More News on the FRAC site | SDI Event Details
FRAC Annual Meeting & Field Trip | October 7-8, 2024, Austin Texas. Contact Julia Gale.
Conference presentation | Fracture history and paleostress trajectories, Cambrian Flathead sandstone, Teton Range, Wyoming USA, GSA 22-25 September, Anaheim CA
AAPG Awards Ceremony | 27 August, Houston TX
Invited lecture | S.E. Laubach & S. Forstner, Scale-dependent fracture patterns & flow in low-enthalpy geothermal targets: the role of diagenesis & contingent nodes, International Geological Congress, Busan, South Korea, August 24-31, 2024
LDE Lecture | Stephanie Forstner, Lithosphere & Deep Earth Seminar Series, Austin Texas, 24 April
Deford Lecture | Esti Ukar, Austin, Texas, 4 April
Lecture | J. Gale. Characterizing natural and hydraulic fractures in energy projects, Abilene Texas, April
Invited Keynote Lecture | S.E. Laubach, Fracture network & spatial arrangement quantification & the role of chemical/mechanical interaction across scales, International Association for Structural Geology & Tectonics and the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India 26-28 February 2024. See Event Details for more information.
Lecture | Stephanie Forstner, Mapping fracture networks in outcrop analogs: length, aperture & connectivity, & the role of contingent nodes, Austin Geological Society, 4 December, 2023, 6:30-8:00 pm, Bureau seminar room | related paper
Lecture | Julia Gale, Natural and hydraulic fractures: relevance for hydrocarbon reservoirs, enhanced oil recovery/carbon storage projects in unconventional reservoirs & for low-enthalpy geothermal projects, Center for Subsurface Energy & the Environment CSEE Webinar Series, 14 November, 2023, 12 pm | related paper
FRAC Annual Meeting & Field Trip | October 22-24, 2023 Burlington VT and Plattsburgh NY. Contact S. Laubach.
Session Chair | Qiqi Wang chaired the session Fault and Natural Fracture Characterization at the 3rd International Meeting for Applied Geosciences & Energy (AAPG), 31 August, Houston, TX
Topical Session GSA | Fracture Patterns & Diagenesis in Low-Enthalpy Geothermal Reservoirs & Outcrop Analogs, S.E. Laubach, Convenor. GSA Connects 2023, Pittsburgh, PA 15-18 October.
Diagenesis School | Rob Lander and Linda Bonnell are among the leaders of the 4th School on Sandstone Diagenesis and S.E. Laubach participated with lectures on structural diagenesis. July 30 – August 3, Iowa City, Iowa.
Keynote | S.E. Laubach, Energy Geoscience Conference 2023, Aberdeen, 16-18 May. See Event Details for more information.
Field seminar | S.E. Laubach, Brittle structure: regional and fault-related fractures, Ullapool, Scotland and vicinity, 19-29 May
Invited lecture | S.E. Laubach, Scale-Dependent Fracture Patterns & Flow in Low-Enthalpy Geothermal Targets: The Role of Diagenesis & Contingent Nodes. Invited. In Stress, strain, deformation mechanisms and fluids in folded and faulted rocks, EGU General Assembly, 2023, Vienna, 23-28 April | related paper
Dissertation lecture | Rodrigo Corrêa, Seminar, Structural Diagenesis of Carbonate Rocks, Austin, 26 April | related paper
Lecture | Qiqi Wang, invited, Seminar, Understanding Fractures & Reservoir Quality in Tight Sandstones – Coupled Effects of Diagenesis & Deformation, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, 24 April | related paper
Lecture | Stephanie Forstner, Seminar, Mapping fracture trace patterns in outcrop analogs for low-enthalpy geothermal targets: The role of contingent nodes, Austin, 12 pm, Hard Rock Seminar, JGB4.102, 19 April | related paper
Lecture for general public | S.E. Laubach, invited, Bizarre Secrets of Fractures in the Flathead Sandstone & Why They Matter for Geothermal Everywhere, Geologists of Jackson Hole, Jackson, 7 March | see the video
Lecture | J.F.W. Gale, Natural & Engineered Fractures in the Energy Transition: Learnings from Core, Models, & Outcrops. Tectonic Studies Group, 2023, Leeds, 11 January | related paper
Special Issue | Journal of Structural Geology Deep & Ultra-deep Basin Brittle Deformation
Edited by Lianbo Zeng, Ronghu Zhang, Qiqi Wang, Bo Ren, John Hooker, S.E. Laubach | read the papers
FRAC Annual Meeting | Fall 2022, November 14-16, Austin. Contact Julia Gale for information.
