher
Hooker, J.N., Abu-Mahfouz, I.S., Meng, Q., Cartwright, J., 2019. Fractures in mudrocks: advances in constraining timing and understanding mechanisms. Journal of Structural Geology 125, 166-173. | view at publisher
Faults and structural diagenesis
Callahan, O.A., Eichhubl, P., Olson, J.E., Davatzes, N.C., 2019. Experimental investigation of chemically aided fracture growth in silicified fault rocks. Geothermics 83, 101724, doi:10.1016/j.geothermics.209.101724 | view at publisher | blog post
Callahan, O.A., Eichhubl, P., Olson, J.E., Davatzes N.C., 2019. Fracture mechanical properties of damaged and hydrothermally altered rocks, Dixie Valley‐Stillwater Fault Zone, Nevada, USA. JGR Solid Earth. | view at publisher
Ferraro, F., Agosta, F., Ukar, E., Grieco, D.S., Cavalcante, F., Belviso, C., Prosser, G., 2019. Structural diagenesis of carbonate fault rocks exhumed from shallow crustal depths: An example from the central-southern Apennines, Italy. Journal of Structural Geology, 122, 58-80. | view at publisher
Shovkun, I. and Espinoza, D.N., 2019. Fracture propagation in heterogeneous porous media: pore-scale implications of mineral dissolution. Rock Mechanics & Rock Engineering, | view at publisher
Wang, Q., Laubach, S.E., and Fall, A., 2019. Coupled effects of diagenesis and deformation on fracture evolution in deeply buried sandstones. Fifty third US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, 23-26 June, New York, NY, ARMA 2019-1842. | view at publisher
Haddad, M., Eichhubl, P., Laubach, S.E., 2019. Threshold horizontal stress contrast for fully cemented natural-fracture reactivation: dependence on intersection angle and initial reservoir pressure. Fifty third US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, 23-26 June, New York, NY, ARMA 2019-146 | view at publisher
2018 Selected Publications
Fracture patterns & fracture porosity
Spatial arrangement of fractures and faults. Journal of Structural Geology, Special issue. Edited by Stephen E. Laubach, William M. Dunne, Juliette Lamarche, Bertrand D.M. Gauthier. v. 108, Pages 1-290 (March 2018) | view at publisher
Laubach, S.E., Lamarche, J., Gauthier, B.D.M., Dunne, W.M., 2018. Editorial: Spatial arrangement of faults and opening-mode fractures. Journal of Structural Geology 108, 1-2. doi:org.10.1016/j.jsg.2018.01.008 | view at publisher
Laubach, S.E., Lamarche, J., Gauthier, B.D.M., Dunne, W.M., and Sanderson, D.J., 2018. Spatial arrangement of faults and opening-mode fractures. Journal of Structural Geology 108, 2-15. | view at publisher | blog post
Number 4 ‘most read’ according to publisher, last 90 days, March 2019
Marrett, R., Gale, J.F.W., Gomez, L., and Laubach, S.E., 2018. Correlation analysis of fracture arrangement in space. Journal of Structural Geology 108, 16-33. | view at publisher | Go to CorrCount Software | blog post
Number 15 ‘most read’ according to publisher, last 90 days, March 2019
2019 AAPG Petroleum Structure & Geomechanics Division Best Recent Paper Award
Hooker, J.N., Laubach, S.E., and Marrett, R., 2018. Microfracture spacing distributions and the evolution of fracture patterns in sandstones. Journal of Structural Geology 108, 66-79. | view at publisher
Li, J.Z., Laubach, S.E., Gale, J.F.W., and Marrett, R., 2018. Quantifying opening-mode fracture spatial organization in horizontal wellbore image logs, core and outcrop: application to Upper Cretaceous Frontier Formation tight gas sandstones, USA. Journal of Structural Geology 108, 137-156. | view at publisher
Laubach, S.E., Hundley, T.H., Hooker, J.N., Marrett, R., 2018. Spatial arrangement and size distribution of normal faults, Buckskin Detachment upper plate, Western Arizona. Journal of Structural Geology 108, 230-242. | view at publisher
Gale, J.F.W., Ukar, E., Laubach, S.E., 2018. Gaps in DFN models and how to fill them. In: 2nd International Discrete Fracture Network Engineering Conference held in Seattle, Washington, USA, 20–22 June 2018, ARMA, American Rock Mechanics Association. DFNE 18-857 | view at publisher
Miranda, T.S., Santos, R.F. Barbosa, J.A. Gomes, I.F. Alencar, M.L. Correia, O.J. Falcão, T.C. Gale, J.F.W., Neumann V.H., 2018. Quantifying aperture, spacing and fracture intensity in a carbonate reservoir analogue: Crato Formation, NE Brazil. Marine & Petroleum Geology 97, 556-567. | view at publisher
Hydraulic and natural fracture interaction
Wang, W., Olson, J.E., Prodanović, M., Schultz, R.A., 2018. Interaction between cemented natural fractures and hydraulic fractures assessed by experiments and numerical simulations. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 167, 506-516. | view at publisher
Lee, H.P., Olson, J.E., Schultz, R.A., 2018. Interaction analysis of propagating opening model fractures with veins using Discrete Element Method. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 103, 275-288. | view at publisher
Lee, H.P., Razavi, O., Olson, J.E., 2018. Hydraulic fracture interaction with cemented natural fracture: a three dimensional discrete element method analysis. SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands. Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi:10.2118/189852-MS | view at publisher
Gale, J.F.W., Elliott, S.J., Laubach, S.E., 2018. Hydraulic fractures in core from stimulated reservoirs: Core fracture description of HFTS slant core, Midland Basin, West Texas. SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, URTEC-2902624-M. doi 10.15530/urtec-2018-2902624 | view at publisher
Research on core drilled through stimulated West Texas shale Our initial findings reported at this year’s URTEC meeting are featured in the November 2018 issue of Journal of Petroleum Technology | view JPT
Elliott, S.J., Gale, J.F.W., 2018. Analysis and distribution of proppant recovered from fracture faces in the HFTS slant core drilled through a stimulated reservoir. SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, URTEC-2902629-M. doi 10.15530/urtec-2018-2902629 | view at publisher
Elliott, S.J., & Gale, J.F.W., 2018. Study evaluates proppant distribution in HFTS Wolfcamp wells. The American Oil and Gas Reporter, December. | view at publisher
