Research Topics
Depositional Environments / Shelf & Margin Clinoforms / Shelf Construction / Turbidites
Research Topics
Depositional Environments / Shelf & Margin Clinoforms / Shelf Construction / Turbidites
RioMAR is a collaborative research project between Colorado School of Mines and The University of Texas at Austin focused on shelf & shelf-margin clinoforms, supported on a year-to-year basis by Industrial Associates. The companies (see Sponsors) are interested because we provide them with outcrop images and data that can be useful analogs for their work with subsurface reservoirs in different parts of the world.
For the latest News see the “News” tab above.
We aim to understand how shelves are constructed, how shelf-edge river-mouth output feeds directly to deepwater environments, or is buffered by tides and waves, and how turbidites change their
character from slope to basin-floor fans.
This Consortium is led by Ron Steel (UT), Piret Plink-Bjorklund (CSM), David Mohrig (UT), Wonsuck Kim (UT), and Cornel Olariu (UT) as well as graduate students at UT and CSM. The project leaders and other project workers have publishing rights for all the activities carried out and ideas generated, but the Industrial Associates are guaranteed early access to the results, i.e., access prior to publication. This early access is given via field & review meetings and from a CD of reports prepared by students and project leaders at the end of each year. There are no data in these reports that are ‘confidential’.
Short version of the RioMAR3 proposal. A longer version and project details and a more recent proposal is posted in the Members’ Area (old webpage).
Ron Steel |
Piret Plink-Björklund |
David Mohrig |
Wonsuck Kim |
Cornel Olariu |