Keynote | S.E. Laubach, GSA Penrose Conference, Flatrock NC, 20-24 June | related paper ESurf
Dissertation lecture | Qiqi Wang, BEG Seminar, Austin, November
International lecture | S.E. Laubach & Q. Wang, Structural Diagenesis, China (zoom) April
FRAC Annual Meeting | November 15-17, Austin. Contact Julia Gale or S. Laubach for information.
Lectures | The Role of Core in 21st Century Reservoir Characterization, London: Gale, Laubach
Lecture | Predicting hydraulic fracture geometry in shales: lab experiments and numerical modeling, CSEE Webinar Series
Fluid Inclusions Canada | Andras Fall was slated to participate in GeoConvention Canada, PACROFI, and help teach the MAC Short Course: Fluid Inclusions: Applications, May 15-16. See Event details
Mature Fields in México | The Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) planned a workshop on the engineering and geology of mature fields in Mexico. The workshop planned for April 21-22 was postponed. S. E. Laubach is a member of the organizing committee. | Conference web site | The conference was postponed.
Lecture: Fractures in chemically reactive environments | Nathanan Doungkaew, UTIG Seminar, April 7
Lecture: Natural Fractures and Shale | On February 7th J.F.W. Gale presented Natural Fractures in Shale Hydrocarbon Reservoirs at University of Louisiana at Lafayette Petroleum Engineering Department. Invited talk hosted by Mehdi Mokhtari
Short course: Fractured Reservoirs | Wayne Narr & S. Laubach, 2020 Brittle Structure Experience. Austin, TX, February 18-20
Keynote: EAGE | Esti Ukar: Importance and applications of diagenesis in naturally fractured reservoirs. Fourth EAGE Naturally Fractured Reservoir Workshop, Ras Al Khaimah, UAE, 11-13 February
Council on Chemical Sciences | S. E. Laubach participated in a meeting of the Council on Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences on January 15 in Maryland. As a member of the Council, Laubach was involved in organizing a workshop on the role of chemistry in fracture pattern development and a workshop on the prospects for machine learning approaches to address brittle structure issues. The former workshop led to a 2019 Reviews of Geophysics paper | view review paper
Geothermal | S. E. Laubach participated in a meeting on geothermal research issues from January 8-10 in Ithaca, NY.
Defense at University of Le Mans | J.F.W. Gale participated as external examiner for Salome Larmier’s Ph.D. defense at University of Le Mans, France in late January, 2020. Larmier’s Ph.D. focus is controls on location of bed-parallel veins in the Vaca Muerta. Her adviser is Dr. Alain Zanella. SDI work on the Vaca Muerta includes Ukar, Lopez, Gale et al. 2017 on new types of kinematic indicators | view
Next-Generation Fracture Research | Andras Fall and Esti Ukar will be organizing a series of Year 2020 workshops & discussion sessions on promising future directions in fracture research. Workshops are anticipated to be held in Austin and Houston. More news will be forthcoming in early 2020. Postponed.
Machine Learning | SDI collaborator Michael Pyrcz will be a 2020 Distinguished Lecturer for AAPG. His lecture will cover subsurface data analytics and machine learning. More information on his tour shortly.
