News\ Field Seminars
2023 Meeting on February 19th, 2024 – In PERSON & ONLINE
Please check the program schedule and the presentation files.
2022 Meeting on February 10th, 2023 – In PERSON & ONLINE
Please check the program schedule and the presentation files.
2020 Meeting on January 22nd, 2021 – ONLINE
Please check the program schedule and recordings of the presentations
2019 Meeting on December 6th, at SHERATON HOUSTON WEST
Address: 11191 Clay Rd., Houston, TX 77041
Please check the 2019 meeting schedule and the research abstracts(PDF file).
You can also access the presentation and poster files of the December 2019 meeting.
2018 Meeting on December 7th, at SHERATON HOUSTON WEST
Address: 11191 Clay Rd., Houston, TX 77041
Please check the 2018 meeting schedule with abstracts research (low resolution PDF) or higher resolution (PDF file).
You can also access the presentation and poster files of the December 2018 meeting.
2018-2019 Project plan Summary for RioMAR
Summary table with 2018-2019 phase projects
2018 RioMAR Fieldtrip Seminar September 13-16 on Deepwater Deposits of Southern California Coast
Will be discussed research on deposits from outcrops of Capistrano Fm. at San Clemente Beach State Park; Torrey Pines/ Scripps: Bypass and deposition on channelized slope margin; Point Loma Fm.: Basin floor fans
Please check the fieldguide material and the safety document.
2017 Meeting on November 16th at the Shell Woodcreek Campus in Houston
Research Presentations, Posters and Business Meeting will be hold at Shell Woodcreek Campus
150 N Dairy Ashford Rd, Houston, TX 77079.
Summary of results for the 2016-2017 research projects
Please check the meeting schedule, abstracts and proposed 2018-2019 research
and presentation and poster files of the meeting.
!! 2016 Meeting !! on October 26th-27th at the Bureau of Economic Geology’s Houston Research Center
Research Presentations and Wilcox core viewing will be placed at the Bureau of Economic Geology, Houston Research Center located at: 11611 West Littl York Rd., Houston, TX 77041.
Please check the meeting schedule and presentation and poster files.
2015 Meeting on November 12th at the University of Texas at Austin
Research Presentations and Lab Demonstration will be placed at CRWR (Center for Research in Water Resources) building at the Pickle Research Campus, Austin.
Please check the meeting schedule; Fish Creek Basin Field Guide; and presentation and poster files.
2014 Meeting on November 20-21 2014 at the University of Texas in Austin
Experimental Morphodynamics and Stratigraphy & Business Meeting
An Experimental Stratigraphy Workshop on November 20th. This workshop will focus on four topics addressed through real-time experiments that all attendees will be able to participate in. These experiments will address:
(1) Minibasin initiation by turbidity current deposition on a mobile substrate;
(2) Development and compartmentalization of deltaic stratigraphy via clinoform migration across a mobile substrate. These two experiments call attention to a new research initiative in the RioMAR Industry Consortium. Mobile substrate used in all experiments is the same polymer pioneered by the Applied Geodynamics Laboratory (BEG, UT-Austin).
(3) Sand transport from a shelf-edge delta to the slope environment. The “successful failure” experiment will highlight the control of riverine sediment composition on the initiation of hyperpycnal flows and resulting slope sedimentation.
(4) Sedimentation characteristics and deposits of high-density turbidity currents.
RioMAR student presentations on a wide range of modern, ancient and experimental sedimentology topics (November 21st). Details of this part of the program will follow.
RioMAR Business Meeting (November 21st) where we discuss work for the second year of RioMAR 5.
RioMAR 4 Year-end Reports 2013 have been loaded on the webpage
Yearly RioMAR consortium meetings and field seminar documents can be found below:
2015 Field Seminar and Meeting
Between November 13th-15th, 2015 in Fish Creek Basin, California
2014 Flume Experiments and Meeting
Was hold November 20th-21st, 2014 in Austin, Texas
A number of flume experiments (turbidite, delta) on deformable mobile substrate have been conducted. Also a delta foreset failure experiment and delta clinoforms interfingering experiment have been done.
Files of presentations and posters discussed during the meeting
2013 Field Seminar and Meeting
Was hold between December 1st-6th, 2013 in San Fernando, Trinidad
The focus of the workshop was on shelf and slope Miocene-Pliocene deposits of the Paleo-Orinoco margin. An update of the results for the previous 2 years and proposed research projects for the next 2 years were discussed.
2012 Field Seminar and Meeting
Was hold on January 15th-21st, 2013 at Inverdoorn in Karoo, South Africa.
The focus of the workshop was on the shelf and shelf edge deltas and the connection to deep water deposits. An update on the other projects (deep water experiments, Wax Lake Delta, paleo-Orinoco, pelo-Colorado, North Slope) was made.
2011 Field Seminar and Meeting
October 2011, Rawlins Wyoming
2010 Field Seminar and Meeting
October 2010, Austin,TX & Morgan City, Louisiana
2009 Field Seminar and Meeting
November 2009, Golden, CO & Trinidad
2008 Field Seminar and Meeting
May 2008, Price, UT & November 2008, Austin, TX
2007 Field Seminar and Meeting
May 2007, Rock Springs, WY & December 2007, Austin, TX
2006 Meeting
December 2006, Golden, CO