Wang, W., Olson, J., Prodanović, M., Schultz, R.A., 2018. The impact of natural fracture thickness on hydraulic fracture interaction mechanics. SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC) | view at publisher
Yue, K., Olson, J.E., Schultz, R.A., 2018. Layered modulus effect on fracture modeling and height containment. SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC) | view at publisher
Razavi, O., Lee, H.P., van Oort, E., Olson, J.E., 2018. A coupled geomechanical model for solid plugging of fractures. 52nd U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, 17-20 June, Seattle, WA. ARMA-2018-1237 | view at publisher
Li, T., Razavi, O., Olson, J.E., 2018. Modeling fracture in layered formations using a simplified 3D displacement discontinuity method. 52nd U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, 17-20 June, Seattle, WA. ARMA-2018-1079 | view at publisher
Structural diagenesis issues
Major, J.R., Eichhubl, P., Dewers, T.A., Olson, J.E., 2018. Effect of CO2-brine-rock interaction on fracture mechanical properties of CO2 reservoirs and seals. Earth & Planetary Science Letters 499, 37-47. | view at publisher
Dewers, T., Eichhubl, P., Ganis, B., Gomez, S., Heath, J., Jammoul, M., Kobos, P., Liu, R., Major, J., Matteo, E., Newell, P., Rinehart, A., Sobolik, S., Stormont, J., Reda Taha, M., Wheeler, M., White, D., 2018. Heterogeneity, pore pressure, and injectate chemistry: Control measures for geologic carbon storage. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 68, 203-215. | view at publisher
Espinoza, D.N., Jung, H., Major, J.R., Sun, Z.; Ramos, M.J., Eichhubl, P., Balhoff, M.T., Choens, R.C., Dewers, T.A., 2018, CO2 charged brines changed rock strength and stiffness at Crystal Geyser, Utah: Implications for leaking subsurface CO2 storage reservoirs. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 73, 16-28. | view at publisher
Busch, B., Hilgers, C., Lander, R.H., Bonnell, L.M., Adelmann, D., 2018. Reservoir quality and burial model evaluation by kinetic quartz and illite cementation modeling: Case study of Rotliegendes, north Germany. AAPG Bulletin, 102(2), 293-307. | view at publisher
Fall, A., Bodnar, R., 2018. How precisely can the temperature of a fluid event be constrained using fluid inclusions? Economic Geology 113 (8), 1817-1843. doi: 10.5382/econgeo.2018.4614 | view at publisher | blog post
- Number 1 ‘Most Read’, February 2019, according to publisher
Laubach, S.E., Photograph of the Month: Bed-normal opening-mode fractures in Flathead sandstone. Journal of Structural Geology 108, iii. | view at publisher
Laubach, S.E., Olson, J.E., Lander, R.H., 2018. Chemical-mechanical feedback and fracture size and spacing patterns. 80th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2018, doi: 10.3997/2214-4609.201801168 | view at publisher
2017 Selected Publications
English, J.M., and Laubach, S.E., 2017. Opening-mode fracture systems – Insights from recent fluid inclusion microthermometry studies of crack-seal fracture cements. In Turner, J.P., Healy, D., Hillis, R.R., and Welch, M., eds., Geomechanics and Geology: Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 458, 257-272. doi:10.1144/SP458.1 | view at publisher
Tokan-Lawal, A., Prodanović, M., Landry, C.J., and Eichhubl, P., 2017. Influence of numerical cementation on multiphase displacement in rough fractures. Transport in Porous Media 116(1), 275-293. | view at publisher
Chen, X., Eichhubl, P., and Olson, J.E., 2017. Effect of water on critical and subcritical fracture properties of Woodford shale. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 122(4), 2736-2750. | view at publisher
Yoon, H., Major, J., Dewers, T., and Eichhubl, P., 2017. Application of a pore-scale reactive transport model to a natural analogue for reaction-induced pore alterations. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 155, 11-20. | view at publisher
Ukar, E., Lopez, R.G., Gale, J.F.W., Laubach, S.E., Manceda, R., 2017. New type of kinematic indicator in bed-parallel veins, Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous Vaca Muerta Formation, Argentina: E-W shortening during Late Cretaceous vein opening. Journal of Structural Geology 104, 31-47. doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2017.09.014 | view at publisher
Ukar, E., Lopez, R.G., Laubach, S.E., Gale, J.F.W., Manceda, R., and Marrett, R., 2017. Microfractures in bed-parallel veins (beef) as predictors of vertical macrofractures in shale: Vaca Muerta Formation, Agrio Fold-and-Thrust Belt, Argentina. South American Journal of Earth Sciences 79, 152-169. | view at publisher
Classic Paper related to Spatial Arrangement theme: Fault and joint swarms in a normal fault zone
Laubach, S.E., Mace, R.E., and Nance, H.S., 1995.
In: Rossmanith, H.-P., (Ed.). Mechanics of Jointed and Faulted Rock, Balkema, Rotterdam, 305-309. | view article
Lee, H.P. and Olson, J.E., 2017. The effect of remote and internal crack stresses on mixed-mode brittle fracture propagation of open cracks under compressive loading. International Journal of Fracture. 10.1007/s10704-017-0231-1 | view at publisher
English, K.L., English, J.M., Bonnell, L.M., Lander, R.H., Hollis, C., Redfern, J., Guirdham, C., Garnham, J. and Cherif, R.Y., 2017. Controls on reservoir quality in exhumed basins–an example from the Ordovician sandstone, Illizi Basin, Algeria. Marine and Petroleum Geology 80, 203-227. | view at publisher
Razavi, O., Lee, H.P., Olson, J.E., Schultz, R.A., 2017. Characterization of naturally fractured reservoirs using drilling mud loss data: the effect of fluid leak-off. 51st U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, American Rock Mechanics Association ARMA | view at publisher
Ramos, M.J., Espinoza, D.N., Spikes, K.T., Torres-Verdin, C., Laubach, S.E., 2017. Stress-dependent dynamic-static transforms of anisotropic Mancos Shale. 51st U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, American Rock Mechanics Association ARMA 17-182. | view at publisher
Haddad, M., Du, J., Vidal-Gilbert, S., 2017. Integration of dynamic microseismic data with a true 3D modeling of hydraulic-fracture propagation in the Vaca Muerta Shale. SPE Journal 22/6, 1714-1738. | view at publisher
Laubach, S., Olson, J., Lander, R., 2017. Cracking the puzzle of rock fracture with crystal clues. Scientia. Issue #116, 53-56.
