Theses & Dissertations
Postdoctoral Fellows & Visiting Scientists
Junpeng Wang | 2019-2020 | Fold-fracture relations and structural diagenesis | to Hangzhou Research Institute
Mahdi Haddad | 2018-2020 | Fracture propagation | to Research Associate, BEG
Owen Callahan | 2018-2019 | Fractures in basement rocks |
Xiang Shan | 2018-2019 | Structural diagenesis | to Hangzhou Research Institute
Hunjoo Lee | 2016-in progress | Quantification of natural fracture strength
Vinyet Baqués | 2016-2018 | Carbonate rock fracture, deep-seated karst and structural diagenesis | to Research Associate, UT
Omid Razavi | 2016-2018 | Natural fractures and drilling response | to Halliburton Technology
Xiaofeng Chen | 2015-2018 | Experimental structural diagenesis | to Oklahoma State
Zhiqiang Fan | 2013-2016 | Numerical methods in fracture growth | to DRI
Chris Landry | 2013-2016 | Flow modeling and imaging the matrix fracture interface | to Research Associate, Petroleum & Geosystems Engineering 2016
Romain Lacube | 2015 | Structural diagenesis of fractured carbonate rock systems | to Aix-Marseille University
Tiago Miranda | 2013-2014 | Fractured carbonate rock scaling, diagenesis modeling | to Petrobras 2014
Estibalitz Ukar | 2011-2013 | Quantitative fracture pattern evolution in the context of folding | to Research Associate, Bureau 2013
Tobias Weisenberger | 2010-2012 | Understanding patterns of sealed and open fractures | to Professor, University of Oulu, Finland 2012
András Fall | 2009-2012 | Fluid inclusion analysis of unconventional gas fracture systems | to Research Associate, Bureau 2012
Stephen Becker | 2007-2009 | Fracture opening histories from fluid inclusion records | to Research scientist, ExxonMobil 2009
Virginio Neumann | 2003-2006 | Fracture systems in fine grained carbonate rocks | to Professor, University of Pernambuco, Brazil 2006
Department of Geological SciencesQiqi Wang | PhD in progress | Fracture growth processes Stephanie Forstner | PhD in progress | Fracture pattern development in chemically reactive environments Rodrigo Correa | PhD in progress | Fracture systems in carbonate rocks Natchanan “Mint” Doungkaew | PhD 2023 | Role of diagenesis in ductile fracture growth history Bethany Rysak | M.S. 2022 | Fractures in shale in the Midland basin | to Ovintiv Services Inc Matt Ramos | PhD 2018 | Experimental studies of fracture pattern development | to Chevron Owen Callahan | PhD 2018 | Interactions between chemical alteration, fracture mechanics, and fluid flow | to UT postdoctoral fellowship Jon Major | PhD 2018 | Natural fractures in mudrocks | to UtUE Sungbin Cho | Undergraduate research assistant 2017-2018 Andrew Stearns | Undergraduate research assistant 2017-2018 Elizabeth McKinnon | MS 2017 | Structural diagenesis of bed-parallel and bed-normal fractures, Cretaceous Crato Formation carbonate rocks, NE Brazil | to AISD John Li | MS 2017 | Structural diagenesis of fracture spatial arrangement | to UT graduate program, statistics Hal Hundley | MS 2017 | Size distribution and spatial arrangement of normal faults | to Eagle Oil & Gas Erick Wright | MS 2017 | Flow pathways in cemented fractures | to NY-UE Casey O’Brien | MS 2016 | Structural diagenesis of deformation bands | to Shell Natchanan “Mint” Doungkaew | MS 2016 | Fracture evolution in folds using kinematic and dynamic numerical approaches | to PhD program, UT Qiqi Wang | MS 2016 | Fracture systematics in shale | to PhD program, UT Peter Laciano | MS 2015 | Fault and fracture kinematics | to Shell Ashlyn Zare | BS project 2015 | Fault rock diagenesis | to Mech. Eng. Lauren Copley | MS 2015 | Fracture sets, timing, and size distributions in the Cretaceous Frontier