On this webpage are publications in preparation, submitted, in press and published prepared by RioMAR members and relevant to the RioMAR scientific program.
RioMar introduction 2023/2024
Articles published during 2024
- S Chen, EP Kvale, RJ Steel, C Olariu, J Zhang, 2024, Estimating paleotidal constituents from Pliocene “tidal gauges”—an example from the paleo-Orinoco Delta, Trinidad. Geological Society of America Bulletin.
- S Karakaya, C Olariu, C Kerans, OC Ogiesoba, R Steel, F Palacios, 2024, Icehouse mixed carbonate and siliciclastic sequence evolution based on 3D seismic analysis: Insights from the Eastern Shelf of the Permian Basin, Texas. Marine and Petroleum Geology 170, 107094
- A Osman, R Steel, V Rossi, C Olariu, Y Peng, J Alabdullatif, F Rey, 2024, Characteristics of Compound Clinoforms on the Paleo-Orinoco Delta. First EAGE Conference on Energy Opportunities in the Caribbean 2024 (1), 1-5
- G Giacomone, C Olariu, E Tudor, RJ Steel, 2024, The influence of topography on subaqueous gravity flows: a case study from the Jurassic Los Molles Formation, Neuquén Basin, Argentina. Journal of Sedimentary Research 94 (5), 505-526
- J Alabdullatif, C Olariu, RJ Steel, 2024, Spatial analysis of Holocene delta compound clinoforms. Communications Earth & Environment 5 (1), 564
- J Alabdullatif, C Olariu, RJ Steel, 2024, Supplement
- FC Palacios, RJ Steel, WA Ambrose, 2024, Compound-clinoform model for tide-influenced deltas in the mixed siliciclastic–carbonate Cisco Group, Upper Pennsylvanian (Virgilian), Eastern Shelf of the Permian Basin, USA. Journal of Sedimentary Research 94 (5), 686-713
- R Steel, A Osman, VM Rossi, J Alabdullatif, C Olariu, Y Peng, F Rey, 2024, Subaqueous deltas in the stratigraphic record: catching up with the marine geologists. Earth-Science Reviews, 104879.
- A Osman, RJ Steel, R Ramsook, C Olariu, 2024, Impact of wave, tides and fluid mud on fluvial discharge across a compound clinoform (Pliocene Orinoco Delta). Sedimentology 71 (4), 1113-1148
- AFJ Wroblewski, RJ Steel, EA Morris, J Schueth, 2024, A tale of two end members: Tidal deposits in a semi‐arid, low subsidence, open coastal setting versus a high runoff, high subsidence, restricted environment. The Depositional Record
- J Liu, RJ Steel, C Lin, H Yang, Y Yang, L Peng, Y Gong, C Chu, 2024, Geomorphology control on the distribution of depositional systems, Devonian Donghetang Formation in the Tarim Basin. Seismic Geology and Basin Analysis, 375-395
- C Lin, RJ Steel, M Zhang, H Li, B Zhang, W Wu, L Shu, H Tian, X Zhang,…, 2024, Changes of the Oligocene to Quaternary deltaic depositional architecture from inner-shelf to shelf-margin, the Pearl River Mouth Basin, northern South China Sea. Seismic Geology and Basin Analysis, 167-189
- D Zhou, S Liu, L Wang, N Wan, R Steel, 2024, Late Cretaceous Sevier Versus Laramide Orogenies in Wyoming‐Utah‐Colorado, USA: New Insights From Basin Subsidence History. Tectonics 43 (1), e2023TC007946
- W Shen, L Shao, Q Zhou, J Liu, KA Eriksson, S Kang, RJ Steel, 2024, The role of fluvial and tidal currents on coal accumulation in a mixed‐energy deltaic setting: Pinghu Formation, Xihu Depression, East China Sea Shelf Basin. Sedimentology 71 (1), 173-206
- S Berné, G Agin, Y Alonso, MA Bassetti, F Bourrin, B Hébert, C Estournel, …C Olariu, 2024, A “natural sand plant” at the shelf edge in the low-energy Gulf of Lions, western Mediterranean Sea. Geology 52 (12), 911-916
- S Berné, et ai., 2024, Supplement
- MN Butt, A Hussain, MH Malik, AO Amao, A Koeshidayatullah, C Olariu, …2024, Depositional architecture of early rift non-marine systems and implications for reservoir development: Oligocene to Miocene Al Wajh Formation, Midyan Basin of Red Sea, Saudi Arabia. Marine and Petroleum Geology 168, 107033
- A Hussain, A Bello, MN Butt, MH Malik, A Koeshidayatullah, A Amao, …C. Olariu, 2024, Diagenetic variability in Tertiary, syn-rift mixed siliciclastic‑carbonate depositional system (lower Musayr Formation), Red Sea, Saudi Arabia. Sedimentary Geology, 106699
- S Karakaya, OC Ogiesoba, C Olariu, S Bhattacharya, 2024, Generating 3D lithology probability volumes using poststack inversion, probabilistic neural networks, and Bayesian classification—A case study from the mixed carbonate and …Geophysics 89 (2), B131-B146