2016 Selected Publications
Notable paper: Insights into rates of fracture growth and sealing from a model for quartz cementation in fractured sandstones. Lander R.H., & Laubach, S.E., 2015, Geological Society of America Bulletin 127/3-4, 516-538. doi: 10.1130/B31092.1 | view at publisher
Laubach, S.E., Fall, A., Copley, L.K., Marrett, R., Wilkins, S., 2016. Fracture porosity creation and persistence in a basement-involved Laramide fold, Upper Cretaceous Frontier Formation, Green River Basin, U.S.A. Geological Magazine 153 (5/6), 887-910. doi:10.1017/S0016756816000157 | view at publisher
September 2019, No. 5 on “Most read, last 30 days” according to publisher
Ukar, E., Laubach, S.E., Marrett, R., 2016. Quartz c-axis orientation patterns in fracture cement as a measure of fracture opening rate and a validation tool for fracture pattern models: Geosphere 12(2), 400–438, doi: 10.1130/GES01213.1. | view at publisher
Ukar, E. and Laubach, S.E., 2016. Syn- and postkinematic cement textures in fractured carbonate rocks: Insights from advanced cathodoluminescence imaging, Tectonophysics 690, Part A, 190-205, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2016.05.001 | view at publisher
Ukar, E., Ozkul, C., Eichhubl, P., 2016. Fracture abundance and strain in folded Cardium Formation, Red Deer River anticline, Alberta Foothills, Canada. Marine & Petroleum Geology 76, 210-230. doi: 10.1016/jmarpetgeo.2016.05.016 | view at publisher
Landry, C.J., Prodanović, M., Eichhubl P., 2016. Direct simulation of supercritical gas flow in complex nanoporous media and prediction of apparent permeability. International Journal of Coal Geology 159, 120-134. | view at publisher
Landry, C.J., Eichhubl, P., Prodanović, M.,Wilkins, S., 2016. Nanoscale grain boundary channels in fracture cement enhance flow in mudrocks. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. doi: 10.1002/2016JB012810 | view at publisher
Fall, A., Ukar, E., Laubach, S.E., 2016. Origin and timing of Dauphiné twins in quartz cement in fractured sandstones from diagenetic environments: insight from fluid inclusions. Tectonophysics 687, 195-209. | view at publisher | blog post
Tokan-Lawal, A., Prodanović, M., Landry, C.J. et al., 2016. Influence of numerical cementation on multiphase displacement in rough fractures. Transport in Porous Media. doi:10.1007/s11242-016-0773-0
Alabbad, E.A., Olson, J.E., 2016. Examining the geomechanical implications of pre-existing fractures and simultaneous multi-fracturing completions on hydraulic fractures: experimental insights into fracturing unconventional formations. Saudi Aramco Journal of Technology. | view at publisher
Miranda, T., Barbosa, J.A., Gomes, I.F., Soares, A., Santos, R.F.V.C., Matos, G.C., McKinnon, E.A., Neuman, V., Marrett, R., 2016, Petrophysics and petrography of Aptian tight carbonate reservoir, Araripe Basin, Brazil, 78th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, doi: 10.3997/2214-4609.201600890 | view at publisher
Santos, R.F.V.C., I.F. Gomes, T.S. Miranda, J.A. Barbosa, V.H. Neumann, L.J.N. Guimarães, E. McKinnon and R. Marrett, 2016. Numerical modeling of naturally fractured carbonate reservoir based on outcrops of Crato Formation, NE Brazil. 78th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, doi:: 10.3997/2214-4609.201601447 | view at publisher
Milliken, K.L., Ergene, S.M., Ozkan, A., 2016. Quartz types, authigenic and detrital, in the Upper Cretaceous Eagle Ford Formation, South Texas, USA. Sedimentary Geology 339, 273-228. | view at publisher
Milliken, K.L., Curtis, M.E., 2016. Imaging pores in sedimentary rocks: foundation of porosity prediction. Marine & Petroleum Geology 73, 590-608. | view at publisher
Li, J.Z., Gale, J.F.W., Marrett, R.A., Laubach, S.E., 2016. Quantifying natural fracture spatial organization in horizontal image logs: application in unconventional reservoirs. Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, URTeC 2456264, 8 p.
2015 Selected Publications
Lander R.H., and Laubach, S.E., 2015. Insights into rates of fracture growth and sealing from a model for quartz cementation in fractured sandstones. Geological Society of America Bulletin 127 (3-4), 516-538. doi: 10.1130/B31092.1 (published online October 2014) | request reprint | view at publisher | blog post
Lander & Laubach 2015: A presentation of this work was recognized with the Outstanding Contributions in Geoscience Research—Best University Research award at the Geoscience Research Symposium in 2004. Top 50 most cited, April 2017 according to publisher; No. 3 ‘Most Read’ July 2015; No. 2 ‘Most Read’ December 2014; No. 5 October & November 2014; No. 7, January 2015, No. 9 February 2016 according to publisher. No. 12 ‘Most Read’ GeoScienceWorld, February 2016.
Fall, A., Eichhubl, P., Bodnar, R. J., Laubach, S. E., Davis, J. S., 2015. Natural hydraulic fracturing of tight-gas sandstone reservoirs, Piceance Basin, Colorado. Geological Society of America Bulletin 127(1-2), 61-75. doi:10.1130/B31021.1 | view at publisher
- 2016 Tinker Family BEG Publication Award in recognition of exemplary publication of scientific or economic impact. GSA Bulletin ‘Featured Article‘. No. 1 ‘Most Read’ GeoScienceWorld, February 2016; No. 2 ‘Most read’ January 2015; No. 9 November 2014, No. 23 October 2014; No. 22 February 2016 according to publisher. Featured on Physics.Org
Alzayer, Y., Eichhubl, P., Laubach, S.E., 2015. Non-linear growth kinematics of opening-mode fractures. Journal of Structural Geology 74, 31-44. (published online March 2015) | view at publisher
- No. 10 ‘Most Downloaded last 90 days’ July 2015 according to publisher.
Hooker, J.N., Larson, T., Eakin, A., Laubach, S.E., Eichhubl, P., Fall, A., Marrett, R., 2015. Fracturing and fluid-flow in a sub-décollement sandstone; or, a leak in the basement. Journal of The Geological Society, London 172, 428-442. doi: 10.1144/jsg2014-128. (Published online May 2015) | view at publisher
- No. 7 ‘Most read’ June 2015 according to publisher.
Santos, R., Miranda, T., Barbosa, A. Gomes, I., Matos G., Gale, J.F.W., Neumann, V., Guimarães, L., 2015. Characterization of natural fracture systems: analysis of uncertainty effects in linear scanline results. AAPG Bulletin 99(12), 2203-2219. doi: 10.1306/05211514104 | view at publisher
Lee, H.P., Olson, J.E., Holder, J., Gale, J.F.W., Myers, R., 2015. The interaction of propagating opening mode fractures with pre-existing discontinuities in shale. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 120(1), 169–181. doi: 10.1002/2014JB011358 | view at publisher
Wu, K., Olson, J. E., 2015, A simplified three-dimensional discontinuity method for multiple fracture simulations. Int. J. Fracture 193, 191-204. doi: 10.1007/s10704-015-0023-4 | view at publisher
Tokan-Lawal, A., Prodanović, M., and Eichhubl, P., 2015. Investigating flow properties of partially cemented fractures in Travis Peak Formation using image-based pore scale modeling, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 120/4, 5453-5466, doi:10.1002/2015JB012045 | view at publisher
2014 Selected Publications
Laubach, S.E., Eichhubl, P. Hargrove, P., Ellis, M.A., Hooker, J.N., 2014. Fault core and damage zone fracture attributes vary along strike owing to interaction of fracture growth, quartz accumulation, and differing sandstone composition. Journal of Structural Geology 68, Part A, 207-226. doi: 10.1016/j.jsg.2014.08.007 | view at publisher
- No. 12 Most Downloaded article, Journal of Structural Geology, January 2015, No. 12, ‘Top 25 ‘Hottest Articles’ October to December 2014 according to Publisher.