Master Class Idaho | Graduates students of the Structural Diagenesis Initiative will participate in an intensive master class on stress, strain, and brittle structure, from December 7 through 15 in St. Anthony, Idaho.
Visiting Scientist | Junpeng Wang of the Hangzhou Research Institute of Geology arrived in Austin in November to begin a one-year collaborative research internship with the Initiative.
2019 SDI Student Event & FRAC Picnic | The annual structural diagenesis research community picnic was held on Saturday, November 23rd at the Tower of FRAC on Lake Travis. Congratulations to the graduate student organizing committee for providing perfect weather and to ECL for safely setting off the awesome fireworks.
SDI Research Review & 2019 FRAC meeting | At ROC on the UT Research Campus, Austin TX with field trip in the Texas Hill Country. Contact J. Gale or S. Laubach for more information. 4-6 November
China lecture | Natural Fracture Characterization and Prediction, P. Eichhubl, RIPED, Beijing, China, 28 October
Gussow Geoscience–New directions | New Directions in Geosciences for Unconventional Resources, CSPG Gussow Geoscience Conference, Banff, Canada. Contact J. Gale for information. 15-17 October
Best Student Author Award Ceremony | The Journal of Structural Geology recognized Natalie Debenham with an award for the top 2018 paper published in the journal by a student author. The reception was on November 1, from 730-900 pm at the Jenga Tower, Austin. S.E. Laubach, Editor, presiding. The event was ‘by invitation’.
GSA Phoenix | Initiative results were presented at this years Geological Society of America Annual Meeting. See Event Details for more information. 22-25 September
Invited talks | J.F.W. Gale presented Core Fracture Description of the Hydraulic Fracture Test Site (HFTS1) Slant Core, Reagan Co., Midland Basin, Texas to The University of Texas at Austin, Hildebrand Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering Graduate Student Seminar Series, September 9, 2019 and to Texas A&M Petroleum Engineering Graduate Student Seminar Series at Texas A&M University, College Station, September 3, 2019 | view related paper
Fracture Conference | SEG Fractured Reservoir & Unconventional Resources Forum: Prospects and Challenges in the Era of Big Data. See Event Details. Contact S. Laubach for information. Lanzhao, China. 1-3 September
Field expedition | A reprise of the traverse of the Tetons was held August 13-16. If you are interested in learning more, contact Steve Laubach.
Principal Investigators meeting | BES Gaithersburg, MD. Contact S. Laubach for information. 6-8 August
URTeC, Denver | SDI results featured at the Unconventional Resources Technology Conference. See Event Details. Denver, 22-24 July.
ARMA, New York | SDI results were presented at the rock mechanics meeting. See Event Details for talk listings. New York, 23-26 June.
AAPG convention, San Antonio | SDI results were presented at the meeting. See Event Details for talk listings. San Antonio, 19-22 May.
EAGE Shale Workshop | Esti Ukar presented Natural fractures in the Vaca Muerta Formation, Argentina | European shale conference, Bordeaux, France, 29 April
Invited talk | Peter Eichhubl, Fracture Research in Sandstone, OMV, Vienna, Austria
Lecture | Structural diagenesis of fractures in Cambrian Flathead sandstone, Wyoming: Stephanie Forstner. Lithosphere & Deep Earth Seminar, JGB 3.222, noon, 27 February
Mature Fields in México | The Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) sponsored the workshop to share the experiences and the challenges that operators face in Mature Fields in México. The SPE Workshop for Mature Fields was held on Feb 19-20, 2019 in Villahermosa. S.E. Laubach was on the Program Committee and participated as Panelist of Session 9: Future of Mature Fields. SDI collaborator Wayne Narr also presented. More information on the event here.