Formation, Greater Green River basin, Wyoming | to Cimarex Nike Tokan-Lawal | MS 2014 | Understanding fluid flow in rough-walled fractures using x-ray microtomography images | to Shell Ҫanalp Ozkul | MS 2014 | Fracture abundance and strain in folded Cardium Sandstone, Alberta Fold-and-Thrust Belt, Canada | to TPAO Yaser Alzayer | MS 2014 | Fracture opening kinematics in unconventional oil and gas reservoirs | to Aramco Sara Elliott | RSA in progress | Microstructural image collection and analysis Shelby Bean | RSA 2014-2015 | Microstructural image collection and analysis | to Colorado School of Mines Laura Pommer | MS 2013 | Natural fracture cementation in the Marcellus shale | to Anadarko Stephanie Frelinger | RSA 2012 | Microstructural image collection and analysis | to UT graduate program John N. Hooker | PhD 2012 | Fracture scaling and diagenesis | to Oxford University 2012 Faustino Monroy-Santiago | PhD 2012 | Interrelationships between carbonate diagenesis and fracture development: Example from Monterrey Salient, Mexico and implications for hydrocarbon reservoir characterization | to Pemex Guangjian (Ceclia) Xu | MS 2012 | Fluid inclusion studies of microfractures in Eriboll Formation, NW Scotland: Insights into timing of fracture opening | to Texas A&M Ph.D. program 2012 Karen Black | RSA 2012 | Microstructural image collection and analysis | to Core Lab Luke Fidler | MS 2011 | Natural fracture characterization of the New Albany Shale, Illinois basin, United States | to Newfield Autumn Kaylor | MS 2011 | A fluid inclusion and cathodoluminescence approach to reconstruct fracture growth in the Triassic-Jurassic La Boca Formation, Northeastern Mexico | to Chevron Alex Urquhart | MS 2011 | Structural controls on CO2 leakage and diagenesis in a natural long-term carbon sequestration analogue: Little Grand Wash fault, Utah | to Sandia National Lab Frank L. Morgan | BS 2011 | Fracture aperture and spacing patterns in two folded quartz arenites: Cambrian Flathead Formation, Teton Range, Wyoming and Cambrian Eriboll Formation, Northwest Scotland | to LSU 2011 Hyein Ahn | GRA 2010 | Microstructural imaging and analysis | to Berkeley Brandon Barber | MS 2010 | Natural fracture characterization, Frontier Formation, Wyoming | to ExxonMobil 2010 Peter Hargrove | MS 2010 | Fault-related fracture systems in the Cambrian Eriboll Formation, Northwest Scotland: A field and petrographic study of a tight gas sandstone analog | to BP Aysen Ozkan | PhD 2009 | Structural diagenetic attributes of the Late Cretaceous Williams Fork sandstones with implications for petrophysical interpretation and fracture prediction, Piceance basin, Colorado | Dissertation | to Shell Research 2009 Magdalena A. Ellis | MS 2009 | Fracture pattern evolution and diagenesis in fault zones, Torridonian sandstone, NW Scotland | to ExxonMobil 2009 Juan F. Inigo | MS 2009 | Structural model and fracture analyses for a major gas emplacement in Devonian sandstones of the Subandes | to Pluspetrol David Westwood | URA 2009 | Undergraduate Assistant in FRAC program, Tufts University, Summer 2009 Tim Gibbons | MS 2007 | Spatial arrangement of deformation bands and processes of formation within porous sandstone: Arches National Park, Utah | to El Paso Leonel Gomez | PhD 2007 | Characterization of the spatial arrangement of opening-mode fractures | to ExxonMobil Research 2007 Edgar Pinzon | MS 2007 | Fracture pattern prediction using geomechanical models incorporating diagenesis, with comparison to outcrop data, Cambrian Eriboll sandstones, Northwestern Scotland and core observations, Tertiary Mirador Formation sandstones, Llanos foothills Colombia | to Conoco Ankur Roy | MS cand. 2007 | Geomechechanical and diagenetic modeling of fracture pattern evolution and spatial scaling | to Ph.D. program, Tennessee Kira Diaz-Tushman | MS 2007 | Fracture tectonics, fracture porosity evolution and structural diagenesis, Cambrian Eriboll sandstones, Northwest Scotland | to BP 2007 Meghan E. Ward (Playton) | MS 2005 | Opening history and porosity evolution of fractures in sandstone, Triassic to Jurassic La Boca Formation, Northeast Mexico | to Chevron Research 2005 Astrid Makowitz | PhD 2004 | The genetic association between brittle deformation and quartz cementation elucidated by scanned cathodoluminescence imaging | to BP Petro Papazis | MS 2004 | Petrologic characterization of processes controlling fracture evolution in the Barnett Shale and their financial implications, Fort Worth Basin, Texas | to Chevron John N. Hooker | MS 2004 | Fault timing in the Sierra Madre Oriental, Northeastern Mexico | to RSA at BEG 2004-2012 Orlando Ortega | PhD 2002 | Fracture-size scaling and stratigraphic controls on fracture intensity | to Shell Research 2002 Christopher Hare | MS 2002 | Analysis of fracture clustering using the continuous wavelet transform: An example from the Marble Falls Limestone | to Anadarko Aysen Ozkan | MS 2001 | Diagenesis and porosity evolution of the Flathead Sandstone (Middle Cambrian), Wyoming and Montana | to Core Lab 2001 Javier Geovanni Moros | MS 1999 | Relationship between fracture aperture and length in sedimentary rocks | to Petrobras |
Department of Petroleum & Geosystems EngineeringByungtark (B.T.) Lee | PhD in progress | Modeling chemical/mechanical fracture pattern evolution Syed Talha Tirmizi | MS in progress | Fracture pattern reconstruction Mahmood Shakiba | PhD 2022 | Statistical aspects of fracture patterns | to research affiliate, PGE Gabriel Gallardo Giozza | PhD | Mechanical stratigraphy in shale systems Mohsen Babazadeh | PhD 2018 | Fracture propagation in fractured media | to Schlumberger Valerie Gono | MS 2018 | Fracture pattern development | to ORTEC Andreas Michael | MS 2018 | Fracture growth modeling | to PhD program LSU Kaimin Yue | PhD 2018 | Fracture propagation in laminated rocks with brittle and ductile layers | to Pegasus Weiwei Wang | PhD 2017 | The mechanics of natural fracture – hydraulic fracture interaction | to Shell Hunjoo Lee | PhD 2015 | Fracture propagation in naturally fractured reservoirs | to Postdoctoral fellow, PGE Valerie Gono | MS 2015 | On shaky ground: Understanding the correlation between induced seismicity and wastewater injection in the Forth Worth basin | to PhD student, PGE Kaimin Yue | MS 2015 | Fracture propagation in laminated rocks with brittle and ductile layers | to PhD student, PGE Nana Asiamah | MS 2015 | Multi-fracture propagation in unconventional shale | to industry Kan Wu | PhD 2014 | Fully coupled fluid flow and mechanics modeling for hydraulic fracturing from horizontal wells | to Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University Kashif Nasseem | MS 2014 | Simulating gas production in realistic hydraulic fracture networks: A case study of Marcellus Shale | to Schlumberger Emad Alabbad | MS 2014 | Multi-frac propagation from horizontal wells: an experimental study in hydrostone blocks | to ExxonMobil Ji Li | PhD 2013 | Permeability effects on natural fracture development | to ConocoPhillips Abdul Khan | MS 2013 | Multi-frac treatments in tight oil and shale gas reservoirs: Effects of hydraulic fracture geometry on oil production | to industry Farrokh Sheibani | PhD 2012 | Solving three dimensional problems in natural and hydraulic fracture development: Insights from displacement discontinuity modeling | to Postdoctoral Research