Gale, J. F. W., Laubach, S. E., Olson, J. E., Eichhubl, P., and Fall, A., 2014. Natural fractures in shale: a review and new observations. AAPG Bulletin 98(11), 2165-2216. doi: 10.1306/08121413151 (published November 2014) | view at publisher | view at GSW | view at Datapages
According to ISI Web of Science, as of May/June 2016, Gale et al. 2014 is a ‘highly cited paper’ that received enough citations to place it in the top 1% of its academic field based on a highly cited threshold for the field and publication year.
No. 2 Most read, March 2016; No. 8 Most Read article, May 2014, according to Publisher.
Hooker, J.N., Laubach, S.E., and Marrett, R., 2014. A universal power-law scaling exponent for fracture apertures in sandstone. Geological Society of America Bulletin 126(9-10), 1340-1362. doi: 10.1130/B30945.1 | view at publisher | view at GSW
- No. 14 Most Viewed article in journal, Fall 2014, according to publisher.
Anders, M. H., Laubach, S. E., and Scholz, C. H., 2014. Microfractures: a review. Journal of Structural Geology 69, Part B, 377-394. doi: 10.1016/j.jsg.2014.05.011 | view at publisher
- No. 1 Most Downloaded article, Journal of Structural Geology, Fall 2014, according to Publisher. No. 2, most downloaded, last 90 days, March, 2019
Fan, Z.Q., Jin, Z.-H., Johnson, S.E., 2014. Oil-gas transformation induced subcritical crack propagation and coalescence in petroleum source rocks. International Journal of Fracture 185(1-2), 187-194. | view at publisher
Gasparrini, M., Sassi, W., Gale, J.F.W., 2014, Natural sealed fractures in mudrocks: A case study tied to burial history from the Barnett Shale, Fort Worth Basin, Texas, USA. Marine and Petroleum Geology 55, 122-141. | view at publisher
- No. 23, ‘Top 25 ‘Hottest Articles’ full year 2014 according to Publisher.
Wu, K., Olson, J.E., 2014, Mechanics analysis of interaction between hydraulic and natural fractures in shale reservoirs. Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi:10.15530/urtec-2014-1922946. | view at publisher
Schultz, R.A., Soofi, K.A., Hennings, P.H., Tong, X., Sandwell, D.T., 2014, Using InSAR to detect active deformation associated with faults in Suban field, South Sumatra Basin, Indonesia. The Leading Edge, 33(8), 882-888. | view at publisher
Hammes, U., and Gale, J.F.W., eds., 2014, Geology of the Haynesville Gas Shale in East Texas and West Lousiana: AAPG Memoir 105, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Tulsa, OK, 236 p. ISBN 9780891813859. | view at Publisher
Landry, C. J., Karpyn, Z. T., and Oyala, O., 2014, Pore-scale lattice Boltzmann modeling and 4D X-ray computed microtomography imaging of fracture-matrix fluid transfer: Transport in Porous Media, 103, 449-468. doi:10.1007/s11242-014-0311-x.
Landry, C. J., Karpyn, Z. T., and Oyala, O., 2014, Relative permeability of homogenous-wet and mixed-wet porous media as determined by pore-scale lattice Boltzmann modeling: Water Resources Research, 50, 3672-3689. doi; 10.1002/2013WR015148.
Baqués, V., Travé, A., Cantarero, I. 2014, Development of successive karstic systems within the Baix Penedés Fault zone (onshore of the Valencia Trough, NW Mediterranean). Geofluids, 14, 75-94.
Olson, J.E., and Laubach, S.E., 2014, Special Section editors, Hydrofracturing–modern and novel methods, The Leading Edge, 33/10, 1088, doi:10.1190/tle33101088.1 October. | view at publisher
2013 Selected Publications
Wu, K., Olson, J.E., 2013, Investigation of the impact of fracture spacing and fluid properties for interfering simultaneously or sequentially generated hydraulic fractures. SPE Production & Operations, 28/4, 427-436. | request reprint
Hooker, J.N., Laubach, S.E., and Marrett, R., 2013, Fracture-aperture size–frequency, spatial distribution, and growth processes in strata-bounded and non-strata-bounded fractures, Cambrian Mesón Group, NW Argentina. Journal of Structural Geology, 54, 54-71. | request reprint | view at publisher
- Jackson School Publication Bronze Award for student-authored publication and Best Student Paper Award in JSG Energy Theme; 2013 Second most downloaded article for journal, July-September according to publisher; 2017 Top 25 most-cited papers in the past 5 years according to publisher
Schultz, R.A., Klimczak, C., Fossen, H., Olson, J.E., Exner, U., Reeves, D.M., Soliva, R., 2013, Statistical tests of scaling relationships for geologic structures. Journal of Structural Geology, 48, 85-94. | view at publisher
Dahi Taleghani, A., Ahmadi, M., Olson, J.E., 2013, Secondary fractures and their potential impacts on hydraulic fracture efficiency. InTech. | request reprint
Pommer, L., Gale, J.F.W., Eichhubl, P., Fall, A., Laubach, S.E., 2013, Using structural diagenesis to infer the timing of natural fractures in the Marcellus Shale. Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA, 12-14 August 2013. URTeC Control ID 1580135 | request reprint
Fall, A., Eichhubl, P., Laubach, S.E., 2013, Timing and processes of fracture formation in tight-gas sandstone reservoirs using fluid inclusions. Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA, 12-14 August 2013. URTeC Control ID 1582124 | request reprint
Tokan-Lawal, A., Prodanovic, M., Eichhubl, P., 2013, Image-based modeling of flow in natural partially cemented fractures. Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA, 12-14 August 2013. URTeC Control ID 158163 | request reprint
Bodnar, R. J., Azbej, T., Becker, S. P., Cannatelli, C., Fall, Andras, and Severs, M. J., 2013, Whole Earth geohydrologic cycle, from the clouds to the core: The distribution of water in the dynamic Earth system: The Geological Society of America Special Paper 500, 431-461, doi:10.1130/2013.2500(13).