Student presentations | Jackson School student posters and research review. SDI student presenters. Main campus, all day Saturday, 2 February
Internal review meeting: coupled model | S. Laubach, J. Olson, R. Lander, L. Bonnell, others. Austin, 29-31 January
Structural diagenesis and Vaca Muerta fracture systems | BEG Seminar, Esti Ukar. Austin, 25 January
Qualifying exam | Q. Wang: Fracture Evolution and Progressive Diagenesis in Low Porosity Sandstone (S.E. Laubach, supervisor), Barrow Conference room, 8 am, 24 January
Delaware basin internal review meeting | Austin, 15 January.
Session: Chemically Reactive Fractures, AGU | Fracture Processes in Chemically Reactive Subsurface Environments. T020. John N. Hooker, Peter Eichhubl, organizers. Submission deadline Wednesday, August 1, 2018. AGU site. Meeting held in Washington, D.C., December 10-14
AGU Machine learning poster | Data Challenge: Machine Learning for Earthquake Detection and Rupture Timing | Monday, 10 December 2018; 08:00 – 12:20; S11E: Extracting Information from Geophysical and Geochemical Signals: Applying Machine Learning Through Data Science Challenges Posters. Read 2018 Machine Learning abstract Convention Center; Hall A-C (Poster Hall). AGU site. Meeting to be held in Washington, D.C.. Contact Steve Laubach for more information.
SDI Student Event & FRAC Picnic 2018 | Is scheduled for Saturday, November 17. Family and friends are welcome. Venue: Usual place on Lake Travis. Contact Steve Laubach for information.
Council on Chemical Sciences, Geosciences and Biosciences | Fall Council meeting. S.E. Laubach, Member of Council. Gaithersburg, MD. November 6
Keynote | The Geology of Fractured Reservoirs | S.E. Laubach, keynote speaker, Geological Society of London, Burlington House, London, October 24-25 | for conference information
Invited talk | A. Abdulaziz with S. Laubach, E. Bickel, R. Schultz. SEG Workshop, Maximizing the Value of Geophysics in Unconventional Resource Plays. Dubai, October 2-4
SDI Research Review held in conjunction with FRAC Meeting, Fall, 2018; field trip September 17; meeting dates were September 18-19. Casper, Wyoming. Contact J. Gale or S. Laubach for information. Field trip held in conjunction with the meeting was in the Casper area and was led by Peter Hennings and Jon Olson. Two optional additional post-meeting field trips were held on 21 September and 21-22 September out of Jackson. The two-day trip was fortunate with excellent weather, and covered more than 40 km and elevation change of more than 10,000 ft to visit some excellent geology stops at high elevation.
1st School on Sandstone Diagenesis | Linda Bonnell, Rob Lander, organizers; lecturers | Controls on Sandstone Diagenesis, GeoZentrum Nordbayern, August 27-29th | more information
Gordon Research Conference on Rock Deformation | Peter Eichhubl, discussion leader on geofluids, geothermics, and geohazards. Andover, NH, August 19-24
2018 DOE BES Geosciences Principal Investigators Meeting | S.E. Laubach, PI; presentation August 9. Meeting sponsored by the DOE BES Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences Division, Gaithersburg, MD, August 7-9
Defense | I. Becker. C Hilgers, Supervisor; S. Laubach, Member. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, August 1
Invited Lecture | S.E. Laubach will present project research at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, July 31
Sampling hydraulic fractures | Hydraulic fractures in core from stimulated reservoirs: core fracture description of the HFTS slant core, Reagan Count, Midland Basin, Texas: Julia F. Gale, Sara J. Elliott, S.E. Laubach. Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, presentation and paper, special session, Houston, TX, July 24
Field work western US | S. Forstner, Q. Wang, S.E. Laubach. Utah, Wyoming. July 8-21
Defense | Matt Ramos. Nicholas Espinoza, S.E. Laubach, supervisors. Austin, July 3
Presentation at DFNE | Gaps in DFN models and how to fill them, J. Gale, E. Ukar, S. Laubach, presentation and paper; J. Gale, panelist. Discrete Fracture Network Engineering conference (DFNE) in conjunction with ARMA. Seattle, June 20-22
PACROFI XIV | Pan-American Current Research on Fluid Inclusions. Andras Fall is on the organizing committee. Fall will also give the lead-off talk in a one-day short course on fluid inclusions in petroleum systems. Houston, June 11-16 | SDI presentations | more information.
