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Rock moisture in the news: Press for our recent publication in Nature on plant use of bedrock water storage

Check out some of the recent press from McCormick et al., 2021!   A recent paper out of the Rempe lab, “Widespread use of bedrock water by woody plants across the continental U.S.” (McCormick et al., 2021) has been covered in several magazines over the past few months, including Science & Vie Magazine (France): Les…

New paper, published in Nature, shows that bedrock water is used by forests across the U.S.

A new paper recently published in Nature by the Rempe group reveals that bedrock water storage – and rock moisture in particular – is a critical source for transpiration for many ecosystems across the United States.   The paper, led by Dr. Rempe and Erica McCormick, a former undergraduate researcher and current lab technician, also…

Rock moisture in the news and on the radio

Our multi-year study tracking rock moisture at the Eel River Critical Zone Observatory was recently published and was featured on various print news outlets and even, the radio!  The long-term monitoring was funded by the National Science Foundation Critical Zone Observatory Program and conducted at the University of California Angelo Coast Range Reserve. We’re continuing to monitor rock moisture…

Groundwater Recharge Investigations on the Nueces River, TX

Rempe Group member Caroline Hackett investigates the role of alluvium deposits in the process of groundwater recharge from the Nueces River to the underlying Trinity and Edwards Aquifers in south-west Texas. Using stream discharge gain-loss surveys, dye tracer testing, geophysical surveys, and water chemistry measurements, we study the storage capacity and transit times of surface…

Rempe Group Takes Over New Orleans (AGU 2017)

The American Geophysical Union 2017 Annual Meeting in New Orleans was a whirlwind. There were many posters from Rempe Group members and collaborators, in between many po’boys and beignets!      D. Dralle, W.J. Hahm, D.M. Rempe, N. Karst, S.E. Thompson, W.E. Dietrich, 2017, Identifying the Dynamic Catchment Storage That Does Not Drive Runoff,American Geophysical Union…

Rempe Group at GSA 2017, Seattle

Rempe Group at GSA 2017, Seattle

The Rempe Group had a strong showing at the 2017 Geological Society of America (GSA) Annual Meeting in Seattle! Dr. Rempe and Alison presented results of their field work at the Eel River site in a session titled The Critical Zone as Heterogeneous Media: Implications for Physical, Chemical, and Biological Processes.  Neera and Caroline presented their research…

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We study how the evolution of the near-surface environment drives hydrologic and ecologic processes.  We use a diverse set of hydrological and geophysical field techniques to probe the interior of mountainous landscapes to understand how surface and subsurface processes influence water resources to vegetation, rivers, and the atmosphere.

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