2012 Selected Publications
Fall, A., Eichhubl, P., Cumella, S.P., Bodnar, R.J., Laubach, S.E., & Becker, S.P., 2012, Testing the basin-centered gas accumulation model using fluid inclusion observations: southern Piceance Basin, Colorado. AAPG Bulletin, 96/12, 2297-2318. doi:10.1306/05171211149 | view at GSW
- 2012 Notable Paper according to publisher (AAPG)
Ellis, M.A., Laubach, S.E. Eichhubl, P., Olson, J.E. & Hargrove, P., 2012, Fracture development and diagenesis of Torridon Group Applecross Formation, near An Teallach, NW Scotland: millennia of brittle deformation resilience? Journal of the Geological Society, London. 169/3, 297-310. doi: 10.1144/0016-76492011-086. | request reprint | view at GSW
- 2012 Top 10 ‘Most Read’ (downloads) for journal, according to publisher
Garland, J., J.E. Neilson, S.E. Laubach, & K. J. Whidden, 2012, Advances in carbonate exploration and reservoir analysis. In Garland, J., J.E. Neilson, S.E. Laubach, & K. J. Whidden (eds.) Advances in Carbonate Exploration and Reservoir Analysis, Geological Society of London Special Publications 370, 1-15. doi: 10.1144/SP370.15 | view at GSL
Hooker, J.N., Gomez, L.A., Laubach, S.E., Gale, J.F.W. & Marrett, R., 2012, Effects of diagenesis (cement precipitation) during fracture opening on fracture aperture-size scaling in carbonate rocks. In Garland, J., J.E. Neilson, S.E. Laubach, & K. J. Whidden (eds.) Advances in Carbonate Exploration and Reservoir Analysis, Geological Society of London Special Publications 370, 187-206. doi:10.1144/SP370.9. | view at publisher
Iñigo, J.F., Laubach, S.E., Hooker, J.N., 2012, Fracture abundance and patterns in the Subandean fold and thrust belt, Devonian Huamampampa Formation petroleum reservoirs and outcrops, Argentina and Bolivia. Marine & Petroleum Geology, 35/1, 201-218. doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2012.01.010 | request reprint | view at publisher
Klokov, A. and Fomel, S. 2012, Separation and imaging of seismic diffractions using migrated dip-angle gathers. Geophysics 77 (6), S131–S143. | view at publisher
Mehmani, Y., Sun, T., Balhoff, M., Eichhubl, P., & Bryant, S., 2012, Multiblock pore-scale modeling and upscaling of reactive transport: application to carbon sequestration. Transport in Porous Media, 95, 305-326.
Bahorich, B., Olson, J.E., Holder, J., 2012. Examining the effect of cemented natural fractures on hydraulic fracture propagation in hydrostone block experiments. SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 8-10 October 2012, San Antonio, Texas, USA, 160197-MS
Weisenberger, T.B., Rahn, M., van der Lelij, R., Spikings, R.A., and Bucher, K., 2012, Timing of low-temperature mineral formation during exhumation and cooling in the Central Alps, Switzerland. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 327–328, 1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2012.01.007
Fan, Z.Q., Jin, Z.-H., Johnson, S., 2012, Gas-driven subcritical crack propagation during the conversion of oil to gas. Petroleum Geoscience, 18 (2), 191-199.
Hennings, P., Allwardt, P., Paul, P., Zahm, C., Reid, R., Alley, H., … & Hough, E. 2012. Relationship between fractures, fault zones, stress, and reservoir productivity in the Suban gas field, Sumatra, Indonesia. AAPG Bulletin, 96(4), 753-772. | view at publisher
2011 Selected Publications
Dahi-Taleghani A. and Olson Jon E., 2011, Numerical modeling of multistranded-hydraulic-fracture propagation: Accounting for the interaction between induced and natural fractures, SPE Journal, 16/3, 575-581. doi: 10.2118/124884-PA.
Fall, A., Tattitch, B., and Bodnar, R. J., 2011, Combined microthermometric and Raman spectroscopic technique to determine the salinity of H2O–CO2–NaCl fluid inclusions based on clathrate melting, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75, 951-964.
Hooker, J.N., Laubach, S.E., Gomez, L., Marrett, R., Eichhubl, P., Diaz-Tushman, K., and Pinzon, E., 2011, Fracture size, frequency, and strain in the Cambrian Eriboll Formation sandstones, NW Scotland. Scottish Journal of Geology, 47/1, 45-56.| request reprint | view at publisher
Hooker, J.N., Laubach, S.E., Kaylor, A., Eichhubl, P., and Fall, A., 2011, Size, spacing, and opening history of natural fractures, preliminary results from El Alamar Formation, NE Mexico. Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions (GCAGS) 61, 233-243. | view at publisher
Ozkan, A. Cumella, S. P., Milliken, K. L. and Laubach, S. E., 2011, Prediction of lithofacies and reservoir quality using well logs, Williams Fork Formation, Mamm Creek Field, Piceance Basin, AAPG Bulletin, 95/10, 1699-1723. | view at GSW
Sun, W., Andrade, J. E., Rudnicki, J.W., and Eichhubl, P., 2011, Connecting microstructural attributes and permeability from 3D tomographic images of in situ shear-enhanced compaction bands using multiscale computations, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L10302, doi:10.1029/2011GL047683.
Weisenberger T. and Bucher K., 2011, Mass transfer and porosity evolution during low temperature water-rock interaction in gneisses of the Simano nappe: Arvigo, Val Calanca, Swiss Alps. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 162/1, 61-81, doi: 10.1007/s00410-010-0583-2.
Gale, J. F. W., and Holder, J., 2011, Natural fractures in some U.S. shales and their importance for gas production: The Geological Society, London, Petroleum Geology Conference Series, 7, 1131‒1140. doi: 10.1144/0071131
Olson, J.E. and Schultz, R.A., 2011, Comment on “A note on the scaling relations for opening mode fractures in rock” by C.H. Scholz. Journal of Structural Geology, 33/10, 1523-1524.
Fossen, H., Schultz, R.A., Torabi, A., 2011, Conditions and implications for compaction band formation in the Navajo Sandstone, Utah. Journal of Structural Geology 33/10, 1477-1490. | view at publisher
2010 Selected Publications
Laubach, S.E, P. Eichhubl, C. Hilgers, R.H. Lander, 2010, Structural diagenesis. Journal of Structural Geology 32 (12), 1866-1872. doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2010.10.001. | About Structural Diagenesis | view at publisher
- Fall 2014 Top 25 Most Cited article in journal according to publisher; January 2015, #14 Most Cited since 2010.
Eichhubl, P., Hooker, J.N., Laubach, S.E., 2010, Pure and shear-enhanced compaction bands in Aztec Sandstone, Journal of Structural Geology, 32/12, 1873-1886. doi: 10.1016/j.jsg.2010.02.004. | view at publisher
- As of July, 2014, Web of Science #3 most cited paper in Journal of Structural Geology of papers published since 2010; Fall 2014 Top 25 Most Cited article in journal according to publisher; January 2015, #2 Most Cited since 2010.