Invited presentations | 80th EAGE Annual Conference, Copenhagen, June 11-14
- Chemical-mechanical feedback and fracture size and spacing patterns. S.E. Laubach, J. Olson, R. Lander. In: Hydro-mechanical modeling in tight formations (dedicated session), June 13 | view
- Rock property prediction using process-oriented models and digital sedimentary petrology models. R.H. Lander, L.M. Bonnell. In: Reservoir quality modeling: Applied studies and case histories (dedicated session), June 13. | view
UT/Statoil Fellowship Poster Session | Gabriel Gallardo Giozza (C. Torres-Verdin, N. Espinoza, S. Laubach), Austin, TX, May 29
Council on Chemical Sciences, Geosciences and Biosciences | Spring Council meeting. S.E. Laubach, Member of Council. May 21
AAPG Annual Meeting | Julia Gale is a member of the organizing committee and Petroleum Structure & Geomechanics Division (PSGD) Vice Co-Chair. For more information about ACE; about PSGD. Salt Lake City, May 20-23
Short Course: Fracture Characterization | Julia F.W. Gale, Instructor. Sponsored by: Professional Women in the Earth Sciences in conjunction with AAPG. Salt Lake City, Utah, May 19
National Priorities for Research, Mexico | S. E. Laubach, panelist | Mexico City, April 11-13
BEG Seminar Series | Andras Fall: Constraining the History of Fluid Events Using the Fluid Inclusion Assemblage (FIA) Method for Collecting, Displaying and Interpreting Microthermometric Data. BEG Main Conference Room, April 6
BES workshop: Disentangling Signals from Evolving Fracture Systems: The Machine Learning/Deep Learning Challenge | DC area. S.E. Laubach, lead-off speaker | March 28-30
SDI-Geocosm review meeting | Lander, Olson, Laubach. March 15-19
Keynote | EAGE Fractured Reservoirs conference | S.E. Laubach, keynote speaker | Muscat, Oman February 5-8
SDI Student Event | Saturday, December 2. Contact S. Laubach for more information.
Council on Chemical Sciences, Geosciences and Biosciences | Fall Council meeting is November 16th. S.E. Laubach is a Member of the Council.
SDI Research Review held in conjunction with FRAC Meeting, October 16-17 2017, Austin, Texas. Core workshop on Oct. 17, p.m. Contact J. Gale or S. Laubach for information.
GSA Seattle 2017 | Andras Fall is co-convener of Fluids and melts in geologic systems and S. E. Laubach is an invited speaker for the session Spatiotemporal variations and the role of fluids in fault-zone hydromechanical properties | Listing of SDI talks
Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics (DRT), 21st International Conference on to be held 30 April to 4 May 2017 in Inverness, Scotland. More information. S.E. Laubach is a member of the Scientific Committee, session chair, and speaker. Paper submissions were due Tuesday, 17 January 2017. Registration was 15 September, 2016.
AAPG Annual Convention, Houston | 2-5 April 2017. Julia F.W. Gale is convention theme chair for Structure, Tectonics, and Geomechanics, and initiative scientists are chairing sessions, giving invited talks, presenting research results in oral and poster sessions, and are involved in Petroleum Structure & Geomechanics Division and AAPG committee activities. For more information
Rock Mechanics Symposium | Initiative scientists made contributions to the 51st US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium. The symposium is sponsored by the American Rock Mechanics Association, which had its inception in Austin at the First North American Rock Mechanics Symposium in June, 1994 chaired by P. Nelson and S.E. Laubach. SD Initiative contributions in 2017 include the following papers:
- Characterization of naturally fractured reservoirs using drilling mud loss data, Razavi et al.