- BS Harris, C Olariu, S Melnyk, MT LaGrange, KO Konhauser, MK Gingras, 2024, Aratichnus igen. nov. from the Eocene-aged Baronia Formation, Àger Basin, Lleida, Spain. Ichnos, 1-14
- J Malito, D Mohrig, 2024, Unintended consequences of modifying coastal river systems. Frontiers in Marine Science 11, 1492435
- J Malito, D Mohrig, 2024, Supplement
- JH Gearon, HK Martin, C DeLisle, EA Barefoot, D Mohrig, C Paola, …, 2024, Rules of river avulsion change downstream. Nature, 1-5
- SB O’Donnell, BA Johnson, ECP Breard, JL Buttles, JE Gardner, D Mohrig, …, 2024, Density Stratification and Buoyancy Evolution in Pyroclastic Density Currents. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 129 (6), e2024JB029208
- CM Speed, Z Sylvester, PD Morris, D Mohrig, 2024, The impact of post-cutoff bend curvature on channel kinematics in meandering rivers: An example from the Trinity River, Texas, USA. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 540 (1), SP540-2023-118
- PD Morris, Z Sylvester, JA Covault, D Mohrig, D Dunlap, 2024, Fluvial-style migration controls autogenic aggradation in submarine channels: Joshua Channel, eastern Gulf of Mexico. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 540 (1), SP540-2022-123
Articles published during 2024
Articles published during 2023
- R Alasad, C Olariu, RJ Steel, 2023, Alluvial fan and fan delta facies architecture recording initial marine flooding in the Mio‐Pliocene syn‐rift sequence of the Fish Creek‐Vallecito Basin, southern California Basin Research 35 (4), 1619-1649
- RJ Steel, C Olariu, VM Rossi, D Minisini, W Brinkworth, LM Loss, D Giunta, 2023, Prograding early to middle Jurassic margin, Neuquén Basin: Topset process stratigraphy and morphodynamic sediment partitioning. Basin Research 35 (3), 978-1011
- S Chen, EP Kvale, RJ Steel, C Olariu, J Zhang, 2023, Estimating paleotidal constituents from Pliocene “tidal gauges”—an example from the paleo-Orinoco Delta, Trinidad. Geological Society of America Bulletin
- VM Rossi, SG Longhitano, C Olariu, FL Chiocci, 2023, Straits and seaways: end members within the continuous spectrum of the dynamic connection between basins. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 523 (1), 85-109
- KP Minor, A Wroblewski, RJ Steel, C Olariu, JP Crabaugh, 2023, Facies partitioning of fluvial, wave, and tidal influences across the shoreline-to-shelf architecture in the Western Interior Campanian Seaway, USA. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 523 (1), 487-523
- VM Rossi, SG Longhitano, C Olariu, FL Chiocci, 2023, Straits and Seaways: controls, processes and implications in modern and ancient systems. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 523 (1), 1-15
- A Folkestad, RJ Steel, 2023, A new interpretation for the Pliensbachian Cook Formation (northern North Sea) as north–south-prograding tidal deltas and shelf ridges in the Early Jurassic Seaway: new model. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 523 (1), 329-367
- AM Bello, MN Butt, A Hussain, AO Amao, C Olariu, AI Koeshidayatullah, 2023, Impact of depositional and diagenetic controls on reservoir quality of syn-rift sedimentary systems: An example from Oligocene-Miocene Al Wajh Formation, northwest Saudi Arabia. Sedimentary Geology 446, 106342
- RD Roban, MN Ducea, VI Mihalcea, I Munteanu, V Barbu, C Olariu, 2023, Provenance of Oligocene lithic and quartz arenites of the East Carpathians: Understanding sediment routing systems on compressional basin margins. Basin Research 35 (1), 244-270
- W Shen, L Shao, Q Zhou, J Liu, KA Eriksson, S Kang, RJ Steel, 2023, The role of fluvial and tidal currents on coal accumulation in a mixed‐energy deltaic setting: Pinghu Formation, Xihu Depression, East China Sea Shelf Basin. Sedimentology
- D Li, C Gong, D Ge, G Fan, RJ Steel, D Shao, K Qi., 2023, Stratigraphic architecture and distribution patterns of submarine fan-reservoir elements: insights derived from the Pliocene and Pleistocene Bengal Fan. Journal of Sedimentary Research 93 (7), 469-487
- Y Li, C Gong, G Peng, X Qiu, RJ Steel, Z Xiao, Y He, K Qi, Y Yu, 2023, Detrital zircon signals of the late Eocene provenance change of the Pearl River Mouth Basin, northern South China Sea. Sedimentary Geology 451, 106409