Ortega, O.J., Gale, J.F.W., Marrett, R., 2010, Quantifying diagenetic and stratigraphic controls on fracture intensity in platform carbonates: An example from the Sierra Madre Oriental, northeast Mexico, Journal of Structural Geology, 32/12, 1943-1959. doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2010.07.004. | view at publisher
Twiss, R. and R. Marrett, 2010, Determining brittle extension and shear strain using fault length and displacement systematics: Part I: Theory, Journal of Structural Geology, 32/12, 1960-1977. doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2010.04.007 | view at publisher
Twiss, R. and R. Marrett, 2010, Determining brittle extension and shear strain using fault length and displacement systematics: Part II: Data evaluation and test of the theory, Journal of Structural Geology, 32/12, 1978-1995. doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2010.04.006 | view at publisher
Laubach, S.E., R.M. Reed, R.H. Lander, 2010, Fracture with crack-seal texture and porosity, depth 6,274 m, Wyoming (Photograph of the month), Journal of Structural Geology, 32/12, 1865. doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2010.10.003 | view at publisher [see Lander & Laubach 2015 for peer-reviewed research on this topic]
Olson, J.E., Laubach, S.E., and Eichhubl, P., 2010, Estimating natural fracture producibility in tight gas sandstones: coupling diagenesis with geomechanical modeling. The Leading Edge 29/12, 1494-1499. | view at publisher
Hooker, J. N., and Laubach, S. E., 2010, Using empirical trends in fracture size-frequency data to constrain subsurface fracture abundance, in 44th U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium and 5th U.S.–Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium Proceedings, Salt Lake City, June 27–30: ARMA 10-325, 11 p.
Laubach, S.E., Olson, J.E., Eichhubl, P., Fomel, S., Marrett, R.A., 2010, Natural fractures from the perspective of diagenesis. CSEG Recorder, 35/7, 27-31. Invited Focus Article.
Becker, S.P., Eichhubl, P. Laubach, S.E., Reed, R.M., Lander, R.H., and Bodnar, R.J., 2010, A 48 m.y. history of fracture opening, temperature, and fluid pressure: Cretaceous Travis Peak Formation, East Texas basin. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 122 (7/8), 1081-1093; doi 10.1130/B30067.1 | view at GSW
- According to publisher, 3rd Most-Cited Article as of July 1, 2014
Gale, J. F., Lander, R. H., Reed, R. M., and Laubach, S. E., 2010, Modeling fracture porosity evolution in dolostone. Journal of Structural Geology, 32/9, 1201-1211. doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2009.04.018. | view at publisher
- 2011 Publication Award, in recognition of exemplary publication of scientific or economic impact, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas.
Park, N., Olson, J., & Holder, J., 2010, Stress-corrosion cracking as an alternative time-dependent shale-stability model. SPE Drilling & Completion 25 (2), 168-176. | view at publisher
Laubach, S., Hargrove, P., Ellis, M., and Eichhubl, P., 2010, Fracturing, cementation and feedback in a small-offset oblique slip fault in sandstone: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74/11, Supplement 1, A565.
Weisenberger, T., K. Bucher, 2010, Zeolites in fissures of granites and gneisses of the Central Alps, J. Metamorphic Geol., 28, 825-847.
Makowitz, A., Lander, R. H., Milliken, K. L., 2010, Chemical diagenetic constraints on the timing of cataclasis in deformed sandstone along the Pine Mountain overthrust, eastern Kentucky. Journal of Structural Geology 32(12), 1923-1932.
2009 Selected Publications
Laubach, S.E. Olson, J.E. and Eichhubl, P., 2009, Fracture diagenesis and producibility in tight gas sandstones, in Carr, T., D’Agostino, T. Ambrose, W., Pashin, J, and Rosen, N.C., eds., Unconventional Energy Resources: Making the Unconventional Conventional, 29th Annual GCSSEPM Foundation Bob F. Perkins Research Conference, on CD, 483-499.
Laubach, S. E., Olson, J. E, and Gross, M. R., 2009. Mechanical and fracture stratigraphy. AAPG Bulletin 93(11), 1413-1426. doi: 10.1306/07270909094 | view at GSW | AAPG Notable Paper
- As of July, 2014, Web of Science #2 most cited paper in AAPG Bulletin of papers published since 2009
Olson, J. E, Laubach, S. E., and Lander, R. H., 2009, Natural fracture characterization in tight gas sandstones: Integrating mechanics and diagenesis. AAPG Bulletin 93(11), 1535-1549. doi: 10.1306/08110909100 | AAPG Notable Paper | view at publisher
- As of July, 2014, Web of Science #1 most cited paper in AAPG Bulletin of papers published since 2009
Laubach, S.E. and Diaz-Tushman, K., 2009, Laurentian paleostress trajectories and ephemeral fracture permeability, Cambrian Eriboll Formation sandstones west of the Moine thrust zone, northwest Scotland. Journal of the Geological Society (London), 166, part 2, 349-362. | view at GSW
Eichhubl, P., Davatzes, N.C., Becker, S.P., 2009, Structural and diagenetic control of fluid migration and cementation along the Moab Fault, Utah. AAPG Bulletin, 93/5, 653-681. | AAPG Notable Paper
- As of July, 2014, Web of Science #8 most cited paper in AAPG Bulletin of papers published since 2009
Hooker, J.N., Gale, J.F.W., Gomez, L.A., Laubach, S.E., Marrett, R., Reed, R.M., 2009, Aperture-size scaling variations in a low-strain opening-mode fracture set, Cozzette Sandstone, Colorado, Journal of Structural Geology, 31, 707-718. doi: 10.1016/j.jsg.2009.04.001 | view at publisher
- Fall 2014 Top 25 Most Cited article in journal according to publisher.
Gale, J.F., and Laubach, S.E., 2009, Natural fractures in the New Albany Shale and their importance for shale-gas production: 2009 International Coalbed & Shale Gas Symposium.
Wang, F. P., and J. F. W. Gale, 2009, Screening criteria for shale-gas systems: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, 59, 779-793.
Sayers, C.M., Dahi Taleghani, A. and Adachi, J., 2009, The effect of mineralization on the ratio of normal to tangential compliance of fractures. Geophysical Prospecting, 57/3, 439-446.
2008 Selected Publications
Olson, J.E., 2008, Multi-fracture propagation modeling: Applications to hydraulic fracturing in shales and tight gas sands. The 42nd US Rock Mechanics Symposium (USRMS). American Rock Mechanics Association, 08-327.
Lander, R.H., Larese, R.E. and Bonnell, L.M., 2008, Toward more accurate quartz cement models—The importance of euhedral vs. non-euhedral growth rates. AAPG Bulletin, 92/11, 1537-1564. | AAPG Notable Paper
- As of July, 2014, Web of Science #5 most cited paper in AAPG Bulletin of papers published since 2008
Laubach, S. E., 2008, Applications of cathodoluminescence imaging to the study of sedimentary rocks by S. Boggs Jr. and D. Kinsley, 2006, ix + 165 p.: Cambridge, NY, Cambridge University Press: a review: Geological Magazine, 145/4, 605–606. Invited review.
Gale, Julia F. W., and Holder, Jon, 2008, Natural fractures in the Barnett Shale: constraints on spatial organization and tensile strength with implications for hydraulic fracture treatment in shale-gas reservoirs, in 42nd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium and U.S.-Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, San Francisco, June 29-July 2: ARMA, American Rock Mechanics Association, paper ARMA 08-96.