- The effect of variable fluid injection rate on the stability of seismogenic faults, Zhu et al.
- Stress-dependent dynamic-static transforms of anisotropic Mancos shale, Ramos et al.
Theme issue: Spatial Arrangement of Fractures and Faults, Paper deadline, 14 December, Journal of Structural Geology theme issue, S. E. Laubach, R. Marrett, B. Gauthier, J. Lamarche, and W. Dunne, editors. Contact S. E. Laubach for further information or see the journal web site announcement.
Invited speaker | S.E. Laubach presented an invited lecture at Oxford University, December 2016. For more information
Student Event and FRAC Picnic | Saturday, November 5, 2016. Contact Steve Laubach for information.
Bed-parallel veins | Peter Cobbold, visiting lecture at FRAC, Bureau of Economic Geology, 9 a.m., Monday, October 24.
Fractures, Pores, and Fluids | Principal Investigators meeting, Gaithersburg, VA. August 15-16. S. E. Laubach presented Chemical and mechanical interaction in formation of fracture size patterns. Contact Laubach for information on SDI involvement.
Distinguished Service Award | S. E. Laubach | AAPG Annual Convention, Calgary, June 19.
Induction of new GSA Fellows | S. E. Laubach and R. A. Schultz, Denver September 25.
SDI Research Review Meeting
held in conjunction with FRAC meeting
September 19-22, 2016; Technical Sessions Sept. 21-22
Lost Pines, central Texas. Lost Pines is between Austin and Houston. Contact Jon Olson, Rich Schultz, Julia Gale, or Steve Laubach for more information.
The Micoanalysis Society‘s Electron Backscatter Diffraction 2016 conference on May 24-26th at the University of Alabama featured an invited keynote lecture by Esti Ukar of rock fracture and EBSD methods in the technical symposia. Event Details.
Invited speaker | P. Eichhubl presented an invited talk at Best of RPSEA, 10 years of Research conference, August 30.
Mechanics and Chemistry Workshop, May 8-11. Basic Energy Sciences. National Conference Center, Leesburg, VA. Contact S. E. Laubach for information about the workshop.
Fracture Growth and Fluid Flow | Invited lecture, Texas A&M University, Department of Petroleum Engineering. April 5th. S. E. Laubach.
Program Synopsis | Rich Schultz & S. E. Laubach summarized aspects of the research initiative for a delegation of senior scientists from BP on March 3. The meeting was organized by the Cockrell School of Engineering.
Fractures and Fracturing in Chemically Reactive Environments
American Geophysical Union, Fall 2015 | Major and Callahan, session organizers | Details
Geomechanics and Petrophysical Properties of Mudrocks
Julia F. W. Gale, Invited keynote speaker. 16-17 November, 2015. Geological Society of London. | Details
The Geology of Geomechanics
Julia F. W. Gale, Invited keynote speaker. 28-29 October, 2015. Geological Society of London. | Details
Fracture Growth in Diagenetic Environments | Aix Marseille Université
S. E. Laubach, Invited Lecture. October 1, 2015.
SDI Student Event & Research Group gathering | 21 November
Annual Student Event & FRAC Picnic. An internal research review and discussion session will be held during the week of November 16th. Student event date 21 November 2015, Turner Ranch Road, Central Texas. Contact Steve Laubach for information and invitations. | Details
Project Review Meeting | Research Progress Updates
Annual Meeting. In conjunction with Fracture Research & Application Consortium meeting. Date 24-25 September, Austin, Texas. A pre-meeting Central Texas field trip is planned for September 23rd. Contact Julia Gale or Steve Laubach for information and invitations.
GCSSEPM Luncheon Speaker | Rob Lander | Model the Rock!
