Oct 8, 2020 | Kristina Butler (PhD 2021)
Field Camp (GEO660) was unique this year due to COVID-19. An enormous amount of planning, precaution, and communication went into making this course happen for the 8 students that needed the class to graduate. To give the Jackson School community a window into the spectacular 3 weeks we spent camping…
Read MoreJul 10, 2020 | Jasmine Nelson (MS 2021), Hima Hassenruck-Gudipati (PhD 2021), Alison Tune (PhD 2021), Sophie Goliber (PhD 2022), and Kiara Gomez (PhD 2021)
Please find a list of abbreviations and glossary terms (italicized through the text) at the end of this post. What was #ShutDownSTEM and why did some participate? On June 10th, 2020 thousands of scientists paused the endless hustle and bustle of research, data collection and analysis, grant writing, and teaching…
Read MoreJun 18, 2020 | Sophie Goliber, PhD 2022
Since I have written this article, we have been in quarantine for about 2 Months and 3 Days (who’s counting lol…) and MAN do I miss places. I miss restaurants, bars, and my friend’s houses. And in an effort to try to find something to do, GSEC has been coming…
Read MoreJun 18, 2020 | Natasha Sekhon, PhD 2021 and Stacie Skwarcan, PhD 2023
Effective communication is an integral part of both the scientific and research processes, allowing others to validate and build off of past studies and work. Academics, researchers, and scientists are often taught the value of communication in science, though the skills needed to accomplish this in any meaningful way may…
Read MoreMay 5, 2020 | Emily Bamber, PhD 2024 and the Science Y'all Team
This piece is a companion to a post by Kiara Gomez on coping with stress during the COVID-19 pandemic. We’ve been working from home for over six weeks–I hope everyone is settling into working, learning, and teaching from home. This is a difficult time for all of us and will be…
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