Schultz, R. A., and H. Fossen, 2008, Terminology for structural discontinuities. AAPG Bulletin, 92, 853–867, doi: 10.1306/02200807065
Gale, J.F.W., compiler, 2008. Getting Started in Fractured reservoirs: A Compendium of Influential Papers. AAPG Getting Started Series No. 13, AAPG Datapages. | view
2007 Selected Publications
Marrett, R., Laubach, S.E. Olson, J.E., 2007, Anisotropy and beyond: geologic perspectives on geophysical prospecting for natural fractures. The Leading Edge, 26/9, 1106-1111. | view at publisher
- Reprinted in Fractured reservoirs: A compendium of influential papers (2008), AAPG.
Olson, J. E., 2007, Fracture aperture, length and pattern geometry development under biaxial loading: a numerical study with applications to natural, cross-jointed systems. In Couples, G & Lewis, H., eds., Fracture-Like Damage and Localization, Geological Society of London, Special Publication. 289, 123-142.
Olson, J. E., Laubach, S. E., and Lander, R. L., 2007, Combining diagenesis and mechanics to quantify fracture aperture distributions and fracture pattern permeability: In Lonergan, L., Jolley, R.J., Sanderson, D.J. , Rawnsley, K., eds., Fractured Reservoirs, Geological Society of London Special Publication 270, 97-112. | view at publisher
Gale, J. F. W., Reed, R. M., and Holder, Jon, 2007, Natural fractures in the Barnett Shale and their importance for hydraulic fracture treatments: AAPG Bulletin, 91: 603-622. | AAPG Notable Paper
Gale, J. F. W. and Gomez, L. A., 2007, Late opening-mode fractures in karst-brecciated dolostones of the Lower Ordovician Ellenburger Group, west Texas: Recognition, characterization, and implications for fluid flow. AAPG Bulletin 91: 1005-1023.
Hooker, J.N., and Laubach, S.E., 2007, The geologic history of quartz grains, as revealed by color SEM-CL. Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions 57, 375-386.
2006 Selected Publications
Gomez, L. A., and Laubach, S. E, 2006, Rapid digital quantification of microfracture populations. Journal of Structural Geology, 28, 408-420. | view at publisher
Ortega at al. 2006: A Classic in Oil, Petroleum & Natural Gas | According to Google Scholar citations, a project paper by Ortega, Marrett and Laubach is among the top cited in this field for that year. Classic papers are highly-cited papers in their area of research that have stood the test of time. For each area, Google Scholar lists the ten most-cited articles that were published ten years earlier.
Ortega, O. J., Marrett, R., and Laubach, S. E., 2006, A scale-independent approach to fracture intensity and average fracture spacing: AAPG Bulletin, v. 90, no. 2 (Feb. 2006), 193-208 .| request reprint | AAPG Notable Paper | view at publisher
Laubach, S.E., and Gale, J.F.W., 2006, Obtaining fracture information for low-permeability (tight) gas sandstones from sidewall cores: Journal of Petroleum Geology, 29 (2) (April 2006), 147-158. | view at publisher
Makowitz, A., Lander, R. H., Milliken, K. L., 2006, Diagenetic modeling to assess the relative timing of quartz cementation and brittle grain processes during compaction: AAPG Bulletin 90: 873-885.
Aydin, A., Borja, R. I., and Eichhubl, Peter, 2006, Geological and mathematical framework for failure modes in granular rock. Journal of Structural Geology, 28/1, 83-98.
- As of July, 2014, Web of Science #1 most cited paper in Journal of Structural Geology of papers published since 2006
Laubach, S. E. and Ward, M. W., 2006, Diagenesis in porosity evolution of opening-mode fractures, Middle Triassic to Lower Jurassic La Boca Formation, NE Mexico. Tectonophysics 419, 75-97. | request reprint | view at publisher
- Top-50 most cited articles published in Tectonophysics January 2006 – February 2011
Laubach, S.E. , Olson, J.E., Eichhubl, P., Lander R.H., 2006, Accurate and verifiable interwellbore fracture attribute predictions by linking diagenesis and fracture observations and models, Proceedings, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, 68th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Vienna, Austria (short papers & extended abstracts).
2005 Selected Publications
Philip, Z. G., Jennings, J. W. Jr., Olson, J. E., Laubach, S. E., and Holder, J., 2005, Modeling coupled fracture-matrix fluid flow in geomechanically simulated fracture networks: SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, 8/4, 300-309. | request reprint | view at publisher
- As of July, 2014, Web of Science #8 most cited paper in SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering since inception of the journal
Milliken, K. L., Reed, R. M., and Laubach, S. E., 2005, Quantifying compaction and cementation within deformation bands in porous sandstones : in Sorkhabi, R. and Y. Tsuji, eds., Faults, Fluid Flow and Petroleum Traps, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Memoir 85, 237-249. | view at publisher
2004 Selected Publications
Laubach, S.E., Olson, J.E., and Gale, J.F.W., 2004, Are open fractures necessarily aligned with maximum horizontal stress? Earth & Planetary Science Letters, 222/1, 191-195. | view at publisher
Laubach, S. E., Reed, R. M., Olson, J. E., Lander, R. H., and Bonnell, L. M., 2004, Coevolution of crack-seal texture and fracture porosity in sedimentary rocks: cathodoluminescence observations of regional fractures : Journal of Structural Geology, 26/5, 967-982. | view at publisher
Laubach, S., Lander, R., Bonnell, L., Olson, J., and Reed, R., 2004, Opening histories of fractures in sandstone: in Cosgrove, J.W., and Engelder, T., editors, The initiation, propagation, and arrest of joints and other fractures, Geological Society of London Special Publication 231, 1-9. | view at publisher
Olson, Jon, 2004, Predicting fracture swarms – the influence of subcritical crack growth and the crack-tip process zone on joint spacing in rock , in Cosgrove, J.W., and Engelder, T., editors, The initiation, propagation, and arrest of joints and other fractures, Geological Society of London Special Publication 231, 73-87.
Gale, J. F. W., Laubach, S. E., Marrett, R. A., Olson, J. E., Holder, J. & Reed, R. M., 2004, Predicting and characterizing fractures in dolostone reservoirs: using the link between diagenesis and fracturing. In: Braithwaite, C. J. R., Rizzi, G. & Darke, G., eds., The Geometry and Petrogenesis of Dolomite Hydrocarbon Reservoirs. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 235, 177-192. | view at publisher
2003 Selected Publications
Laubach, S. E., 2003, Practical approaches to identifying sealed and open fractures, AAPG Bulletin, 87(4), 561-579. doi: 10.1306/11060201106 | request reprint | view at publisher | for a slide set
- Reprinted in Fractured reservoirs: A compendium of influential papers (2008), AAPG.
- Reprinted in Understanding diagenetic controls on sandstone reservoir quality: A compendium of influential papers (2006), AAPG.
- No. 3 ‘Most-Cited’ article in AAPG Bulletin, December 2014, according to GeoscienceWorld.