Tuesday, September 22. Houston, Texas GCAGS
Modes of Natural Fracture Growth: Insights from Linked Geomechanics and Geochemistry | University of Wisconsin-Madison
P. Eichhubl, Invited. Weeks Lecture, Department of Geoscience, University of Wisconsin-Madison. September 11.
Brittle Structures of Rocky Mountain Reservoirs and Reservoir Analogs. Symposium, May 21-23, Rocky Mountain GSA Section Meeting in Casper, Wyoming. Contact S. E. Laubach, session chair and organizer, or GSA for details. December 16 Abstract deadline.
The Role of Fluids in Faulting and Fracturing in Carbonates and Other Upper Crustal Rocks 2015 EGU General Assembly, Vienna, April 12-17. TS1.3 | S. E. Laubach is an invited speaker. Slides are on the private website.
Petroleum Geomechanics and Fracture Interpretation Special Section paper submittal deadline is 1 April. Laubach, Marrett, Olson, editors. See the Interpretation special section page.
Tectonic Studies Group Annual Meeting, Edinburgh 2015
Julia F. W. Gale, Invited keynote speaker. 4-10 January, 2015.
R. Lander | AAPG Distinguished Lecture Tour
For more information contact Rob Lander or AAPG. Lander’s presentation at UT will be on February 23rd.
Matthew W. Becker | Distinguished Visitor | Lecture BEG
February 27, 9 a.m., at Bureau. SDI Initiative visiting scientist; collaborative research.
AGU Fall Meeting | San Francisco, December 2014
SDI graduate students and staff have seven presentations. Topics and presenters are listed under Event Details
SDI Student Event & 16th Annual FRAC Picnic
Location, Turner Ranch Road near Muleshoe Bend, Saturday November 22nd, 2014.
Capitol City Highlanders at 4 pm. Plan to be at the site no later than 3:30.
BBQ served at 2 pm. | Photos from previous Student Events
Contact Laubach for schedule and directions
Fracture Research & Application Consortium Annual Meeting
Location, Texas Hill Country, Camp Balcones Springs, September 15-17, 2014.
See Event Details for agenda and invitation.
GSA Geomechanics Session | T190
2014 Annual Meeting | Vancouver BC
Hennings, Davis & Laubach, Chairs
Fundamental Parameters Associated with Successful Hydraulic Fracturing: Means and Methods for a Better Understanding
Hedberg Research Conference, 7-11 December 2014
Julia F.W. Gale is one of the conference organizers
Structural Diagenesis Field Symposium | Utah | Peter Eichhubl, field trip leader
Basic Energy Sciences Workshop
Structural Diagenesis | Gaithersburg, MD, May 15-16, 2014 | Slides on private website
S. E. Laubach chairs geoscience session and will make our project presentation
Olson | SPE Distinguished Lecture Tour
For more information contact Jon Olson
Internal Workshop | Cement deposits & fracture opening
BEG | January 30, 2014
Structural Diagenesis Field Symposium 2014
Utah. See Structural Diagenesis Field Symposium page for more information
Lectures & Workshop | Pau
December, 2013 | Laubach and Olson
SDI Student Event | 15th Annual FRAC Picnic Austin | February 1, 2014
Fracture Research & Application Consortium Annual Meeting
September 16-17 Austin, Texas
FRAC Field Trip | Canada
Calgary, September 11-13, 2013
Contact Peter Eichhubl for itinerary & field guide
Information about the meeting
SEG Post-Convention Workshop, Houston
Are we able to detect and characterize fractures? September 27
S.E. Laubach, The Geology of Natural Fractures (Invited)
GSA Annual Meeting Denver 2013
Structural Geology and Geomechanics in the Petroleum Industry | T209
J. S. Davis, P. Hennings, S.E. Laubach, Session Chairs
Information about the session
URTeC Denver 2013
Fracture Characterization
S.E. Laubach, Theme Chair
Information about the session
AAPG ACE Pittsburgh
Reservoir Deformation Research Group | Tuesday May 21, 7 p.m.