- D Li, C Gong, G Fan, RJ Steel, D Ge, D Shao, L Ding, 2023, Morphological and architectural evolution of submarine channels: An example from the world’s largest submarine fan in the Bay of Bengal. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 106368
- Z Xu, P Plink‐Björklund, 2023, Quantifying Formative Processes in River‐and Tide‐Dominated Deltas for Accurate Prediction of Future Change. Geophysical Research Letters 50 (20), e2023GL104434
- KL Zellman, P Plink‐Björklund, L Spangler, 2023, Progradational‐to‐retrogradational styles of Palaeogene fluvial fan successions in the San Juan Basin, New Mexico. Basin Research
- BT Cardenas, MP Lamb, ZR Jobe, D Mohrig, JM Swartz, 2023, Morphodynamic Preservation of Fluvial Channel Belts. The Sedimentary Record 21 (1)
- TA Goudge, JM Swartz, TY Dong, D Mohrig, 2023, Characterizing the response of the coastal Rio Grande to upstream damming. Geomorphology 426, 108604
- K Wilson, D Mohrig, 2023, Signatures of Pleistocene Marine Transgression Preserved in Lithified Coastal Dune Morphology of The Bahamas. Geosciences 13 (12), 367
- CM Speed, Z Sylvester, PD Morris, D Mohrig, 2023, The impact of post-cutoff bend curvature on channel kinematics in meandering rivers: An example from the Trinity River, Texas, USA. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 540 (1), SP540-2023-118
- A Osman. R.J. Steel, R. Ramsook, and C Olariu, accepted, Impact of wave, tides, and fluid mud on fluvial discharge across a compound clinoform (Pliocene Orinoco Delta). Sedimentology
- S Karakaya, O.C. Ogiesoba, C. Olariu, S. Bhattacharya, accepted, Generating 3D Lithology Probability Volumes Using Post-Stack Inversion, Probabilistic Neural Networks, and Bayesian Classification – A Case Study from the Mixed Carbonate & Siliciclastic Deposits of the Cisco Group of the Eastern Shelf of the Permian Basin, North – Central Texas
- RJ Steel, A Osman, 2023, Sediment Gravity Flows on the Shelf; An Important Source-to-Sink Component. EXTENDED ABSTRACT
Dissertation and theses 2023
Articles published during 2022
- HJ Hassenruck-Gudipati, P Passalacqua, D Mohrig, 2022, Natural levees increase in prevalence in the backwater zone: Coastal Trinity River, Texas, USA. Geology 50 (9), 1068-1072
- R Fongngern, WC Chi, C Berndt, D Mohrig, 2022, Recognition and three‐dimensional characteristics of ancient supercritical flow bedforms on a submarine slope: An example from the South China Sea. Sedimentology 69 (6), 2564-2584
- WF Kenney, MR Shields, TS Bianchi, AS Kolker, D Mohrig, 2022, Excess 210Pb as an indicator of flood-stage sediments in prograding, Wax Lake Delta, USA. Marine Geology 453, 106914
- HJ Hassenruck-Gudipati, T Ellis, TA Goudge, D Mohrig, 2022, A multi-proxy assessment of terrace formation in the lower Trinity River valley, Texas. Earth Surface Dynamics 10 (3), 635-651
SUPPLEMENT DATA – HJ Hassenruck-Gudipati, T Ellis, TA Goudge, D Mohrig, 2022, A multi-proxy assessment of terrace formation in the lower Trinity River valley, Texas. Earth Surface Dynamics 10 (3), 635-651 - B Rendall, K Wilson, C Kerans, M Helper, D Mohrig, 2022, Coriolis effect recorded in Late Pleistocene Marine Isotope Stage 5e Bahamian aeolianites. Geology 50 (5), 567-571
- PD Morris, Z Sylvester, JA Covault, D Mohrig, 2022, Channel trajectories control deep‐water stratigraphic architecture. The Depositional Record
- JM Swartz, BT Cardenas, D Mohrig, P Passalacqua, 2022, Tributary channel networks formed by depositio5_Rendall_et_al_2022_Coriolis_effect_bahamasnal processes. Nature Geoscience 15 (3), 216-221
- N Tull, P Passalacqua, HJ Hassenruck‐Gudipati, S Rahman, K Wright, … 2022, Bidirectional River‐Floodplain Connectivity During Combined Pluvial‐Fluvial Events. Water Resources Research 58 (3), e2021WR030492
- RJ Steel, C Olariu, VM Rossi, D Minisini, W Brinkworth, LM Loss, D Giunta, 2022-inpress, Prograding early to Middle Jurassic Margin, Neuquén Basin: Topset process stratigraphy and morphodynamic sediment partitioning. Basin Research
- X Huang, R Steel, RD Larter. 2022, Late Eocene signals of oncoming Icehouse conditions and changing ocean circulation, Antarctica. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 600, 117885