Olson, J. E., 2003, Sublinear scaling of fracture aperture versus length: An exception or the rule? Journal of Geophysical Research (American Geophysical Union), 108/B9, 2413, doi:10.1029/2001JB000419 | view
Makowitz A, Milliken KL, 2003, Quantification of brittle deformation in burial compaction, Frio and Mount Simon Formation sandstones: Journal of Sedimentary Research, 73 (6), 1007-1021.
Reed, R. M., and Milliken, K. L., 2003. How to overcome imaging problems associated with carbonate minerals on SEM-based cathodoluminescence systems : Journal of Sedimentary Research, 73 (2), 328-332.
2002 Selected Publications
Gale, J. F. W., 2002 Specifying lengths of horizontal wells in fractured reservoirs: Society of Petroleum Engineers Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering, 5/3, 266–272. | view
Montoya, P., Fisher, W., Marrett, R., and Tatham, R., 2002, Estimation of fracture orientation and relative intensity using azimuthal variation of P-wave AVO responses and oriented core data in the Tacata Field, Venezuela , SEG Expanded Abstracts, 2002, AVO2 Case History Section, Salt Lake City, 261-264.
Rijken,P., Holder, J., Olson, J.E., and Laubach, S.E., 2002, Predicting fracture attributes in the Travis Peak Formation using quantitative mechanical modeling and structural diagenesis, GCAGS Transactions, 52, 837-847.
Liu, X., Srinivasan, S. and Wong, D.W., 2002, Geological characterization of naturally fractured reservoirs using multiple point geostatistics , SPE 75246, SPE/DOE Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, April 2002.
Hooker, John N., Marrett, Randall, and Laubach, S. E., 2002, Timing of faults and extension fractures in the Sierra Madre Oriental, northeastern Mexico: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, 52, 421-428.
2001 Selected Publications
Marrett, R., ed., 2001, Genesis and controls of reservoir-scale carbonate deformation, Monterrey salient, Mexico : The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Guidebook 28.
Olson, J.E., Qiu, Y., Holder, J., and Rijken, P., 2001, Constraining the spatial distribution of fracture networks in naturally fractured reservoirs using fracture mechanics and core measurements : SPE 71342.
Holder, J., Olson, J.E., and Philip, Z., 2001, Experimental determination of subcritical crack growth parameters in sedimentary rock: Geophysical Research Letters, 28/4, 599-602.
Laubach, S. E., Reed, R. M., Olson, J., Ortega, Orlando, and Gale, J. F. W., 2001, Fracture-surrogate analysis methods applied to Spraberry, Bone Spring, and Canyon cores: preliminary results, in The Permian Basin: microns to satellites, looking for oil and gas at all scales: West Texas Geological Society Fall Symposium, West Texas Geological Society Publication 01-110, 75-79.
2000 Selected Publications
Milliken, K.L., and Laubach, S.E., 2000, Brittle deformation in sandstone diagenesis as revealed by scanned cathodoluminescence imaging with application to characterization of fractured reservoirs : Chapter 9, Cathodoluminescence in Geosciences, Springer Verlag, 225-243. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Ortega, O.O. and Marrett, R., 2000, Prediction of macrofracture properties using microfracture information, Mesaverde Group sandstones, San Juan Basin, New Mexico : Journal of Structural Geology, 22, 571-588. | view at publisher
Laubach, S. E., Marrett, R., and Olson, J. O., 2000, New directions in fracture characterization, The Leading Edge 19, 704-711. doi: 10.1190/1.1438694 | request reprint | view at publisher
Hennings, P.H., Olson, J.E., and Thompson, L.B., 2000, Combining outcrop data and three-dimensional structural models to characterize fractured reservoirs: An example from Wyoming. AAPG Bulletin 84/6, 830-849. | view at publisher | AAPG Notable Paper
Other Selected Publications
Laubach, S. E., and Tinker, S. W., eds., 2009, Earth’s art: celebrating the Centennial of the Bureau of Economic Geology, 1909–2009: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, 142 p.
Lander, R.H., and Walderhaug, O., 1999, Porosity prediction through simulation of sandstone compaction and quartz cementation: AAPG Bulletin, 83, 433-449. More about Geocosm | view at publisher
Marrett, R., Ortega, O.O., and Kelsey, C., 1999, Power-law scaling of natural fractures in rock: Geology, 27, 799-802. | view at publisher
Blanton, T.L., Olson, J.E. 1999. Stress magnitudes from logs: effects of tectonic strains and temperature. SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, 2(1), 62-68. doi:10.2118/54653-PA
Laubach, S. E., Marrett, R., Olson, J., and Scott, A. R., 1998, Characteristics and origins of coal cleat: a review: International Journal of Coal Geology, 35, 175-207. | view at publisher
Laubach, S. E., 1997, A method to detect natural fracture strike in sandstones: AAPG Bulletin, 81(4), 604-623. | view at publisher
Marrett, R., 1997, Permeability, porosity, and shear-wave anisotropy from scaling of open fracture populations: in Hoak, T.E., Klawitter, A., and Blomquist, P.K., eds., Fractured Reservoirs: Characterization and Modeling: Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists, 217-226.| view at publisher
Marrett, R., 1996, Aggregate properties of fracture populations: Journal of Structural Geology, 18(2/3), 169-178. | view
Nelson, P., and Laubach, S. E., 1994, Rock mechanics models and measurements, challenges from industry: Rotterdam, Proceedings of the First North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, 1155 p.
Marrett, R. and Almendinger, R.W., 1991, Estimates of strain due to brittle faulting-sampling of fault populations, Journal of Structural Geology, 13(6), 735-738.
- As of July, 2014, Web of Science #46 most cited paper in Journal of Structural Geology since inception of the journal
Marrett, R. and Almendinger, R.W., 1990, Kinematic analysis of fault-slip data, Journal of Structural Geology, 12(8), 973-986. | view at publisher
- As of July, 2014, Web of Science #18 most cited paper in Journal of Structural Geology since inception of the journal
Withjack, M.O., Olson, J.E., and Peterson, E., 1990, Experimental-models of extensional forced folds: AAPG Bulletin 74/7, 1038-1054. | AAPG Notable Paper.
Laubach, S. E., 1989, Paleostress directions from the preferred orientation of closed microfractures (fluid-inclusion planes) in sandstone, East Texas basin, U.S.A.: Journal of Structural Geology, 11(5), 603-611. | view at publisher
Laubach, S. E., 1989, Fracture Analysis of the Travis Peak Formation, Western Flank of the Sabine Arch, East Texas: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Report of Investigations No. 185, 55 p. | view at publisher
Laubach, S. E., 1988, Fractures generated during folding of the Palmerton Sandstone, eastern Pennsylvania: Journal of Geology, 96(4), 495–503. | view at publisher
Laubach, S. E., 1988, Subsurface fractures and their relationship to stress history in East Texas Basin sandstone: Tectonophysics, 156, 37-49. | view at publisher
Laubach, S.E., and Marshak, S., 1987. Fault patterns generated during extensional deformation of crystalline basement, NW Scotland. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 28, 495-499. | view at publisher