Modeling the unseen: Scales, effective properties, and
geologic realism vs. numerical models | David Wolf, chair
Invited talk, Sergey Fomel: Seismic diffraction imaging
Information about geophysical implications of program research
EGU Vienna
Peter Eichhubl, Session Chair
Information about the session
GSA South-Central Austin
Esti Ukar, Session Chair
Information about the session
AAPG Chas. Taylor Fellowship Annual Meeting, Feb. 4, Houston
S. Laubach, M. Sweet, C. North, Conveners
R. Lander, Invited Keynote Speaker
Information about the session
Annual FRAC student & alumni event & picnic | Winter 2014
Saturday, Note the new (tentative) date: February 1, 2014
Anyone interested in fractures or diagenesis is welcome to attend.
Contact the organizing committee – Esti Ukar, Andras Fall, Nike Tokan-Lawal
AGU Sessions-December 3rd & 4th, San Francisco
Peter Eichhubl, Session Chair
Information about the session
GSA Session-November 6th & 7th, Charlotte
S.E. Laubach, Session Chair
Information about the session
Annual FRAC student and alumni event and picnic Fall 2012
Sunday, November 18
Anyone with an interest in fractures or diagenesis is welcome to attend.
Contact the organizing committee – Esti Ukar, Peter Eichhubl.
Fracture Research & Application Consortium Annual Meeting
Rochester, NY, September 25-27
Research meeting, short course & field trip
Fractures for geologists
J.E. Olson at Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists – May 22
See the presentation
Structural diagenesis, resource plays, the Highlands of Scotland and curriculum development
S.E. Laubach at Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists – April 10
About the presentation | Calgary Lecture
Fracture Research & Application Consortium Annual Meeting
Santa Barbara, CA, November 8-11
Research meeting, short course & field trip
New Perspectives in Fractured Reservoirs
Veracruz, MX, October 16-19. GCAGS
S.E. Laubach, F. Monroy, Chairs
Advances in Carbonate Exploration & Reservoir Analysis
Burlington House, London Geological Society, November 4-5
S. Laubach, convener
Geology of Unconventional Gas Plays
Burlington House, London Geological Society, October 4-7
S. Laubach, convener
Global Unconventional Gas 2010 Conference
Amsterdam, June 15-17
S. Laubach, keynote speaker, Shale fractures
44th US Rock Mechanics Symposium
Salt Lake City, June 2010
S. Laubach, session chair
Goldschmidt Conference
Knoxville June 2010
S. Laubach, session chair
Basic Energy Geosciences Symposium
Washington DC, March 11-12
P. Eichhubl, S. Laubach
Fracture Research & Application Consortium Annual Meeting
Austin, Texas, September 23, 2010
Research meeting and short course
2010 Annual Structural Diagenesis Alumni Dinner
Houston: Contact Steve Laubach for time & place
Annual FRAC student and alumni event and picnic Fall 2010
October 16 – Tentative date
Anyone with an interest in fractures or diagenesis is welcome to attend.
Contact the graduate student organizing committee – John Hooker, Alex Urquhart.
AGU Fall Meeting
San Francisco, California, Dec. 14-18, 2009 (FRAC presentations)
JSG Structural Diagenesis at Euro Rock Physics & Geomechanics
Ascona, Switzerland, 13-18 September, 2009
Peter Eichhubl, S.P. Becker, S.E. Laubach, R.J. Bodnar, R.H. Lander: 48 my fracture opening as a coupled chemomechanical process in deep sandstone reservoirs
Fracture Research & Application Consortium Annual Meeting
November November 16-17, 2009 Austin, TX. Research meeting and short course.
2009 Annual Structural Diagenesis Alumni Dinner
Houston, May 28: Contact Steve Laubach for time & place
The annual FRAC student and alumni event and picnic
Fall 2009, December 12.
Anyone with an interest in fractures or diagenesis is welcome to attend. Contact the graduate student organizing committee – John Hooker, Alex Urquhart.
Structural Diagenesis Field Symposium 2007
NW Scotland. See Structural Diagenesis Field Symposium page for more information