- AFJ Wroblewski, RJ Steel, 2022, Paleocene (65–63 and 58.5 ma) marine flooding and 62–60 ma sediment bypass in southern Wyoming, USA: Implications for Laramide sediment flux to the Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Sedimentary Research 92 (10), 859-894
- K Qi, C Gong, RJ Steel, D Shao, L Ding, H Ma, 2022, The formation and development of avulsions and splays of submarine channel systems: Insights from 3D seismic data from the northeastern Bengal Fan. Sedimentary Geology 440, 106239
- J Zhang, W Ambrose, R Steel, S Chen, 2022, Long cores through the Wilcox Group, Gulf of Mexico, show process variability across different time scales. AAPG Bulletin 106 (7), 1403-1429
- PM Burgess, J Zhang, R Steel, 2022, Narrow is normal: Exploring the extent and significance of flooded marine shelves in icehouse, transitional, and greenhouse climate settings. Geology 50 (4), 496-499
- C Lin, S Liu, C Tian, Q Zhuang, R Li, M Tan, RJ Steel, 2022, Tectonic and climatic controls on the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous stratigraphic architecture of the Xuanhua basin, North China. Basin Research 34 (1), 190-219
- A Folkestad, RJ Steel, 2022, A new interpretation for the Pliensbachian Cook Formation (northern North Sea) as north–south-prograding tidal deltas and shelf ridges in the Early Jurassic Seaway: new model …Geological Society, London, Special Publications 523 (1), SP523-2021-75
- KP Minor, RJ Steel, C Olariu, 2022, Tectonic and eustatic control of Mesaverde Group (Campanian–Maastrichtian) architecture, Wyoming-Utah-Colorado region, USA. GSA Bulletin 134 (1-2), 419-445
- KP Minor, A Wroblewski, RJ Steel, C Olariu, JP Crabaugh, 2022, Facies partitioning of fluvial, wave, and tidal influences across the shoreline-to-shelf architecture in the Western Interior Campanian Seaway, USA. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 523 (1), SP523-2022-11
- C Olariu, Z Zhang, C Zhou, X Yuan, R Steel, S Chen, J Zhang, D Cheng, 2022, Conglomerate to mudstone lacustrine cycles revealed in Junggar Basin, Northwest China: Middle Permian Lucaogou and Jingjingzigou formations. Marine and Petroleum Geology 136, 105473
- FM Rey, C Olariu, RJ Steel, 2022, Using the modern Colorado delta to reconstruct the compound clinoforms of the Pliocene Colorado delta. Journal of Sedimentary Research 92 (5), 405-432
- S Chen, RJ Steel, C Olariu, H Wang, J Zhang, A Osman, 2022, Outer-shelf conduit within growth-fault compartment Pliocene Orinoco Delta. Marine and Petroleum Geology 140, 105680
- Y Gan, FN de Almeida, VM Rossi, RJ Steel, C Olariu, 2022, Sediment transfer from shelf to deepwater slope: How does it happen? Journal of Sedimentary Research 92 (6), 570-590
- AK Roberts, WA Ambrose, PP Flaig, RJ Steel, C Olariu, 2022, Controls on facies variability and distribution during the Pennsylvanian glacial period from the lower Strawn Group, Fort Worth basin, Texas. AAPG Bulletin 106 (8), 1679-1702
- JH Gearon, C Olariu, RJ Steel, 2022, The supply-generated sequence: A unified sequence-stratigraphic model for closed lacustrine sedimentary basins with evidence from the Green River Formation, Uinta Basin, Utah, USA. Journal of Sedimentary Research 92 (9), 813-835
- RD Roban, MN Ducea, VI Mihalcea, I Munteanu, V Barbu, C. Olariu, 2022, Provenance of Oligocene lithic and quartz arenites of the East Carpathians: Understanding sediment routing systems on compressional basin margins. Basin Research
- A Hussain, MN Butt, C Olariu, MH Malik, A Koeshidayatullah, A Amao, 2022, Unravelling reservoir quality heterogeneity in mixed siliciclastic-carbonate deposits: An example from Miocene Red Sea rift, NW Saudi Arabia. Marine and Petroleum Geology 145, 105850
- CA Clayton, C Olariu, 2022, Tectonic preconditioning of recurrent large scale canyon incisions; example from Cretaceous and Paleogene of northern Gulf of Mexico. Marine Geology 453, 106909
- VM Rossi, S Longhitano, C Olariu, FL Chiocci, 2023, Straits and Seaways: controls, processes and implications in modern and ancient systems. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 523 (1), SP523-2022-271
Dissertation and theses 2022