Associate at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) H. A. (Rudy) Reynolds | MS 2012 | Hydraulic fracture optimization using hydraulic fracture and reservoir modeling in the Piceance basin, Colorado | to BP Benjamin Lee Bahorich | MS 2012 | Examining the effect of cemented natural fractures on hydraulic fracture propagation in hydrostone block experiments | to Durango Resources Mehran Hosseini | MS 2012 | Hydraulic fracturing of weakly consolidated sands | to Ph.D. Student at University of Southern California Syed Muhammad Farrukh Hamza | MS 2012 | Shear-enhanced permeability and poroelastic deformation in unconsolidated sands | to Halliburton Jennifer Reese | MS 2010 | Simulating gas production from hydraulic fracture networks: A case study of the Barnett Shale | to ConocoPhillips Arash Dahi | PhD 2009 | Analysis of hydraulic fracture propagation in fractured reservoirs: an improved model for the interaction between induced and natural fractures | to Assistant Professor, LSU Hasnain Khan | MS 2009 | Shear-induced relative permeability changes in uncemented sands | to Halliburton Raushan Kumar | MS 2009 | Effect of chemical environments on subcritical crack growth in geological materials | to Chevron Atif Mohammed Malayalam | MS 2008 | Multidisciplinary hydraulic fracture evaluation in the Mesaverde Group of the Piceance Basin | to Anadarko Hamid Adefashe | MS 2006 | Determining the fracture mechanics properties of sedimentary rocks using double torsion testing | to Chevron Namsu Park | PhD 2006 | Discrete element modeling of rock fracture behavior: fracture toughness and time-dependent fracture growth | to Baker Hughes Peggy Rijken | PhD 2005 | Modeling naturally fractured reservoirs: From experimental rock mechanics to flow simulation | View Dissertation | to Chevron Myeong Noh | PhD 2004 | Reactive transport modeling in fractures and two-phase flow Zeno Philip | PhD 2003 | Incorporating subcritical crack growth mechanics into natural fracture characterization for improved reservoir simulation | to Pinnacle Yuan Qiu | PhD 2002 | Natural fracture characterization and modeling | to Shell Yaguang Gu | PhD 2000 | Fracture pattern modeling and fluid flow | to Schlumberger Hwanjo Baek | PhD 1994 | Evaluation of fracture mechanics properties and microstructural observations of rock fractures [Department of Civil Engineering] | to Professor, University of Chuncheon, Korea Energy and Earth Resources Graduate Program | EERAbdulaziz Almansour | MS 2017 | Engineering, geological, and economic impact of natural fractures in unconventional reservoirs | to Saudi Aramco Jeanne Eckhart | MA 2012 | Geologic, engineering, and economic analysis of natural fracture reservoir quality in the context of hydraulic fracture treatment design in tight oil and gas reservoirs, Texas Walaa Ali | MA 2009 | Lithofacies, depositional environment, burial history and calculation of organic richness from wireline logs: A study of Barnett Shale in the Delaware Basin, Pecos Co., West Texas, and comparison with the Barnett Shale in the Fort Worth Basin | to ENOC Libsen Castillo | MA 2008 | Integrated analysis to improve hydraulic fracturing treatments in carbonate and clastic reservoirs in Torunos Hydrocarbon Field, Barinas Basin, Southwest Venezuela | to PDVSA Natalia Kalitynska | MA 2007 | Economic and engineering evaluation of hydraulic fracture completion practices in the Piceance Basin, CO, USA | to Shell Chris Wilson | MA 2004 | Predicting fracture degradation in the Piceance Basin, Colorado: Can a surrogate measurement guide the way to open fractures and highly productive wells? A geology, engineering and value-of-information study | to Chevron |